[IC] Field Reports

Started by D33tly, 09-03-2012

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Jr. Paladin 'Pyro',

I've read the report. First I will have to go with Paladin Titus. Do not ever do that again. Ever. I know patrol can be somewhat boring to you juniors but being outside isn't a silly little privilege where you can have fun and test your weapons on wastelanders.

Second, I've seen you waste your flamer fuel. If you keep it up, there wont be any flamer fuel left to use within a couple days. I know you were chasing the supposed imposer but that job should be left to your laser pistol, not your flamer. You should be more conservative on your fuel unless it is in dire need.

Third, I will to have deny the hunting party request; for now. Mostly if he and his 'buddies' went in a vault and stole things in there, we will need to double make sure and gather them up. If he comes back lets welcome a 'vault dweller' into our bunker, have a chat on where he got his technology, what vault they went to and where. Hopefully get his buddies to come to us. Once we are done with them, if they are full of shit or do anything stupid, we can execute them. Until then, I want to hear from you of what this man looked, facial structure, hair color and such.

signing out,
Senior Paladin Elizabeth
I used to be an adventure like you, but then the shadow started chasing me through a castle filled with monsters.



Seniors putting ' ' marks on everything is just another way of saying, expect a reprimand.
And, where did "Test your weapons on wastelanders" come from ma-am? That seems right out of order assuming anything of the sort.
Unless you seriously expect me to believe you regard sandcastles as wastelanders, or you just flick through reports without actually reading them, ma-am.

And I am conservative of my mix, but five tanks only come out as around 25 Liters (250 Units) And depending on the trouble, thats either a months worth or afternoons worth, it's all relative.

And he was wearing a jumpsuit with Riotgear. I didn't see his face.

That is all ma-am.

Quote from: Terminal Notification LogNotification:
Message was sent without signature.


*Computer booting up*
*Please enter password*
*Welcome Journeymen Knight Jones*
I've cleaned and checked out six of are Chinese assault rifles and alligned the sights correctly. Two 10mm pistols need to be woked on, one wont fire and the other's magazine is jammed and also wont fire, i'll try and fix them if possible soon. Also i wouldn't mind requesting a shotgun of some kind if possible, we seem to have a fair share of buckshot but not many weapons to use them, also the lights are still playing up now and again in the hanger.
*Are you sure? Y/N*
*Logging out*
*Goodbye Journeymen Knight Jones*

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Junior Paladin 'Pyro',

You will report to the command room later today for a little discussion regarding your use of that flamethrower and the presence of technology on that so-called wastelander you managed to chase off despite my orders *not* to engage.

Head Paladin J. Anderson

P.S. We can trace your terminal IP address. Therefore I will be sure to have your superior Elizabeth joining us.


Quote from: INA7HAN on 30-03-2012
*Computer booting up*
*Please enter password*
*Welcome Journeymen Knight Jones*
I've cleaned and checked out six of are Chinese assault rifles and alligned the sights correctly. Two 10mm pistols need to be woked on, one wont fire and the other's magazine is jammed and also wont fire, i'll try and fix them if possible soon. Also i wouldn't mind requesting a shotgun of some kind if possible, we seem to have a fair share of buckshot but not many weapons to use them, also the lights are still playing up now and again in the hanger.
*Are you sure? Y/N*
*Logging out*
*Goodbye Journeymen Knight Jones*

Knight Jones,

Seeing as you spend most of your time underground and doing your job (quite well might I add) I'll allow you to refurbish one of our old military shotguns for you to use for defense purposes. I recommend either the SPAS-12 or the Combat Shotgun.

<:: Head Knight Avalon Cullen ::>




Ah, good to here from someone not piled against me for once, sire. I'll report as soon as I fix the bunk-beds after eh, last time. . .
On a side note, should I conclude your orders to fix the bunk-beds as the reprimand as to not fall asleep in full armor and the pilot-light still on?
And uh. . . The reason I went through so much fuel was, I was talking to an NCR share-cropper about getting some flour delivered, it came, and I wanted to make up for the bunks so I tried making a cake, the cropper said about 20 minutes at a medium-y heat would do. So I cooked it with my flamer at a low release pressure for about 15 minutes.
I was going to give it to you, but it made me feel sad, and it doesn't look like the pre-war pictures.  I'm sorry. . .
I'll attach a picture of it from a field-camera.

Jr. Paladin 'Pyro'



Attention all Brothers,

I regretfully inform you all that Head Paladin J. Anderson will be retiring from his post tonight. After years of honorable service, Anderson has decided to conclude his active service for the Brotherhood of Steel. To fill the gap, I have promoted Elizabeth Taylor to the position of Head Paladin. I have also promoted Ray Titus to Senior Paladin to fill the gap.

Former Head Paladin Anderson will remain with us for a short while longer before he returns to the Maxson Bunker, where he will join the Brotherhood of Steel high council in his retirement from combat duty. Steel be with you, brother Anderson. You've done us well.

In other news, due to increasing seismic activity in the Amargosa Valley, I have instructed the new Head Paladin to take a small recon force out west to search for a new bunker allegedly in the area. After discovering the new bunker to be usable, we will relocate our force to the new base. Head Knight Avalon will lead the logistics operation. All Knights will be ordered to pack up for the move. We will self-destruct the old bunker during our departure to prevent any leftover technology from falling into the wrong hands.

Steel be with you all,
Elder Lawrence Sumner Neil

// See the BoS thread regarding the move.


*Computer booting up*
*Please enter password*
*Welcome Journeymen Knight Jones*
I would just like to make this message to tell you about a incident i witnessed involving the Enclave. They spotted a raider and shot her in the leg and then slit her throat. After that they moved to a waster nearby and fired apon her, she fell to the ground where to what i believe the same man who slit the Raider's throat, stabbed the waster in the head digging the blade in killing her. These Enclave seem to be brutal and from what i saw the waster did nothing to provoke them. Just giving a heads up about these people who seem to be on the same technological stage as us or maybe even higher.
*Are you sure? Y/N*
*Logging out*
*Goodbye Journeymen Knight Jones*

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Senior Paladin Titus here.

You confirm that the Enclave have been using acts of aggression upon the Wastelanders?

I am sure the Elder wont stand by and allow this, its in the Codex to stop things like this.  I was right to mistrust these Enclave.

If the Enclave are using technology to attack innocent Wastelanders, we have a problem out there in the wastes.  Head Paladin, what do you advise on this situation?


Head Scribe Bolter here, interupting I know but it must be said.

These "Enclave" have a higher rate of technology then us, and nothing in the Codex speaks about the armor they used.  They are developed beyond Pre-war technology, I would be glad to have a piece of there power armour in my possession so I and my Scribes may study for possible weaknesses etc.  If war is a option, I would love for one of you noble Paladins to bring me a live unarmed Enclave trooper so I may disesct information from him as well as study his armor like I previously stated.

I trust the Elder and Head Paladin will choose our next course of diplomatic actions wisely.


*Computer booting up*
*Please enter password*
*Welcome Journeymen Knight Jones*
After watching the two men from the Enclave approach another waster, i approached to observe. After they approached me we talked briefly, they said they were looking for answers which they were asking the waster, they never told me what they were asking only that they like to know what is going on in the area. They asked if i was hostile and i said i was not as i was not being threatened or had any hostility from them. They asked me if they could trade two laser rifles for a project of theirs, i declined as we do not trade tech. They told me that they do not want to be hostile and would like good relations, i told them i would pass that onto my superiors as i have just done. They were both weilding some kind of Power armour and laser rifles, they seem to have high technology. I'm sorry if it was inapproriate to have spoken with them.
*Are you sure? Y/N*
*Logging out*
*Goodbye Journeymen Knight Jones*

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Junior Paladin Pyro here.

Perhaps you have been misguided brother Titus?
Tenant Ten; Do not allow emotions to jeopardize the lives of your Brothers.
Tenant Seven; Reclamation of technology is of top priority. ; Defending some wastrels should not take your priority

If you hate the enclave for their aggression then that is your hate. It should not lead any of us into a war.

As the Head Paladin told me herself, we are not protectors of the wasteland, we are observers, and we take what we need. We should not engage in a full-scale war for some petty wastelanders.


Senior Paladin Titus here.

Junior, I think its time you opened your mind to the bigger issue.  Enclave are using technology to kill innocents.  Our job, our order, our begining started with the the fight to protect others from harming each other -AND- themselves with technology.  If the Enclave are killing people for no reason that we know of but being in a area they deem theirs that must lead us to a conclusion that they are fighting to maintain domination over a location.  But it'd make sense for them to fight the NCR on there turf and NCR turf because they are at war, the NCR started it.  -BUT- if the innocent are dying for merely trying to suvive then there is a problem.

I advise you search the soul of the Codex, and while your at search your own soul.
PS: Do not accuse me of hating others, I distrust them just like everyone else.
PSS: Knight Jones, you did the right thing.  Good work, its valuable intell even if its discussion.


Junior Paladin Pyro.

Does that mean if the NCR execute prisoners with a laser-pistol, we should start all-out war and sacrifice our battle-brothers in pointless war? Because at it's base point, that seems to be your working logic.


Former head Paladin Anderson signing on.

Pyro, you misinterpret the situation. Keep in mind that if these people are attacking wastelanders unprovoked, they may very well be a direct threat to us as well. Defending the wasters, as you say, is not our concern. However, defending ourselves from external threats is.

That being said, although I no longer hold any authority, I'd strongly advise the current Head Paladin to put the base on a moderate lockdown.

J. Anderson


Junior Paladin Pyro.

Aye Aye Sire.


Senior Paladin Titus

Thank you for your support Brother.
And do me a favor Junior Paladin, show me some respect.  I am pointing out what I believe, you try to attack my judgement on things mentally and its giving me a headach.


*Computer booting up*
*Please enter password*
*Welcome Journeymen Knight Jones*
Due to the current circumstances i've set up a crude barricade to stop people getting in through our flank on the left. I've also made some barricades from the main gate towards the bunker entrance, and i've made a couple of sandbag walls for protection when using the roof as a vantage point.
*Are you sure? Y/N*
*Logging out*
*Goodbye Journeymen Knight Jones*

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


<:: Paladin Kevin Shieldman reporting. It has come to m attention that some wastelanders have set up a settlement in the old Enclave base across the sector. I inquired what they were doing there, and asked them what they had found in the base. He told me that his friend found a hunting rifle, and nothing more. I quickly searched through the base one last time, and he told me they had found some boxes. He brought them over to me in a pile, and they seemed pretty empty. Though, to be on the safe side, I burned the crates since I did not have the right tools to bring the boxes back or open them, and I could not leave them there with the wastelander alone. I also took some pictures of what they have done to the place, which is not much other then adding a wooden watch post on the wall. They do not seem like a threat, though we should keep our eyes on them, as they took the Enclave's old base, and they might find something that we might have missed on our sweeps through there.

<:: Loading Picture 4/29/36-1


Login: Halt O'Carrick
Report:  Well couple days back I met a lone vault dweller who been out for years, He was nice enough to offer the data he has gathered over six years.It included a relatively safe path to the west, Vault locations, Vault details from his old one, Mutant info, as well as other major geographical data. Have it all on drives ready to be looked at by the scribes.

Ex-Duty-converted Monolith:|Draco 'Dice' stellem|Decease
Stalker/Trader:|Dracovich Raka|Alive
Eco:|Dr.Richard L. Vangraff|In zone
Stalker:|Scarler 'becca' Owen|Alive
Stalker:|Taylor 'trinity'|Alive
Military:|Scarlet Stroik|alive


<:: Paladin Kevin Shieldman reporting.

<:: It has come to my attention that that wastelander town, "New Haven", is quickly becoming a liability. They are no threat to us, but more of a pest. Well, more like it beckons pests. Since those wastelanders set up there, there has been an influx of wastelanders in the sector. I have counted in just this evening, 12 wastelanders coming into the sector. Some were the same ones coming in multiple times, others were completely new ones. This is becoming an annoyance, for every time I try going topside to make sure no wastelanders are in the perimeter, I see wastelanders walking around.

<:: It would not be a large problem if they did not see me, approach me, and try to converse with me. Every time I go topside and onto aptrol within the sector, a wastelander comes and asks me "Where did you get that?" or "Can I buy that weapon off you?". No matter how many times I tell them to piss off, they just keep coming back. I personally think something needs to be done with that town, or this will continue and soon enough, maybe dumb enough wastelanders will try entering the perimeter. We should do something about this, before it escalates.

<:: Paladin Kevin Shieldman signing out.


Senior Paladin Titus here.

I advise we engage in direlect with New Havern and tell them to relocate.  Also Shieldman, if anymore approch you raise your weapon and threaten them off.  Alot of these wasters are idiots and it seems the best way forward is to scare them off.  Its almost as if the Super mutants are smarter, its shocking.

Me and a Brother observed a Super Mutant under attack by the NCR, if your asking me my respect for the NCR is lowering since they seem to open fire on whatever even without reason.  I observed these Mutants communicate with the NCR and then be attacked.  I'm glad I wasnt in the way, I'd be dead if I was.  We got out of there before things went awol.

Any news on the Enclave, I still do not trust them especially since that attack on the NCR.  Man that day was intresting, we managed to recover alot of Enclave armor though alot is broken, Plasma and a black box.  The Head Scribe will love that.

Titus out.


Head Scribe Bolter here.

I thought I'd quickly mention we have not investigated the Enclave armor or the black box, how ever I will be analysing the data today with a fellow Scribe.  Titus, thanks for the Tech'.

Also on another note and this is related to the defence of the bunker and as a Head Scribe I believe I have the right to demand for my safty in discovery in the Bunker.

These Outsiders are quite bothersome, interfering and problematic.  I'd like to request we raise our base alert for the safty of our research.


Quote from: Madcombat on 04-05-2012
Head Scribe Bolter here.

I thought I'd quickly mention we have not investigated the Enclave armor or the black box, how ever I will be analysing the data today with a fellow Scribe.  Titus, thanks for the Tech'.

Also on another note and this is related to the defence of the bunker and as a Head Scribe I believe I have the right to demand for my safty in discovery in the Bunker.

These Outsiders are quite bothersome, interfering and problematic.  I'd like to request we raise our base alert for the safty of our research.

Head Scribe,

I request that you make haste with that information. The Head Knight has been discussing with me a possible task for what appears to be a defector from the NCR. Normally we do not allow outsiders to join our ranks, but under the circumstances if he can complete a particular task for us, I will address the council and ask you, the Head Paladin, and Head Knight to hold a conference regarding the subject.

We wish to obtain more information on these Enclave and their technology, but we cannot simply send a handful of Paladins to do the work. It is too dangerous for the entire chapter if we are discovered. An NCR defector however is a deniable asset. The NCR is already at war with the Enclave, so if we send this soldier instead of even our best Paladins, he will not only serve the Brotherhood and prove his loyalty, he will prove himself a valuable asset. If he fails, the Enclave won't believe him if he says the Brotherhood sent him to begin with.

I ask that this mission remain confidential for now. For all intents and purposes, at this time, the NCR soldier in our custody is nothing more than a prisoner of war and has no right to know of our plans for him--yet. Though he may be a defector, we need to make sure he is not attempting to double cross us. That is the purpose of this mission. He will not likely accept such a task if he is still actually with the NCR. If that is the case, he will decline the mission and we will most likely release him (assuming of course he has not been exposed to anything top-secret).

We will discuss this matter further in due time.

Steel be with you,
Elder Lawrence Sumner Neil


<:: Paladin Kevin Shieldman reporting.

<:: I tried your advice, Senior Paladin Titus. It somewhat worked. When he started to leave, he gave me the bird. This "town" of wastelanders, is really getting on my nerves. I mean for fucks sake, he would have waltzed right u to the gate if I had't started walking towards him. I still think we need to do something about that town.

<:: Paladin Kevin Shieldman signing out.

** EDIT **

<:: I have found out some new information today. We will not have to deal with New Haven ourselves. I heard that a vault will be attacking New Haven soon enough. So, if they beat them out of there, we could talk to the vault dwellers about their vault. Also, on a side note, the NCR seems to be spying on us since they are staying around our sector A LOT. Another note, the NCR said they will be helping out New Haven.

<:: And last of all, I have found where the Super Mutants went. They moved into an underground tunnel. There is a note and a bag of gore hanging from the ceiling. I did not see any super mutants, nor hear any. This tunnel may go very deep into the ground. I heard some gasses so if we go down there, nobody should go without power armor or a gas mask.

<:: Paladin Kevin Shieldman Signing out.