[IC] Lock Down

Started by Caso, 05-05-2012

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Attention all Brothers,

This is Head Paladin Elizabeth speaking.

After numerous reports of the NCR coming into our sector, walking within our base, possible spies scouting our sector, wasters now using our home as a safety net, with a growing military group right where Enclave used to be...

I am issuing a full lock down on the bunker.

Meaning, no more wasters in the vicinity, any one caught within the walls will be executed on sight. If anyone is caught near our base, fire warning shots to push them away. If they are caught closer, shoot to injure them. I do no want to see anyone that isn't brotherhood near or within our base. Ever.

Also, if anyone wishes to go on patrol, you need authorization from the head paladin or senior paladins. Further more, one of us will accompany you during the patrol. Knights are not allowed outside the wall, they are to guard the gates and make a full report on who is seen within the sector.

Signing out,
Head Paladin Elizabeth
I used to be an adventure like you, but then the shadow started chasing me through a castle filled with monsters.



In the absence of the NCR and New Haven, the lockdown has been lifted. However we remain on alert. Do not tarry far from the bunker without a mission.

Steel be with you.
Elder Lawrence Sumner Neil