
Started by Ranmaj, 05-12-2008

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Hello, I'm french.
Enough said.

I've been RPing for 2 years, started on Lord of the rings online, then I joined Gmod RP (mostly TnB).
And stalker RP looks very interesting, hope to see you all In game ^^

Silver Knight

Goodbye, you may create another account if you would like, but advertising websites in such full detail. Mostly becuase it was tnb, deserves nothing but a ban, cya !

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Well that's sad, since I was looking forward to Stalker RP.
Anyway, delete it if you want, it was some contest organized on that site and hmm....moneyz
Eh, and I never knew you hated TnB, just thought it would be nice to present a community that I liked. But fine w/e.

Silver Knight

Presenting it with links and all kinds of other shit, that offends my community, this is serious roleplay sir, not darkrp.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


I don't understand what Dark RP has to do with this.