|Outcasts| Membership Applications - Open

Started by Doomburger, 04-12-2011

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Out of Character
Steam Name:



Kicks/bans on record:

Amount of time spent on HGN:

First Name:

Last Name:





Medical Conditions:

Qualities and combat experience:


[center][b][size=14pt][color=darkred][b]Out of Character[/b][/color][/size][/b]

[size=12pt]Steam Name:



Kicks/bans on record:

Amount of time spent on HGN:[/size]


[size=12pt]First Name:

Last Name:





Medical Conditions:

Qualities and combat experience:




Out of Character
Steam Name: |HGN| Sgarner215

Age: 16

Timezone: EST

Kicks/bans on record: None

Amount of time spent on HGN: A few months
In-CharacterFirst Name: Shilo

Last Name: Garner

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Height: 5'9

Weight: 190

Medical Conditions: None

Qualities and combat experience: Knows how to use a weapon, Good in melee fights. Good accuracy with Shotguns and Assault Rifles.

Shilo Garner was born in a bunker, just north of the Mojave, to Johnathan and Sarah De'Piera. His parents were happy for his birth, but unfortunantly had to get back to their duties, leaving Alexander under other care. Alexander saw his parents every now and again, but was too busy with his own work from around age five. Needless to say, Alexander didn't bond with his parents too much.
               He remained under Knight training and care all his childhood, himself growing to become a healthy man. He achieved the title of Initiate around the age of 18, his passage into adulthood. From then, he began to move into more advanced training, in preparation to become a fighter for the Brotherhood of Steel.Around the age of 20, his chapter announced to him that they were relocating him to a Northern Utah chapter. They claimed that they needed more fresh men there, being they were short. Alexander didn't know what to think. He wanted to help, but he didn't want to leave his friends. He didn't have much of a choice, however, and he soon packed to leave. He said goodbye to his fellow friends and trainers he grew up with, before departing. He arrived in the Northern Utah chapter about a day later, being greeted by their Elder. "Welcome.", Alexander recalls as the only thing the Elder said to him directly. Years later, Shilo had a crazy thought that the Elder had forgotten the Brotherhood Of Steels mission and abandoned them. He attributed the thought and left the Brotherhood Of Steel.


Out of Character

Steam Name: |HGN-CRTO|Recreas

Age: Almost 16.....

Timezone: GMT+1

Kicks/bans on record: May have been kicked once or twice, but no bans.

Amount of time spent on HGN: Way over a year, so somewhere between 1 - 1 1/2 years


First Name: Nick

Last Name: Klaver

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Height: 79 Kg

Weight: 1.91 meters.

Medical Conditions: Healthy, no allergies or diseases.

Qualities and combat experience:

Been in the wastes long enough to have killed some monsters, used to protect a trade caravan and did various mercenary assignments.

Very Diplomatic

Not very Agile
Poor at sneaking and stealing.
No real medical knowledge.


It all started 28 years ago when Nick was born, he had the regular life of a young wastelander. He had to help his parents and the other wastelanders to keep the town up and running. He learned how to grow his own crops; to hunt for your meat; to keep cattle for your milk and to scavange for usefull items. As time passed he grew up to become a young, decent and hard working man. He wanted to be the generation that would rebuild the country and give the future generations a better and happier life.

When he reached the age of 17 he realised it was time for him to leave, he couldn't rebuild the world by staying here, at the same spot. He left his family and friends for a search of fame and glory. After days of walking to the north he found another settlement, he managed to get work there as a mercenary. He did some errands for some of locals and brought some caravans to their desired destinations. His name became know through out the settlement, he was the guy that the locals would go to if they needed some help. Nick was proud of himself, he did have the feeling that he was doing something right.

He stayed and worked in the settlement for 5 long years, the settlement was lucky to have him. But this happiness didn't last for long, the settlement got raided. Men got murderd, women got raped, Nick tried to fend the raiders of as long as he could but he had no choice but to retreat. He ran for days to be sure the raiders didn't capture him, untill he ran out of food. He knew that he would starve to death if he didn't find any food within the week, though after days of searching he managed to get a little bit of his luck back. He found an actuall trading caravan, he begged them for help and so they helped them. After he recovered from his close death he was brought to the nearest settlement. But Nick couldn't let this caravan go without reward, he had nothing to give them except himself. So he offerd them his services and they gladly accepted.

He ran years with caravan, he protected it from raiders, mutants and other scum. and after 4 years he thought that his debt was paid. He thanked his former boss and with some hard earned caps he was dropped off at the nearest settlement, Blue Rock Estate.

There he met some interesting people, he got offered some work and in return he of course got a reward. And after a year of doing errands for them they decided that they could trust him. He got offered a position as intiate....

(The ending might be a bit.... crappy.)

Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


Delete this post.


assassin8909 - Accepted

Recreas - Accepted


Out of Character

Steam Name: Storm_Shield   

Age: 12

Timezone: GMT -5

Kicks/bans on record: 0

Amount of time spent on HGN: 5 Weeks.


First Name: Heather

Last Name: Brown

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Height: 5'8

Weight: 160 lbs

Medical Conditions: Slight bad eyesight, Wears glasses.

Qualities and combat experience: Weapon handling, and Repairing.


Heather Brown raised in the Wasteland with 2 brothers and a father and mother. They were wealthy because of her father Mark, he was a Knight for the Brotherhood of Steel. He was a good man, and a great solider. He always told Heather and her brothers stories about the brotherhood, Heather always loved them too. She would sit next to her father, listening to his father and laughing. She had a great life. Her mother stayed home and watched over the kids feeding them and keeping them happy. She was a amazing person, loving and caring she kept the kids well and happy. She knew first aid and was willing to train, Heather asked if she could learn first aid, she said yes right away and got to work helping her out. At the age of 16 her father showed them how to use guns properly. He showed them how to hold and fire the gun, he also let them shoot targets down. Her dad also knew how to repair weapons, he didn't show them how to repair. But Heather asked her father to show her how to repair weapons and armor, her father agreed and showed her how. Over the years of time Heather found broken items and repaired them and if they broke even more she used them as target practice. She practiced and practiced more and more and finally was ready.  She always wanted to become a Knight like her father, it was her dream. At the age of 25 her brother Daren left and said he was becoming a mercenary, her brother Ian tryed to stop him but Daren left. Her brother Ian hugged his family and told Heather "Meet you there." (Ian Brown is a Knight in the Brotherhood Of Steel which Heather wants to be) Heather nodded and hugged her brother.  Heather the last one of the third said goodbye to her family but before she left her father handed him a Brotherhood of Steel dog tag that was her father's. Heather headed out making her way to the Brotherhood base. When she was almost there she saw figures in the distance wearing power armor. She got closer and noticed they were wearing red power armor, she saw behind them a Brotherhood of Steel member being beat, she didn't want to join the Brotherhood of Steel because he feared that she might be beat too, she thought fast and walked over to the men asking them "Can I join you?" They laughed and asked her a bunch of questions. Heather answered them all right away, they looked at each other and agreed that she could. They finished up with the Brotherhood of Steel member and went back to their base. "Welcome home."
I'm back from the dead...


Storm_Shield - On trial.  It's not the backstory that makes you good or bad for this job, so I'd like to give you a shot. You're on trial as an Initiate. Don't screw up.


Out of Character

Steam Name: baafster

Age: 16

Timezone: GMT+1 (Berlin/Amsterdam)

Kicks/bans on record: None

Amount of time spent on HGN: A month or so a while back.


First Name: Harry

Last Name: Kneest

Gender: Male

Age: 35


Weight: 75 Kilo's

Medical Conditions:
Healthy, like the standard person.
Qualities and combat experience:
Pyromaniac (Can be good)
Demolition/Pyro Expert.
Loyal, Following Orders, Alert.

It all started years ago,  but up untill a year ago Harry had quite the normal life of a scavanger. He collected materials, food and other items to make his living.

But at the age of 34 he met a man in strange armor. He had seen it before, it was power armor. They told him that they were in need of all his laser weaponary, they offered him a small fortune. Harry agreed to give them the weaponary but on an other condition. He wanted them to give him a chance, a chance to become just like them. At first, they wanted to decline his offer, but Harry was able to convince them.

They took him to their base, for months he had to train hard and so he did. But soon he learned that the BOS was no true to their ideals, at first he tried to convince the officers but they thought that Harry was too much of a fanatic. He got laughed at, right in his face.

So one night Harry decided to leave, together with others that shared the same ideology as Harry. They left to join the Outcasts, as they were still true to the right and real cause.


Steam Name: Assassinator1097

Age: (?)

Timezone: CST

Kicks/bans on record: Zero bans, two kicks.

Amount of time spent on HGN:
Registered two years go.


First Name: Ralph

Last Name: Merger

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Height: 1.98 m

Weight: 93.6 kb

Medical Conditions: N/A

Qualities and combat experience: Ralph picked up weapon and other technology maientenace quickly
in his time as a knight, although was always noted to be quick to anger. With his large stature,
this has had many think of him as a "bully" to his colleagues. So far he has only be in two real


   Ralph, along with many others, was born within his home bunker. Although Ralph wondered
why his family was a bit different; the other childrens' parents visited them, actually
acknowledged them. He wondered why he didn't recieve the same treatment, although he did not pay
much mind to it, as most parents didn't seem to care much for or spend any great amount of time
with their children anyway.

   Eventually he grew up and became an Initiate, at even this early age, he had grown to be
large in stature. His personality was bold, unfearful, and willing; fit to serve, but dragged down
by his temper. On more than one occasion had he and the other children gotten into physical
fights, to which he would proudly say he was the victor of all. Even so, his superiors were eager
to employ him as an asset, so they chalked up his previous actions as things that all children do
in the process of growing up.

   Showing an affinity for the maintenance of technology, he was eventually promoted to the
rank of Knight. Although he had always pushed for a spot in any outing, he was now more than
readily accepted for his first venture out of the bunker walls. Much to his dismay, nothing of
much excitement happened. It was not until Ralph's second outing that he was able to encounter the
action which he desired.

   Ralph was especially happy, as he was allowed to carry the minigun on this occasion. Only
because he was the most suited to doing so, but he didn't seem to mind. As Ralph walked with the
caravan, he seemed to be adoring the minigun more than paying attention. He was brought out of his
dreamstate when one of his fellows yelled out, "Raiders! I can see ten of them, more coming!"
Ralph grinned to himself from behind the caravan. The amount of raiders coming forth did seem
quite alarming, but they had yet to notice Ralph himself. Ralph peaked over, noticing around
fifteen raiders, now rather close. Ralph could hear the sounds of bullets flying between the two
parties as he stepped out from behind his cover and began to spin his minigun barrels in
preparation to fire. Ralph relished in the grimace of fear displayed by the raider nearest him,
the only other facial expression to be shown was one of intense pain after several rounds
perforated his body.

   The carnage was swift, as the raiders had moved forward quickly, having assumed there to
be only four Brothers. The jubliations and praise directed at Ralph only furthered his
bloodthirst. The caravan succeeded in its journey with no further attacks, much to Ralph's
disappointment. Due to reccomendations from those with him during the raider ambush as well as the
promise seen in him, Ralph was promoted to Knight Sergeant. He continued his constant requests for
expeditions outside of the base, though desired to lead these himself. It took several months
before he was allowed to do so, and even then, only on very low risk tasks. Several years passed
under these circumstances, beginning to infuriate Ralph. "Do they not trust me? Have I not proved
my worth?" These were the thoughts that circulated through his mind.

   Indeed, due to more vigilant observation of Ralph's behavior, the Head Knight in
consultation with the other leaders began to ponder if they had been hasty in the rapid promotion
and trust already placed in Ralph. Although they counciled, they couldn't quite find much reason
to withold from Ralph from any further promotion. In the end, they decided to send Ralph on a
moderately difficult task, which involved going to an old factory which supposedly contained
several documents on the construction of laser rifle modifications. Ralph didn't exactly care
where this information came from or the difficulty of the task, his mind focusing soley on the
mission at hand.
   His squad assigned to him, Ralph undertook the trip. The journey over didn't present any
challenge. This didn't particularly bother Ralph, as the true test was what was inside. Head
Knight Armadius has informed Ralph that there were a miriad of drones protecting the factory,
though none too difficult. As Ralph and his squad began to enter the decrepid factory, the drones
began to power up for their defense. For the next thirty minutes, the roar of chaingun fire and
lasweapons firing echoed around the cavernous, metal walls until the group finally arrived at the
factory's main office. Ralph accessed the console as his fellows guarded the entrances from any
stray drones that might appear. Within the console Ralph found the access code for the main vault
which contained all confidential documents. Ralph pondered about how such great security measures
were implace for simple weapon modifications, but pushed the thought away, his pride swelling up
as he neared the completion of his mission.

   The access code was found, but a warning showed that all exits would be placed onto
lockdown; the only exit being through the sewers. Ralph's companion read over his shoulder,
"Sewers? That's where all the mutants are. I don't be- Wh- what've you done?" Ralph had punched in
the code, sending the factory into lockdown. The siren blared as all robotic personnel were
activated in a last ditch extermination effort. The squad hurriedly made its way to the nearby
vault, entering and shutting the door after them. Ralph found only two small sets of paper which
he looked over, containing the modifications which were specified to him. He found this
coincidence odd, but the drones had begun to fire on the vault door, and he wasn't about to wait
to see how long it would hold.

   Ralph and his squad entered into the sewers through the vault entrance. The sound of
running water bounced off the rather small corridors. As they made their way through, the
atmosphere was tense, each member scanning for the slighest movement. Green ichor dripped from a
nearby hole in the wall, deterring anyone from approaching as they carried on. As they
neared what appeared to be an entrance, a large monstrosity hissed at them from behind. They began
to evacuate rapidly until a similar creature jumped in the way of their path. Cornered, they began
to open fire as the two monsters approached. The man nearest the entrance-creature was speared by
one of its large legs, cleanly puncturing through him. The yell from the dying man seemed to
invigorate the creatures as they pressed on. Ralph ran straight at the monster blocking the
approach, minigun firing all the way before being slammed against the wall by a spiked leg. As
Ralph slowly lost conciousness, he was able to view the carnage from a distance; another member
falling prey to a long swipe, the obvious breakage of his spine evident from the large crack.

   As pained eyes slowly began to open, the results of the slaughter were in plain view.
Ralph glanced around in an effort to assure the assailants were no longer close by before
attempting to haul himself to his feet. The pain in his side assured him that several ribs were
definitively broken. Ralph now took the time to assess his squads. What corpses remained intact had
clearly no life left within them. Ralph frowned as he made his way towards the exit. A pity that
they had died, he thought. The trek was slow, but luckily for Ralph, uneventful. As he approached
the bunker, several members rushed out to aid him. Once properly attened at his medical bed, the
Head Knight paid him a visit. Ralph proudly gave him every detail, but Armadius seemed displeased.

"I completed the task, did I not?" "Yes, but... at what cost? You knew the sewers were a filth-
pit... a squad of five men had no place down there, nor a squad of even ten men." "I got the
documents, I did what I was commanded." "Yes, yes you did..."

   As soon as Ralph walked out of the medical bay several weeks later, he was informed that
he would be transferred to a bunker that was more in dire need of men. Ralph immediately became
suspicious and doubting of the Head Knight. Perhaps the mission had been set up to remove Ralph,
because Armadius was jealous of his success. On further recolection, there were several instances
where things had appeared odd, yes. Ralph began to ponder day and night, though accepted the
transfer. The trek was slow, but eventually they made their way to the bunker. Upon arrival, they
were greeted by the bunker's commander. The first briefing given by the commander showed their
purpose here, to help in aiding the wastelanders that lived within this... bunker. Now Ralph
understood why there were many odd people within the perimeter. They were wastelanders. Disgusted
at the disregard for technology, Ralph could hardly bare to commence his service.

   Now after several weeks of work with his new colleagues, there has been no knew acquisition
of technology, no gain in anyting valuable, only loss in attempts to protect the worthless
wastelanders. Even Armadius would seek technology, even if he did not have the drive to attain it
at all costs. Even so, Ralph had heard of several members who had left to form their own
brotherhood. One which devoted itself to technology, fulfilling what the Brotherood of Steel
should be doing here. In the dead of night he struck out to find these brothers, to help them in
their enlightened path.


Assassinator - Accepted. I don't think any comments are necessary.


Out of Character

Steam Name:|HGN| INA7HAN [EC]


Timezone:British timezone

Kicks/bans on record:Kicked sometimes no bans

Amount of time spent on HGN:
6-8 months now i think


First Name:Adam

Last Name:Jones




Weight:13 stone (Not really sure what avergae weight is for adult)

Medical Conditions:None

Qualities and combat experience:Is good at repairing and maintaining weapons. Knows how to fire small arms such as pistols,rifles,shotguns and assualt rifles.Is quite pretty accurate with his weapons and is good at keeping multiple rounds on target while firing an automatic weapon.

Background:Adam Jones has lived in the wastes all his life with his mother and father. His father was a mechanic, he used to fix things for people which needed it for money. He was good at his work fixing travelers weapons and armour. People living in their town appreciated his work highly. His mother was a nice caring women and a good cook, she made good use of food making nice food for everyone. Adam loved his family and they all had a happy life in the wastes. When Adam was 12 his father for his birthday gave him a 10mm pistol, he taught Adam how to use it and maintain it. He told Adam that if he wanted to survive in the wastes he would need to learn how to protect himself. Adam learnt well in using his pistol and took up a job of helping people for some caps. When Adam was 14 he bought a hunting rifle with his earned money. He learnt with help from his father how to maintain these weapons and use them efficeintly. Adam often went on hunting trips with some others from the town tracking down mutants for food like mole rats. He become a good shot with his rifle and at the age of 17 he was helping guard the town from attacks.
    At the age of 18 something terrible happened. A group of bandits arrived armed with various weapons demanding money and food each month, they left saying they would be back. People began to panic in the town knowing they wouldn't be able to get enough food for them and the bandits and wouldnt be able to trade with passing caravans if they didn't have the money. Adams dad set out to get aid from the brotherhood of steel. When Adams dad came back two days later he told everyone of how they wouldn't help and were to busy. Adam knew they couldn't give up there food and money so he took it apon himself to use his money earned to buy more weapons for the town. After buying these weapons he started to train some of the men in the town how to use these weapons in an attempt to protect the town. After weeks of training and preparing Adam thought they could win. He was wrong. At the end of the month the bandits arrived again but there were more of them this time about 17 in total all armed. The bandits stood outside the closed towns gates waiting. Adam rallied up everyone armed to the walls and demanded the bandits to leave. The bandits opened fire killing some of Adams men instantly. After 5 minutes of intense combat Adams men were losing many people in the town were dead and some wounded. When all hope was lost and Adam heard the click of his weapons stating it was empty red lasers appeared from the entrance of the town. Adam was shocked he had never seen anything like it. Bandits span round opening fire and tried to escapse but were mowed down by these beams of red light. Adam stood up slowly as all the bandits were dead and walked towards the gate. A small squad of around 8 people wearing huge armour coloured in red approached Adam wielding weapons Adam had never seen before. A short while later he knew about these outcasts and wished to join them. His mother and father although concerned agreed to him joining them. After years training Adam is now 21 and a member of the outcasts

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Out of Character

Steam Name: ComradeBritish

Age: 16

Timezone: GMT 0

Kicks/bans on record: Banned from forums and servers for a few months.

Amount of time spent on HGN: 1 year and a half


First Name: Mathew

Last Name: Raposa

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Height: 5ft10

Weight: 159 lb

Medical Conditions: None

Qualities and combat experience: Keen interest in technology, previous Brootherhood training in fire arms, both conventional and energy based. Light field experience. Firm beliefs in the Brotherhoods purpose to collect and preserve technology.

Background: Mathew was raised into the Brotherhood of Steel, to Scribes. His parents raised him to take interest in technology, hoping for him to follow in their footsteps when he came of age. But Mathew found that throughout his childhood he would much prefer a life as a soldier for the Brootherhood, much like a child playing with little plastic army men would love to be one. He found the thrill seeing power armoured men walking up and down the bunker, the faint sound of the firing range in his ears, wishing for a life like that. His older brother was going on to be a Scribe, a brother he looked up to, but still his dream carried on. When he was 12, he told his parents of his intentions, to become a Knight in the Brotherhood. Still carrying an interest in technology with him, at fourteen he began minor training to become a soldier for the Brotherhood, at 16 he was permitted to fire weapons on the range, exciting the interest he had held from childhood. All the while, he was taking in the Brotherhood's beliefs, ones he would be protecting in the future. He found himself taking the fact that the Brotherhood were the only group who could turly understand and utilise the old worlds surviving pieces to put humanity back together. When he turned Eighteen, he became an initiate in the Brotherhood, happy that he was going on the fulfill his dream. At this point, his brother was a scribe with his parents, toiling away in the bunkers laboratories and workshops. In a way, he felt relived that he would see the wide world, rather than the cold concrete structure, a second womb in his mind, one he would have to be born from again. After becoming an initiate, he saw the way the Brotherhood strayed from it's goal, helping the people. He did not openly object, feeling he would face some grueling punishment by his Elder and comrades. At some point, he found himself stationed at Blue Rock, and later on in the midst of an oppurtunity. Some were leaving the Brotherhood in secret, to follow the core belief of the Brotherhood, to become Outcasts. Following on with a much higher ranked friend, he chose to go on with the outcasts, to fulfil what he thought was the Brotherhood's true goal in the wasteland.
Suspiciously cheesy man sighted on east pier at 9pm.


Applications are now closed. Last two will receive my verdict soon. Ask me on steam friends or on the server.


@ComradeBritish - Accepted.
@INA7HAN - The chance for the Outcasts to help a settlement that yields no tactical advantage to them is fairly slim. But I'll let that mistake slide and ignore your record for now. Accepted as a trial initiate.


Quote from: Doomburger on 15-12-2011
@ComradeBritish - Accepted.
@INA7HAN - The chance for the Outcasts to help a settlement that yields no tactical advantage to them is fairly slim. But I'll let that mistake slide and ignore your record for now. Accepted as a trial initiate.
I must admit i did see that as a problem after reading another app and realizing more about the outcasts. Sorry for that but and thanks for putting me on trial

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Applications now re-opened. Induction into Outcasts will be through app only.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Out of Character

Steam Name: |HGN|Recrow

Age: 15 1/2

Timezone: GMT + 1

Kicks/bans on record: Zero on both of them

Amount of time spent on HGN: 3/4th of a year.


First Name: Jimmy

Last Name: Klaver

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Height: 1.89 m.

Weight: 79.5 Kilo's

Medical Conditions:
Physical Status: Healthy
Metal Status: Has been better.

Qualities and combat experience:
Served as a huntsman in the clan he was born in, developed skill with sniper rifles over the years and is as loyal as your dog would be.

Jimmy Klaver, an average wastelander kid. Born and raised in his clan, and a true patriot. As soon as he walk he already wanted to go hunting with his brother, and just like his brother he
wanted to take care of his family. He really looked up to his brother, he meant a lot to him and so did his brother also feel about him. But only five years later he lost his idol; his brother;
his mentor and above all his best friend. He did not know where his brother had gone, he was in total shock. He felt scared, alone and betrayed. Betrayed by his own brother, the  young man that he loved so much.
His parents tried to calm him down, they told him that everything would be fine. Jimmy's brother went on with his life, he had important planes. They assured him that he would be back but he didn't.

And so his own life slowly crumbled apart, the path he now followed was filled with darkness. He did not care much for others, and spend most of his time hunting down animals.
He didn't care anymore, but as years passed something more bright happened. After six years of darkness a beacon of light tried to bring him back on his tracks.
This beacon was a squad of B.O.S knights, they were traveling through the country and recognised that Jimmy was quite a capable fighter, maybe a bit young but a few years of training should make him fit right in.
And it really did, he served the B.O.S for over ten years. He was a real asset and was soon ready for his promotion to Knight. But this process was interupted.
Only a few days before his trials he saw his brother again, at first he couldn't believe it. Was it really his brother, could it be?
But it wasn't a dream, the man he saw was truelly his brother. He wanted to know more, so he ventured out of his current position in the Blue Rock Estates to a nearby gas station.
He heard rumours that a group of outcasts were posted there, maybe they knew more of his brother. And they did, suprisingly enough his brother was actually one of those outcasts.
They sat down, and talked for hours. Jimmy didn't care that his brother was now his enemy, he was so happy that he finely found his brother.

But time passed, and Jimmy had to get back to his post. His brother promised him that he would get Jimmy out of there. That Jimmy couldn't stay with those ignorant wastelander lovers and that
the outcasts were the real thing. They did care about technology. And so that night he escaped, he defected from his old ranks in the B.O.S and went to join the Outcasts so that he could re-unite with his brother
and next to that also serve the real and rightous cause.

Even though your character is a Waster. He used to be in old B.O.S So its fine. So you are now an initiate. Congrats.


Why can't you ever get the formatting right?
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


I hate to post in an application thread without an application, but maybe you should create a new backstory instead of copy-pasting and editing the one for the Brotherhood of Steel.


Out of Character
Steam Name: |HGN| Halokiller38
Age: 15 (16 in March)
Time zone: Eastern Standard Time, USA
Kicks/bans on record: Maybe 2 Kick but no bans
Amount of time spent on HGN:Almost 4 weeks
First Name: James
Last Name: Harper
Gender: Male
Medical Conditions: None
Qualities and combat experience: Has been in two firefights WITH the Outcast versing 2 different groups. Has protected two towns from danger (Harper's Landing and Red Chapel [Sheer Side]). Has been to the cave and protected a few men and Outcast.
Background: James Harper was born by Markus Harper and Rebecca Johansson.

        (About the parents) Markus Harper was born a Brotherhood of Steel soldier. He has had medical training in both Medicine and Surgery. He has had 5 major injuries and has recovered from all. He spent his childhood fighting the other children in the BoS base... for practice. He became a Paladin and served in the BoS for 50 years... before he died by a heart attack.

        Rebecca Johansson was born into the Brotherhood of Steel as well. She was only a cafeteria server for 12 years. When she turned 18 she became interested in guns. She was the best in a group of trainees. She became a Brotherhood knight and stayed there for another 32 years (53). She always had a smile on her face. She treated everyone alike white or black, rich or poor, dumb or smart; they were all human beings that deserved better.

        James was born in Virginia in a BoS base. He was born with his brother Sean Harper. James and Sean grew up together as Squires for 5 years till they were 14. At 14 they were both assigned to gun training for 4 months. Sean was a good fighter, but not a good sight and he was left with Rebecca's friends Carla Rillian. James was mortified to hear this news. He was depressed for a while and didn't train for 2 weeks. He then got back in action. Until he turned 16 he wasn't allowed into the field. His father was in the field when he was shot in the shoulder shattering his shoulder blade. He was never able to shoot a gun straight and was Honorably Discharged at 46. Rebecca wasn't happy, but continued fighting in the brotherhood.

James went to melee training 5 days a week for 1 hour. He met the Elder of Arlington, Virginia when he was 17. He then was sent into the field with his friend Louis Canton, John Rosin, and Paladin John Turner. They were in Step Jaw Valley and were on an information run. They came back to Virginia with a bit of info. At 20 James's father died of a heart attack. Rebecca fell into a deep depression and was unable to fight. She was expected to be Honorably Discharged by January. She luckily pulled out of it in December. In February, James and his fellow Knights went out to Step Jaw Valley and were going to ambush the Enclave at Angron's Point. It back fired and the Enclave ambushed them. Everyone, but James and Louis, died. A passing doctor noticed them and dragged them to White Chapel (Red Chapel and Sheer Side) and healed them. They never learned the doctor's name. James, for a month, sat in bed waiting till he was healed. On his birthday he was released. He tried to contact the Brotherhood of Steel, but they said that Rebecca died and James Harper was never in the BoS. He was mad at them. He never forgave them. He then joined a militia called White Chapel. He was surprised to see that Sean was leading it. So after a while, they decided to make a town and call it Harper's Landing. The town became very successful. During his time at White Chapel he protected the town with the Outcasts several times. He has also helped the Outcasts at the battle between the Outcasts and the Hillcrest Slavers.(it's a Union now) He has also helped the Outcasts at the Angron's Points Cave. He has looked up to the Outcasts like Kromwell and Douglas. He now has decided to want to help them in the fight.

Extra: When he got to GM_Atomic (didn't know what people called it back then) he rebuilt Harper's Landing and called it Harper's Crossing. He is now in Arlington now.(Will change if needed.)

(some parts might be bad :/)

DENIED - reapply at an later date if you wish.
I had my second chance and I selfishly blew it for petty revenge on people who didn't even deserve it. I abused Exile's trust in me and now I'm banned forever. :(


Out of Character[/size][/color][/size]Steam Name: Augustusc1Age:13Timezone: PSTKicks/bans on record: noneAmount of time spent on HGN: 1 weekIn-Character[/size][/b][/size]First Name: Caleb[/size]Last Name: Augustus[/size]Gender: male[/size]Age: 15[/size]Height: 5 FT [/size]Weight:  101[/size]Medical Conditions: none[/size]Qualities and combat experience: good with melee but better with ranged. a good spy why equiped with the right supplies[/size]Background:I was in the sniper squad in the B.O.S. until the day i messed up. i was in the citadel grabing some items when i heard some one calling my name. i run out to the training room and started to shoot the training dummys a member was seting up the bottles my gun shot him dead. i looked like i shot him on purpose. "my gun .. it just shot.. i didnt mean to" i said as i ran out of the citadel with scopes aimed at me. i bearly made it out alive. and now here i am. [/size]


Dude if you haven't noticed. Hgn is getting a canon change so you applied for zero reason.
I had my second chance and I selfishly blew it for petty revenge on people who didn't even deserve it. I abused Exile's trust in me and now I'm banned forever. :(