Whats better Vista or Xp?

Started by Agent Smith, 15-06-2008

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Agent Smith

Well im using xp.. i was wondering if theres any point in upgrading to vista? ive heard it looks like real nice and stuff but is it worth it? i have 1 gig of ram so im afraid it might run slow :o


Im on vista but i got like 2 gigs so im fine mate, vista uses like 1 gig constantly so id get two gigs at least before upgrading, but then again it dont hav much new anyway

Agent Smith

Yeah but i want to be ready for those new Direct x 10 games... and they can only play on vista?


 you might be able to play games that use dx10 on xp, but you wont be able to see the dx10 effects. crysis runs on machines running xp but you don't get the nice dx10 effects and stuff.

Agent Smith

Thats why i want vista.... how much is crysis these days? 8)


dont forget, ull need a DX10 graphics card to see the full potentil of it


If you in programming you shouldn't choose Vista it doesn't run a lot of such programs but i don't know any reason why you should choose Vista as i don't know much about it
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Silver Knight

I used Vista for like 9 months, but recently uninstalled it becuase i missed my poor xp... it runs faster.. i can do much more with it.. and in general.. it rules.. but i do miss some of vista's features such as its automatic driver finding software.. where it downloads drivers for you that are similar to the ones needed which rules.. i can never keep track of my drivers disc's and hate going on websites to find em.

So yeah.. xp FTW !

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Ive used vista for a while now, more that 6 months and i love it. I have 1 gig of ram and a dx10 card. when i go back to XP i get very mad... very quick

Silver Knight

Nice revive Tunddruff :P lol, Vista is Win, it was rather messed up on release, but it's much better becuase it's easier to use.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


I really like vista,plus I can run all the games with DX10 with no lag,my vid card has 5 gigs of ram upgradable to like 8. I haven't found any problems with vista if your a gamer.


Well, this thread seems old, but I'll toss my 2 cents in anyway:

The two systems depend on your preference. Vista, in my honest opinion, is way more user friendly, and more attractive.

HOWEVER. XP is more functional, and better for the hard core gamers. My opinion is, of course, totally biased. I practically grew up with Windows 98, 2000, and XP. I can't seem to get into the new, slickness of Vista. (Kinda funny, 'cause my desktop actually runs a Vista theme for XP. Matches my PC case and monitor. Blue and black, I love it.) Anyway, I have tried Vista, and I do love it. But I will never use Vista for my gaming PC. Maybe a school PC, but nothing more.

Although, if you're PC savvy, there's a DirectX 10 emulator out there. I have tried it, and I do play Crysis with the DX10 emulator, though I don't suggest it. A few games don't permit the use of the emulator, and therefore do not recognize it. They treat it as an outdated version of DX, and make you upgrade. But you can't upgrade for some reason.

A few games that do this are LucasArts games. Like SWG, or SW: Battlefront. So I ended up having to go modify a registry entry. It's not terribly complicated, but if anyone is interested, hit me up with a PM or contact me on Steam. If you want the easy way out, try Vista.

Silver Knight

Vista is better becuase of the new features, it's got alot of bad reputation from when it was released, microsoft screwed up big time there, but now it's truely a work of art.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Useing XP -Gamer version - its only 6something mb big and so much faster.


If your rig can handle Vista then Vista is better, if it can't don't make it struggle, use XP.
Why does that confuse so many people.

Sure if you put Vista on some 5 yr old laptop your FPS is going to go from 15 to 10...
But with 1 to 2 year old decent PC's your fps will go from 100 to 98, which is ... OH NO!

Basically, if your Computer is more recent than Vista itself, it can run Vista fine. ( Unless you bought it from Acer. )
Imak Sherman - Loner.
Andre Galdare - Bandit.
Hans Bluneshk - Barkeep.

Silver Knight

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


I can really go both ways. I like Vista personally. But I have both just in case.

I think Windows 7 is going to own everything. Even in it's alpha state, the performance scores are nearly better than XP.