Trader Applications

Started by Yorty, 25-03-2012

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Application Prerequisites

1) When applying for a trader character it's expected of you to have thoroughly read and understood the trader rules thread.

2) You must provide at least two Trial Operator/Server Operator [STTO/STSO] and-or one Server Administrator+ [STSA/STSV] recommendation in your application for it to be considered. Please post a full, easy-to-read chat log with no edits and cropping that obscures a portion of the conversation.

3) In addition you must provide at least one recommendation from player with a trader character of their own which is at least two weeks old. The same chat log format applies.

4) A trader position requires some commitment as they are essentially what the economy depends on, you are expected to show an acceptable level of activity while putting the good of the server ahead of personal gain when necessary.

5) Make sure to double-check your application before posting it. Ensure your steam name and ID are correct, the recommendations are displayed properly, and the format is correct. You may be denied for any of those reasons and more and subject to waiting two more weeks (unless stated otherwise) before applying again. Do not edit your application or post another one before those two week period is over or you'll face blacklisting.

Application Format

[b]Steam Friends Name:[/b]
[b]STEAM ID:[/b]
[b]How long have you been a part of HGN's SRP server?[/b]
[b]Provide your administrator recommendation(s):[/b]
[b]Provide your trader recommendation(s):[/b]

[b]What is your character's name?[/b]
[b]Is your character in a faction? If yes, which?[/b]
[b]Do you intend to join a faction on this character?[/b]
[b]Are you in any factions on your other characters? If yes, which?[/b]

[b]Write or provide a backstory for your trader (a minimum of two paragraphs, use proper grammar to the best of your ability), and try your darnest![/b]

[b]Do you understand and agree to the rules and aforementioned prerequisites to be a trader?[/b]

In the case your application is accepted, you must understand that administrators and trader moderators have the full right to remove trader flags, give trader strikes, and dictate abuse on the part of the trader without warning. If you feel you were abused one way or another, please send a message or speak to CC personally.

Administrators and event traders are not exempt from any rules or conditions.


Steam Friends Name:Darkzerxx
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:20067753
How long have you been a part of HGN's SRP server?year and couple month
Provide your administrator recommendation(s):

Uploaded with

Provide your trader recommendation(s):Are none.

What is your character's name?:Dracovich 'Lion' Raka
Is your character in a faction? If yes, which?:No.
Do you intend to join a faction on this character?:Nope
Are you in any factions on your other characters? If yes, which?:Duty

Write or provide a backstory for your trader (a minimum of two paragraphs, use proper grammar to the best of your ability), and try your darnest!
The name Is Dracovich Raka or as other know me 'Lion', I have been around the zone for some odd years now and was a trader for most of it, But due to certain issues I left it for a bit and went back to work as a merc. But back to the whole "Background part of this" I came from the Ukraine in a small town where I learned how to shoot from my pops, eventually I moved to the city and got a job at a gun shop. But I started seeing under table deals on a near weekly basis, Thus came my love of money. Soon enough years passed I had a girl like most, she got killed in a break in, I decided it best if I left the city to this new place called the 'Zone' I mean I shot the guy who killed my girl, what was I gonna do? Rot in jail? Yea so after grabbing my old gun and dads soviet gas mask, Knowing about the explosion and radation I thought I take that and a gigar counter I picked up on the way. Soon enough I got in to the zone with a few other stalkers as we were called as the military shot two of the five I was with. Once we made it to the Cordon that's when I staking my mark here. After having a messed up experience once or twice I met a trader talked to him, he gave me my first contact and I was on my way to being a trader, The next few years was a ride for sure. But after a few incidents I stopped trading for a bit and now starting it back up. So here's to a new story of a free trader no?
Do you understand and agree to the rules and aforementioned prerequisites to be a trader?:Yes

Ex-Duty-converted Monolith:|Draco 'Dice' stellem|Decease
Stalker/Trader:|Dracovich Raka|Alive
Eco:|Dr.Richard L. Vangraff|In zone
Stalker:|Scarler 'becca' Owen|Alive
Stalker:|Taylor 'trinity'|Alive
Military:|Scarlet Stroik|alive


Steam Friends Name: [SG] Paralyzed
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:13332432
How long have you been a part of HGN's SRP server? Approximately around 11-12 months.
Provide your administrator recommendation(s):
Provide your trader recommendation(s):

What is your character's name? Vladislav 'Shadow' Ivanov.
Is your character in a faction? If yes, which? No.
Do you intend to join a faction on this character? No.
Are you in any factions on your other characters? If yes, which? Yes, Duty.

Write or provide a backstory for your trader (a minimum of two paragraphs, use proper grammar to the best of your ability), and try your darnest!
Vladislav Ivanov, born in Russia on June 23th. The family Vladislav was born in, didn't had too much money and were close to being poor. After Vladislav have spent several years with his family, growing up, learning new skills, working hard to get food on the table. His dad told him about the Zone, and what the Zone was like. At first, Vladislav wasn't too happy when hearing from the Zone by his dad.. although after a few weeks Vladislav started to get more curious about the Zone, he decided to pack his stuff, and move off to the Zone to see if there were any better possibilities to make money there. He left his family, in hope to get a better future for himself.

Once arriving in the Zone, Vladislav saw another person into the distance. The person was heading towards Vladislav's direction, and approached him and said; "Hey there, are you new here? If so, I've got a job for you you might like". Vladislav couldn't believe his ears, just when he arrived into the Zone that person offered him a job. Vladislav responded "Hmm, how can I be sure I can trust you?" The person then responded "You don't, you'll have to trust me.". Vladislav doubted for a bit, but then agreed to the offer and they both headed out to the person's house. After arriving at the house, they first had to get through the night and as Vladislav didn't had any sleep yet since he moved off to the zone, it was the perfect time for him to rest first.

The next morning, Vladislav waked up and moved to the living room. There were bunch of weapons laying on the table in the open, Vladislav was wondering what he got himself into. The person who's name was unknown still, called Vladislav to the kitchen and explained him there all the details, about what the job is like. After couple of hours talking about the job, it seems like the job that was offered to Vladislav had something to do with those weapons laying around on the table in the living room. No, it wasn't to kill people. The unknown man simply wanted Vladislav to sell these weapons to other people. Vladislav saw this as a perfect opportunity and from that moment he started to sell weapons to other people in the Zone, and in the end it worked out really well. He hopes to be able to do this a lot more in the future...

Do you understand and agree to the rules and aforementioned prerequisites to be a trader? Yes, I do.

SRP Characters:
Artyom Fedoseev 'Ex S-Sgt, Duty' - Alive
Dimitri Petrenkov 'Co-Leader, The Rangers' - Alive
Vladislav Ivanov 'Trader' - KIA



Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Rarr

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:6095977

How long have you been part of HGN's SRP server?: Two years now.

Provide your administrator recommendation(s): your trader recommendation(s):
What is your character's name: 'Niko'
Is your character in a faction? If yes,which? Nope.
Do you intend to join a faction on this character? Nope.
Are you in any factions on your other characters? If yes,Which? Nope.

Write or provide a backstory for your trader (a minimum of two paragraphs, use proper grammar to the best of your ability), and try your darnest!'Niko' grew up with his family in a local town in Russia.He lived with his mother, father and two brothers. He lived a good life in his  town. His school life, he was known as the guy who sold stuff such food and old Console games. When he was 18, he and a few friends set up a drug trade, dealing with cannabis  and steroids which was bought from  different local dealers around the towns and cities near by. Life in the drug trade was  dangeriou  and usally left Niko beatten up and badly injured as druggies and drunks would refuse to pay up and just take what they wanted. After 7 months in the drug trade, Niko quit the drug trade and took up a job at the local shop. He worked  for six months piling up money in his bank account. Some of his friends had told him about this place called "The Zone" and how you can make money and become rich within months, Niko took up this idear of going to The Zone with his friends. Within 3 months, Niko's friends had gone different ways from each other and some tryed to leave The Zone. He set up in a sector, he got to know some guys and thought
"Lets see if I Can make it as a trader."Do you understand and agree to the rules and aforementioned prerequisites to be a trader? Yes.

I know you're kind of bad at back-stories, but you have been a trader before and have done well at the part. Welcome Back.


Steam Friends Name: |HGN-FOTO| Gamerheadᴴᴰ
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:16415872
How long have you been a part of HGN's SRP server? Quite a while, I don't remember.
Provide your administrator recommendation(s):
Provide your trader recommendation(s): None.

What is your character's name? Anton Valisk
Is your character in a faction? If yes, which? No.
Do you intend to join a faction on this character? No I do not.
Are you in any factions on your other characters? If yes, which? Yes, I am currently in freedom.

Write or provide a backstory for your trader (a minimum of two paragraphs, use proper grammar to the best of your ability), and try your darnest!

      Anton Valisk was born in a small shanty town in Ukraine named Khrule.  When he was living in Khrule he used to trade small items such as lockets and necklaces for bread and food for his family.  While he was trading one day with a friend he overheard some men talking about the "Zone" and all of the great treasures that they had found.  He thought to himself, "If I could get into this "Zone," I would be able to support my family with all the food in the world and wouldn't have to trade everything I own to keep them alive."

      A short while had passed since he had overheard the men talking about the "Zone" and he had gathered enough money to find himself a way into the zone.  Through his travels into the "Zone" he met a man named Dominic Sparilla who was a trader returning from a trip into the "Zone."  He and Dominic talked for a while and by the end of the conversation Dominc asked a favor of Anton. He wanted him to go on a return trip into the zone with his equipment and sell it for a small price to receive all the items he still had left over.  Anton quickly took this deal he couldn't pass up; receiving a backpack full of ammo and other items.  As he made his way into the "Zone" he had begun to get familiar with the prices and what most items are going for visiting all of the different traders around the area.  Buying and selling all the items he had in his possession he had started to earn the reputation of many of the men in the "Zone" as a local trader.

Do you understand and agree to the rules and aforementioned prerequisites to be a trader? Yes, I agree to these terms.

I don't even


Steam Friends Name: vashboy31 (Corocan)
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:26773087
How long have you been a part of HGN's SRP server? 4 Months
Provide your administrator recommendation(s): Picture
Provide your trader recommendation(s): Picture

What is your character's name? Strell Loconos
Is your character in a faction? If yes, which? No
Do you intend to join a faction on this character? No
Are you in any factions on your other characters? If yes, which? No

Write or provide a backstory for your trader (a minimum of two paragraphs, use proper grammar to the best of your ability), and try your darnest!

Small town. Those two words pretty much described the town Strell lived in. I suppose every town has its man. Sometimes they're hard to spot. Some of them are even regular people who work in that office complex you do and live in that small apartment you used to. Strell sold hardcore drugs. Meth, Crack, Heroin, even some that weren't very widespread a man named Yvgenuny cooked up in a building fronted as a restaurant. Yvgenuny frequently gave Strell the product and he moved it. The town had plenty of buyers. Plenty of people didn't look like they even knew what the stuff was, but they knew, and they paid well. Strell never touched the stuff himself, though tempted quite a few times.

Strell sometimes visited other nearby cities in the local area about a few hours away. He was just returning from selling a pound of cocaine to a senator, just another perfect example of how corrupted the Ukrainian government was. He passed the two local thugs guarding the back door and met with Yvegenuny. They gave eachother a quick nod and Strell proceeded to speak; however, he now noticed a man in a black suit and tie. Yvgenuny nodded again, Strell glanced at him and finally the man spoke, calmly telling them he was a representative of a syndicate that had major control of the Ukrainian area and more. He told them that they were taking over the drug operations in the area.

At first Strell was pissed. He was going to get laid out and have no job or money. Then he spoke some more, proposing that they go into a new business beginning in the area. The Chernobyl Blast Zone. Rumors had spread, but Strell didn't really listen and once he spoke and told them about the area and explained what he had personally saw, Strell became slightly more interested. He explained he wanted them to move supplies in that area. They had that option or the alternative. He pulled a flap on his suit and revealed the handgun on his side. He explained that there were plenty of people who'd do the job, so they had little choice. As I stuck out my hand to shake on it, Yvgenuny stuck his hand inside of his pocket and yanked out a .33 revolver. Before he could even aim the representative had blown a hole in his head the size of an acorn.

It was so sudden and terrible, Strell practically passed out from the stress. He woke up, rumbling around in the back of a large truck. The trunk was closed and empty. Hours passed before it reached a screeching halt. The door opened and it was the representative. He still had brains on his suit. Strell climbed out and looked around. It was a grassy deserted village. He gave Strell a PDA and it had some coordinates locked on it. The representative explained he had to sell all the supplies in the warehouse and he would be back for his monthly 70% fee. He then continued to explain that if he ran, he would hire people to track him down. Strell understood his situation and thought it'd be best to just play it out and go along, so he did.

Do you understand and agree to the rules and aforementioned prerequisites to be a trader? Yes.

Sorry for the wait.


Steam Friends Name: Vortigoat
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:26938008 
How long have you been a part of HGN's SRP server?Not sure, I geuss a few months
Provide your administrator recommendation(s):
Provide your trader recommendation(s):

What is your character's name?Nykyfor Sladvoski
Is your character in a faction? If yes, which?No
Do you intend to join a faction on this character?No
Are you in any factions on your other characters? If yes, which?Monolith

Write or provide a backstory for your trader (a minimum of two paragraphs, use proper grammar to the best of your ability), and try your darnest!
Nykyfor was an only child, His parents took great care of Nykyfor by spoiling him.Because of the spoiling Nykyfor grew a bad attitide towards his parents, Nykyfor's parents decided to become more strict towards Nykyfor and forced rules upon him that Nykyfor needed to follow or otherwise be punished.Nykyfor's hate towards his parents grew over the years, He would leave the house when he turned 18 and seek action and adventure.

It whas Nykyfor's birthday and finnaly he could leave his parents house and begin his own adventure. Nykyfor did some research and got in contact with a few mercenaries willing to lead him into the zone for a big ammount of money, Which Nykyfor wasn't able to pay for. Nykyfor told the mercenaries that he would give them  a small payment first and the rest later when he whas led into the zone. The mercenaries agreed towards this deal and Nykyfor whas driven into the zone in a truck while blindfolded. After a few hours of driving Nykyfor's blindfold whas removed and the mercenaries asked for the rest of the payment Nykyfor asked for a private chat with the mercenary leader and they stumbled upon a deal , Nykyfor would repay the mercenaries by selling goods that he would get from a contact from the mercenary leader. The mercenary leader wasn't stupid and would send his guy's after Nykyfor if Nykyfor wouldn't pay a monthly fee of the profit he would get from selling the goods. The Mercenary leader handed over some standard equipment such as a PDA and other usefull tools.

And so Nykyfor's adventure began. (Im bad in writing back-stories, atleast i tried asking for other people there opinions about it)

Do you understand and agree to the rules and aforementioned prerequisites to be a trader?Yes i understand and agree to the rules and aforementioned prerequisites

I haven't seen Niko on in a while on his trader/trading but that might be because I haven't been on much myself.
Everything seems legit here, I'll give you a chance.




Steam Friends Name: StickyWicket
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:19944724
How long have you been a part of HGN's SRP server?: About 9 months
Provide your administrator recommendation(s):
Provide your trader recommendation(s):

What is your character's name?: Denis Voroshilov
Is your character in a faction? If yes, which?: Nope
Do you intend to join a faction on this character?: Not at all
Are you in any factions on your other characters? If yes, which?: Ecologists, Freedom, and Monolith

Write or provide a backstory for your trader (a minimum of two paragraphs, use proper grammar to the best of your ability), and try your darnest!:
Inside a small apartment along the city limits of Varva, Ukraine, Denis was born. His parents were Vicy, and Dunya. His father, Dunya, was the owner of a local bar, which was handed down to him when his father died. While his mother, Vicy, died shortly after Denis's birth. Growing up, Denis led the life of most Ukrainian children. When he was twelve, he got accepted into his school's rugby team, and soon became one of the more "popular" kids. This is not to say that his childhood was totally perfect. Where he lacked in education, he made up in charisma Due to the fact that he didn't pay much attention to schoolwork, he performed worse than his peers. When he graduated from high school he went straight off to college.  After he graduated that, he worked under his father at the bar.

One day, on a late winter's morning, Denis's father had finally passed away due to his Alcoholic cirrhosis. The day that Denis hoped would never happen had become a reality. And with the death of his father, came a deep sense of helplessness. He was not prepared to see his father die, just months after he graduated college. And now, both his workers and customers expected him to fill his father's shoes. And, he did so.

Denis continued running the bar for another decade, making many friends and business partners. However, during his later years of working at the bar, he was constantly being harassed by his friend, Sanyok, to start working in underground trade. He said that if he sold the bar and started working with him in the trade of drugs and prostitution, that it would be exciting. Denis turned down all his offers, considering them to be disrespectful to him.

During one of the busiest days for the bar, New Year's Eve, the place was packed full of people celebrating. At 12:39 AM, an employee plugged his laptop into one of the electrical sockets to charge it. A few minutes after the employee left the area, a fire erupted in the kitchen. The fire soon spread to other parts of the building, the people not noticing in till it was too late. Drunk and panicked men and women started to rush out of the building. Thankfully, no one was hurt, but the bar was totally engulfed in flames before firemen arrived at the scene.

The building itself was relic of the 1940's, being made by Denis's grandfather during World War II. Because the materials used to make wires during the war were either being rationed or too expensive, the electrical system made by a cheap technician which hastily made the faulty wiring. Denis later found out that this was the reason that there had been a fire.

After the fire that took away Denis's bar, he was devastated. All of the money he invested in the bar was now turned into ashes. The insurance company claimed that the house had been lacking mandatory maintenance for the past 30 years, and that the wiring had been deemed illegal by today's standards. Denis had no idea what he was supposed to do now. He was in his mid-thirties, had no family, and no job. Denis spiraled straight into a deep depression, and took up drinking.

One night he was at the bar taking shots of vodka, when his friend that he had not seen in ages came to him.  It was Sanyok, and he had many questions. Denis had retold his tale to Sanyok.

"...And now I'm here." Denis said, exhaling as he took another shot of vodka. Sanyok nodded, with a facial expression that was truly solemn. "I feel like my days of being something are over, I got no wife to call my own, and no job worth having," Denis added. Sanyok's face relaxed, "Have you happened to have heard of the Zone?" Denis chuckled, "Yeah, yeah, I've seen my fair share of artifacts recently, but most of the stories about the Zone are bullshit." Denis took another shot of vodka. "Would you believe me if I said they were true?" Sanyok asked. Denis gave Sanyok a quizzical look, "To be honest, I'd need some convincing, even if I am drunk." "I'm telling you man, those myths are real, not something to bullshit about. I know people that smuggle some of my shit into the Zone. I can actually give you names of people I know that frequently visit the Zone." Denis sighed, "And?" Sanyok snapped back, "And? You want something to call a meaning in life, right? Huh? You want something challenging, something exciting? You can become a stalker! Come on, I've got this friend that's been looking into going into the Zone for a while, you could go with him." Denis chuckled, "Even if all of that stuff was true, why should I risk my ass on something that may get me in jail, or even shot?" Sanyok leaned into Denis, "What else will you do?" Denis paused, taking another shot of vodka, "I'll..." Denis looked blank faced into his shot glass. "I'll do it, but how exactly am I going to get in?" Sanyok grinned, "You can talk to my friend, his name's Xavier, he told me he was going into the zone next week, and he can tell you what's up. I'll give you his number."

Denis's next week revolved around gathering both supplies and information on what to expect in the zone. He called Xavier many times; finding out that Xavier had made many trips to the zone, saying he did it mostly for the trills. But, when Denis met with Xavier at the edge of the Zone, Xavier seemed more scared than psyched for another expedition.

And so they ventured forth. Throughout their journey, they sneaked past anomalies, bandits, and military patrols alike. After almost two days and 5 kilometers of hiking, they had made it to a place known as the Cordon. Denis was amazed at what oddities he had already seen in the Zone, and sometimes wondered wither or not he was just seeing things. Xavier led Denis to a stalker village close by. Xavier chatted with a few people he called his friends, and then spoke to Denis once more.

"Listen, you won't be able to survive on your own for long, so make sure to talk to some people about getting a job." Denis nodded, "What will you do now?" Xavier smiled, "I'm going to go collect some souvenirs and then head bac. There's not much use staying here if you don't have any legit reason to."

That was the last he saw of Xavier. Denis talked with an experienced stalker named Wolf who said that he plans to get out of the Zone one day, but never makes it out since, as he puts it, the "rookies need him". Wolf also explained to Denis more in-depth ways to survive in the Zone, and also told him to speak to a trader named Sidorovich. Denis wasn't the fighting type, so he mostly gathered artifacts and did odd jobs around town. And after almost five months in the Zone, Denis had grown into the nomadic lifestyle of being a stalker, and he decided to move into the Garbage, mainly for new opportunities.

Denis found a new home at an area called the flea market. He started working for a group called "The Diggers", whose goal was to find for useful items in piles of rubbish. This got him a steady income, along with a chance to get his name out and into the Zone. Denis kept his occupation as a digger for a long while, till he decided to think about bigger, more rewarding jobs in the Zone. He thought about the trader at the rookie village, and how he was considered to be rich, and powerful. Denis knew that if he were to become someone like him, he would need some buddies outside of the Zone.
Denis gathered all his supplies, and headed south, past the Cordon, through the swamps, and out of the Zone. Using the rest of his money to take a trip to Kiev, he met up with Sanyok once more.

"Denis! It is so nice to hear from you again, and even had time to pass by, what's brought you back to the Big Land?" Sanyok said, with a huge grin on his face. "I've come to you because I wanted to start working in underground trade. I'm done with scavenging for valuables in the dirt; I want to start making some real dough. You get me?" Denis Replied. "Hmmm, yeah, I might be able to help. I know a couple of serious fucking pros on the black market myself. Arms dealers, pill pushers, equipment merchants, you name 'em. And you're not the only one interested about work in the Zone. The thing about working in the underground now is that you're either selling your shit to wannabe gangsters or full on extremists in the Middle East. But, you're more than likely to have OMON or the FBI hunting you down if one of your customers gets caught. However, in the Zone, the Ukraine doesn't really care what happens there. It's an illusion that the Zone is under lock and key, and the army has all the ways in and out sealed and all that bullshit. Think about it, nowadays artifacts and rare specimens from the zone are found all over the world. So, why not take the alternative path, and sell your shit in the Zone? I could easily find you some people to work with. Problem is, none of these people know if you can be trusted, let alone do well as a trader. So, you're gonna need to start small. I can get some easy things into the Zone, like ammo, food, and other shit, that way I can prove you know how to deal before you start selling actual weapons. I can handle outside deals, but you gotta work with the stalkers. I don't want money from you. But, in return, I'm gonna need you to carry out some orders for artifacts. You didn't think I only sold stolen radios and weed, did you?" Sanyok said. Denis nodded, "Okay, deal. But, this is a mutual agreement, so that means we work for each other." Sanyok gave him a half smile, "Trust me, staying honest and performing well gets you a good rep." Denis questioned, "When can we get this jig up and running?" "You can head back to the Zone for now, I'll be sure to get you some stuff in the next few weeks."

And so, Denis went back to the Zone. And in a matter months, he had set up shop, and begun trading.

Do you understand and agree to the rules and aforementioned prerequisites to be a trader?: Of cource.

Accepted, I guess.



Steam Friends Name: Brandon Lent
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:25572027
How long have you been a part of HGN's SRP server? Registered 12-02-2011, played a month or two prior to signing up.
Provide your administrator recommendation(s):
Provide your trader recommendation(s):

What is your character's name? 'Melancholy'
Is your character in a faction? If yes, which? Bandit, 'The Skulls'
Do you intend to join a faction on this character? Uhh.. The Skulls if that counts as a faction
Are you in any factions on your other characters? If yes, which? Freedom, Monolith

Write or provide a backstory for your trader (a minimum of two paragraphs, use proper grammar to the best of your ability), and try your darnest!

Do you understand and agree to the rules and aforementioned prerequisites to be a trader? Ye

Accepted, you know the rules. If you mess up; You'll get it removed.

"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"

Vladimir Frost


(Do not review yet, please. I am still working on the whole application.)

Steam Friends Name:[HZ]Cpl. Vladimir Frost

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:16378921

How long have you been a part of HGN's SRP server? I have been playing SRP for around three weeks now.

Provide your administrator recommendation(s): Not available at the moment.

Provide your trader recommendation(s):

What is your character's name? Jr. Sgt. Vladimir Ulshenov

Is your character in a faction? If yes, which? He is in Duty.

Do you intend to join a faction on this character? I intend for this character to be the Quartermaster for Duty hopefully.

Are you in any factions on your other characters? If yes, which?Yes, Vladimir Ulshenov is in Duty.

Write or provide a backstory for your trader (a minimum of two paragraphs, use proper grammar to the best of your ability), and try your darnest! Jr. Sgt. Vladimir Ulshenov, after being in Duty for quite some time has come to the realization that Duty has become to run dry on many supplies. He has thought of multiple solutions to this dilemma, and the first thing that came to his mind was to scavenge every thing he possibly could from old camps and bases.

  Seeing that all of his comrades were resting in the Duty base, he crept out alone. He made his way toward a abandoned Bandit camp which had been reported not only three days ago. There he found the camp was not empty, but had four Bandits sitting by a small fire in the center of the camp. He pulled his AK from his back, hold the sling tightly as he pulled it off as to not make any noise. He pulled the gun to his shoulder and aimed down the sights at one of the Bandits. And then as he had his finger on the trigger, he heard the breathing of a Bloodsucker. The Bandits all began to stand, but the Bloodsucker was faster. And after that Bloodsucker appeared another one from the shadows. The two Bloodsucker quickly killed the defenseless Bandits, draining them of their blood. While the Bloodsucker were preoccupied, Vladimir aimed his AK at the head of one of the Bloodsuckers, taking careful aim, three shots rang off, and the Bloodsucker fell on top of the Bandit it had been draining. The other Bloodsucker quickly looked to where Vladimir was and began breathing heavily as it ran toward him. Vladimir quickly aimed the firearm at the mutant and pulled the trigger, shots rang off and the Bloodsucker fell dead.

  As, Vladimir stood, he advanced toward the small camp the Bandits had set up. He knelled down to the body of a Bandit in a trench coat and took his backpack off of the body. He did the same for the other three bodies, then setting them near the fire, he searched through each. Only finding around 50 round for an AK, a half used Medical Kit, a few bandages, and four radios, Vladimir realized that this was not going to supply Duty properly. He came back to base with the lesser supplies and set them in the Supply room. At this he began to organize all of the out of place materials. Soon he had all of the stock in the supply room organized into their appropriate areas. From there he came to realize that he had something more to offer to Duty. He could become Duty's Quartermaster.

Do you understand and agree to the rules and aforementioned prerequisites to be a trader?Yes, I do.
DUTY: Vladimir Ulshenov- MIA
TRADER: Alexei 'Limpy' Fedorov- Alive