New Haven

Started by pilot, 29-04-2012

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Years ago the Rillan family lived in a money making city known as New Vegas. In New Vegas little boy Jonathan Rillan and Steve Rillan would live the high life with there famous father. After a dramatic ending in this fathers career Jonathan Rillan and Steve Rillan were forced to live in poverty having to steal from others in order to put the bread on the table for dinner. After being caught, Jonathan Rillan sneaked out of New Vegas jail and was chased out by new management. After leaving New Vegas Jonathan Rillan and Steve Rillan moved to New Reno. New Reno was the worst point in there lives, there Jonathan Rillan learned how to fight by a strange man named 'Hanes'. At the age of 21 Jonathan and Steve left again wanting a better life, that is when they stopped in upper Utah. In upper Utah it was a raider infested area, a little worse than New Reno. An old theory that was passed down from generation from generation, the thought of peace among people. There Jonathan founded New Haven. New Haven begun as a military, once word came out many people were recruited. That is when Alpha Base was created. After many years New Haven was starting to curve towards the side of military for all there problems. That is when Steve founded the Council in New Haven. After fighting against raiders for years one battle ended it. This battle included 50 New Haven soldiers, 'Hanes' and Jonathan Rillan. There 'Hanes' was injured badly, Jonathan, not knowing this until the MIA report was mentally destroyed. Ever since Jonathan would see 'Hanes' and would be aided by him, but never knew if he made it. After the battle New Haven started expanding around the area making small outposts around. Jonathan Rillan then left to Armagosa where he founded the second main base of New Haven. There he made a town for New Haven, and continued the army and council. Once word came out in Armagosa, New Haven quickly flooded with recruits. Now...New Haven stands strong in Armagosa helping out any way they could.


*A note is on the bulletin board...*

IC: Alrighty boys, seems we got some new territory to claim. I'm sure you all know about the red building with the two trailers to the right of our base (If you're exiting the base). Well, that'll be ours by the end of the day tomorrow.  So, here's what the deal is. I'm gunna need as many soldiers on as we got, in case we encounter something. I'll need you all around 9:30 PM (Central), and we'll begin to move in. I don't expect much trouble, but you never know with the wastes... See you then, boys.
-Head Counselor Jase Ramensin

OOC: Already approved with Pilot, no worries. Also; yay! we're expanding!


Quote from: chucknorie on 10-05-2012
*A note is on the bulletin board...*

IC: Alrighty boys, seems we got some new territory to claim. I'm sure you all know about the red building with the two trailers to the right of our base (If you're exiting the base). Well, that'll be ours by the end of the day tomorrow.  So, here's what the deal is. I'm gunna need as many soldiers on as we got, in case we encounter something. I'll need you all around 9:30 PM (Central), and we'll begin to move in. I don't expect much trouble, but you never know with the wastes... See you then, boys.
-Head Counselor Jase Ramensin

OOC: Already approved with Pilot, no worries. Also; yay! we're expanding!

OOC: This is where the Desert Rangers hang out, I suggest you not try.


OOC: Didn't know, maybe IC make a deal? Our plans for the town are to bring more players into FRP. It's like for the group and for the server what we are trying to do.


Quote from: Spades_Neil on 11-05-2012
Quote from: gamerhead on 11-05-2012
Quote from: Spades_Neil on 10-05-2012
Quote from: gamerhead on 10-05-2012
Quote from: chucknorie on 10-05-2012
*A note is on the bulletin board...*

IC: Alrighty boys, seems we got some new territory to claim. I'm sure you all know about the red building with the two trailers to the right of our base (If you're exiting the base). Well, that'll be ours by the end of the day tomorrow.  So, here's what the deal is. I'm gunna need as many soldiers on as we got, in case we encounter something. I'll need you all around 9:30 PM (Central), and we'll begin to move in. I don't expect much trouble, but you never know with the wastes... See you then, boys.
-Head Counselor Jase Ramensin

OOC: Already approved with Pilot, no worries. Also; yay! we're expanding!

OOC: This is where the Desert Rangers hang out, I suggest you not try.

OOC: If the rangers aren't around to actually occupy the area they can move in and take it. You need to be active to maintain territory.

OOC: We are active and here, I will be awaiting the IC discussion between our two groups.

OOC: That'll work. If you guys like, I'll OOCly allow you to get together and pre-define what will happen (if you want) in the RP before interacting ICly.

In the mean time would anyone like me to clean up the thread?

OOC: I would just like the RP to play out from a non scheduled plan, it would let us make decisions on the other players mood/hostiity.  This would let us interact with each other from a person to person conversation letting us attempt to explore each others words more carefully.

And yes, can you clean this thing up.


OOC: Mkay, I'll try to catch you guys IC on the server, also note we are not trying to ruin a friendship we have, its basically the opposite of annexing it and the opposite of our group. So, don't think we will want it or else.


**A poster was pinned to the bulletin board of New Haven. It's a newspaper which has been drawn on


**A note is on outside the gate of New Haven for everyone to read

Dear fellow wastelanders,

In recent events New Haven has been expanding its community in Armagosa. Well gladly, we are taking a big leap. The place with the red house and trailers that was once a place for the Desert Rangers was kind fully given to New Haven. A checklist on the bottom of this will show you what we will be doing and how YOU can contribute, yes...perks will be given if helped.

**A checklist is stapled on the bottom of the note

Project: Rillan's Refuge


  • Build a wall around the perimeter of the town (Done.)
  • Get a head of security (Lieutenant Jase Ramensin is taking that place.)
  • Get a head sharecropper (Albert Merc)
  • Town doctor
  • Open the mall section (Got us a town trader.)

That's all for now, it will update in the future. But, if any wastelander wants to help tell any New Haven member.


**A note is put up on the New Haven bulletin board

Dear fellow New Haven members and wastelanders,

I Jonathan Rillan leader of New Haven will be selling you types of armor, ammuntion, and weapons. I am waiting for Alpha Base to approve my status in Amargosa and to give shipments to New Haven. Although I may be low in stock, soon I will have more items to buy.

        Jonathan Rillan


(OOC) So I think this should be our battle anthem.


I mean, we literally scream this at our enemies as we charge them.


If there are no Protectrons/other robots running around called CL4P-TP you are squandering this name.


Honestly I never thought about it that way, but I don't think it applies to FRP, its not like were going to be attacked from things from another game.


*A note is taped to the New Haven front gate wall, it has the Foxtrot Insignia, with a small bit of writing saying "Property of the St. George Mercenary Union" *
Dear Jonathan,
Foxtrot is a mercenary company, in case that did not come off before. We are a strict one at that, and I want to see some of the pay before we go on the mission as a little insurance that we wont get scammed. It is nothing personal, just a requirement. So please show us and hand over some caps or something to show that you will pay us for our services.
Major Alex Ricaro out.


* A note is pasted on the wall, right next to the other note *
I am pretty sure that we are some of the best trained men in the valley. Please meet me in the bunker, just knock on the window, i'll probably be back there.
Major Alex Ricaro, out.


Damn, this faction got a lot of attention. Let's keep that up :)


*A note is posted in the barracks in the new New Haven base.

Name: Lieutenant Eric Murphy

Subject: Today we decided to let NCR peacefully take over the city seeing that we are not looking for a war nor would we be able to hold of a full scale attack on the city. For this reason we allowed them to take the base and left with all of our equipment and relocated to the warehouse across from the radio station. We also brought up a short discussion with NCR of a possible alliance in the future, If we could establish a strong alliance between us then we would be a much bigger force to be reckoned with in the wasteland but only the future will tell. Continue setting up the new base and make sure we stay alert in case of anyone trying something.

Eric Murphy Out

Edit: Forgot to mention that I have been unable to get in contact with User 550 because the codes to the bunker have been changed and I'm afraid we do not have our access anymore. Will have to wait for him to contact us if he even chooses too
"One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is just a statistic." -Joseph Stalin


*A document sits on top of Jonathan Rillan's desk

Name: Lieutenant Eric Murphy

Topic: Daily Report #1

For the most part it was just a regular day on guard duty till I got attacked by a 10 antlions today while I was on the rooftop. I managed to kill off most of them and then Jon showed up and managed to get the rest. Later Jon and myself went over to NCR to discuss a possible alliance and after a short discussion we agreed to become ally's. During the time we were discussing the alliance over at NCR base, someone decided to try and burn down the warehouse where our current base of operations is located starting from the roof and hoping it would spread. It was too late to do anything about the fire so myself and 3 NCR soldiers looked around for the culprits and saw enclave soldiers guarding the junk town. After a very quick talk between ourselves we assumed that the enclave were the culprits of the fire. We managed to take out 2 of the enclave soldiers on guard from our cover and then pushed inside the town and started clearing the buildings where a NCR soldier found the last enclave member and killed him on instance. When we returned to the warehouse the fire had started to settle and after evaluating the damage we found out that the fire had burnt through the bags holding the sand causing it too pour out and the roof is very scorched on the surface but for the most part the building is still intact and we will continue to use it as our base of operations. Sadly we are now forced to carry lot's of new bags of sand back up to the roof. Also if the enclave continue to stay stationed at the junk town we will be forced to relocate in fear that they will overload us with a large amount of reinforcements, constant attack's and bomb runs. We can not stay neighbors to one of our main enemy's. Will discuss it with you later.

Signed~Eric Murphy

PS: Don't forget to put all the important documents into the safebox after you are done with them.
"One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is just a statistic." -Joseph Stalin


*A document sits on top of Jonathon Rillan's desk

Name: Lieutenant Eric Murhy

Topic: Daily Report #2

I trained two new recruits today and even managed to get them some action by checking out the gunshots at the trailer by the river. The rest of the day was rather boring other then some ant attacks and Jon selling wastelanders some basic equipment. It wasn't till later that day things began to get interesting when I heard a gunshot come from the direction of the city. When I went to go check it out I saw a bunch of brotherhood soldiers running back towards their base. Haven't had the opportunity to ask NCR what happened but will do so during the next patrol. Also I have some leads on where I can get some riot armor but I have to wait on a few contacts to get back to me, will have more information later.

Signed~Eric Murphy
"One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is just a statistic." -Joseph Stalin


*A document sits on top of Jonathon Rillan's desk

Name: Lieutenant Eric Murphy

Topic: Daily Report #3

Was a regular day till we heard an explosion from the lake, went over to investigate and found something that crashed down and along side it was a safe stuck in the wall, after almost being crushed by falling rocks we managed to wait it out, pull the rocks off and almost dig the safe out but the idiot wastelander thought we were gonna kill him and threatened us with his axe and then a bunch of ants started to attack so we did not get the opportunity to find out what was inside. After escaping and making it back to the base I patched myself up and went to run some errands/jobs. When I returned I saw the base was in utter destruction and later I find out that our man was almost killed but was luckily saved by members of the brotherhood. I asked my soldier what had happened and apparently some business man left a suitcase behind rigged with explosives and totaled our building. Seems like everyone is out to take down New Haven even though all we try to do is help. It does not matter though, we will simply relocate and re-establish ourselves over the next few days. After figuring out all that shit, I went over too thank Brotherhood for saving our man, almost immediately they tried to offer us a peace treaty in trade for a water filter from the bunker however we already receive filtered water from the NCR. We will discuss this later in person but with the complications between Brotherhood and NCR currently it will definitely  upset things.

Signed~Eric Murphy
"One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is just a statistic." -Joseph Stalin