The Arrival

Started by Keyblockor, 01-12-2008

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The blue pickup truck noisely rattled down the road, the sound of the military checkpoint intercom warned us we'll be shot onsight if we go any further in sight, the truck took a right into a hidden dirt path, the intercoms voice faded away, it was a long twenty minutes, we only had backpacks and a simple makarov, the truck took an immediate stop as i almost lost balance, i looked around, i saw the tree, i belived we were in the zone... i was wrong.

The two figures got out of the car, one was clothed in a black trenchcoat and a ski-mask, a AK-47m slung around his back, the driver was like us, a leather jacket, a backpack, and a simple ski-mask, the leader briefed us on what we were going to face in the zone "O.K, Listen up, newly found stalkers, once you go in, there is a likely chance you will die in under a matter of months, once your in, there is no going back out, you will belong to our clan, trust me, you will survive IF you follow my rules, we will head into the zone, we will stop at a warehouse, that will be our warehouse" he took a breathe from the clean air, one of the last breathe's of clean air we'll take, for it will soon turn into dry air, that would seem to barely support the life of you.

We trekked closer into the zone, the tree's started to decay, the ground and grass turned to a reddish, brown texture, it looked like hell.

We happened on a barbed wire fence, torn into pieces, what stalkers used to get in, the leader unslinged his AK-47m, he reloaded it, throwing the empty magazine on the ground, we filed in one at a time, the last one came through, the leader chuckled, telling all of us "Welcome home my friends, for this is man-made hell"

((  More to come soon :<  ))


MOAR Ilm intrigued. Ill be waiting ^.^


Thanks ^_^


Nice job Key, that was an interesting read. I would just say add periods and less commas to allow readers to structure what they're reading in their mind.


ah. Ok then :)