Re: Vault 10 apps

Started by Spades_Neil, 22-02-2012

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NOTE: This thread will be moved to the Vault 10 forum as soon as it's put up. Apps will be reviewed early.


Out-of-Character InformationSteam Name: [Gmod.biZ] PHYCHO<[ROFL]>
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:24935434
Time on Fallout RP: I just started it but I know how to do everthing
Why do you think you should get a vault dweller: I'm am a good Roleplayer, and I always enjoy the Vault's of all the Fallout games. I have RPed in a Vault before, and I had fun while I was there.
Do you understand that as a vault dweller you will rarely leave the vault, and have little contact with the outside?: Yes.

In-Character InformationName: Jhon Smith
List your physical characteristics here, good and bad: Tall 5.5 feet|Athletic|Gray Hair|Slow but Strong
What do you think a vault dweller should value most?] A Vault Dweller should value that they live under the protection of a Vault and under the rule of the Overseer, who keeps them safe.
What is your desired field? As of right now, both medical and security are full: Vault Scientist

Backstory (2 or more paragarphs, and please don't kill your parents):

      20 Year Old, Jhon Smith,was a handsome lad that was born inside the vault where he had been all these years. He vowed to never go out of the vault even if it was life or death.Iwas taught by a teacher who I forgot the name of but she was the hottest girl in the whole vault. I wish I could have maried her but she died when I turned 20.

     Right before she died i asked her out,She was about 28,the next day i went in her vault room and she was on her bed with a knife in her hand. I thought she killed herself but poeple found out that it was a murder.I went out late at night to find who the murder was.When it was about 12:30 i found someone with a knife that had a glove on with a knife in his hand.I came up behind him and hit him on the side of his head with a chair.And then a few Seconds later I was dragging him into the detectives office.After i brung him there they found out he was the one who killed the teacher and he got put to death.

Denied - Overall, it was bad, but the backstory in particular was pretty bad.