
Started by foreverthesickestkid, 03-03-2009

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First of all before posting, or watching the video below you should take a moment of silence for those who died during the 9/11 attack.

Was 9/11 an inside job?



-- If you have other conspiracy videos, or theories, please post them.


Military Recruitment Officer // Christofer Brock
Trader // Maksym Smirnovoych Ctol
CCA.C18-UNION.75160 // Jakob Turman


It was real. End of discussion.

Silver Knight

I personally think its real.. after all... people died so it was real... but who did it and why... well thats another story.. it was clearly planned... no one had thought of it before... they must have had inside work done to get the cicmatics.... they wouldn't kill there own people... thats stupid.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


I own the DVD version of this. I believe it was an inside job. Why wouldn't people kill their own people? People need to be more aware of what a man can really commit if they can justify themselves to do it, no matter how horrendous.


I can see both sides, so I've resolved to believe Hitler, Elvis, and Jimmy Hoffa came back to life and planned the whole ordeal.
_________________________________________________Edit: 31-03-2009_________________________________________________
I can see both sides, so I've resolved to believe Hitler, Elvis, and Jimmy Hoffa came back to life and planned the whole ordeal.


It was a inside job. No doubt about it.


Quote from: cobra on 10-06-2009
It was a inside job. No doubt about it.

++ On that


I believe it was an inside job to give the US reason to start a war, therefor making the US more compact instead of the citizens starting to think that the government/military isn't needed anymore because there is no threat that the gov/military is protecting the citizens from. Look at WW2 for example. Citizens put their troubles aside to help their countries and the men who were on the frontlines dying to "preserve their freedom." Let me ask you this. What freedom do we have in government other than the occasional "Him or him?" In the end, the men on capital hill make the decisions and we put dumb luck for them not to completely screw and and lead our country into the dirt.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


I heavily doubt 9/11 was an inside job, but people can create their own theories and have their own beliefs thanks to the gift of freedom.

Silver Knight

Loose Change Final Cut

Uncut and final cut.... This was a inside job, just watching that opened up my eyes....

4 buildings... destroyed from the bottom, NOT THE TOP, went down, one of them was responsible for detecting those attackings, destroyed after the first two towers went down...

Bush and everyone in that administration should be tried, and hanged and NSS or whatever it was called, disbanded and tried....

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


First time in history a building collapsed from fire.(Even though a plane flew into but it's made to take a plane or two.)