Started by Silver Knight, 05-12-2008

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Silver Knight

[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: He thinks hes going to get ahold of ur script tonight
Wrinklesz: lol ask him how
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: he says he has contacts
Wrinklesz: lmao
Wrinklesz: the only people who have it
Wrinklesz: is
Wrinklesz: JT
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: and to ur comment above:
|Scion| HybridLost: Tell Wrinkles that I'll believe it when I see it
Wrinklesz: which he works for me
Wrinklesz: Oh lmao
Wrinklesz: he really wants to see it
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: Lol
Wrinklesz: invite him
Wrinklesz: to this chat
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: Hmm
|Scion| HybridLost entered chat.
Wrinklesz: hey dumbass
Wrinklesz: http://i33.tinypic.com/r8ce9e.jpg
Wrinklesz: good enough for you?
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: meh, i preffer vista
|Scion| HybridLost: what base is it.....
|Scion| HybridLost: Looks like fucking TacoScript to me.
Wrinklesz: Um Chernobyl base..
|Scion| HybridLost: GOOD JOB
Wrinklesz: I heard your
Wrinklesz: looking around for this script
Wrinklesz: says you got contacts
|Scion| HybridLost: I don't want it lol
Wrinklesz: says you'll have it tonight
Wrinklesz: says your a fucking idiot
Wrinklesz: lol
Wrinklesz: pathetic Hybrid
Wrinklesz: You say you want it 5 minutes ago
Wrinklesz: then you change your mind
|Scion| HybridLost: What?
|Scion| HybridLost: When did I say I want your gamemode?
|Scion| HybridLost: What the fuck?
Wrinklesz: Yea your stupid
|Scion| HybridLost: You call me a fucking idiot?
Wrinklesz: Calling*
Wrinklesz: and yes
Wrinklesz: idiot.
Wrinklesz: I D I O T
|Scion| HybridLost: also Wrinkles, good job it was the correct usage in the English language to use "You call me a fucking idiot" over "You calling me a fucking idiot"
|Scion| HybridLost: Good job my friend.
Wrinklesz: Um now
|Scion| HybridLost: Good job, you can fucking spell a 5 letter word.
Wrinklesz: cause you sounded like an idiot
|Scion| HybridLost claps
Wrinklesz: saying that
|Scion| HybridLost: Wow.....
Wrinklesz: How dumb does that sound?
|Scion| HybridLost: You haven't changed much have you?
Wrinklesz: lol getting serious now
Wrinklesz: Alright
|Scion| HybridLost: You expect to lead a community?
Wrinklesz: I'll keep trolling you faggot
Wrinklesz: no faggot
|Scion| HybridLost: I'll talk to you in about 3-4 weeks when it's dead.
Wrinklesz: Silver
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: Lets keep it pure
Wrinklesz: why is this faggot here?
Wrinklesz: Hes pathetic
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: You told me to invite him
|Scion| HybridLost: Come on, you can't come up with anything to say
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: So i did
|Scion| HybridLost: you're a fucking idiot.
Wrinklesz: Yes now kick this faggot
|Scion| HybridLost: Wow
Wrinklesz: Hes a faggot
Wrinklesz: yes indeed he is
|Scion| HybridLost: How would it look if I spread this chatlog around?
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: I take no orders from no man - black knight, monty phython
Wrinklesz: Lol your Hybrid no one cares about you
|Scion| HybridLost: It would make you look like a little cunt just because I'm beating you in an argument
Wrinklesz: Wrinklesz: Lol your Hybrid no one cares about you
Wrinklesz: Wrinklesz: Lol your Hybrid no one cares about you
Wrinklesz: Wrinklesz: Lol your Hybrid no one cares about you
|Scion| HybridLost: Wow real mature my friend.
Wrinklesz: So go do it
Wrinklesz: Spread it
Wrinklesz: faggot
Wrinklesz: Heres for proof
Wrinklesz: faggot
Wrinklesz: Bagelz: hybrid posted me that thing you said
Bagelz: all i gotta say is..
Bagelz: OHHHHH
Bagelz: FUCKIN
Wrinklesz: LMAO
|Scion| HybridLost: Ok, let's just get this clear. If anyone's a faggot, it's you.
Wrinklesz: faggot
|Scion| HybridLost: Go ahead, talk to your little RP friends
Wrinklesz: Rageeeeee
|Scion| HybridLost: I don't give a fuck?
Wrinklesz: FAGGOT
Wrinklesz: Hybrid your pathetic
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: Caps is evil
Wrinklesz: you suck at scripting
Wrinklesz: and you suck at life
Wrinklesz: you failed
|Scion| HybridLost: hahaha
Wrinklesz: failed at everything
|Scion| HybridLost: I failed at everything, ok
Wrinklesz: yes laugh to your own faulure
Wrinklesz: good your working it out admitting to your failure
|Scion| HybridLost: Have your satisfaction, I admit I failed...
Wrinklesz: Good job faggot
|Scion| HybridLost: Now shut the fuck up because I'm tired of talking to you
Wrinklesz: Hybrid you can leave
Wrinklesz: dumbass
Wrinklesz: the
Wrinklesz: x button
Wrinklesz: cause I'm having fun
|Scion| HybridLost: Stop calling me a faggot you little cockmongler
Wrinklesz: trolling you
Wrinklesz: faggot
|Scion| HybridLost: faggot
Wrinklesz: faggot
|Scion| HybridLost: beat you to it bitch
Wrinklesz: RAAAAAGE
Wrinklesz: faaaaaaaaagooooot
|Scion| HybridLost: ya I'm raging especially when I'm laughing at you over Vent rite?
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: You cannot use the same insult against each other, thats a insult to common sense -.-
Wrinklesz: Laugh all you want fag
|Scion| HybridLost: lol
Wrinklesz: Hey man at least I don't write guys names on my body and take a pic of it and upload it
Wrinklesz: ya fag
|Scion| HybridLost: Good one, really hurt me.
Wrinklesz: especially of people who hate you
|Scion| HybridLost: Oh noes Looterz hates meh
|Scion| HybridLost: mai lief is ov3r
|Scion| HybridLost: you're a dumbass, you really are.
Wrinklesz: nah
Wrinklesz: but you are
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: Lemonade script was good, can i get looter to fix some of the admin functions?
Wrinklesz: Nope
Wrinklesz: Looter hates you all
Wrinklesz: Not kidding
Wrinklesz: he does
Wrinklesz: He hates anyone who works or worked with Hybrid
Wrinklesz: thats how BAD
|Scion| HybridLost: Wrinkles has a microphalus
|Scion| HybridLost: lololololololol
Wrinklesz: your reputation goes Hybrid
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: Then he hates you Wrinkles...
Wrinklesz: lololol your pretty lame Hybrid
Wrinklesz: Nah I don't care
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: and he hates Engerious
Wrinklesz: I voted yes on 8 anyway
Wrinklesz: (talking about Hybrid) fyi
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: Sorry if i spelt that wrong, im pooring pepsi
Wrinklesz: Though looter loves me
Wrinklesz: because I helped him with his srp at first
Wrinklesz: Mastershake: Hybird is a whiney bitch

Mastershake: Hybird is a whiney bitch

Mastershake: Hybird is a whiney bitch

Mastershake: Hybird is a whiney bitch

Mastershake: Hybird is a whiney bitch

Mastershake: Hybird is a whiney bitch

Mastershake: Hybird is a whiney bitch

Mastershake: Hybird is a whiney bitch

Mastershake: Hybird is a whiney bitch

Mastershake: Hybird is a whiney bitch

Mastershake: Hybird is a whiney bitch

Mastershake: Hybird is a whiney bitch

Mastershake: Hybird is a whiney bitch

Mastershake: Hybird is a whiney bitch

Mastershake: Hybird is a whiney bitch
|Scion| HybridLost: You're not old enough to vote dickmunch
Wrinklesz: faggot
|Scion| HybridLost: Wow....
Wrinklesz: Bagelz: queer dick suck
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: I had to clean up all that spam on thezonerp from Mastershake ;/
|Scion| HybridLost: Come up with a new insult you queer.
Wrinklesz: Bagelz: queer dick suck
Wrinklesz: Queer dick suck
Wrinklesz: Hybrid I'm wondering whats wrong with you in life ya know
Wrinklesz: your a dick to your parents and obviously obssessed with computer games
Wrinklesz: I know theres many more like you in the world
Bagelz entered chat.
Bagelz: oh my
Wrinklesz: So really
|Scion| HybridLost: Look at you, you're some emo-cunt who needs to go die.
Wrinklesz: are you like one of those special kids?
|Scion| HybridLost: ya I'm raging
Wrinklesz: You mad Hybrid?
Wrinklesz: YOU ANGRY
Wrinklesz: faggot.
|Scion| HybridLost: ya
|Scion| HybridLost turns green and shit
Wrinklesz shits on your face
Wrinklesz calls you a faggot
Wrinklesz: faggot
|Scion| HybridLost: Oh yes, that's the only thing you can say can't you?
Bagelz gets popcorn and soda, and enjoys the show
Wrinklesz: Pretty much faggot
|Scion| HybridLost: Go back to your corner and make imaginary maps and scripts my friend
Wrinklesz: Hybrid you do realise I don't care what you have to say
|Scion| HybridLost: =)
|Scion| HybridLost: Same here.
Wrinklesz: hah your funny
|Scion| HybridLost: lolololololololol
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: Bagelz, pass the popcorn
Bagelz: Ummm can I just say, said imaginary script and map is not so imaginary and fake
Bagelz throws SilverKnight some popcorn
Wrinklesz: here nigga
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: YOU FUCK, IT FELL ON THE FLOOR, dammit
Wrinklesz: go ddos that shit
Bagelz: FUCK
|Scion| HybridLost: gm.name "Chernobyl Script"
Wrinklesz: Leme get chor ip
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: No white chocolate for you
Wrinklesz: go connect to it then
Wrinklesz: or wait
Wrinklesz: you cant
|Scion| HybridLost: rename file "srp_stalkervalley_irp_b1
Wrinklesz: you don't have the map
Wrinklesz: faggot
Wrinklesz: www.intertiarp.com/forums
Bagelz hides head in shame
Wrinklesz: faggot
Wrinklesz: mapper forum
Wrinklesz: faggot
|Scion| HybridLost: oh no I can't see Humiliations map!
Wrinklesz: Yea asactly you cant
Wrinklesz: cause you fail
Wrinklesz: Now go make some Stalker RP
Wrinklesz: with cake script
|Scion| HybridLost: you rly hurt meh
Wrinklesz: yeup
|Scion| HybridLost goes into his room and cries
Wrinklesz: and lets see you try
Wrinklesz: setting up your fast dl
Wrinklesz: without raptilla
Wrinklesz: Cause really
Wrinklesz: Raptilla feels like stopping by here
|Scion| HybridLost: Raptilla's still here.
Wrinklesz: cause he voted yes on 8 to
Wrinklesz: lol really..
|Scion| HybridLost: like I said
Wrinklesz: if thats what you think
|Scion| HybridLost: you can't even fucking vote.
Wrinklesz: Nah
|Scion| HybridLost: so shut the fuck up
Wrinklesz: I hacked the system
Wrinklesz: I'm 1337
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: If the mexicans can vote, im sure anyone can.
Bagelz: BA DUM
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: Bagelz, is that a drum?
Wrinklesz: I edited the script I found leaked
Wrinklesz: and hacked it
Bagelz: yeah, ba dum tssh
Wrinklesz: making it 1337
Wrinklesz: cause I'm so epic at scripting
|Scion| HybridLost: oh yes ur so 1337 rite?
Wrinklesz: Ya dawg
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: 1337, i scored that on kongregate.com
Wrinklesz: Nigga get your faggot ass out of here
|Scion| HybridLost: I'm going to laugh when I join your server and it's TacoScript or ZoneScript Alpha
Wrinklesz: no one likes you nigga'
Wrinklesz: lol
Wrinklesz: ok
Wrinklesz: I'm gona change the map
Wrinklesz: to construct
|Scion| HybridLost: Actually I have plenty of people who like me, there are plenty of people who hate you too my friend
Wrinklesz: and your faggot ass
Bagelz: can i just say that it umm isnt ZS alpha or Tacoscript, LOL
Wrinklesz: can connect to it for proof
|Scion| HybridLost: Oh yes I forgot Rick gave you the gamemode!
|Scion| HybridLost: Oh yes... I remember now
Bagelz: Wow dad lied to me D:
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: If Bagelz got to test, im next ! see this ticket?
Wrinklesz: Cause he likes non gay people
|Scion| HybridLost: Have fun with your unfinished gamemode
Wrinklesz: Nah
Wrinklesz: its quite finished
Wrinklesz: whats not finished?
Wrinklesz: lol flags?
|Scion| HybridLost: Let's see, it crashes every 5 minutes
Wrinklesz: it has flags buddy
Wrinklesz: lmao
Wrinklesz: how retarded are you
|Scion| HybridLost: it's inferior to Lemonade
Wrinklesz: did you ever play on it
Wrinklesz: NO
Wrinklesz: you didn't
Wrinklesz: you were banned
Wrinklesz: dumbass
|Scion| HybridLost: I didn't want to because I heard alot of shit about it
Wrinklesz: cause you were banned
|Scion| HybridLost: No, I was the leader of the community at the time if I remember correctly
Wrinklesz: HC hated you cause you were a idiot
Wrinklesz: Nope
Wrinklesz: he voted
Wrinklesz: yes on
Wrinklesz: 8
Wrinklesz: got you out of town
Wrinklesz: bicth
|Scion| HybridLost: Wow dude you need to come up with some better insults
|Scion| HybridLost: seriously.....
Wrinklesz: Nah
Wrinklesz: I can tell your raging
|Scion| HybridLost: Also if I remember right you were bi-sexual so....
Wrinklesz: cause you haven't left
Wrinklesz: lmao
|Scion| HybridLost: ya I'm raging
|Scion| HybridLost: lol
Wrinklesz: You talkin about HC bud
Bagelz: lol HC is creepy as shit
Bagelz: fuckin scary ass weaboo anime emo kid
Wrinklesz: I'm the one who gave you pics of my girlfriends that you'll never get such a thing
Wrinklesz: cause your just to gay
Wrinklesz: or retarded w/e works
|Scion| HybridLost: oh yes, your dog
Bagelz: dad why ya cheatin on mom?
Wrinklesz: maybe your that type of kid
Wrinklesz: who has no friends in school
|Scion| HybridLost: I remember, the golden retriever.
Wrinklesz: cause he lacks social skills
Wrinklesz: cause you play games all day
Bagelz: hey ummm, dont disrespect my Dobermen please
Wrinklesz: and be hated on the internet
|Scion| HybridLost: yes, I'm so hated on the internet rite?
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: [HGN] Fragger21: lol
[HGN] Fragger21: tell them NO
[HGN] Fragger21: i like the community the way it is :)
Wrinklesz: Considering people released your info on 4chan
Wrinklesz: AND
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: They preffer HGN
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: Lol
Wrinklesz: Got pranked called lmao
|Scion| HybridLost: Oh noes some dumbass released my info
Wrinklesz: So Hybrid go make your game reveiw website
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: Theres so much shit on 4chan, you will never get that clean.
|Scion| HybridLost: lol
Wrinklesz: cause you know how bad its going to be trolled
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: Jman says he has nits
Wrinklesz: considering I already told everyone
Wrinklesz: about it
Wrinklesz: everyone was like
Wrinklesz: LOL TROLL
Wrinklesz: Then you are supposed to go make your wow private server
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: Wrinklesz, do you like Krillz?
Wrinklesz: gtfo and go play wow faggot
Wrinklesz: Kirillz don't know him much
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: Good, hes a fag
Wrinklesz: Lol
|Scion| HybridLost: oh noes you told me to go play WoW
|Scion| HybridLost: what will I ever do?
Wrinklesz: Yea go play wow
Wrinklesz: you love it
|Scion| HybridLost: Also I haven't played WoW in my fucking life besides a private server for like 2 days
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: Age Of Conan is better, shame Funcom messed it up.
|Scion| HybridLost: nah, they're adding onto it
|Scion| HybridLost: I got you a US key Silver
|Scion| HybridLost: Saw it for 9.99 at Target today
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: Dam these europe taxes
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: i payed, 17 pounds, thats like 30 dollars or something for the game
|Scion| HybridLost: yay!!!!!!!!
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: not really, thats alot
|Scion| HybridLost: Resi Evil Degeneration
Wrinklesz: well
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: RECESSION
|Scion| HybridLost: this movies badass
Wrinklesz: www.meatspin.com for Hybrid and off to do more productive things like finish a script and map. Silver we can talk when lostfag is off to fag land.
Wrinklesz left chat.
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: o.O
|Scion| HybridLost: wow dude he sucks balls at trolling.
|Scion| HybridLost: seriously
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: lol
|Scion| HybridLost: Also Bagelz, fuck off

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Lost Hybrid

God I had fun with that chat....


Quote from: Lost Hybrid God I had fun with that chat....
Quote from: Lost Hybrid God I had fun with that chat....
Quote from: Lost Hybrid God I had fun with that chat....

No, go away. Please.

Lost Hybrid

Quote from: wallyroberto
Quote from: Lost Hybrid God I had fun with that chat....
Quote from: Lost Hybrid God I had fun with that chat....
Quote from: Lost Hybrid God I had fun with that chat....

No, go away. Please.

Excuse me but who the fuck are you?

Silver Knight

This is the part, when i like the fact that i coded in a Facepunch like rating system !

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period



Lol. Thats all I can say.
"You want peace ? Prepare for war" Sergej Marsukai - Ukrainian ground forces private.


Quote from: Lolbo Lol. Thats all I can say.

Speedquoted for the truth.
Follow my Twitter HERE!


Quote from: Lost Hybrid
Quote from: wallyroberto
Quote from: Lost Hybrid God I had fun with that chat....
Quote from: Lost Hybrid God I had fun with that chat....
Quote from: Lost Hybrid God I had fun with that chat....


No, go away. Please.

Excuse me but who the fuck are you?