How to survive the Apocalypse. A book by 'Sledge' (FIXED)

Started by assassin8909, 27-11-2011

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Prelude "The Remnants of the Old World":
See that up there? Me and two mates made it over the course of 4 days, when or if i finish the books it will also have the tittle made up of wrecked cars and or signs.

Friday, 3 pm. Day 15 with out actual food, me, Shadow and Dannielle were all exhausted from walking, but it was 15 miles until the next stop, the desert was so massive, we were walking on borrowed land, once it was a forest, or at-least it seemed like it. The forest which was once desert was once again a, well desert, not a natural one but still a desert, we stood at the top of a cliff, well, the burnt our remains of some poor guys house, we could see the vast, open, barren desert, i took off my gas mask, the air was not toxic there but we still wore them "just in case" The air was thick with smoke, the smell of burnt flesh and burning rubber was also there, i put my mask on when the air started to choke me.

We scanned the wastes for anything that could have any salvage or at least a sauce of water, shadow pointed out something shining in the distance, i pulled out my rifle and peered down the scope, i could just make out some broken glass on the floor, it was from a old shopping mall that was buried by the ashes, but if we could get in there could be a lot of food, food worth killing for, it reminded me of the old world, were we threw out things that people kill one another for, all the food scraps that we threw away that most of us live of, and how much we took every day things for granted, warm water, FRESH water, electricity, there's so much but i don't want to bore you, if your reading this you probably are from before the war, anyways, we were heading down to the store, there were a lot of parked cars all bunched up in a massive pile, "trying to escape the city? Good luck" said Danny, we saw a mini van, searched it for supply's but were greeted by something much worse, there were 3 skeletons, not unusual in the wastes, but the difference was that only one was of a man, the others were from children, one was about 10 and the other probably just 3 years old judging by the bone size, we stood in silence in for five minuets to show our respects, but that was cut short.

All we heard was a gun shot, we all turned to where it came from and opened fire, i took the guy out with a head shot, i said "BOOM, head shot mother fucker" There were a few laughs, but then we realized that not all of us were so happy, shadow fell to the floor, bleeding from the stomach, i picked him up, and carried him as fast as i could to the store, we smashed through the windows, well they wouldn't smash so we blew the f**k out them (Left over TNT, the windows were bullet proof) We barged through the store, only the realize what it was, it was a army surplus store (Don't know what they are? Go googl..... Never mind) And a gun store (SCORE) It seemed to be untouched by the war out side, bummer we blew off the door, it would have made a EPIC base, but the moment of awesomeness didn't last long, i put shadow on the table, took of his bullet proof vest hoping that the bullet hit it, the bullet went under it, i pulled out our medikit and tended to his wounds, used the last of our stile wipes but it was okay, there was a medikit behind the counter full of stuff. We had patched up shadows wounds as best we could, pulled out the bullet, he was f**cking lucky to, it was a very low caliber,, very weak, for killing rabbits before the war, it didn't go very deep into his stomach, not deep enough to cause a lot of damage, he will be out for about a week though. We started to salvage every thing in the store, used back up glass the restore the front door to its former glory, put all the gun powder to use to, the store had heaps of old empty bullet case's for selling, i just put them back together, we also got some sweet gear, army stuff, gas masks (Better models) New filters(like pool filters, but smaller and the filter out all the poop in the air.

We looked like hardened army veterans, even though i already had my own military gear from before the war we figured that this will either get us support from people hoping for a better tomorrow, or that it would get us killed for "Causing" all this poop, even though it didn't, we still had some alibis "Just in case". We relay patched up the store, we had beds, actual beds, not the best but still they were SO SO SOOOO nice to sleep on, it has been 8 months since any of us got a good sleep, and because of the privacy we had me and Dannielle had a little fun, get my drift? Well we were all feeling great, we had a nice base, that the only way in was to blow the door out, we had a lot of food(MRI's Military rations, full meals, heads of proteins and stuff, there also very light and cheap to but expensive to sell, so the store had about 4 months worth) Fresh water (A bore system, it was a tiny bit irradiated but our purification pills helps that, the store also had heaps) we even had some power (There were a lot of solar panels just lying around the hardware store down the road, i guess the second gens don't know what there for) We had working lights, we even found some One Way Paint, so we could see out of the windows, but NO ONE could see in, the building was also sound proof (i guess because it had a few heavy machinery and used to help fix cars and stuff, it was also smack bang in the middle of a, errr was smack bang in the middle of a small community) we had it all, in one week, we had recovered to almost like we were before the war, most people were dieing off because of lack of sleep and all that kind of stuff, but now were ready for a another 6 months out there, if we were to leave that is.

It has been 3 weeks since we last entered the waste land and wandered "The Road" there was a reason for that, not because we had a sweet set up but because of what it does to you, the waste land begins to talk to you, when you become weak, you think its helping you, by telling you to kill that guy and his wife for that bottle of water so you can survive, but it drives you mad, you start to kill your friends and then eat them, you would kill a small cat to eat (I have done that before, you gotta do what ya gotta do.) you would be insane, so we tend to keep of the roads, the keep with others, and read books, books would bring us back to the world before the war, reading also keeps our brain functioning and can relive stress. Week 4, life is great, shadow is back on his feet and we finally got into that safe behind the medikit, there was two desert eagles, custom to, custom barrel, custom color and even custom bullets, 60 .cal. Never heard of them? I wouldn't blaim you, they were made just before the nukes went off, only privet employers got them, they could shoot through 4 meters of bullet proof plastic glass(Could survive a shrapnel grenade, a car cant) And we had 8 spare boxes of them in the safe, that's about 800 bullets, its a lot now but we decided not to use them, but we will "just in case" Anyways, life was good, until we were found, some raiders found our base, i was standing at the main door cleaning it when i was them, a face looking right at me, i could see him, but he could not see me (Thank god for that paint) He was dirty, irradiated (His skin was peeling off, radiation poisoning is my guess) and he wanted in, he took a shot at the glass with a 12 gauge shotty, the glass shook, but didn't brake nor crack,But it took of the paint, he looked in and saw me, he got real existed, and ran off, i knew what he was doing, he was getting the others. We were getting ready, we used some of the left over glass as makeshift barricades, we had a old tractor in there, we had it on a wall, ready to run some people over, we even got out the D-eagles.

3 weeks had passed, i were starting the think they forgot about us, but they didn't, they came back, with more then any of us suspected, We saw a tank, we freaked out, but then some army guy came up to the window, i rolled the dice and opened a small hatch to talk, i asked him "Who are you, and what the f**k do you want" We responded in a 'angry like tone' "my name is Colonel tank, im with the Australian military, or whats left, one of my scouts, frosty found this place, he saw you in sergeant gear, i have come to ask you to lead us, im dieing." I was shocked, real military? I was a sergeant before the war, i had led a few small squads, but not a small army, but my instincts kicked in, not by much, but just enough to ask more "So, what are you doing here" He respond with "We are the LAST military company, the only ones left, we have survived for 32 years after the war, we have rebuilt small towns, we have brought with us the knowledge of the old world, we are all that's left, we are........ The Remnant of the Old World"                                           

CHAPTER 1: "The beginning"
6 AM, Friday, 2011. I wake up and head down stairs, like a normal day, i get My Breakfast, the wife and kids are rushing out the door. But this day was odd. I Sat down to eat my breakfast and watch some tv, but the tv was acting up Some emergence poop was on every channel, i was guessing the damn satellite Was down again. I tried to call my mate so he can take me to work, but the phone Lines were down, i said to my self "F*ck this poop, i guess im walking" so i grabbed my back pack packed it up with some snacks, a water bottle,a apple And my I phone Half way down the road i see a car swerve and smash into the local Petrel station, i rushed to the crash to see if i could help But not thinking of the risk's i ran strait into a metaphorical land mine As soon as i was about 4 meters away the car blew the F*ck up, i must have been Blow at least 10 meters away.

I awoke 10 minutes later to a moaning sound, I managed to sit up and look at the massive wreckage and fire over where the petrel Station used to be, and to my amazement the man who crashed the car walked out on fire, we was not screaming or nothing, i thought in my head "Jesus, this guy is friggen Chuck Norris", i called for help and tried to stand up but my foot suddenly started aching in pain, the man turned to me and started shambling at me. Not running, but limping in a way, or jogging in a retarded way, when he was almost right in my face his leg broke i could see and hear the bone crack as it stuck out of his leg, he fell to the floor but seemed unphased by it, he was now dragging him self towards me I was starting to get freaked out, i do remember saying "WHAT THE F*CK" as car drove right over him, crushing his face into the pavement, he was dragged across the road and the skin peeled of as his face slowly disappeared.
After that, i must have fainted or had taking a hit to the head because all i remember after that was waking up in a under ground bunker with some guy's talking in the corner of the room saying things about zombies, "Destroy there heads" is what i made out before the ground shook The men yelled out "NUKES, GET THE KIDS IN THE SAFE" then the shock wave made me fall of the bed i was laying on and i smashed my face into the ground, i remember nothing of what happened next.   

CHAPTER 2: "Standing up"
  *2 hours after the "End"*  "uhh" My head was hurting, no, my whole body was hurting, i awoke on the floor of a burning building, i couldn't move my legs, and there was a pain, oh god that pain was unforgettable. I had managed to scrounge enough strength to pull my self to look at the source of the pain, there was a large lead pipe stuck in my stomach AS soon as i saw it i froze, in fear and pain but mainly in pain. Out of the smoke a old man emerged, he was dieing but was still kind enough to help me, he picked me up and dragged me out of that god forsaken building, or "Bunker" as we called them back then. When we made it out of the bunker, we saw something that made our bones shake, we both collapsed to the floor, looking at the burning rubble that was once perth, my city, my home my WIFE MY KIDS, They were all gone, i was starting to cry, but the old man told me something that made me realize the situation, and that nothing i could do right now could bring them back, and giving up on living would just f*ck every thing up even more. Me and the old man had been sitting there for about a hour, wondering what to do next, the old man layed down about half a hour later, but he never woke back up, when then i realized that i was on my own. One of the things the man said to me was "You gotta do what ya gotta do", i chose to follow his advise with out it, i would not be alive today. I searched the mans body and found a Glock pistol with two spare clips, a small medi-kit, a lighter, matches and some biscuits. I tried to stand up, but my foot started hurting again. so i got out the medi-kit and found some bandages, i warped them around my ankle and then i tried again to stand up, it did not hurt as much this time.

I look around and down the cliff in some rubble i saw a survivor, i was tempted to call out for help but just as i was about to a small pack of large dogs attacked him, they tore out his throat, and then they tore open his stomach and and started eating his insides like a pack of wild wolves. I needed a weapon, and the Glock would not be to effective against dogs, and it would waste ammo, i looked around for another weapon, all i could see was, a.. a large lead pipe that is covered in blood The pipe that was stuck inside of me. The old man must have pulled it out of me, but my wound was healed, how long was i out? I picked up the pipe but just as i did a pain struck in my stomach, i dropped the pipe and it make a really loud bang as it hit the tin that layed on the burning ash's once know as dirt. I peered at the dogs, they stood still, starring at me with blood lust in there eyes. We all stood there staring into each others eyes for about 5 minuets, it seemed like hours but just as i blinked they were out for blood, running so fast they were blurred the only thing i could do was pick up the pipe and run, i ran faster then i have ever ran in my life. I was now running in a burning city, i can hear the dead whispering in my ears, the scream's of children fill the air, i was distracted by a bird flying pass and i did not see the flaming branch falling in front of me, i fell to the floor.

I flipped myself onto my back just in time, i managed to jam the lead pipe into one of the dogs chest's as it jumped onto me, its chomping jaw were only a few inches from my face, i could hear the barking of the other dogs close to me i saw them in the corner of my eye and just as they were about to attack me bullets came out of no where and killed 3 of the dogs, they others ran while there friends were being slaughtered behind them. I shoved the dog off me and stood up, look around, and then a bullet flew past my head, i think i pissed my self. As i turned around to meet my friends, or attackers i saw the back of a 12 gauge shot gun flying right into my face, can you guess what happened next? Yep, i got a blood nose and i have no idea what happened next. END OF CHAPTER ONE                                                                                                           

CHAPTER 3: "Waking Up"
"f**k" I woke up hanging upside down with a deep wound in my chest, there was blood everywhere. "Come Centrian, hes probably already bled out, we should start the fire" "NO! If we light the fire some fucker is going to see it and come looking for some kind of rescue party, and we don't need to kill anymore people, its hard enough eating this guy" said some voices on the other side of the wall, i was hanging above a large bawl. There was a massive hole in the wall and rubble everywhere, i think i was in a office building. I knew they were comeing, they were going to f**cking eat me, EAT ME. I had to escape, but i was so tired, they had almost bled me to death, like a f**cking pig or a fish getting ready to be turned into food, i felt like a fish, i was so weak and hungry to, i hadn't had a meal in... Ahh f**k i don't remember but i was a while ago, i had managed to scrounge enough strength to pull my self up and to start untieing my legs, but they tied me up with f**cking barbed wire, it was tearing my legs apart, when ever i moved it would dig its deadly barbs further into my skin, they probably intended it to be that way to. I had to pull them out and untie my self, it was painful, the barbs were digging into my hands, the blood was slowly dripping down my arms and landing on my face, as soon as i pulled one of the while thing broke off, i fell to the flood, and make one hell of a noise.

There was still a string of barbed wire in my left leg, but i had no time for that because i had to escape, the people who kidnapped me were coming, one guy called "Centron" seemed to be the leader, one his goon seemed to be called "Retard" Probably just a nick name but "QUICKLY CENTRON HES ESCAPING!!" "Shut the f**k up retard im coming" Oh right, there coming back for me. I staggered over to the massive hole in the wall, i peered down to see the city in ruins. I had about 1 minute until they got here, i scanned the city, reaching for a way out of here, the only thing was some rope dangling down, but it didn't reach to floor below, i took it, jumps and nearly missed it to.

I didn't have enough time to carefully winch my way down, so i just released the grip of my hands and slid down it.  There was about a 5 meter height from the end of the rope to the ground below it, i didn't even see it coming, i slid right of the rope and fell to what i thought would have been my death. I don't know what i landed on, some kind of glass, it shattered and i fell into a building below it but i luckily landed on some kind of bouncy castle, it was half blow down but it still saved my life. It took me a little while to realise i was alive, and i was distorted, my eye sight was blurry and i could feel to blood pouring out of my leg. But out of the blur came a figer, it ran to me and then called out to some more things, i could make out her saying "Charley, get Scott and others need help NOW! Josh!" I fainted from blood lose soon after.

I remade the WHOLE thing, it took me over an hour to re do it.
And I (tried) to spellcheck it. Needs some work. - Spades


It looks messy and not too appealing because of the grey font and no paragraphs.
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I had it on different a different font, and it was in paragraphs, but I guess it didn't like that.


Topic moved to proper section, and posts about it being in the wrong section also removed just 'cause they're irrelevant now. Nevermind, I'm an idiot, and everyone was wrong. It was in the right section to begin with.

Also yea it's a bit messy. :P Just use white font. Easier to read.


Hanks spades and btw since you are so awesome you should fix the paragraphs and stuff,  please :D.


Quote from: assassin8909 on 29-11-2011
Hanks spades and btw since you are so awesome you should fix the paragraphs and stuff,  please :D .

You -have- to be old enough to know where to place paragraphs.

Edited: Don't be a dick

Edited:Gonna have to excuse my stupidity on this one, it is possible that other players' first language may not be english.


This is an IC Guide spades (and a good one at that), not a ROLE-PLAY guide. Stop moving it.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


Quote from: Longlostblake on 30-11-2011
This is an IC Guide spades (and a good one at that), not a ROLE-PLAY guide. Stop moving it.

afsgsdsdkgsdlhn that's what I thought but everyone was complaining about it so I thought, "Herp derp, well, what other section would it go in? Oh, I know! Guides!"

Well for future reference I know now.


I remade the whole book. Its a bit messy but i hope you guys like it.


If it was formatted better that would be great.

And, if I'm not mistaken, isn't Sledge a mutant who speaks simple english?
RIP FORP Characters
Andrew Erics  Wastelander
Evan Thornton  Brotherhood of Steel
Tyler Williams Trader


Yes, but he sometimes slurs his words or messes them up.


I gave you a hand with the formatting, it was uh.. Yeah.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"
