Dark Angel.

Started by Overwatch, 07-02-2012

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  Over the last few weeks, DA Has seem adamant about running large-scale events, of which he runs before asking if we  actually wish to partake in. And for those that don't play on the server, yet have the power to review this complaint such as yourself, Exile; I'll explain in detail and with evidence of what is going on, all evidence will be left at the end, untouched and no specific parts will be brought to attention, sections will be highlighted for some ease of reading,and I wish for each person to read it over, and reach their own conclusion.

  Today, 07/02/12 20:30-21:28 GMT+0 Dark Angel deemed it fit to start a large-scale event, in which three BTR-90's are  destroyed by a few bandits with improvised rockets: (And this is pre-cursing his event  from yesterday, where bandits shot at the Militant tower with an RPG-6)  And on a side note, this is done in Three, extremely accurate and highly incapacitating shots from an improvised tube made by bandits, which halted three BTR's, of which the crew bailed out and the event began.

  To begin the event, The main antagonists had their health improved above standard, eliminating the chance for stray shots; although I suspect an ulterior motive is behind this, letting him tilt the event in extreme to his side, and his event character, somehow against a few sunrises and Rookies, was an Exo with a PKM.

  He goes on to play an "Ultimate bad-ass." The story behind his character, is a government official on a secret mission deeper into the zone. Yet he shows no knowledge of the position he gave himself, Firing wildly at anything and everything. A few specific moments, is unrestrained sprays at two stalkers on a hill, Hitting one of them, and then a roleplay specific moment; which I wanted to refrain from posting as it affects me personally, but have been assured by friends it was uncharacteristic for Military discipline, the situation goes like this: Spades, our military sniper on overwatch is looking over the BTR's from a hill. Dark Angel then asks Icly if it is ours, He receives an "I do not know" And  a "Yes, it is our sniper on overwatch." he then proceeds, showing no characteristic discipline of ROE that the military use in a case of possible friendlies, which he should attempt to hail the contact first, Instead with-out roleplay he starts opening fire in a long, continuous burst. I in character, smack the PKM Barrel down, getting frustrated at the long fight and yelling "Thats our damn sniper on overwatch!" And then the bad-ass affect continues, He shoves me back saying "Im going to make swiss cheese of you, whore." Which is the proverbial cherry on the cake proving he cannot handle positions he deems himself fit for, making no general consensus with Military characters if he can have a high-governmental position for this event.

  This is not the whole story, this is not every story. This is my view and my opinion on the recent matters, I am posting this to take this situation into the light, allowing all other HGN-SRP players post their own evidence and opinions.

This is my main report, on a side-note, we have had trouble with anomalies; Yes I agree the map needs anomalies, but Dark Angel spawns only vortex anomalies, claiming "I use anomalies that kill." And I voiced my displeasure and notified him that they should not be so frequent in the zone, at the time of my complaint the zone consisted of

2x Pulse Anomalies outside freedom (Of which I saw claim five lives)
2x Pulse Around Garbage and Red Forest
2x Pulse Outside Duty
2x Whirligig Anomalies in the swamp
1x Electric Anomaly in Garbage
1x Teleportation entrance outside Eco
1x Teleportation exit outside Garbage, close to the electric and Vortex.

The map consisted of one unharmful anomaly, but was harmful in the fashion it was used, the teleportation anomaly.

Personally I think the zone should consist of more non-harmful and/or noticeable anomalies, such as the bubble, fruitpunch, burner or the generic damage anomaly, and should be used to enhance roleplay, not flat-out kill stalkers.

As I stated before, this is my view and opinion, it may not be correct, what evidence I have will be stated here:


Any other evidence players add will be added here when I view the topic again.

Edit: Rephrased highlighting



Evidence seems very well organized.

Props for taking screenshots, etc.

I would rephrase your post though because quite a bit of it is, infact, highlighted.

Seems pretty open-and-shut to me.


Ill just throw this here.
One event hosted by Dark Angel, "A bunch of bandits, with bad gear and one exo with PKM drives infront of the DUTY base- with somehow working truck".
So the roleplay begins, Dark with his character with Exo and PKM runs on a open place, 5 people shooting him - mostly with G36's and LR's however Exo is somewhat immortal in his wiev, so he did not bothered to roleplay a single hit- instead he continued running, and shooting with PKM at stalkers.
The firefight continued, other bandits - accepting hits, and roleplaying realisticaly (Simply like using barricades and not running on open places).
After the bandits got killed, Dark Angel's character somehow survived, backing up in his "truck" while 6 or more people shooting him, again he did not cared and continued running on the garbage, running in one of anomalies to "die".(Because 10 people shooting at him is appearently not enought)
I do not blame him for doing event, but the way it was made was just -terrible,horrible,worst I ever seen-, but it was not the event, it was only his roleplaying skills.

But that is just one event, that doesn't mean anything.
So of course there are other things, like he is SA and he can PK characters, even when I belive only SV's can do it (Unless rules changed) or himself giving stuff for his normal character, like SVD right.
And then kicking other Admin - just because he wanted Dark to injury roleplay after some event.

This stuff is just from top of my head, I belive I could bring more things.
Oh and +Support

Edit; to these anomalies: I do not belive that is anyhow problem, yes we could use more of them, but you are supposed to look on the way you are going.


The only SA capable of authing PKs right now is myself other then that Apps are required or else the PK is invalid pending Other circumstances, from what I gather here is DA is PGing and runs shit events which seem to have no lead up what so ever. Further points and evidence are appreciated but none of this +support you are not supporting anything.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Quote from: Goose on 08-02-2012
The only SA capable of authing PKs right now is myself other then that Apps are required or else the PK is invalid pending Other circumstances, from what I gather here is DA is PGing and runs shit events which seem to have no lead up what so ever. Further points and evidence are appreciated but none of this +support you are not supporting anything.

I am supporting something be done about this, rather than be dismissed like every other goddamn complain about any admin.


This is a legitimate complaint, and it is being looked into right now what I am saying is that there is no point to support it or not as we know it is legitimate and we are dealing with it.  It would have been looked into and dealt with without any supports, so please from now on only evidence or facts posted in this thread from now on.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


By that "support" I support him to get demoted, or atleast removed his Female Character.
Everyone else applies for these females characters, and I really dont see why should he have a exception when it is his main character, and not for a event.
Just because he is a admin a -SA- shouldn't make him automatically non-applying for such things, or else that would mean he can have a trader too.
Quote from: Goose on 10-02-2012
1:16 PM - CC: Kristoph Volenski says "Uhhh.."
Kristoph Volenski says "Not that I am aware of I usually am outside or in the back, managing communications with the headquarters."
[|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] says "Hmmm...."
[|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] says "Human experiments would be much more useful."
Kristoph Volenski says "Well, I don't dabble on that manner. I don't like to think about it."
[|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] says "Why not?"
[|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] says "It's done widely around the world."
Kristoph Volenski says "Well, human experiments and the Zone don't feel right to me. I prefer to learn about the zone and the anomalies; Not how --"
Kristoph Volenski says "radiation would affect stalkers or something."
[|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] says "Alright...."
** [|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] places the reports back on to the table "So how much do i owe you?"
[|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] says "You are quite a spineless person."
Kristoph Volenski says "Uhhh, right. The equipment will be five thousand rubles.. "
** [|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] opens her chest pocket sliding her hand into it as she stops "What if we just have some fun?"
Kristoph Volenski says "I'm sorry, I don't think I understand what you mean, ma'am. We don't take 'fun' as a currency here."
** Kristoph Volenski laughs.
[|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] says "Well you know, a silent room ... me and you?"
** Kristoph Volenski shakes his head and puts his hands up. "I am sorry, I must decline you. I am a married man back in Kiev; Now the payment?"
** [|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] takes out a rather thick pack of rubles counting "I was just testing you, don't think anything bad."
** [|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] extends five thousand rubles to le ECO "I hope you packed the stuff."
** Kristoph Volenski takes the rubles in one hand and extends a small bag in the other. "Of course. Enjoy your supplies."
** [|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] takes them stuffing them into her shoulder bag "Mhm... but before i go... so a small quickie?"
[LOOC] Recoil: Takes it **

[|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] - Dark Angel

And this is another reason why he shouldnt have such character.


Quote from: knife_cz on 11-02-2012
By that "support" I support him to get demoted, or atleast removed his Female Character.
Everyone else applies for these females characters, and I really dont see why should he have a exception when it is his main character, and not for a event.
Just because he is a admin a -SA- shouldn't make him automatically non-applying for such things, or else that would mean he can have a trader too.
Quote from: Goose on 10-02-2012
1:16 PM - CC: Kristoph Volenski says "Uhhh.."
Kristoph Volenski says "Not that I am aware of I usually am outside or in the back, managing communications with the headquarters."
[|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] says "Hmmm...."
[|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] says "Human experiments would be much more useful."
Kristoph Volenski says "Well, I don't dabble on that manner. I don't like to think about it."
[|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] says "Why not?"
[|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] says "It's done widely around the world."
Kristoph Volenski says "Well, human experiments and the Zone don't feel right to me. I prefer to learn about the zone and the anomalies; Not how --"
Kristoph Volenski says "radiation would affect stalkers or something."
[|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] says "Alright...."
** [|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] places the reports back on to the table "So how much do i owe you?"
[|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] says "You are quite a spineless person."
Kristoph Volenski says "Uhhh, right. The equipment will be five thousand rubles.. "
** [|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] opens her chest pocket sliding her hand into it as she stops "What if we just have some fun?"
Kristoph Volenski says "I'm sorry, I don't think I understand what you mean, ma'am. We don't take 'fun' as a currency here."
** Kristoph Volenski laughs.
[|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] says "Well you know, a silent room ... me and you?"
** Kristoph Volenski shakes his head and puts his hands up. "I am sorry, I must decline you. I am a married man back in Kiev; Now the payment?"
** [|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] takes out a rather thick pack of rubles counting "I was just testing you, don't think anything bad."
** [|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] extends five thousand rubles to le ECO "I hope you packed the stuff."
** Kristoph Volenski takes the rubles in one hand and extends a small bag in the other. "Of course. Enjoy your supplies."
** [|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] takes them stuffing them into her shoulder bag "Mhm... but before i go... so a small quickie?"
[LOOC] Recoil: Takes it **

[|Short|GrayEyes|NoHoo...] - Dark Angel

And this is another reason why he shouldnt have such character.

Wait ERP?

In my Stalker?