Old Freedom Apps - Outdated.

Started by Psycrowtik03385, 30-11-2008

0 Members and 6 Guests are viewing this topic.


I want everyone to apply here, even if you are on the roster.
If on the roster your rank is higher than or is Experienced, you only need to say that you will be active.

Also read this guide about freedom. http://www.hypergamer.net/board/index.php/topic,395.0.html



Steam Friends Name: [R|L]Sniperhunter

In-Character Name: Abram Matveevich

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:7700494

What is your region/Timezone?: EST

How long have you been roleplaying?: Around 2 years. On many different rp servers

How long have you been playing on the server?: A month and a few days.

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: SoC

Are you in any other factions?: No

What is your characters backstory?: Abram Matveevich was born in Belarus in 1983. At age 17 his father was abusive to him and his mother. One night Abram was asleep in his bed after a long day of work when he heard his mother scream, Abram jumped out of his bed, went to the kitchen, grabbed a knife, and ran off to his parents room. Inside the room Abrams father had just slapped his mother and pushed her against the wall. Abram screamed out " Stop! " and his father turned around and looked at him. Abram's father started to walk twoards him with his hand ready to hit him, But.. before his father managed to hit him abram stabbed his father in the chest and he fell to the floor. Abram scared out of his mind ran to his dark room and started to pack his clothes and valuables. His mother walked into the room still terified about what happened and handed abram an old map of europe. On the map there was a red circle around the location of the zone. Abrams mother told him to go there, and that we wouldn't have to worry about what happened tonight.

Abram hugged his mother goodbye and left out the door. It took him 3 weeks with alot of confusion of not knowing how to read a map to finally get to the zone. He found a group of stalkers at a camp where they greeted him, handed him a rookie jacket, a pistol, and a PDA. At the fire place Abram learned about the zone from the conversations of other stalkers, and also asked questions of his own. Later on the stalkers taught him how to fire the pistol effectively and how to use the PDA. The next day Abram felt ready to leave the stalker camp, so he thanked the stalkers and left to go learn about the secrets of the zone. During his travels he had met many new friends, and enemies. Many times Abram asked the other stalkers he came across about the different factions of the zone. One stalker told Abram about freedom and how they wanted the zone to not be a secret and available for everyone. Abram now interested about how freedoms goals matched his continued on his travels to hopefully join freedom, and learn the deepest secrets about the zone.

What is Freedom's belief?: To let the zone be public for all and not a secret

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Freedom has the same intrests of mine, and I prefer to be in a group and not alone






Steam Friends Name: Plunger435

In-Character Name: Micheal Roskalove

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:13927190

What is your region/Timezone?: Central (-6 GMT)

How long have you been roleplaying?: For around four to five years now.

How long have you been playing on the server?: Three weeks to a month now.

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: I own SoC, and have been playing it again with OL as the Freedom faction.

Are you in any other factions?: No, I believe your only allowed to be in one.

What is your characters backstory?: Micheal Roskalove was born on farmstead in 1985, in Ukraine. He was an explorer from a young age, always questioning things. When he was fifteen the second crisis rocked the world transforming the once peaceful Ukraine to a state of panic, People didn't know what to do about it. Some wanted it destroyed, but others, like Micheal, wanted it to open up for the public. The many things he heard about it made it all the more fantastic until finally he decided to pack his bags and head to there himself.

On arrival he noticed that the Factions alliances were beginning to ware down. The once neutral mercenaries were now taking up arms from unknown buyers. He noticed two particular factions that stood out from the rest. There was DUTY and Freedom, both fighting for the opposite reasons. DUTY wanted to steal the zone away from world, while Freedom wanted the world to see the zone for itself. Micheal decided to try his luck with DUTY and find the secrets of the Zone that would astound the world.

What is Freedom's belief?: They want the zone to be accessible by everyone.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I want to stop DUTY from breaking our mood, but really I want to help show the amazing areas of the Zone to the world.



Steam Friends Name: Major Fluffy: 5th Fleet

In-Character Name: Tom Cammo

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:14915331

What is your region/Timezone?: GMT Mountain Time

How long have you been roleplaying?: 2 years

How long have you been playing on the server?: 3 months

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: No but i understand there backround. and read up on them.

Are you in any other factions?: No. Just re-applying.

What is your characters backstory?: Tom Cammo was born in Germany, 1978. He left for the Ukraine after hearing stories about a better future and life. From enduring hardships in germany he headed for Ukraine... Living there peacefully he thought that he had found paradise. But when the second incident happened, He saw it as just another opportunity to make a living. The freedom were the only ones who showed him compassion and now he serves under their wisdom and guidance. Ready to die for them.

What is Freedom's belief?: They want to free the zone, not hide it from the world. They don't want to conceal it like it is some sort of secret.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: To stop DUTY, I want to help free the zone and just hang out with my buddies. I want to be able to tell of those times we were around the campfire, laughing and telling old stories.



Steam Friends Name: Moose

In-Character Name: Vasili Zaitsev

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:15679431

What is your region/Timezone?: GMT-5

How long have you been roleplaying?: Two years.

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Shadow of chernobyl.

Are you in any other factions?: No.

What is Freedom's belief?: To keep the access of the zone to all and not for just the ones who want it to be closed, we think it should be open for all man to see and to let the rest of humanity discover and wonder about this modern day obscure land.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I was once a freedomer back in the zonerp days,
It was fun, I gave missions and such and helped stalkers get to restricted areas.
I dont want to join for guns, I like to roleplay anarachist roles. Anything can happend with them.
I was also this (-) close to becoming leader of freedom. I want to regain my old rep from the days where hybrid ran the zone.



Steam Friends Name: pakikillingmachine (no I am not racist, it?s an old account)

In-Character Name: Corey Johnson

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:9824040 03:17 78 0

What is your region/Timezone?: Atlantic

How long have you been roleplaying?: I say about 3 in a half years

How long have you been playing on the server?: i say 2 weeks

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: i own both of them

Are you in any other factions?: No

What is your characters backstory?: Corey, a S.T.A.L.K.E.R with a bit of experience, decided to leave the zone, but he quickly saw that the outside world was to strict and there was many laws... So later he decided to go back in the zone for absolute freedom in his life...After seeing the cruel actions of DUTY, he decided to take action...he decided to organize a small group of militants to attack DUTY, one day a DUTY patrol were coming in a small trail, Corey and his squad killed the patrol without any flaws, thus making a record of 20 successful attacks...But then, DUTY retaliated with a medium size search and destroy party,
Corey barely made it out alive, and all his friends was dead, Then Corey heard about Freedom and their actions, so he decided to pay them a visit...

What is Freedom's belief?: To ensure freedom in the zone and the zone is the most wonderful thing that happened on earth...Something like that

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I want to become a member of this great rp, as well of freedom


Rhyom Guther

Stepping down from freedom.


Quote from: Rhyom Guther Stepping down from freedom.

Sorry to hear that, good roleplay we had.


Steam Friends Name: welek9001   

In-Character Name: Aden Eberstark

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:21709781

What is your region/Timezone?: Central

How long have you been roleplaying?: Three years.

How long have you been playing on the server?: I?ve played for about two days now, but I?ve played on it off and on for a bit.

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: I?ve played S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC.

Are you in any other factions?: No.

What is your characters backstory?:
Aden was born on December 12th 1980. He was born into an abusive family, his childhood was lived in fear, his father was a alcoholic is mother was as chronic, they lived in a rundown apartment on the crime ridden part of the his hometown ?Saskatoon?. A few years passed since Aden?s birth he was now ten, and his mother and father not at each other?s throats, Aden woke one morning to find his mother dead on the floor, his father nowhere in sight. He did what any child would do, he panicked grabbed the phone and dialled ?911? the friendly officer spoke into his ear ?911 what?s your emergency?? Aden panicked again and told her his mother was dead. The officers arrived a few minutes later to find Aden laying near his mother sobbing, they took Aden to the local orphanage and he stayed there until he was

Teenage Years: Aden woke in his now to small bed the T.V reporter blabbing on about some explosion in Ukraine, Aden took no notice to it sitting down at the familiar table with the other children. They stared at him, now too large for the small chairs he looked back at them eating the eggs and bacon from the plate already set out on the table. Eating his food rethinking his plan to get away from his prison or, as the other children call it an ?Orphanage? he planned to have his things packed and be out the door before it was locked for the night. It was time, Aden ran for the door his suitcase in hand making it out before the woman locked it, he looked around running to get away, running though alleys turning in streets, only to realize he was in no danger. He lived on the streets until he was old enough to start work.

Adult Years ? Current time in the Zone: Now eight-teen hungry and cold, Aden wandered into the nearest store and applied for a job, he did not care what job, or the hours he just needed a job. He worked at a small Chinese restaurant and lived in the backroom, he was making enough money for food and other things, he also started saving. He worked there until 2006, when he was told about something called the ?Zone? By the man he was working for and was asked if he wanted to come along, at first Aden said no, but when the owner mentioned that a lot of money could be made Aden?s mind quickly changed. He boarded a plane with the owner the next day. They arrived in the closest city to the ?Zone? with several other people the same as them, they took a jeep with a few others and drove towards the ?Zone? seeing a poorly constructed military barrier they moved until they found a clear area and drove in, only equipped with leather jackets and small pistols they set out on the way to riches, several died, including the owner Aden?s close friend. Finally with only three alive he settled in a small area between the two warring factions ?Duty? and ?Freedom? Torn between both. Now afraid and extremely scared Aden moves towards the ?Freedom? base hoping the best for himself.

What is Freedom's belief?: Freedom?s belief is that all the information on the zone should be released to the public, meaning anyone can go in and out.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Because seeing as my few days on your fine server, loners are really disliked, or avoided ICly unless called on by someone, freedom sparked my interest to apply for one of the factions, and seeing as I?ve only seen two freedom on they look like they need more members.

(I understand if two days is not enough feel free to tell me to wait.)
(Don?t hate me because I play on TnB :?( I don't understnad what TnB did.)
(I just looked and saw my overkill backstory >.<)

Accepted(Trial). Good backstory, lets hope we can turn you into a great roleplayer.


mmmm bop bop im active



Steam Friends Name: Blu-Chrome

In-Character Name: John Willcock

Steam ID: STEAM ID 0:1:15509522

What is your region/Timezone?: EST

How long have you been roleplaying?: About three years.

How long have you been playing on the server?: Like one mounth!

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: No sadly, but I'm saving up for Clear sky and SoC

Are you in any other factions?: Nope

What is your characters backstory?: On June 1982 John was born. He had a wonderful childhood and had many friends, Until one day at school he found out that he could fight and kill...After class some older kids where messing with him calling him a stupid fuck, ect. John unlet his anger slaming a heavy blow to the kids face knocking him to the ground, He was dead!. In John teen years meet a women and left the Poland and went to Ukraine, becuase he wanted a new life and was accepted by the stalkers, and learned how to fire a gun. later on he wanted to join up with freedom and make the land free!

What is Freedom's belief?: Freedomers bleive that the land should me free and that nothing should be hid from public, let people pass

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Becuase you guys are a nice group and I have always not wanted to be a stalker.

Denied, bad grammar. Also, I've seen you do some very poor rp in the past, if you even roleplay at all.


We need some apps. If you have any friends without a faction, tell them about freedom.

You'll be doing them a favour.


Steam Friends Name: slayer20454

In-Character Name: Fred Dark

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:13401222

What is your region/Timezone?: GMT.

How long have you been roleplaying?: 7 months.

How long have you been playing on the server?: About 2-3 months.

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Nope.

Are you in any other factions?: No.

What is your characters backstory?: Fred Dark, born in England, was born with parents who hated him, and treated him like an unwanted burden. At the age of sixteen, he was kicked out of his own home, and was a loner. As he grew older and older, his attitude changed from ignorant and selfish, to kind and committed. At the age of twenty-nine, he was informed of the zone, and was told it was a better place for people like him to make a living.

After a hard and tiring journey, he was greeted by a group of stalkers who taught him the rules of the zone, and handed him a makarov, a mask, and a tattered suit for his journies ahead. A few months later, he left the group of stalkers, and explored the zone more. Soon after, he found a base enshrouded in fog; he walked closer to it as a figure walked up to him, and asked him what he wanted. He replied: "What is this place?" The figure told him of freedom, and that this was one of their bases. Rather comforted by their kindness, he was committed to join them and help them achieve their goal.

What is Freedom's belief?: To show the people how good the zone really is.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: To enhance my roleplaying experience and have alot of fine roleplay in the faction.

Accepted as Trial


Steam Friends Name: Poopass799 (really)

In-Character Name: Mesha Gutkovski

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:19139895

What is your region/Timezone?: eastern time zone US

How long have you been roleplaying?: I've been roleplaying for like a year

How long have you been playing on the server?: Well not too much but i've played at zone alot.

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Yea i beat Shadow over Chernobyl

Are you in any other factions?: No

What is your characters backstory?: Hes just some guy who is Ukraine natural-born and has been living outside of the zone until the reactors exploded etc. He is 24 years old and was in the Soviet Military.

What is Freedom's belief?: The Freedom's belief is the zone should be open to anybody willing to risk thier lives in the zone. They do not want the Military keeping it quarantined and want people to know what happens there.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Because i like this faction more then anything else.

Okay kirill, we've had our differences, but I DO want you to be in freedom. I hope you aren't here to troll.

Accepted as trial

Saint Studios

Steam Friends Name:Saint Studios

In-Character Name: Adam Yakov

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:12001333

What is your region/Timezone?:Moutain stardard time, -7 hours

How long have you been roleplaying?: I have been roleplaying for maybe 3-5 years.

How long have you been playing on the server?: On this steam account(My old one was vac-banned because I was hacked) maybe 3-5 days, old account maybe a couple of weeks. So, 2-4 weeks.

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?:
Yes I have played both of the stalker games.

Are you in any other factions?: No I am not in any other faction.

What is your characters backstory?:
Adam Yakov was born in London, his family immigrated to the U.K due to the frequent riots in russia before he was born.
He grew up in london and went to medical school, and three days before graduation his friends had said good-bye and were off to "The Zone," A place in russia where he was from, strange things were said to have happened there and soon after he left home for the zone too. By chance he had come across a faction called DUTY, Thinking in a wrong state of mind he had been working for them as a medic, quick to betray him they tried to accuse him of robbing the armory, After a few days he was hired as a medic again and the seconed act against him, was commited the same day, They told a millitary guy to kill him and later hired a stalker after he fought off the millitary man, quickly adam leaped up into a trailer and leaped over a wall, escaping the evil DUTY men. (This back story includes some RP from the server.)

What is Freedom's belief?: To allow news feed of the zone and the ability to enter and exit the zone at all times.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: One: I hate DUTY now, and two: (see above question)

Accepted as trialWelcome to freedom!
I am the forum kool-aid man because I thought of it and called it first. :)



Steam Friends Name: Commander[BLU]$$cody$$

In-Character Name:Christan S. Stanley.

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:14258058

What is your region/Timezone?:Western Pacific.

How long have you been roleplaying?:Two Years.

How long have you been playing on the server?:Three Weeks.

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?:Only the first one which is S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl.

Are you in any other factions?:No not at all. If i was i would stick to ONE faction.

What is your characters backstory?:He was born January,30th,1984. His Mom and Dad named his Christan Saylkenviok Stanley.(Hence the name:"Christan S. Stanley").
He was born in Russia,Moscow With a English Dad and a Russian Mom. He heard about the zone by "The Moscow Times" newspaper. when he was 24 in his apartment. He then headed over there with a friend on his truck. They also brought Gasmasks,Radiation Suits, and a Radiation Gegier Counter from a local Russian Soviet Military Surplus store.They then headed to a secret passageway he knows when he hangs out with his friends. But then suddenly they got mugged by five bandit's. Christan ran away. He felt sorry for his friend and gave him a proper burial as he came back late at 4:00. Then it was almost night. It was 5:54. He then got there walking all the way by a road. He then got there by 11:12. He finally was exhausted and got welcomed by the outpost's inhabitants and now lives at the outpost. He got a Loner suit for 500 Rubbles and rented a room at a apratment there for for 700 Rubbles.He also got some food and drinks and a Makarov PM Pistol and a Kabar for self defence in the Zone which he got both for 400 Rubbles. He then heard about the Freedom by friend in the outpost.He then got interested in joining them and then signed up for Freedom to let the Zone's secrets to the world!

What is Freedom's belief?:By discovering all the Zone's secrets and locations to the public people around the world.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?:Because i was Freedom in Thezone RP server for Two years.I also went with Tolik as Freedom also.I also joined the Freedom in S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl.

Further Notes:I like the Freedom ALOT ALOT. I never shot any of them in the RP server and in S.T.A.L.K.E.R SoC.I also RP alot in Gmod servers.

That is all my fellow Freedomer's. GO TEAM FREEDOM!!! :D

Accepted. Welcome back to freedom buddy.


Steam Friends Name: Slive

In-Character Name: Paul Atriedes (always last name Atriedes)

Steam ID: Mecaguy03

What is your region/Timezone?: umm... west coast?

How long have you been roleplaying?: oh, a year, maybe a year and a half

How long have you been playing on the server?: only 2 days, but i played on desertia for a month. (desertia is the same type of seriousness and very similar to your server)

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: sadly, no

Are you in any other factions?: no, but i was a brainwashed servant once

What is your characters backstory?: Came to this part of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R world with his two brothers, Leon Atriedes, and Kevin Atriedes. The reason that they came here was that Leon was a surveyor and came to survey the radiation levels and how they differ from place to place. Kevin, (now deceased) spent his days scavenging for valuable items to sell, and Paul did the same for a time but found a more lucrative career in military affairs.

What is Freedom's belief?: They believe that the zone is the best place in the world, but this happens to be the opposite belief in some groups

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Because Freedom seems to be a faction that loves to fight on the landscape, which i love (possibly inherited from Leon lol) and not in towns, and it also seems to be a more... free... kind of military group. and it pays.

Notes: I am also sorta board

Denied. I have seen you roleplay, and it's not half bad. However, your backstory is weak, you don't understand the point of freedom's existance, and your steam ID is wrong. Try again when you figure out how to get a steam ID and when you have roleplayed a bit more with the server.


Add me to roster again =]


Quote from: PirateX Add me to roster again =]

Er, how about you apply again first. Please and thanks. I really want you in freedom, but you're going to need to re-apply.

Come on Free S.T.A.L.K.E.Rs! We need some more freedom brothers commited to the cause!


Steam Friends Name: Reaper

In-Character Name:Jeremy Swez

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17627879

What is your region/Timezone?: GMT -7

How long have you been roleplaying?: 2 years

How long have you been playing on the server?: Around a week, so I'm still learning but I'm okay right now
Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: No

Are you in any other factions?: No

What is your characters backstory?: Jeremy was a delinquent child and was often in trouble. His mother was a drunk and his father constantly abused both of them. when he was 15, Jeremy attacked his dad with a steam valve, starting by breaking his father's legs and working his way up. He had been ruthless that night. Jeremy ran away from home around 16 years of age and was finally forced to stop when the faction DUTY took all of his belongings. Jeremy walked onwards until he had become a man.

At the age of 24, Jeremy had been confronted by a Monolith preacher, and had been stabbed in the kneecap several times. As he dragged himself across the zone, he was met by a man in a green suit, who's name was Will. He and his friend Chrisfer, helped Jeremy get back on his feet and kill a bloodsucker. They then helped him get back at DUTY by employing him as an undercover mercenary. Jeremy recovered armor and ammunition from the depot and succeed in delivering them to Freedom. He was then introduced to Walter, and wishes to now join Freedom.

What is Freedom's belief?: To allow all people into the zone.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Freedom has it's RP opportunity, and I have never been in a true faction in a RP, so this is a new opportunity for me to give my best shot at

Accepted, Check further down


Quote from: reaperz132 Steam Friends Name: Reaper

In-Character Name:Jeremy Swez

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17627879

What is your region/Timezone?: GMT -7

How long have you been roleplaying?: 2 years

How long have you been playing on the server?: Around a week, so I'm still learning but I'm okay right now
Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: No

Are you in any other factions?: No

What is your characters backstory?: Jeremy was a delinquent child and was often in trouble. His mother was a drunk and his father constantly abused both of them. when he was 15, Jeremy attacked his dad with a steam valve, starting by breaking his father's legs and working his way up. He had been ruthless that night. Jeremy ran away from home around 16 years of age and was finally forced to stop when the faction DUTY took all of his belongings. Jeremy walked onwards until he had become a man.

At the age of 24, Jeremy had been confronted by a Monolith preacher, and had been stabbed in the kneecap several times. As he dragged himself across the zone, he was met by a man in a green suit, who's name was Will. He and his friend Chrisfer, helped Jeremy get back on his feet and kill a bloodsucker. They then helped him get back at DUTY by employing him as an undercover mercenary. Jeremy recovered armor and ammunition from the depot and succeed in delivering them to Freedom. He was then introduced to Walter, and wishes to now join Freedom.

What is Freedom's belief?: To allow all people into the zone.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Freedom has it's RP opportunity, and I have never been in a true faction in a RP, so this is a new opportunity for me to give my best shot at



Read ALL OF IT first.

EDIT: Fixed links