Started by Lent23, 11-01-2012

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What does OCC mean anyway?
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


Out of Charater comments?
Ex-Duty-converted Monolith:|Draco 'Dice' stellem|Decease
Stalker/Trader:|Dracovich Raka|Alive
Eco:|Dr.Richard L. Vangraff|In zone
Stalker:|Scarler 'becca' Owen|Alive
Stalker:|Taylor 'trinity'|Alive
Military:|Scarlet Stroik|alive


Quote from: darkzerxx on 11-01-2012
Out of Charater comments?

OOC Comments?
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway




Research team seen as it doesn't seem to be going anywhere kind of. If anyone doesn't object and with Eco authorisation i will get some people probaly 3 others so it is a four man team, and create the research team? Obviously i will need auth from most likely Dark seen as he is the big bad boss. Note the team will have most likely a experiancedish stalker and the other two rookies to give them a chance to rp missions etc. Only reason there will be a experiancedish/ better geared stalker with me would be to help in case of attack. No good having 3 rookies with makorovs trying to fend of a sucker or something. Well that's if it is allowed. Reasons a research team should be made; The research team will be helping the ecologists enhancing rp due to the research missions, gathering of items/ artifact, readings, samples. The ecologists have more members now two or more being online at a time at the least one is usually on. If someone/Dark doesn't wish me to lead the research team i don't mind get someone else to lead i just would like to be part of the team, because as i said it will be good rp to be in the team, rping with the ecologists and actually doing good passive, other than walking around aimlessly and randomly chatting. After a while that gets boring. If the team does get made, it COULd be added to ecologists. Not so they can make eco chars, just that char added to the faction if that is possible, so not flagged. Or they could have Eco researh team in Char description or something like that, or they could make PBG if admin could donate the 10k or how ever much it is to create the group.
Thanks for reading my brick of text :)

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


This ^ Please.
KIA, Body not found. PDA Discovered.
Kergert - Initiate Kergert Active.
Location unknown.
The Jester
Active/Alive - Location zone sector
Urban Mercnary Suit|Groza|Vogs attached


Uhm, its called doing an advertisement saying you are looking for experienced stalkers who are willing to help out with escorting Ecologists around for sampling or something.


If it counts for anything; ICly if you have scanners monitoring the PSI emissions/levels of the area in Yantar; They should have completely dropped off of the radar due to recent events. I'm not sure if you want to take that ICly but could bring up some interesting things for the Ecologists. Of course you don't have to go about it; I'm just stating that the emitter in the Yantar factory is indeed shut off. No one really knows at this point but I figured I'd tell you here since you should /probably/ have the IC knowledge of such a happening.


I'm aware and yes we would love to take it IC.
Ex-Duty-converted Monolith:|Draco 'Dice' stellem|Decease
Stalker/Trader:|Dracovich Raka|Alive
Eco:|Dr.Richard L. Vangraff|In zone
Stalker:|Scarler 'becca' Owen|Alive
Stalker:|Taylor 'trinity'|Alive
Military:|Scarlet Stroik|alive


Activity, please.. I have just been restricted to the bunkers giving out simple tasks for stalkers and could use at least one other scientist and possibly a member of the security team to start some field experiments in order to collect samples for lab experiments.

Lucky Pig

I've been here, but the last 2 days I've had real life restrictions and connection problems.


Quote from: Lucky Piig on 17-07-2012
I've been here, but the last 2 days I've had real life restrictions and connection problems.

Lucky you are an exception because you have at least made effort to actually come on, so don't worry.


I've been on occastionally but I can come online if you require a security member for out of the bunker things

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive