Re: Caphori: Password Application Thread

Started by RighBread, 20-01-2012

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Real Name: DylanRoleplay Name: "Righ" aka "RighBread" aka "Mr. Righ" (Not really sure)Age: 21Players you already know on the on the server: implying I have any connections outside of my own bedroom.Previous roleplay experience: Years of deliciously nerdy Dungeons and Dragons experience. Played on an RP server
on WoW for awhile too. I seem to recall being told I was one of the few people that could roleplay a forsaken correctly.What servers you play on: My own, various others that I find. Don't worry, I have a character specifically for messing
around elsewhere.Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: Nope.Why would you like to join our server: Looks to be the most legit RP server for Terraria.Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: Yes, but I do have a few questions and concerns, but I will bring those
up when I message a mod.A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): I stand
on edge, my left foot still not fully lifted off the ground after being stopped mid-stride. The uncomfortably unfamiliar
yet not quite offensive stench of rash ointment mixed with strong alcohol and what could only be the wafting aroma of three quarters of an inch worth of
dead skin, oil, sweat, and dirt caked onto the man's skin causes my nostrils to sting, making my eyes begin to water. The old
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]geezer's mouth looked like an ancient cave, it's dark wide maw spiraling seemingly infinitely downwards past his shriveled tongue,[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]his few remaining teeth like gold ore, gleaming in the midday sun. The smell from that was not much better. A wrinkly hand continues[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]to shove this "scroll"- just a filthy, crumpled piece of parchment from what I could tell- into my face, eagerly awaiting to release it[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]to a new owner. Almost too eagerly. Politely, I decline the man's offer, claiming to be late for a rather important lunch. I carefully slip[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]past the fool, his deep, sunken eyes staring wildly at me as I gained distance. "YOU'LL REGRET IT, BOY!" I hear cheerfully behind me.[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]The words sent chills down my spine.[/font]


Real Name: Trevor
Roleplay Names: 2$QU!443LY4U (Terraria) TooSquirrelyForU (Minecraft)
Age: 44
Players you already know on the server: None
What servers you play on: Terraria mostly, I prefer the 2D environment. You can see partially through walls. I have dabbled in Minecraft, but not enough to upgrade my character.
Do you play on Aceon? If so state your name: I have only just started playing on your Aceon server, but I like playing Terraria better. No doubt you will be able to see that I posted a few messages on your Aceon server forum page on HGN about a problem I had. But the moderators were able to help me out splendidly.
What servers you play on: Terraria and Minecraft
Why would you like to join our server: Well I think that since you're ranked # 1, you obviously must have the best gaming environment to offer.
Do you agree to the set rules above\ Rules Thread: Yes
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll. What is your reaction? (RP it): I politely remind the man that there are official merchants in town. Whose wares are well know by all who use them. I ask him how am I to know for certain that the supposedly 'enchanted' scroll is not in fact cursed? I put another question to him, would you trust your purse to any ruffian you meet on the street or a respected banker? He tries to stammer a reply and I say, I thought as much sir, no thanks and now good day to you. I must leave you now for the adventurer's siren calls me to come hither with all god-speed.


Quote from: 2$QU!443LY4U on 22-01-2012
Real Name: Trevor
Roleplay Names: 2$QU!443LY4U (Terraria) TooSquirrelyForU (Minecraft)
Age: 44
Players you already know on the server: None
What servers you play on: Terraria mostly, I prefer the 2D environment. You can see partially through walls. I have dabbled in Minecraft, but not enough to upgrade my character.
Do you play on Aceon? If so state your name: I have only just started playing on your Aceon server, but I like playing Terraria better. No doubt you will be able to see that I posted a few messages on your Aceon server forum page on HGN about a problem I had. But the moderators were able to help me out splendidly.
What servers you play on: Terraria and Minecraft
Why would you like to join our server: Well I think that since you're ranked # 1, you obviously must have the best gaming environment to offer.
Do you agree to the set rules above\ Rules Thread: Yes
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll. What is your reaction? (RP it): I politely remind the man that there are official merchants in town. Whose wares are well know by all who use them. I ask him how am I to know for certain that the supposedly 'enchanted' scroll is not in fact cursed? I put another question to him, would you trust your purse to any ruffian you meet on the street or a respected banker? He tries to stammer a reply and I say, I thought as much sir, no thanks and now good day to you. I must leave you now for the adventurer's siren calls me to come hither with all god-speed.

Recommended for blacklist.


Sorry, but I guess I don't know what you constitute as a "good name". Is there a problem with Righ?


Real Name:Ilya Mednick Roleplay Name:Arnaud Age:16 Players you already know on the on the server:None Previous roleplay experience:I played a lot of rps in WC3 custom games such as fantasy life, titan land, and one I created called life of a villager. What servers you play on://i play on my multiplayer server. Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: Why would you like to join our server:I miss being able to rp with a bucnh of cool people in a video game. Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread:I agree. A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): Me:Sir, is that the enchanted scroll of untold truths? Man:Why yes it is, I would be willing to sell it to you for a small price of fifty gold coins Me:Fifty gold coins! Do I look like I would be carrying around that kind of money? Man:Well for such an artifact, I could not part ways with it for any less. Me:Speaking of that, how did you obtain such an item? Man:I was the servant of a powerful wizard named Ahriman. He was out one day to regather some enchanting supplies. I was looking through his library and found it on his work table. I quickly snatched it up and set out to find some one who could make use of it, while making me some money on the side. Me:So you are trying to tell me that you are selling me stolen property from one of the most powerful wizards in the world? Man:Yes, is that a problem? Me:I've heard enough. *At this point I start to change shape, leaving behind the shell of an adventurer and turning into Ahriman, who managed to track down the man due to the object of immense power he had in his possession.* Man:How is that possible!? Me:You have done me wrong, prepare to meet your end. *I zap the man with a powerful lightning strike that electrocutes him on the spot, the old man was no more.* Me:Serves him right. The End


Real Name:chris weedenRoleplay Name:paladin chrisAge:16Players you already know on the on the server:nonePrevious roleplay experience:i have played some rpg games and always stay in good karma
(except skyrim)What servers you play on:really any server that seems interesting
unfortunatly every time i find one it seems to be under griefer attackDo you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:noWhy would you like to join our server:i would like to play on a server that has a bigger task then just
finnishing the game.  To avoid griefers.  basically have a fun time
with fellow gamers.  i also want the ability to actually become a
paladinDo you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread:yes i agree with the set of rules you have setA creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]man:would you be interesested in a enchanted scroll?[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]me:um what does it do?[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]man:well... lots of things.[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]me:what kind of things?[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]man:well it can summon a demon army to fight for you.[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]me:keep your unholy relics away from me!(draws enchanted claymore)[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]man:wait did i say demons i ment angels.[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]me:well in that case ill take twenty... how much does it cost?[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]man:20 platnum.[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]me:i dont have that kind of money![/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]man:ill settle for your soul.[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]me:no good day sir.(leaves)[/font]



Real Name: Tyler
Roleplay Name: Hyzon
Age: 17
Players you already know on the on the server: No one.
Previous roleplay experience: Very experienced.
What servers you play on: None.
Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: N/A
Why would you like to join our server: Looks good, thought I'd give it a go.
Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: Yes.
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): I could use an enchanted scroll old man, but first I have a few questions regarding its legitimacy.


Real Name:Nathan Verley
Roleplay Name:Amynta
Players you already know on the on the server:None

Previous roleplay experience:On this server before (the password changed and I got a new PC)

What servers you play on:My friend's

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:No

Why would you like to join our server:Because I've had good previous experiences with this server, and I want to start again

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread:Yes

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):*Buy it and try to kill Eye of Cthulhu with it*
If the pen is mightier than the sword, then how do you craft a Diamond Pen?
"I've gotta burn something, Lewis! I've gotta burn something!"-Simon
"Shut up and dig, Gaiden!"-Terraria Window


Real Name: Tim

Roleplay Name: Rablok

Age: 14

Players you already know on the on the server: N/A

Previous roleplay experience: Runescape (when i was 7 =P)

What servers you play on: Colin's Fun Server (cfs)(

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:

Why would you like to join our server: Cus i really like RPing =D

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: Yes

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): I ask him if i can read it and if i can i read it if no i dont buy it becouse it may be an cursed one.If i read it and its cursed i dont buy it and if hr gets angry and starts to attack me he is DEAD.If he dont gets angry i ask him what the scroll does.If its not a bad scroll i try it out.


Edit:  A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
Let me see what it does, he shows me what it does. It shoots every item in terraria out :D . I say how much?
Old man 20 platinum even if you have that much- you...... turns into skeletron Me: Ok, lets do this (I see scroll in my hand)
I use it...........(but no one knows what happend next because the weapon was too powerful that everyone died) Me: Im okay!.


Real name:David K.

RP name:Milky


Players you already know: No one

Previous RP experience: This will be my first ( that is if i get accepted )
What servers you play on:Well 70% Single player and the rest on free build servers

Do you play on Aceon (Our minecraft server ) ? If so state your name: I dont own Minecraft

Why would you like to join our server: Well i want to try everything that terraria has to offer and RP in terraria sounds pretty damn nice

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules thread:Yes I Do :)

A creppy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchnted scroll. What is your reaction?: Well i would buy the scroll go kill some dragons,get some dark scales and make myself a pretty awesome scale armor

Ezio Auditore da Firenze

Real Name:Adrian[/size]Roleplay Name:Ezio Auditore da FirenzeAge:24Players you already know on the on the server:BarusPrevious roleplay experience:Well tons i can't really name the servers but tonsWhat servers you play on:Midnght 24/7,My friends server,and lots of other servers i forgot the names of.Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:no i don't
Why would you like to join our server:Well my friend said it was a great server also it just sounds fun.Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread:Yes i agree to the rules.A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): *seeing the man aproch i duck into the shadows and when he looks around confused i use my Assassin skills to stab the man in the abdomen*
Who dares....wins - The British S.A.S  
゙(゚、 。 7
 l、゙ ~ヽ
 じしf_, )ノ Kitty likes it.


Real name:David K.

RP name:Bredda Natty


Players you already know: No one
Previous RP experience: I have played RP in GMod ( 6 months )  In Terraria ( 1 Week )
What servers you play on:Well i only play on freebuild servers

Do you play on Aceon (Our minecraft server ) ? If so state your name: I dont own Minecraft
Why would you like to join our server: Well i want to try everything that terraria has to offer and RP in terraria sounds pretty damn nice.And the security here is at a pretty high level i doubt that there will be griefers on the server so thats why i want to join cause i want to play on a griefer free server
Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules thread:Yes I Do

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll. What is your reaction?:

I'm walking home from the work at the arena,Its night and I've left work later than usual cause today there was a tournament,When i went past the park i saw something unusual I took a closer look and i turns out that it was a old man,But there was something weird The old man was talking to a scroll So i walked to the old man holding my hand on my dagger.The old man said : Don't Be afraid I now going to hurt you *whispering* But not for long.As i went to the old man He gave me an old Scroll Containing a long dead language He said he will sell it to me for 2 shadow scales and 50 pixie dust At first i am going to read it an then decide if its worth it *I said* As i read the scroll A storm was rising and when i translated the scroll it turns out that it's for relishing "The Beast" When i read that i dint say anything to the old man just say'd that i need to go home cause it getting late.When i got home My family was dead And on their bodies were some notes saying " You will be next" and " You know too much" And from that day its my quest to find the killer and destroy his plans The End


Real Name:Tim[/size]Roleplay Name:RabolkAge:14Players you already know on the on the server: noone yetPrevious roleplay experience:runescapeWhat servers you play on:CAT'S featured world, 2dforts version 15Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: sry i dontWhy would you like to join our server:I never rped on terraria beforeDo you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: yesA creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
Old man: Hi there!
Me: Umm.. hi? Do i know you?
Old man: No you dont but do you want to buy a scroll?
Me: Sure What does it do?
Old man: It makes shield all around you.
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]
Me: How much it costs?

[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]Old man: 5 gold.[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]
Me: Okay. *gives him 5 gold and takes the scroll*[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]
Old man: Thank you! Bye![/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]
Me: Thank to you too! Bye![/font][/font]


Real Name: Jay
Roleplay Name: Montey
Age: 14
Players you already know on the on the server: none

Previous roleplay experience: D&D

What servers you play on: my freinds

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: no

Why would you like to join our server: I have never really tried roleplaying always wanted to but always founed it to much of a hassle.

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: yea there pretty reasonable

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): After reacting on how
creepy it is I ask what it does: "Hello? Uhm I might want a scroll what does it do?" "YessSsss it isss a very importent scroll. He snickers, "here hold it you will feel a very smal slight tingleeeee heh heh you reach out and the moment you touch the scroll. BLACK your oblitarated into millions of tiny peices and you watch him eat your corpse from the afterlife


Real Name: Anton Rudander
Roleplay Name: Anton Snow
Age: 18
Players you already know on the on the server: noone, first experience on HGN

Previous roleplay experience: less then 6 months (~none)

What servers you play on: almost none, mostly playing single-player/coop with friends

Why would you like to join our server: I read the description of the server and I hope that I can have tons of fun there. Also I hope to contribute to the experience itself for other players -even though I'm new to this.

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: Yes

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):

I'm walking in the street this, cold dark winternight, when I hear a cough from behind me. With one hand on the handle of my dagger I sweep around with my cape blowing up snow from the street, blinding my pursuer as I pull out the dagger. The old man responds with "*cough* Stop! I meant no harm! *Cough* When I see his fragile body, with a big lump on his back, I sheathe my blade, waiting for the man to continue. "Tell me", the old man says, "how would you like to be king of this land?" as he reatches forward an old scroll, pulsing with magical power. But before I can reach it, he draws the hand back, saying: But first, you must prove yourself worthy to this position of power. As I look on the scroll, shivering and shaking before it's power, I quietly responds "what must I do". The old man grinned widely and light started shining in his eyes. Tell me your name, he demanded. I'm Anton Andersson, son of Anders Jonasson. From this day forward, he shouted, you will be known as Anton Snow, because you'll be as cold and unforgiving as the snow and winter itself. That is how my journey towards rulership began, in a cold street on a dark winternight.
Yay, go Sweden or something :)

There are two thing you need to know to succed
1: Dont tell everything you know


Real Name: Razvan Roleplay Name: Tommy Age: 16 Players you already know on the on the server: none Previous roleplay experience: Yes On many games not only terraria (SAMP,Minecraft,Terraria,GMod) What servers you play on: I played on one server for a while but then it got closed due to lack of information Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No N/A Why would you like to join our server: I wanna try out this server, i hope they don`t loose infos too.. Have you read the rules thread?: Yes Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes


Quote from: Tommy on 01-05-2012
Real Name: Razvan Roleplay Name: Tommy Age: 16 Players you already know on the on the server: none Previous roleplay experience: Yes On many games not only terraria (SAMP,Minecraft,Terraria,GMod) What servers you play on: I played on one server for a while but then it got closed due to lack of information Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No N/A Why would you like to join our server: I wanna try out this server, i hope they don`t loose infos too.. Have you read the rules thread?: Yes Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes
i dont know why it have been made so small? O_O



[size=78%][/size]Real Name:Razvan (I come from Romania so...[size=78%][/size][/color])
[size=78%][/color][/size]Roleplay Name: Tommy [size=78%][/size][size=78%][/color][/size]Age:16[size=78%][/size][size=78%][/color][/size]Players you already know on the on the server:none[size=78%][/size][size=78%][/color][/size]Previous roleplay experience: Sa-MP,Terraria,Minecraft.[size=78%][/size][size=78%][/color][/size]What servers you play on:none [size=78%][/size][size=78%][/color][/size]Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:no[size=78%][/size][size=78%][/color][/size]Why would you like to join our server: Just want to rp, and i found this to be best rp server till now. I hope you wont disapoint me.[size=78%][/size][size=78%][/color][/size] Have you read the rules thread?:yes[size=78%][/size][size=78%][/color][/size]Do you agree to follow the rules?:yes[size=78%][/size][size=78%][/color][/size]A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): [size=78%][/size][size=78%][/color][/size]As i walk on the street the man stands infront of me whit a scroll in his hand showing it to me. [size=78%][/size][size=78%][/color][/size]He says: Stranger! Come closer come come...[size=78%][/size][size=78%][/color][/size]I don`t say anything and i get close to him.[size=78%][/size][size=78%][/color][/size]What do you say boy? You want to buy this scroll i have here?[size=78%][/size][size=78%][/color][/size]I look at him and then ask him: Can you show me it? What does this scroll is for?[size=78%][/size][size=78%][/color][/size]It is a pray! This is supoused to clear your mind and make your body fell free![size=78%][/size][size=78%][/color][/size]He opens the scroll and shows me some text. This is not gowing to make you invincible! This is supoused to make you feel better, and release you of the bad things that you can`t handle by yourself.[size=78%][/size][size=78%][/color][/size]Elders say that its Writtend by an Old Monk. I don`t sell it to make myself rich! I just spread the good around the people. But you know.. these days you can`t live whitout an coin in your pocket! You look unconvinced boy! Look we will make a deal. I will give you this scroll for free if you give me some beard and some fresh water! As i told you i don`t need money for it. [size=78%][/size][size=78%][/color][/size]I look at him a bit surprised, as i get my bag off my back i open it and give the old man some bread and a bottle of water.[size=78%][/size][size=78%][/color][/size]He takes the water and bread and disapear in a dark alley.[size=78%][/size][size=78%][/color][/size]I take my scroll and put it in my bag and till i reached home i tinked only at the scroll.[size=78%][/size][size=78%][/color][/size]After some days the scroll dosen`t seem to have any bad things on it so i keep it even in these days![size=78%][/size]
[/color]I suck at bbc so please be  kind whit me.

Jack Freeman

Real Name:JackRoleplay Name:Linius PallitaxAge:14Players you already know on the on the server:NonePrevious roleplay experience:Experience is moderate. A few Minecraft and HL2 RP servers here and there.What servers you play on:None at the moment. And I can't remember the names of past ones.Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:No, but I do plan to.Why would you like to join our server:Because other servers nowadays are very unorganized, and the community is just rude. However this server has a nice community and is VERY organized as I can tell just from looking at the forums!Have you read the rules thread?:Of course!Do you agree to follow the rules?:Of course again!A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
What is it old man?! Can't you see I'm busy?! I must continue my studies of the arcane! In silence I do prefer! Why with all the work I have I do not- whats this? These symbols on this scroll....they are ancient dark magic symbols! I must study this at once! I will pay anything! Why with dark magic at my disposal...power and wealth can be mine!
"When you're not here, I'm like a doughnut without a hole. No, wait, that's a bagel. Although a bagel DOES have a sort of depressed area in the middle, like me when you're not here....

...Without you, I'm a bagel."


Real Name: Zander
Roleplay Name: ZandianAge: 18Players you already know on the on the server: NonePrevious roleplay experience: NoneWhat servers you play on: I've only played on servers with one or two people, so none reallyDo you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: I don't own minecraftWhy would you like to join our server: To actually play Terraria with other people (The RP would be nice too) Have you read the rules thread?: YesDo you agree to follow the rules?: YesA creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
A warrior walked the empty streets of a moonlit night.

"Come here my boy" an old man whispered to the warrior.

The warrior, sensing an odd aura cautiously approaches the old man "What is it old man, I have errands that need attending"

The old man spoke quietly, almost if he wanted no one to hear what he had to say. "I have heard of your many battles, you are quite strong from what the legends say"

The warrior was now in distance to see the old man who hid in the shadows. His disfigured face repusled the warrior but yet he was interested in what he had to say.

"Yes, i have seen my fair share of combat, but what is it to you?"

"Well, it just so happens that i have come across a powerful scroll that would aid you in any battle." The old man cackled as he pulled an old looking parchment from under his robe. "Said to give the user incredible strength"

Unconvinced, the warrior asked if this was indeed true then why the old man wouldn't use the scroll.

The old man peered over the scroll "Oh my boy, this scroll can only be used by those who are worthy, one such as yourself, not me.. a humble old man"

"Hmm, i guess that's one powerful scroll you have then. You should be careful who you show that to." The warrior stared at the old man.

Confused by the warriors statement the old man started "And why would i hav-"

In a flash the warrior landed a fatal blow with his sword. The old man fell to the ground.

Taking the scroll from the lifeless body of the old man the warrior whispered to himself "Otherwise it could fall into..." The warrior looked up to examine the old man "...the wrong hands".

The warrior walked off into the night with the scroll. No one ever saw the warrior again.

{Please Use the Code on the First Page, this is barely readable}


Real Name:Test[/size]Roleplay Name:TestAge:TestPlayers you already know on the on the server:TestPrevious roleplay experience: TestWhat servers you play on: TestDo you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: TestWhy would you like to join our server: TestHave you read the rules thread?: TestDo you agree to follow the rules?:Test[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): If anyone actually sees this (doubt but it's your lucky day so but a lottery ticket or something) This will be edited so don't worry[/font][/size][/font]


[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]Real name [/font]

Real Name:Roleplay Name:Age:Players you already know on the on the server:Previous roleplay experience:What servers you play on:Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:Why would you like to join our server:Have you read the rules thread?:Do you agree to follow the rules?:A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):


Real Name: haslin umar
Roleplay Name: where_my_burrito
Age: 13
Players you already know on the on the server: no one
Previous roleplay experience: hmm,skyrim?
What servers you play on: normal serverDo you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: nopeWhy would you like to join our server: i want to play RP terraria
Have you read the rules thread?: yes
Do you agree to follow the rules?: yes
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): take it

{Denied - All round poor answers, lack of understanding what RP is, non-RP name, lack of RP experience, terrible RP section, posting many times on this thread}


Real Name:Haslin UmarRoleplay Name:Where_my_burritoAge:12Players you already know on the on the server:No onePrevious roleplay experience:SkyrimWhat servers you play on:Normal serverDo you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:NopeWhy would you like to join our server:Want to play RP Terraria
Have you read the rules thread?:YesDo you agree to follow the rules?:Really yes
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):