Re: 3/G/5-2 Application Thread [OPEN]

Started by dust878, 08-03-2012

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IC Info
Name:Armand Sonday
Past Assignments (if any): N/a
Medical history:N/a
Specialization: Rifle training.
Describe the up's and down's of your character: He is hot headed, Likes to gamble.
A brief history about yourself : Armand was born in the DC area. His father was a soldier in the enclave. When he was growing up he always looked up to his father and he always wanted to grow up like this father. When he was 10 his father started to teach him how to shoot weapons. The one gun that his father gave to him when he was 15 was a rifle. he loved his rifle very much and went out and shot bottles in the backyard everyday. His father also tought him how to gamble and they played cards everytime he had the chance, its was his quality time with his father and he loved it. When he was 19 he started to train and work out and get ready to join the enclave when he turned 20.When he turned 20 his father died when he was on a mission. The mission report said that he was killed by super mutants. He swore from then on to help the enclave save the wasteland and avenge his fathers death. He told his mother that he was going to join the enclave and then left home. He then when to the base where his father was stationed at, and he had been before and talked to the commander and told him that he wanted to join the enclave.

OOC Info
Steam Name: |HGN| Stirling
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:20017080 
Time in HGN: About a year.
Do you have any Alternative Characters: Yes.
Will this be your primary?: No.
Do you have any military experience?: Come from a military family.
Are you in any other faction?: NCR
Why should we accept you?: I think i can contribute and i like to roleplay.
You understand that you must follow your superiors orders without question?: Yes.
Have you read the rules and agreed to them?: Yes.


Quote from: Dstirling on 08-03-2012

Pending for now. I'll let you try out for a week, you seem to be decent with role-play in game. Your backstory was decent at best, but I suggest you brush up on your Enclave information a bit.

Accepted - I've seen your RP first hand, and you're a cool guy.


IC Info
Name: Randy Jenkins
Age: 28
Past Assignments (if any): None |
Medical history: Healthy
Specialization: Recon training (Sniping, Running, Blending in camounflage, Scouting...) | Tiny medical knowledge
Describe the up's and down's of your character:
Pros : Well, I am in good shape. Athletic build, I'm good at running, reflexes of a tiger. I can be patient and blend in the camounflage. Quite the marksman.
Cons : I can do teamwork, but can't stand long in a group. I prefer to stay silent and keep to myself.

A brief history about yourself (2 Paragraphs minimum):
Randy was born into the Enclave, along with his dad and so on. For generations his family served the Enclave as hard as they could. Womens tend to be in the scientific or medical division. While men are fighting on the field. During his childhood, he used to run around the base all day, for some reason he liked running. As any other child in the Enclave, he started training early. He was a good kid, his father was a successful soldier and that made him proud. While he grew, he became more and more interested in the Enclave. His father being role model, he followed his footsteps.

When Randy hit six-teen, he never dumped his old habits. You would still see him running around and playing hide n' seek with the littler kids from the Enclave. Randy was a very friendly person.
All of this stopped, when his father's squad came back from an ambush. He looked at the soldiers, and they motioned a sad "no". The only thing that would remind him of his father was his good ol' SVD. Realizing his father died, destroyed him. Randy became more silent, his nerves couldn't take staying in a group anymore. Randy had no other choice than life and forget. From that day, he swore to himself. He will serve the Enclave like his entire generation, he will not let his ancestors down. Randy trained for months and years and developed an Athletic build. Much like his father, he liked sniper rifles and tend to spend all day at the shooting range. All these years of sadness and solitarity taught him how to remain silent and un-noticed. Everyone else was scared of him, sometimes he just stood there, in one place and starred at an object. Randy replied that he "enjoys" it. Some say it's like some kind of drug, it makes him forget about everything.

After years of training, Randy was ready for battle, following his father's footsteps. He developed a combat build and was ready to be deployed and aid his brothers in arms.

OOC Info
Steam Name: KetChup
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:17222483
Time in HGN: Aprox. 9 months
Do you have any Alternative Characters: Just a mere wastelander.
Will this be your primary?: Hell yeah!
Do you have any military experience?: Yes, been in Enclave with another community. + All them FPS games.
Are you in any other faction?: Nope
Why should we accept you?: You should accept me because, I have previous experience from another community, I got what it takes and most importantly, I know how to roleplay. But that is you to decide.
QuoteThe current time is Sat Mar 10 2012 08:35:08 GMT+0200 (GTB Standard Time)
The GMT current time is Sat, 10 Mar 2012 06:35:08 GMT
You are currently at GMT+/--2:00
You understand that you must follow your superiors orders without question?: I understand.
Have you read the rules and agreed to them?: Yes.

1.  Since you're the one who's leading, expect a steam invite. I need to discuss several permissions and storyline questions.
2.  Can I be nicknamed " Ghost " ? Don't bother responding if I'm declined.
3.  I just realized my backstory is similar to the one above. Sorry, I didn't notice. Hope this won't be such of a big deal.

(°╭ ◡ ╮°)

Lucky Pig


IC Info
Name: Camron Strickland
Age: 21
Past Assignments (if any): A recon expedition to California, prior to his transfer to this regiment.
Medical history: Wounded once.
Specialization:Field medic
Describe the up's and down's of your character:
Pros: Calm and always follows orders.
Cons: Not any major ones, a little bloodthirsty at times.

A brief history about yourself (2 Paragraphs minimum):Camron was the first and only child in his family. Born on the Oilrig, he never interacted much with other children there, excluding his few closest friends. Camrons friends were always curious about his calm nature, sometimes deliberately trying to piss him off, but nevertheless he never burst. At this age Camron already showed an interest towards medical things, sometimes helping in the medical bay and gaining knowledge in return.

When Camron became of age he enlisted to the Enclave forces and expressed a desire to become a field medic to his CO. After some tests and the usual paperwork Camron was officially the medic of his platoon.

The day came when Camron and his platoon were sent off to the wasteland for a recon expedition on a vertibird. The vertibird landed to the drop zone letting out Camrons platoon. Camron's NCO reported a NCR camp nearby and they decided to ambush them. The NCO reported that they would ambush the NCR soldiers from the opposite hill and they climbed up the hill clearly visible from the vertibird. Night fell and the sound of gunfire could be heard to the vertibird which then requested the platoon to report their status. The platoon sent a reply: "We are OK, you can return to base just remember to pick us up in the morning". The vertibird went off to base and when it returned the following day it found a handful of men, bloodstained waiting for it at the LZ. Camron or any of the survivors were never heard speaking of that night again.

After Camron was shipped back to the Oilrig with his remaining platoon they were transferred to different units, Camron was tranferred to the 2nd Vertibird regiment to the Amargosa valley.

OOC Info
Steam Name:|HGN| Lucky Pig
Time in HGN:7 or 8 months
Do you have any Alternative Characters: Yeah.
Will this be your primary?: Yes it will, most probably.
Do you have any military experience?: Some.
Are you in any other faction?: Not on FORP.
Why should we accept you?:I'm a decent roleplayer and you are low on members at the moment.
Timezone: GMT+2
You understand that you must follow your superiors orders without question?: Yes
Have you read the rules and agreed to them?: Indeed I have.


Quote from: KetChuup on 09-03-2012

Accepted - I've RP'd with you on STALKER before, your application is decent. Your character is a tiny bit of a mary sue, but I think you'll be fine.

Quote from: Lucky Piig on 10-03-2012

Pending on the basis that you've been on SRP for a while and you have a personal reccomendation. App was cliched, character doesn't have many interesting features. One week trial, prove yourself.


IC Info

Name: Charlie Wilson
Age: 34
Past Assignments (if any): N/a
Medical history: Clean bill of health
Specialization: demolitions / science
Describe the up's and down's of your character: He's obedient, and can do what is necessary. However he can go a bit too far, and has a bit of a short temper.
A brief history about yourself (2 Paragraphs minimum):
Like all Enclave member he grew up in Enclave custody. He grew up learning how horrible horrible the wasteland "muties" were. His education consisted of science, guns, bombs, and more guns. His temper got him into trouble, and he got in fights often. However, despite his attitude problem he was a strong fighter, and for the most part, blindly obedient. He could get things done without question. He was a pick for the science division for his natural intelligence.

However he enjoyed the fight, and almost seemed to enjoy the work Enclave soldiers did. He was very enthusiastic about gunning down wasters. He was also particularly fond of making things explode. When a position opened up with the 2nd Vertibird regiment he was exited to get a shot at the front lines. he heard of the new faction called the NCR and despised their ignorance in thinking they were going to be the next US government. The Enclave are the rightful owners of the US. He signed up for the transfer and packed his gear, ready to set out to Amargosa.
OOC Info
Steam Name: |HGN-FOTO| Das_Uberman
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:23820545
Time in HGN: 1 year
Do you have any Alternative Characters: The vault overseer, a rat, a waster, a tribal, and a BoS character.
Will this be your primary?: No, sorry.
Do you have any military experience?: IRL? No.
Are you in any other faction?: Vault 10, BoS
Why should we accept you?: I've been in the Enclave before, I'm a decent RPer (So I'm told), and I'm active on FORP
Timezone: US Central
You understand that you must follow your superiors orders without question?: Yes
Have you read the rules and agreed to them?:

Accepted - You'll be a private for now. If and when I set up the science division, you are free to change stories slightly and switch to that if you want.

Colonel Sanders

IC Info
Name: John Staffenburg
Age: 23
Past Assignments (if any): No?
Medical history:
Specialization: Expertice with pistols.
Describe the up's and down's of your character:  Cons: Seems to easily be distracted by his sorroundings, or a simple mutant running about. Pros: Often seems to know where a enemy could be, or be hiding waiting for a ambush.

A brief history about yourself (2 Paragraphs minimum):
  John Staffenburg was born 2213. The time and date are unknown, but that doesn't matter at all. His mother is Angelina Staffenburg, and his, glorious, father is Abraham Staffenburg. John Staffenburg began training at a early age. His training began early at the age of eight when his father came home from several missions coming out un-scathed normally with nothing, but a few minor cuts, or bruises. No permenant damage. His father Abraham began teaching his son how to fire off pistols as they didn't have much kick, and were perfect for a small child to know something so early. His father constantly designated targets for him as it worked perfectly as a training exercise. He constantly pointed, and yelled "Fire!", I wouldn't dare fire the weapon before he gave the command. It would be disrespect to my father, and I, I would have failed him. This was unacceptable. His father typically took time to a sort of training grounds, so he could jump through the tires, and climb obstacles, or hell even the dirty rope hanging from wood. It was sort of practice, but it was used to assist him build up his reflexes, agility, and his physical strength.

   Several years later at the age of thirteen his father went out on a un-expected mission. He was gone for three months most likely re-located to a outpost, or something defending a strategic location for the Enclave, but when he came back. His right and left leg were missing they seemed to be gone just above the kneecaps. Luckily he survived due to the medical assistance of several female, and male medical staff, but still. My training was never fully completed, but from what my father taught me. My handling of rifles were poor as Abraham was in a wheelchair, but I did listen to him. From what he told me earlier in my life, I constantly ran the course. I lifted weights for him, so I could make him proud. In the end my father was injured in combat by a bloody car. A fucking car for fuck's sake. Supposedly it crushed his legs, and the armor he wore was unable to protect his legs at all. They all thought it was suprised he lived.

   At the age of eighteen John Staffenburg is of course in a training progam for the Enclave. Fellow Enclave children are with him, or must I say adults. They train them, they force them to do courses, push-ups, sit-ups, and whatever they could think of. I. I was the worst in rifle training. My father wasn't able to teach me at the time, so I was forced to learn from these damned soldiers. I was mediocore at shooting this rifle, but I got the hang of it. Still though I preferred a pistol than a rifle, but that was unacceptable. I was unable to do such a thing at the time, because if I did I would only be forced to do the same thing once more.

After years of the training at the bootcamp he finally was ready to go into the frontlines just like his father. I will make him proud. I will board this Vertibird, or travel on foot if I have to. i will make it to the frontlines, he was ready. Ready for battle as he was gaven his equipment, and ordered to put the armor on. He heard he was traveling to the Amargosa Valley a location in which the Enclave needed to gain control of as it was dire for them to have it.

OOC Info
Steam Name:  Colonel Sanders of the S.S.
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21811225
Time in HGN: No, four months.
Do you have any Alternative Characters: Yes.
Will this be your primary?: Most likely not as I will only get on when needed to, when a CO is on, and or fellow Enclave soldiers are on. Though, if needed to be this could become my primary.
Do you have any military experience?: Only on GMOD, Starship Troopers RP, and some Military RP on a server. In IRL? No.
Are you in any other faction?: No.
Why should we accept you?: I rather roleplay something else than a wastelander, and have a strict military feel to it. NCR is alright, but it grows quite boring when you've been NCR on several other Srs RP servers. I enjoy roleplaying as a military figure, and will not be a general fool.
Timezone: Central Standard Time.
You understand that you must follow your superiors orders without question?: Yes, sir.
Have you read the rules and agreed to them?: Yes.

Denied - I've heard bad things about you, and I don't believe I want someone like yourself in my faction.


IC Info
Name: Sean Gregory
Age: 24
Past Assignments (if any): None
Medical history: Healthy
Specialization: Mechanics/ Energy weaponry
Describe the up's and down's of your character: Pros: Sean is known for having an amazing talent in mechanics, and using energy weapons to there full potential. Cons: Sean is known for having a short patience for things and sometimes has a short temper.

A brief history about yourself (2 Paragraphs minimum):Sean Gregory is a regular Enclave born person. Sean Gregory mostly spent his life learning how to handle a weapon, what "muties" were and there place in the American Society, but what Sean Gregory had a talent for was mechanics. At age fourteen Sean was able to disassemble a small energy pistol and put it back together. Seans's parents, Mary and Todd never really spoke much with there son usually because of being out either in battles or scout missions. When training for combat Sean was having a good, easy time with weapon training.

At age twenty Sean was brought to DC to fight and help with the missions that was going on there. Although being a soldier Sean usually stayed inside barracks of the Enclave base helping around with mechanical problems they needed and brushing up on his fighting skills. During his time in DC Sean was able to find new techniques and new ways of fighting to show Nevada when he got back. At age twenty four Sean got papers telling him to go back into Nevada in Amargosa in the 2nd Vertibird Regiment and took the earliest ride there.

OOC Info
Steam Name: mastar891
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:26100133
Time in HGN: About four months
Do you have any Alternative Characters: Jonathan Rillan (Regular wastelander)
Will this be your primary?: Yes.
Do you have any military experience?: Used to be militia leader in the old canon in White Chapel (Red Chapel), Harpers Landing and Harpers Crossing.
Are you in any other faction?: No.
Why should we accept you?: I am usually active on FORP, I understand the Fallout trilogy (Have played all of them) so I know who and what the Enclave was like in Fallout 2. I am not new to Serious roleplay, so that won't be a problem, and I can make and will always try to make the roleplay expierence for me, and other players around me as much fun as I can.
Timezone: Eastern Daylight Time
You understand that you must follow your superiors orders without question?: Yes, sir.
Have you read the rules and agreed to them?: Yes.

Accepted - Good application, glad to have you aboard. Get your whitelist from an admin and report in soldier. Shit tons of things to fix.


IC Info
Name: Garret Hughes
Age: 28
Past Assignments (if any): I had taken a temporary posting with the Poseidon Rig Training Cadre from 4/03/2234 until 8/24/2236

Medical history: Second class strain to left ankle during training. Medical has given a green light for duty as it was judged mended.

Specialization: Maintenance and Tactical Advisory
Describe the up's and down's of your character: Well sculpted and collected mentality under pressure. However this is fouled by a drive to complete an object regardless of biological or structural collateral damage.
Are you applying for the science division?: It depends on where I would be most needed. I will leave that to the discretion of the commander.

A brief history about yourself (2 Paragraphs minimum): Filing requested information on the following date: 8/26/2236. My name is Garret Hughes and I am currently on administrative hold pending consideration of requested transfer to the 2/5th Gulf's Third Platoon. I was born on the Poseidon Rig on 6/06/2206 and had attended normal schooling with a satisfactory credit score for graduation. I then enlisted with our military forces on 3/19/2224, training had proceeded satisfactory until 7/02/2224 wherein I suffered a second class strain to my left ankle during the final training live fire exercise. The injury had forced me to forfit final approval and assimilation into the primary force, though I had requested to proceed to re-participate in the same exercise during the next recruit cycle, which was granted. Upon the next cycle I successfully completed the exercise and had been transferred to 3/47th 'Raider', 2nd Company, 4th Platoon as a Technical Recruit.

I remained with this unit and attended regularly scheduled training and mock combat drills. During this time I came to happen across a preserved copy of Sun Tzu's 'Art of Warfare' and found it to be an interesting segment of reading material. I had suggested making use of formations and tactics devised and modified from this series of scriptures and had been given command of one half of my platoon, third in line after Platoon Sergeant Jorgenson and Corporal Owens. This continued until 4/03/2234 wherein I had been offered a transfer to the PRT Cadre to make use of the now completely modified tactics with the new recruits. On 8/24/2236 I had heard reports that 2/5th Gulf was shipping out for an active duty assignment, that same day I requested transfer to the unit under the following reasons:
    1.) I wish to partake in an active duty assignment, off Rig that may offer me an opportunity to put my abilities to the test.
    2.) I reviewed the initial shipment files and witnessed the lack of a soldier that had undertaken more advanced mechanical studies.

This concludes a 'brief' history as required prior to submitting record in a class three, A-771 filing transfer. Thank you for your time reviewing this Commander.

OOC Info
Steam Name: |HGN-STSA| IronDeity ]CW[
SteamID: If its needed Ill get it, as of now its not a worry.
Time in HGN: Frankly, a good deal.
Do you have any Alternative Characters: Currently not for Fallout.
Will this be your primary?: Yes.
Do you have any military experience?:US Army, Which isn't as good as the airforce ofcourse. (Damn you Rebel)
Are you in any other faction?: No.
Why should we accept you?: I believe that when I have time free from my duties on SRP, that I would again prove to be a valuable OOC and IC asset for Roleplay and overall faction assistance. Accolades of note would be leadership experience with the Brotherhood of Steel and SRP Military. Plus, someone has to keep Rebel in check. ;)
Timezone: -5 GMT (Eastern Standard - New York/Philadelphia)
You understand that you must follow your superiors orders without question?: Yes.
Have you read the rules and agreed to them?: Yes.

Accepted - I'll fit you on the roster somewhere Iron. Try not to go psycho on me again and force me to PK you again. :P
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


IC Info[/size]Name:Age:Past Assignments (if any):Medical history:Specialization:Describe the up's and down's of your character:Are you applying for the science divison?:A brief history about yourself (2 Paragraphs minimum):OOC InfoSteam Name:SteamID:Time in HGN:Do you have any Alternative Characters:Will this be your primary?:Do you have any military experience?:Are you in any other faction?:Why should we accept you?:Timezone:You understand that you must follow your superiors orders without question?:Have you read the rules and agreed to them?:


IC Info
Name:James Depaul.
Past Assignments (if any):None.
Medical history:Occasional flu , but thats it.
Describe the up's and down's of your character:James is good at engineering but spending a lot of time in the bunker lowered his endurance

Are you applying for the science divison?:No , I like field work.

A brief history about yourself (2 Paragraphs minimum): James was born into an Enclave family where both the mother and the father were soldiers which can be either good or bad. The bad side is that James was usually left alone in the bunker with other soldiers without and Maternal or Paternal care and sometimes had to fend for himself , but that has also thought him to be resourcefull and deal with hard situations , The Good part is that James had a lot of time to study engineering with his best friend Col. Neil white who was more of a father to James than his biological one was , Col White. Thought James everything he knew about engineering from A to Z.

When James hit his eighteenth birthday it was time to say goodbye to his friends and the old bunker in and around the DC area because James has got an assigment from the commander of the Dc area forces that he had to move to Amargosa valley as '' Re-Fill '' unit , James didn't like the idea but it's not like he had any choice , if he didn't do it it would mean a bullet to the head and lights out pernamently , so with great pains he started his journey to Amargosa valley on a verti-bird ( The old type that is bareley working and the engines occasionaly stop working mid air but all is fine in the end)

(Forgive the shitty backstory but I'm not good when I am confined to a ceartin theme.)

OOC Info
Steam Name:Taco
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:18375617
Time in HGN:4/5 Months , been hopping in and out.
Do you have any Alternative Characters:Yes.
Will this be your primary?:(Changed) By seeing how boring ncr gets combined with mundane , I belive this will be my main.
Do you have any military experience?: Books , Movies , Games it begins and ends at that.
Are you in any other faction?:On this guy? no.
Why should we accept you?:Once I get into the Vibe of a group I tend to Rp well.
You understand that you must follow your superiors orders without question?:Yes.
Have you read the rules and agreed to them?:Yes.

Denied / Pending - I've heard some things about you that aren't good. I'll decide at a later time what to do with you.


IC Info
Name:Lyle Tompson
Past Assignments (if any):No
Medical history:Nothing major
Describe the up's and down's of your character:Strong willed and tough but hot headed
Are you applying for the science divison?:No

A brief history about yourself (2 Paragraphs minimum):Lyle was the son of a famous Enclave general. His mother was a simple farmer. They didn't want the Enclave to find out that Lyle's dad had a child with a simple farmer. They kept Lyle in his mom's house and hid him whenever troops came over to investigate. A few years later, the Brotherhood attacked the Enclave base and killed Lyle's father. Him and his mother escaped to Nevada.

He spent a few years with his mother, farming. He always wanted to be a member of the Enclave, but he couldn't find any bases to enlist at. His mom didn't want him leaving her alone. One day, a group of raiders broke in and killed Lyle's mom when he was away at the market. Devistated, he traveled in search of an Enclave base to enlist at. He finally arrived here and decided to enlist, hoping they would accept him.

OOC Info
Steam Name:MisterKibbles
Time in HGN:1 day
Do you have any Alternative Characters:No
Will this be your primary?:Yes

Do you have any military experience?:No
Are you in any other faction?:No
Why should we accept you?:Enclave seems really fun and worthwhile. I just want to have a fun roleplaying experience and being an Enclave will help me have fun on this server.
You understand that you must follow your superiors orders without question?:Yes sir
Have you read the rules and agreed to them?:Yes

Denied - Time in HGN:1 day
Stay here for a while and remake your backstory that does not include you "enlisting" into the enclave.


IC Info
Name: Clay Carmine
Age: 22
Past assignments: Former Sergeant stationed at Camp Navarro.
Medical history: Perfectly healthy.
Specializations: Short to mid-range combat.
Describe the ups and downs of your character: Works well with a team, Good shot with a laser rifle, physically fit, recieved training prior to this enlistment.   Cons: Short tempered, Horrible with any long range weapon.
Are you applying for the Science division?: No.
A brief history about yourself (2 paragraphs minimum): Clay was born into the Enclave at its starting point, Camp Navarro. He recieved training from his father when he turned 18. His mother died from an attack on the camp that was mounted by the NCR.
Not long after the attack, he and his father left California for Nevada. Their destination was the great city of New Vegas but, during their travels, his father was shot by a raider hiding in the rocks. Clay managed to kill the raider, but his father was already on the verge of dying. After witnissing his own father die in front of him he kept traveling. He came across this camp and submitted an enlistment form. He prays to god that he will be accepted into the ranks of his brothers in arms.
OOC Info
Steam Name: TallYapflip
Steam ID: Steam_0:1:41858231
Time in HGN: About 6 months.
Do you have any alternative characters?: No.
Will this be your primary?: Yes.
Do you have any Military experience?: Books, movies, video games, and close family have taught me much about military life.
Are you in any other faction?: No.
Why should we accept you?: I should be accepted because I have a lot of previous RP experience and I have been with HGN for a long time. I also know a lot about Fallout lore and have played all previous Fallout games (Brotherhood Tactics included)
Timezone: MTN
You understand you must follow your superiors without question? Sir, yes sir!
Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes.

REJECTED - 1) you don't "enlist" in enclave, you are born in it.
2) Time in HGN, 6 months, Post 1, date registered yesterday.
3) Fuck off with these "my mother and father were killed by x faction!" backstories.


IC Info
Name: Kent Brull
Age: 22
Past Assignments (if any): N/A
Medical history:  None
Specialization: Little Medical, Rifleman
Describe the up's and down's of your character:  Kent is actually a quiet person,  he isn't much to talk to people randomly or start a conversation, he would rather keep to himself. This may sort of improve on how he pay's attention to thing in the wasteland or what people are doing.
-Charisma -Speech
+Perception +Luck       (<Had to do that)
Are you applying for the science divison?: No, Thank you.

A brief history about yourself (2 Paragraphs minimum):
Kent grew up in the enclave with his family entirely. It was a pretty normal family actually. Although his father was more of the soldier and his mother worked in the science division for the enclave, more majoring in research and development of equipment and other items. Possibly more towards the power armor systems and bunker controls for where Kent had been living in this bunker.  He was decently brought up in this bunker for most of his life before he was practically put into training for his career as part of the enclave. It took some time, at least a year or two before he had got most of the things that he was being taught, drilled into his head.  These things were just the basics for what may come later in his life.
It had been more than a couple years later until he was finally recruited officially as an member of an enclave regiment. He didn't know it would be his last time seeing his parents as he was shipped off from California or off the coast of California to Amargosa Valley, Nevada. Where he is stationed In a bunker at the edge of a desert and a Valley, around all these strange people and these 'mutants' that live not too far from the bunker.

OOC Info
Steam Name: Reorp
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:22017075
Time in HGN:  One year and Seven months
Do you have any Alternative Characters: Yes, I do.
Will this be your primary?: Most likely not, if it is required, it can be my main.
Do you have any military experience?: No Real life experience, but I have experience as a character in the DUTY faction on S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP, same with some bits of Ukrainian Military faction.
Are you in any other faction?: Vault 10
Why should we accept you?: I am looking for something else to roleplay as instead of running around mindlessly as a wastelander. I can also be a quite dedicated member.
Timezone: -6:00 CST
You understand that you must follow your superiors orders without question?: Yes, I do.
Have you read the rules and agreed to them?: There are no rules... From what I have looked for, but if there was a rules thread, I bet I would agree to them.
My hopeless excuse for an application, had to try for it at least, besides your grudge against me. <To Rebel

Denied - Offically so that people can piss off with accepting your application.


IC Info
Name: Dan Fong
Age: 22
Past assignments: Newly transferred private from camp Navarro.
Medical history: Perfectly healthy.
Specializations: Short to mid-range combat.
Describe the ups and downs of your character: Works well with a team, Good shot with a laser rifle, physically fit, recieved training prior to this transfer.   Cons: Short tempered, Horrible with any long range weapon.
Are you applying for the Science division?: No.
A brief history about yourself (2 paragraphs minimum): Clay was born into the Enclave at its starting point, Camp Navarro. He recieved training from his father when he turned 18. He was trained in the use of basic energy weapons and heavy armor. His mother, a member of the Navarro science team, taught him some basics in armor and weapon repair.
When he was 21, three months after his training completed, he was given his first assignment. His assignment was to reinforce the Enclave foothold in Armagosa Valley, Nevada. His assignment also told him his new team would be the 2nd Vertibird Regiment, Golf company. He will be bringing his teamwork effectiveness and repair capabilities to aid Golf Company. The worst part of his relocation was saying goodbye to his father, the man who taught him almost everything he knew.
OOC Info
Steam Name: TallYapflip
Steam ID: Steam_0:1:41858231
Time in HGN: I've only been on the fourms for 2 days. (Played on HGN servers for about 6 months)
Do you have any alternative characters?: No.
Will this be your primary?: Yes.
Do you have any Military experience?: Books, movies, video games, and close family have taught me much about military life.
Are you in any other faction?: No.
Why should we accept you?: I should be accepted because I have a lot of previous RP experience and I have played on many of the HGN servers. I also know a lot about Fallout lore and have played all previous Fallout games (Brotherhood Tactics included)
Timezone: MTN
You understand you must follow your superiors without question? Sir, yes sir!
Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes.

Denied - Failure to fix some errors after like 2 months.


IC Info
Name: Kate Aster
Age: 23
Past Assignments (if any): N/A
Medical history: Healthy, no previous medical history.
Specialization: Battlefield Strategy and Long Range Weaponary
Describe the up's and down's of your character:   Excellent in creating strategy that can be used as part of attacks or in the battlefield, and is a decent shot with a scoped weapon. However, her build makes it so she's not as strong physically as some of her Comrades, and she has trouble fighting in close quarters.
Are you applying for the science divison?: No.

A brief history about yourself (2 Paragraphs minimum):  Kate Aster was born into the Enclave Twenty-Three years ago in the D.C. Wasteland. Both of her parent's were soldier's in the Enclave, both more or less served no special purpose other then to be grunts on the field. She herself had spent much of her early years learning how to shoot a gun, and doing light physical exercises. This was because she, like many, was expected to become a Soldier in the Enclave's military force. In the classes she attended she received top marks in many of the subjects, being one to study rather then waist time doing something else. This, she would come to find, would be a factor for the future.

Around the age of 18 she began to gain better sharpshooting skills in shooting, thanks to her Father, who himself was a marksman. She went from missing targets to, over the course of a few years, hitting nearly every one. She found this to be her strong suit compared to fighting with a short range weapon or even her fists. Kate also found herself thinking deeply about things, mentally picking apart something then putting it back together, she really couldn't help it, but she found herself getting used to it. This became a regular thing for her, and it became an advantage, as her careful thinking about a place would often lead to a plan, maybe not a very good plan, but a plan, a plan for a fight or a defense, if needed. With these skills, she was inducted into the Enclave as a Pvt. In the Military at the age of Twenty after completing her mandatory training.

She didn't see much action or use for her skill, and often found herself in her outpost working on her aim or just getting lost in thought, though she often found herself being ordered to do something quote 'productive.' It wasn't until age Twenty-Three that she was transferred into the Second Verti-Bird regiment, and she eventually found herself being shipped out to the Mojave.

OOC Info
Steam Name: Gunnerstrip7
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:26422407
Time in HGN: I've been around since November Second of last year, although my postcount doesn't show that time.
Do you have any Alternative Characters: John Morgon(Wastelander)
Will this be your primary?: Yes.
Do you have any military experience?: IRL? No. In RP? Yes.
Are you in any other faction?: No.
Why should we accept you?: I'm not new to roleplay, and I have a fair grip of the English language. While I might not be the most active member, I hope my appearance out of thin air doesn't deter my chances. I'm also very serious, even when I don't have to be, you'd rarely see me fucking around OOCly if at all.
Timezone: GMT -6 Central Standard Time.
You understand that you must follow your superiors orders without question?: Yes, I understand.
Have you read the rules and agreed to them?: Yes.

Accepted - Just try and be active. I'll try and step up my own activity aswell.

crusader :D

IC Info

Name: My character's name is Johnathon Leonards.

Age: My character's age is 33.

Past Assignments (if any): No past assignments.

Medical history: My character does have a history of asthma attacks, although they rarely occur anymore, as he's overcome them. The asthma though does affect his durability, so he probably couldn't run a long ways without needing a break or two.

Specialization: My character is very skilled in laser and plasma weaponry; he's also got a past of working with explosives.

Describe the up's and down's of your character: My character can use laser and plasma weaponry with ease, as he has been practicing with the variants for years on. His asthma attacks limit his activity, so be probably could not run a long ways without needing a couple breaks.

Are you applying for the science divison?: No, I am not applying for the science division.

A brief history about yourself (2 Paragraphs minimum): Johnathon Leonards; a man born thirty-three years ago, under the sign of the Enclave. His parents, Jessica Leonards and Clifton Leonards, were only simple privates among the Enclave, when they had Johnathon. Even so young, Johnathon was given certain information, and tested afterward. He easily developed manners, and respect toward the superiors, heading on to his more advanced years of life in the Enclave.

     Johnathon was a kid who would use time wisely, but also fool around. When it came to physical training, he would always rank in the middle, due to his asthmatic issues. Life drifted along for Johnathon, and he was then issued his very own laser rifle, in which he would train with every day in the firing range. Many complimented his accuracy, only the foolish members of the enclave would grow jealous of him.

    He was reaching his adult years now, and had requested that he be trained with explosives. His request was granted, and he had trained a fair amount of years with demolitions. Johnathon was later announced certified with explosive-related events, and mainly was used in combatic situations for sabotaging hostile equipment and facilities.

OOC Info

Steam Name: My steam name is [BU-S] |HGN| Crusader.

SteamID: My steam ID address is STEAM_0:0:19466658.

Time in HGN: ..Look, I've only been here for two days, but I give you my truthful word that I'm a good roleplayer. I do have experience as Enclave on other roleplaying servers, as an addition to support my case.

Do you have any Alternative Characters: Yes, my other character being Dylan Holmes.

Will this be your primary?: No, my other character Dylan Holmes is my primary character.

Do you have any military experience?: I have met up with some United States troopers, and they've taught me a bit of what their jobs require and what they do.

Are you in any other faction?: No, I am not in any other faction; this being my first if I am accepted.

Why should we accept you?: Well, I lately have seen little to no activity throughout the Enclave, and would like to become a member myself to add some activity. I'm also a serious and patient roleplayer-- I know what to do as an Enclave.

Timezone: My timezone is DST.

You understand that you must follow your superiors orders without question?: Yes, I do indeed understand that I must follow my superior's orders without question.

Have you read the rules and agreed to them?: Yes, I have read the rules twice, and understand them all completely.

Side note(s): I realize the backstory is a bit rusty; nobody is perfect.

Accepted - I'll give you a chance. Your backstory was alright and you seem quite serious about it. Regardless of your time in HGN I'll just give you a shot.


IC Info
Name: Abigail Rytokowski
Age: 24
Past Assignments (if any): None.
Medical history: Common cold, influenza, etc. (Nothing recently, or serious.)
Specialization: Heavy Weapons/Medical
Describe the up's and down's of your character: Able to take quite a beating, and very athletic. Sometimes overreacts, however.
Are you applying for the science divison?: No.
A brief history about yourself (2 Paragraphs minimum):
    As her family was affiliated with the Enclave, Abigail was too. She was born into the Navarro airfield base, and trained there from age eighteen on, nothing big. She wasn't particularly interested in the Enclave until she saw how they worked. She thought herself as like one of them. When she was a child, she played with her Softech airsoft gun, modelled to be like a laser rifle.
    At age thirteen she finally got to saw them training, and decided she would train like them, until she could train with them. She ran around the base's borders every day. She shot cardboard targets with her airsoft gun. When she finally turned eighteen, she began training. It was much harder than she expected, but she was prepared. Her favorite part was when they ran or sprinted, as she finished those drills with ease. It was the same old thing for six years. But when she turned twenty-four, she was told that she was being placed at Amargosa Valley as a Private.
OOC Info
Steam Name: Kaitan
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:7274210
Time in HGN: Almost a week.
Do you have any Alternative Characters: Yes, 'Kaitlyn Lyons'.
Will this be your primary?: Most likely.
Do you have any military experience?: My grandfather was in the military. I know rankings.
Are you in any other faction?: No.
Why should we accept you?: I want something different, and I know my NCR application was denied, but I believe I did much better on this one. I believe I am a fine role-player, and have role-played on several other role-play servers.
Timezone: PST.
You understand that you must follow your superiors orders without question?: Yes.
Have you read the rules and agreed to them?: Yes.

NOTE: The 'brief history' looked much larger on steam :c

Pending - I dunno much about you and as its known I like to know who I accept. I'll give you a shot though. 1 week trial.


IC Info
Name: Dan Fong
Age: 22
Past assignments: Newly transferred private from camp Navarro.
Medical history: Perfectly healthy.
Specializations: Sniper/Recon
Describe the ups and downs of your character: Works well with a team, Good shot with any sort of sniper, physically fit, recieved training prior to this transfer.   Cons: Short tempered, Bad shot with any smaller weapon.
Are you applying for the Science division?: No.
A brief history about yourself (2 paragraphs minimum): Dan was born into the Enclave at Camp Navarro. At the age of 13 he was given basic training by his father and older brother Brian. After basic, his extraordianry skills with a rifle were noticed. He was transferred to Sniper training so his skills could be put to better use.
As he was doing one of his daily patrols, his platoon was attacked by NCR Rangers. Dan's exceptional skills with his rifle saved most of his team except one. He was awarded the Medal of Valor for his courageous actions of the field. After his ceremony, he was told he was to be transferred to reinforce Golf Company in Armagosa, Nevada. OOC Info
Steam Name: TallYapflip
Steam ID: Steam_0:1:41858231
Time in HGN: I've only been on the fourms for 2 months. (Played on HGN servers for about 8 months)
Do you have any alternative characters?: No.
Will this be your primary?: Yes.
Do you have any Military experience?: Books, movies, video games, and close family have taught me much about military life.
Are you in any other faction?: No.
Why should we accept you?: I should be accepted because I have a lot of previous RP experience (200+ hours) and I have played on many of the HGN servers. I also know a lot about Fallout lore and have played all previous Fallout games (Brotherhood Tactics included)
Timezone: MTN
You understand you must follow your superiors without question? Sir, yes sir!
Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes.
Sidenotes: I apologize for not changing my previous app. Every time I attempted to the website would freeze up my laptop. I ICly changed my char's name and added all of the suggested changes. I again aplogize.


[size=14pt]IC Info
Name: Mikeal Donova
Age: 25
Past Assignments (if any): None to the date- he's fresh out of training.
Medical history: Other then what would -in modern day terms- be classed as a depressive disorder as well as a issue with 'talking' per-se.
Specialization: In standard terms, a heavy assualt trooper. Bigger guns, bigger explosions, although he's fine with using standard weapons as well.
Describe the up's and down's of your character: He's extremely withdrawn, rarely talking to his 'comrades'. He has a goodbit of smarts behind the old noggin, but it's not overt.
Are you applying for the science divison?: Nope.
A brief history about yourself (2 Paragraphs minimum):
As always with the glorious Enclave, Mikeal was born of prime, un-irradiated American parents. A silent boy, he rarely began associating with his soon-to-be cadets till the age of six, and even then, it was a clumsy mess of words and nodding. However, this little disability drove him to shoot in more accurate ways, study the mechanics of his weapons, and other odd traits for a prospering teen. Once he was done with the 'bsic' training courses for Enclave military personell, he was pulled out and put into a seperate course for Heavy Assualt troopers. Wether this was some kind of inside joke between officers, or a strategic choice was yet to be seen.
Now he is ready, and as a great man- or monster once said " brothers, god bless the Enclave, and God bless America." To him there is a hope in the wastes- law, order, no more irradiated sub-humans deterring him from his country's goal. To that end, that is why he is Enclave, that is why he is American. Wether he fails horribly and get's crushed by a idiotic sub-human on his first recon and patrol assignment... is a different story, however.

OOC Info
Steam Name: Wolfieseek
SteamID:  steam_0:0:43556880
Time in HGN: Arounda few months, I think. Most time spent in the minecraft server, until I realized Gmod existed..
Do you have any Alternative Characters: Ah, yes.
Will this be your primary?: Of course.
Do you have any military experience?: Yes, I actually like studying tactics and such. Not horribly good with calibers of ammunition and the differences, but eh.
Are you in any other faction?: None, at the moment.. I have been ccepted for most, though.
Why should we accept you?: Well, you don't have to. I enjoy RP'ing remenants of the old world, so to speak, and I hear you need recruits.
Timezone: EST.
You understand that you must follow your superiors orders without question?: Of course.
Have you read the rules and agreed to them?: Of course.
I'm Wolfie, snd this is my sig... Uummm... FUUURR TEEHH EEMMPUUHRER!

                         ===== FRP charcaters =====

Guan- Your favorite Chinese scavenger, has a obsession with rumors of the Shi, as well as combat knives.

Tiberius- The annoying gear-lover.


Eh, sorry about that. Not feeling the best and I rushed it a bit.
I'm Wolfie, snd this is my sig... Uummm... FUUURR TEEHH EEMMPUUHRER!

                         ===== FRP charcaters =====

Guan- Your favorite Chinese scavenger, has a obsession with rumors of the Shi, as well as combat knives.

Tiberius- The annoying gear-lover.


IC Info
Name: Emi Wolf
Age: 22
Past Assignments (if any): N/A
Medical history: N/A
Specialization: Plasma and Laser weaponry.
Describe the up's and down's of your character: Ups: Works well with teams, strict yet understanding, heartless but leaves no man behind. Downs: Makes rash decisions and often cannot take them back, can make some "dumb" decisions at times.
Are you applying for the science divison?: Yes.

A brief history about yourself (2 Paragraphs minimum):

Emi Wolf, born and raised with prime, tough, all american parents, was a shy girl, heartless and cold yet understanding. She often does not speak to people she would end up working with in the future, she's quiet and lonely most of the time, with quite a bit of anxiety. However with quite the fascination for weaponry, her father spent much time teaching her Plasma weaponry and how to use them, as well as Laser weaponry, she worked hard in her first training courses when she was learning simple things like firing she would score top class and was made fun of for much of the "weird" things she did she still scored highest in the training courses and eventually got placed into a weaponry course, cleaning, fixing sights, repairing broken parts. She quickly prospered in that area as well and was placed into an outpost at a fairly young age and shortly after her father told her she would be moving outposts, crushed, and baffled she was unsure whether to fight back or go...She decided fighting back would be stupid and decided to just listen to her father.

Now a quote from a wise man said "This is not the end, oh no, it is not even the beginning of the end, but it is perhaps the end of the beginning." She remembered that and decided to move outposts, she met up with the major and quickly gained respect she had never seen in anyone but her father. She knew that moving to this outpost was a good idea and bringing along her knowledge of weaponry and other things could be helpful for their outpost. She had knowledge of laser and plasma weaponry and decided that it would be a good idea to ask about joining the science division so she could look into the technology of Plasma weaponry and further develop it so it would no longer be a testing weapon but something much more powerful and strong.

OOC Info
Steam Name: Pika Pika!
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:21513525
Time in HGN: About 2 months now
Do you have any Alternative Characters: Yes.
Will this be your primary?: Doubtful.
Do you have any military experience?: Yes.
Are you in any other faction?: Yes.
Why should we accept you?: I believe you should accept me because I've been roleplaying for quite a long time and with the new ownership I knew that it could be a new start for the Enclave and I'd like to help you with your faction being a TO I can help you make choices and tell you whether you can do something, while letting you lead your faction. I can also supply your new recruits because I have an administrator character.
Timezone: -5 GMT
You understand that you must follow your superiors orders without question?: Yes.
Have you read the rules and agreed to them?: Yes.

the permaban queen.


// Reasoning for the Plasma stuff is because Scientist, and later on it says she'd look into making it less experimental but w/e lol.

the permaban queen.


A brief history about yourself (2 Paragraphs minimum): Even in the dusty wasteland, development and tech are dire thing's for everyone. This boy, going by the name of joseph, was a stern boy from birth.. The rigorous training from the Enclave rarely improved his demeanor, as well. However, e took his luxuries well. As a child, he played witgh replicas of Eyebots abd robobraains duking it out, giggling the whole time. as he grew older, these devices expanded, including power armor and th others, and his interactions were noted by his family- and as ghe hit pubety, officers. When the day came that the draft arose, he stepped orward as a willing participant to the science division.. Eyes bright, he had his goal- minimize Amerian casualties, maximize the efwctiveness of our armor, and assist pushing the "Hellfire" armor out of the test phase, and into production.

   With this in mind as his vertibird flew towards Alpha Base, a faint smile crossed his face, grip tightening around his new supplies... It was beginning... It really happened for him... He wasas a true Enclave now- but the eerie question remained- What if I fail? What if they decide I'm a waste of funding?
I'm Wolfie, snd this is my sig... Uummm... FUUURR TEEHH EEMMPUUHRER!

                         ===== FRP charcaters =====

Guan- Your favorite Chinese scavenger, has a obsession with rumors of the Shi, as well as combat knives.

Tiberius- The annoying gear-lover.


There's hellfire armor on the auth page, and there were Enclave with it on, sorry. And eh, guess  t's not important enough for me to write, too lazy anyway. Guess I'll end up quitting Enclave soon.
I'm Wolfie, snd this is my sig... Uummm... FUUURR TEEHH EEMMPUUHRER!

                         ===== FRP charcaters =====

Guan- Your favorite Chinese scavenger, has a obsession with rumors of the Shi, as well as combat knives.

Tiberius- The annoying gear-lover.