[IC] Field Reports

Started by D33tly, 09-03-2012

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Titus here.

Yes, the NCR are spying on us for some reason, if any NCR enter the base your free to engage.  We've given the Wasteland enough warnings. About that town New Haven, it'd be wise to assist the Vault dwellers as they may have technology and prehaps even valuable recruits.  Take it from me, the Brotherhood are still pure human untouched by Radiation and so are they.  I advise we assist them in there move. 

After that, I advise we expand our grip in the sector and cordon the area off to stop Wasters, forward outposts will make the area much safer and much stronger especially if we are up against a incoming attack.  Although I disliked those Enclave folks I have to say, I have a feeling we will be having a war against the NCR soon, they are over stepping their bounds.


Regarding the NCR and wasters,

When it comes to that settlement New Haven, I don't think it's necessary to kill any of them for them to get the message. Fire a few warning shots obviously. I don't want any wastelanders below the surface without explicit permission from the Head Paladin, the Head Scribe, or myself, the Head Knight. If you need to talk to a waster, that's what we have that building on the topside for.

As for the NCR, we're in a volatile situation with them. I'm putting the base on alert and partial lockdown. Knights are not to leave the base under any circumstances unless directed to do so by a Head Paladin or myself. The Head Scribe's orders and all but the Head Paladins' and Elder's direct orders are overridden by this decision. If the NCR tries busting into the base, you light them the fuck up with no mercy. I've been reading about how their idiot commander operates. I'd like this not to turn into a war, but if it does, we have vastly better technology than they as well as a far more easily defensible position.

I want to see what that NCR soldier we captured is capable of before his buddies hunt him down. I might have an idea though. If it comes down to it though, the NCR wants a deserter dead, right? You let me handle the politics...

<:: Head Knight Avalon Cullen ::>


Oh no. What is he planning? Avalon, I know how you are...

Retired Head Paladin J. Anderson


Apprentice Knight Lilly Wolfe reporting in...

Today something bad happened, A barrel of radiation that I have no clue where it came from but long story short it appeared in the bottom of the lake somehow and upon going just near it my geiger counter went mad, it started ticking and would not stop until I got around 5 feet away. Definitely irradiated much worse than before.

Regarding a clean up I'm unsure on how to clean it up.

Steel be with you,Lilly Wolfe

the permaban queen.


Titus here.

And how would we clean the radiation up?  If it was that simple the entire Wasteland would be pre-war america again.  Besides we have pressing matters, Knight you need to stay inside the base, not even exiting past the fences.  Just keep focused on the NCR and the Wasters.  They are our biggest threat right now.

I advise all of you read the lock down announcement if you are unaware but we are currently on lock down.  That means no one exits the bunker with out my say so or the Head Paladin and above say so.  That also means no one enters the base.  Anyone comes near us we fire warning shots at them, they get closer ignoring the warning you'll injure them, if they enter you'll kill them.  Follow the order to the letter and we'll be fine.

In the mean time during this lock down, I believe the Head Scribe has located an simulation terminal in the base, expect heavy training.  I'd like all Paladins to be prepared for training, you'll soon be working closely with the Knights as we're on lock down.  I also have the Head Knight requesting I involve his Knights in the simulation.

Let me give you a brief update in terms of what I know about the simulation program, it dates back to pre-war obviously and is set in a place called China.  The name of the Campaign is called the Yangtze Campaign.  The Head Scribe has told me there are glitches in the simulation, so expect weird encounters.  Apart from that you'll be given Pre-war power armor excluding the Knights.  When in simulation do not be alarmed as you may become confused.  You may be not who you are in real life but a programed soldier for the simulation.

Information is limited, and not even the Head Scribes knows more.  The simulation is buggy but should be safe.  Be prepared for heavy fighting.

Titus out.

// We're currently planning a BoS event for S2, you'll be all required to make new characters for the event and only for the event.  We'll update you all when the Event comes into play.


Titus here with intresting news.

I was on guard last night watching across the waste when I noticed three raiders enter the New Haven compound.  I heard atleast six shots be fired and a woman screaming, after a while I noticed the raiders exit holding what seemed to be a bloody skull.  I then observed a trap be laid for another New Haven waster.  He suvived however I dont think he'll be walking any time soon.  The Raiders bashed his legs in with a sledge hammer and took his weapons.  New Haven got hit hard.  Gotta' feel sorry for them.

Titus out.


Paladin Kevin Shieldman reporting.

Perhaps we should keep a heavier watch? From what I know of raiders, they are idiots, drug addicts, mentally unstable, or all of the above. If all of this is true, and there are raiders coming into our sector, they might come over to us and try climbing the gate. I would say keep a 24/7 watch up, we don't want to wake up to the sound of gunshots from a raider in the bunker. On a side note, not a sign of NCR as of yet, though they may just have well trained stealth personnel who are watching us.

Paladin Kevin Shieldman, out.


Quote from: D33tly on 15-05-2012
Paladin Kevin Shieldman reporting.

Perhaps we should keep a heavier watch? From what I know of raiders, they are idiots, drug addicts, mentally unstable, or all of the above. If all of this is true, and there are raiders coming into our sector, they might come over to us and try climbing the gate. I would say keep a 24/7 watch up, we don't want to wake up to the sound of gunshots from a raider in the bunker. On a side note, not a sign of NCR as of yet, though they may just have well trained stealth personnel who are watching us.

Paladin Kevin Shieldman, out.

Knights and Paladins,

If raiders start hitting the sector, you have permission to fire at will upon any jackass that expresses hostilities toward the Brotherhood. I know you're all suspicious of those New Haven guys, but we've been observing them, and decided they are of very little threat. They leave us alone, we leave them in peace. Raiders however, that's another story.

<:: Head Knight Avalon Cullen ::>


Quote from: Spades_Neil on 15-05-2012
Quote from: D33tly on 15-05-2012
Paladin Kevin Shieldman reporting.

Perhaps we should keep a heavier watch? From what I know of raiders, they are idiots, drug addicts, mentally unstable, or all of the above. If all of this is true, and there are raiders coming into our sector, they might come over to us and try climbing the gate. I would say keep a 24/7 watch up, we don't want to wake up to the sound of gunshots from a raider in the bunker. On a side note, not a sign of NCR as of yet, though they may just have well trained stealth personnel who are watching us.

Paladin Kevin Shieldman, out.

Knights and Paladins,

If raiders start hitting the sector, you have permission to fire at will upon any jackass that expresses hostilities toward the Brotherhood. I know you're all suspicious of those New Haven guys, but we've been observing them, and decided they are of very little threat. They leave us alone, we leave them in peace. Raiders however, that's another story.

<:: Head Knight Avalon Cullen ::>

<:: Senior Paladin Titus here.

Understood Head Knight, however it may be in some of your intrests to know that the New Haven faction has spreaded through out the entire sector, they recently claimed a new piece of land to the left of our base. (The town.)  The small pass to the left of the base is guarded and I doubt we'll be able to pass through there if we dont want to be near these New Haven.  I suggest we work on securing the tunnel so we do manage to interact with the other sectors.  However when I say secure I mean make sure no one has it guarded so we may pass.  I'll be honest with you as it is.  Its like with those NCR, when a force builds up so greatly within' so much little time they are bound to become greedy and expand so understand my concerns.  If we are to get into a engagement with New Haven our left flank is out flanked, our right flank is not out flanked so we should defiantly look to keeping it that way.  Same goes for these NCR, I've noticed some troopers in the New Haven base as some of us know and for all we know they could have a alliance.  Which makes our operations in researching here all that more dangerous.

See, if we need to extract we can not.  We can not simply fly out as that is impossible.  We do not have vertibirds like those Enclave did, and steel knows how they made them.  And we've got Scribes here, if we're going to extract them at one point it needs to be at a entirely safe manner.  It is extremely important we remain safe and independent.  Other wise if we're pushed back all the way, the entire chapter here is going to have to be ready to fight to the death in there own homes.  And we dont need that.

I'm aware we're not at war, but we need to keep focused, anything can happen at anytime.  Especially in these wastelands.

Any orders or suggestions on how we could acheive this?  ::>


Lilly Wolfe promoted to Senior Knight, effective immediately. Get a new suit of T-45b while you're at it.

<:: Head Knight Avalon ::>

// Use the one sitting in your safebox leftover from that event.

We have a new Senior Scribe joining our ranks from one of the distant field bunkers in the region. He will directly join our chapter shortly. Head Scribe, I am leaving you responsible for his introduction to our little family.

In other news, the "Initiate" is to be released from his holding and put through various trials of Knighthood and Scribehood, depending on where he may be most useful. He is forbidden access to any firearms or weapons until further notice, however.

Head Scribe, add the newcommers to our rosters. // Add Thanatos's initiate since I never did. :| "I'll do this when I find out his information tonight - Mad"

Steel be with you,
Elder Lawrence Sumner Neil


<:: Lilly Wolfe here, wow sir, thank you so much! It's an honor to have been with the brotherhood of steel long enough to receive the rank of Senior, it's been an honor to work with all of you as well. I hope to see you all in the field.

<:: Senior Lilly Wolfe ::>

the permaban queen.


Head Paladin,

The faction known as 'New Haven' has disappeared from the area. Overheard whispers indicate that the bulk of their force has traveled north for some reason.

They wouldn't get up and leave like that unless it was important. I wish for you to bring a small, undercover group to follow and see what exactly is going on.

The use of energy weaponry is forbidden on this expedition. Power armor is also forbidden. You will charade as a group of mercenaries and you will be out of contact with the central bunker for this mission. If you must, take contracts from wastelanders and local factions--including, but not limited, to the NCR.

As far as anyone else needs to know, you are only regular wastelanders. Only Paladins are permitted to partake in this mission, and I will absolutely not allow even a moment of separation between your brothers. You will not reveal your true identity or the affiliation you hold with the Brotherhood for the duration of the mission. Start picking your new names, because it's what you will know each other by for this journey.

That is all. Steel be with you,
Elder Lawrence Sumner Neil


Paladin Draco 'Lion' Raka[event]<::Well me and partner came across that user 550 again, he's found a bunker. Enclave at that and has offered use to use it as long as he keeps his full access, Me seeing this as no problem because he is known for supporting the Brotherhoods way of tech. I say it would be good to ship out part of the main chapter here. But User is also letting Ncr use it. Though hope is they go take the city from new haven, if not should be easy with the chapters help to take the bunker from them, espically if we get user 550 to agree, thats all reporting out.
Ex-Duty-converted Monolith:|Draco 'Dice' stellem|Decease
Stalker/Trader:|Dracovich Raka|Alive
Eco:|Dr.Richard L. Vangraff|In zone
Stalker:|Scarler 'becca' Owen|Alive
Stalker:|Taylor 'trinity'|Alive
Military:|Scarlet Stroik|alive


<:: Paladin Halt O'Carrick
<::The one vault User 550 has secured the bunker for us and the scientist he let in, We have the password to come in and get setup when we please and it's secure and waiting now.
Ex-Duty-converted Monolith:|Draco 'Dice' stellem|Decease
Stalker/Trader:|Dracovich Raka|Alive
Eco:|Dr.Richard L. Vangraff|In zone
Stalker:|Scarler 'becca' Owen|Alive
Stalker:|Taylor 'trinity'|Alive
Military:|Scarlet Stroik|alive


<:: Head Knight Lilly Wolfe ::>
<:: Today we suffered a huge loss for the Brotherhood, we've lost the Head Knight, we tried to remove our heavy ties with them and help them, the leader turned around and shot the Head Knight the body and holotags were recovered. May he rest in peace, the only thing I have from him is his Gatling Laser and position do not be withered by this however, we must carry on and kill that damn leader. ::>

<:: Head Knight Lilly Wolfe, out ::>

the permaban queen.


*Computer booting up*
*Please enter password*
*Welcome Journeymen Knight Jones*
I feel like I've been in some kind of deep sleep or something, so much stuff has been going on. On this Head Knight matter, has his power armour been retrieved as the technology is valuable? Also it may be an idea to station 2-3 Knights or higher ranked personal at the tunnel to keep it open for travel between the sectors. It would also act as early warning system if we are attacked by any hostiles. The group there would be able to radio in and either fall back or call for reinforcements. Just saying it would help than being attacked at are base and having literally no where to fall back to.
*Are you sure? Y/N*
*Logging out*
*Goodbye Journeymen Knight Jones*

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Quote from: INA7HAN on 12-06-2012
*Computer booting up*
*Please enter password*
*Welcome Journeymen Knight Jones*
I feel like I've been in some kind of deep sleep or something, so much stuff has been going on. On this Head Knight matter, has his power armour been retrieved as the technology is valuable? Also it may be an idea to station 2-3 Knights or higher ranked personal at the tunnel to keep it open for travel between the sectors. It would also act as early warning system if we are attacked by any hostiles. The group there would be able to radio in and either fall back or call for reinforcements. Just saying it would help than being attacked at are base and having literally no where to fall back to.
*Are you sure? Y/N*
*Logging out*
*Goodbye Journeymen Knight Jones*

My brothers,

I too have heard of this disaster... Avalon was a good friend of mine, whom I've shared much combat experience with. I am grieved to hear of his loss. Directed toward Knight Jones however, according to these logs at the Lost Hills bunker, the bulk of your chapter as relocated to a new location--so the tunnels and sectors you're thinking of are no longer part of the local terrain.

However I may hold some good news. There's been talk of sending a Paladin strike force, maybe three or four people. I don't know his name, but the group's leader must have known Avalon as well as I did.

Also I've been meaning to get in touch with you guys. Head Scribe back in Lost Hills wanted me to relay some helpful information to my old chapter. We've been analyzing some of the data sent by your scribes and knights regarding those virtual reality pods in what is currently the Elders' Chambers. The simulator is functional but we're not yet sure how to activate it. As long as it works, it'll be possible to activate, we just gotta figure out how. Right now all we can do is run the sim on a monitor in a first-person mouse and keyboard style which is highly awkward. It looks like a hypothetical scenario of the Chinese and United States militarizes, in which the Chinese possess power armor. In reality they never did, but the sim must have been a method of training soldiers in case the Chinese had indeed ripped off American power armor variants, as this was the expectation during the war.

Fighting large numbers, in power armor no less, it'll be like combating the NCR and Enclave in one simulation.

Anyway, before I go, give my regards to Elizabeth. I haven't seen her since I retired from my position as Head Paladin.

Former Head Paladin of the Amargosa Chapter,
Senior Scribe J. Anderson


<:: Head Knight Lilly Wolfe ::>
<:: Today we have come with a cease fire with the NCR, we will not fire upon them unless they fire upon us, do not I repeat DO NOT fire upon them unless you're sure they're shooting at you, I am issuing a 1 day lockdown because we were fired upon by an unknown source. We cannot and will not allow anyone inside or outside of the base today, stay inside, keep your head down.
<:: Head Knight Lilly Wolf, out ::>

the permaban queen.


<:: Titus here. ::>

I've been asked to write reports on the events leading up to my disabilities, I feel too dishonored to even be touching this part of the Codex however I must reclaim what has been taken from me.

I'll begin with the start of this week, I left and headed north on a single man patrol of exploration, I was out in the wasteland searching for two days feeding from animals and old pre-war food, sooner or later leading up to the recent NCR Brotherhood war, I heard radio chatter and began a forced march back home.  I wonder to myself if it was even the right choice knowing what would come of me.  I'd return to the wastelands in this area in a day, recovering ground quickly at a tiresome march south.  At this point, I held position in the forest and set up a jammer in case I'd be detected.  My plan was to catch the NCR from behind if they planned to attack however due to my tiresome march I was caught off guard by a Yao-Gai.  I managed to kill it but at the cost of loosing my legs, I was crippled and my Armour wasnt going to fix this solution for ever.  Sooner or later I found I was bleeding from a series of wounds and trapped against a tree.

I presume I held my location for near on a day before finally passing out from the loss of blood, I tried to do everything in my power to stop myself from bleeding but the wounds I had succumb'd to had overcome me.  Luckly, my Jammer couldnt stop every single bit of information I sent out, it scrambled and sent off strange forms of communications.  I assume they tracked the signal and found me.  After finding my bleeding against a tree, I was awakened to see my armor being torn off and my wounds being healed.  I was carried back to the bunker like a child...   I am not a child, Paladins are not children.  I remember hearing fighting before being layed in Elizabeths room.
We spoke for a time before sleeping, every bit of worry in my mind briefly went away until the next day.  Though my injurys was patched, I couldnt walk and I do feel incredibly weak.  I had to regain honour some how, I took up the opputunity to handle a peace negotiation with a "Alex".  I planned the defence briefly and we was set, I brought the NCR soldier before the Elder where they discussed peace and came to a conclusion.  After escorting the Alex to the surface I ordered everyone into the bunker while the Elder issued a lockdown.  I returned to the Elder to explain and seek forgiveness.

At this point, all of what my worries had been, for they was gone had now returned.  I told him everything, about my love for Elizabeth and where I went.  I told him why I returned and why I handled that negotiation as a attempt to reclaim honour.  Suffice to say I feel it failed in doing that terribly.  Sooner or later into discussion, he demoted me at this point the loss of honour I was lossing was unbearable.  I thought about everything, the Brotherhood, Elizabeth, my family.  Just everything.  I fell to the ground, onto my knees at the Elders feet and began to beg him to not take anymore honour from me.  I begged him to have all the Paladins beat me instead as dicipline, I'd prefered that then anything.  I begged him for a mission entrusted to myself to carry out to regain what was taken for me to be at the mercy of a "I'll think about it."

I'd return to Elizabeths room where I was staying, I'd get my suit off.  I didnt feel I was honored enough to wear it anymore and I took up a wheelchair instead.  I had all Head units in the room with me trying to tell me a false truth that I have been a great ally.  But even if that was true what difference does that make?  I broke the very foundations of the Codex and loss near on everything, my life is in the shame.  All I can do now is wait and hope I get this mission I need, I wont even take a minute to wait and heal and I am willing to do anything just so I can gain what has been taken from me.

If theres somthing I've learned from this ordeal its that when a man is on the verge of loosing everything, he honestly doesnt care anymore apart from what hes lost.  I've lost somthing and I want it back.  I'll do what ever I must to reclaim that even if this mission I might be issued is a suicide mission.

Further more from that, I have fears.  I was the only senior Paladin for some time and effective at my job, now that I am no longer that rank what will happen to others in combat?  Will the new Senior Paladin be capable to lead and fight under Elizabeth like I did?  Things are so messed up, if theres one thing that I think about when it comes to wanting to earn what I've lossed its that I am wondering if my dishonor will lead to the people around me getting hurt in a fight where they might need me.  Honestly, as bad as it sounds.  It hurts too much to think that I could wage more suffering like that.  Maybe I have fell too far? 
I must battle for redemption at every turn so I may be forgiven by myself, the Brotherhood and Elizabeth.

PS: As a sidenote, I believe my gatling laser was recovered, I want it returned to Elizabeths quarters as soon as possible.

<::This is Ray Titus signing off.::>