Pulling guns out of your arse.

Started by Who Dares Wins, 01-12-2008

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Who Dares Wins

People pulling guns out of their arse is becoming really annoying now.

What i'm talking about is this:

A random Loner, no weapon equiped walks upto the Checkpoint.
"HALT! 50 rubles to pass Stalker"
"l0l no wai"

If you have a weapon like an AK with you then for the love of god, have it equiped with it lowered.


Question : I played SA-MP (San Andreas Multiplayer), and there was a nice RP server which had the same rule, but they had that for big guns, and if you have like a glock, or deagle, then you don't need to do /me Pulls out a glock from his waist. Is that the same for this, or for every gun you need to do some /me or something?
Rusty - Returned to the Zone

Who Dares Wins

Valhalla I suppose?

No the rule is only for weapons such as AK's, Shotguns etc. While it would be nice if people could RP pulling out Sidearms it's not part of the rule no.


Well, I always carry my weapon down unless i'm in passive rp not leading to guns shooting, if its something else, i put a title that i have it slinged, i will do /me's and that, unless i'll die before i can even Rp taking it out.


Even if I find out straight away when I actually get a gun, for the newbies, can you guys please explain;

How do I lower my gun?

That's assuming that you have to do something in order to not scare everyone off.

Silver Knight

If their was only a way to place the gun over your back, hmm, and it's rp_toggleholster to lower/raise your gun, bind it to h !

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period