Old Freedom Apps - Outdated.

Started by Psycrowtik03385, 30-11-2008

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Dem biaches izzz openers again


Out Of Character
Steam Friends Name: |HGN|LectricGypsy
Steam ID:
What is your region/Timezone?: Pacific
How long have you been roleplaying?: Since they came out with Gmod 9
How long have you been playing on the server?: At least a year and a half
Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Yes , Clear Sky
Do you have any problems with drugs?: IRL? Yes , I sometimes go over with my Friends and smoke a bulb. I don't have a "Problem" with it though , and I rarely do it.

In Character
What is your Name?: Andrea Savereganty
What is your Age?: 19
What is your Home Country?: Hungary
Who is in your Family?: Brother ( Aboka Yeoman Savereganty , Hes an bandit ) , Mother , Father , Another brother , and a sister.
What is your Character's Backstory?: Andrea was born in the Hungary. 2 years after his birth his Parents moved to Russia. Andrea had a normal life. She had lots of friends in her school , and every grade past 7th she had a boyfriend. In 8th grade his parents had another child , her name was Silvia Savereganty. His sister was small and fragile , but had athletic talent unlike the rest of the family. When Andrea hit 18 she inlisted into the Soviet Army , they never did accept her. She had a Heart problem had to take a medication and they wouldn't allow her to join because the medication made the user have heavy breathing , unallowing her to run for a long time or do any vigorous activities. Reached 18 1/2 and got into a fight after a car crash , she had hit the man in the nose , it was in such a position it almost killed the man. Was sent to jail after the fight , mainly from not being able to pay taxes. she's released five years after being sent there. Next year the Chernobyl accident happens. He decides to go to the zone , make a heavy profit and then return home with the money. She leaves , unfortunately her sister follows her. She gets deeper into the zone , she see's someone in the bushes and raises her Makarov that he was able to steal from an S.T.A.L.K.E.R. she finds her sister in the bushes almost after shooting here. Had no other just but to take his sister back home. Through the next year she barely managed to survive. But she was able to , and thats when she met Freedom...
What brought you to Freedom?: The cause and how friendly they were
How well do you know Freedom Members?: Not very well but well enough to be friends with them.

Faction Related
Are you in any other factions?: I resigned Military.
Will you leave for another faction?: No , I left Military for this faction.
What is Freedom's belief?: To make the zone open to everyone.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I like it and Military and Duty are just boring.
Name three Freedom members that you know in character?: Ganja , i cant really remember very many others since they're not really on at all.
Who is the leader Of Freedom (His Characters Name)?: Tunddruff- Tenel Asire
What Role(Job) do you plan on becoming in Freedom?: A Scout/Sharpshooter ( Scout as in Scouting out areas)

What is InjureRP: RP As you are hurt or you teammates hurt , which goes to Medical Rp , and all the rest
Do you know about the rules (Flaming, Minging, etc)?: Yes
Will you take responiblility for your actions, whether or not it is good?: Yes
Do you plan on using the forums?: I go on almost everyday.
Do you plan on being dedicated and checking the forums regularly?: Yes.
Did you know that i run a Forum check every 30 days, and same with Promotions?: Yes
What day do promotions occur?: Every other thirty days.

~Tunddruff: Pending, come see me in game
Moss--it has the charm of a creeping tune~Even in darkness it still grows.

Why do I love Moss?

I have been asked this question many times. Unfortunately, their is not one easy answer that I can give you.

Rhyom Guther

What is your Name?: Vasili Broske
What is your Age?: 32
What is your Home Country?: Russia
Who is in your Family?: (All Killed out)
What is your Character's Backstory?: Vasili Broske was beginning to become old and fall behind from The Zone ever since he left Freedom.  After 10 Years of wandering The Zone... He thought It would be best to return. (I don't want to make a long one... 3 in the Morning)
What brought you to Freedom? Previous Freedom Member, Wanted to leave to find somthing better, Found nothing, Returning.
How well do you know Freedom Members?: Ive RPed with Royz and taught him when he was new, I know two others I cannot name... And I think that is it.

Faction Related
Are you in any other factions?: None.
Will you leave for another faction?: Maybe... In the future about  6 Months
What is Freedom's belief?: You think the Zone is a gift or ateast a privllage from god to live free without rules or regulations yet the Duty would like to destroy it..
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Better Roleplay, Mainly because I am best experienced in Freedom Roleplay.
Name three Freedom members that you know in character?: Three? Man… I know Rping with two yet not remembering the names…
Who is the leader Of Freedom (His Characters Name)?: Tundruff (Tenel Asire)
What Role(Job) do you plan on becoming in Freedom?:  Reconnaissance

What is InjureRP: When you get shot a medic helps you. OR If you get shot you fall to the ground (If Leg) and act like you would In Real Life.
Do you know about the rules (Flaming, Minging, etc)?: Yes.
Will you take responiblility for your actions, whether or not it is good?: Yes.
Do you plan on using the forums?: Of Course.
Do you plan on being dedicated and checking the forums regularly?: I allways have.
Did you know that i run a Forum check every 30 days, and same with Promotions?: Yes. I have read that in the threads.
What day do promotions occur?: Every Thirty Days.



Rhyom- You'd be double factioning if you were accepted into Freedom as you are in the military.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


Out Of Character
Steam Friends Name: Zyroke (add as [email protected])
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:1484713
What is your region/Timezone?: Central.. CST? Not to familiar with Timezone stuff.
How long have you been roleplaying?: 6,7 years, on and off of course... That is if you count TSRP.
How long have you been playing on the server?: I dropped by on it a month ago or so and tried to learn the Gmod RP commands and get use to the feel of a Gmod based RP. I'm so used to the Specialist, so all of it seemed a bit awkward, but I definately can make the adjustment, I love stalker. So not very long, but that will change!
Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: SoC and Clear Sky. Both amazing. Bothhh amazing. I absolutely loved them, multiple replays.
Do you have any problems with drugs?: Nope.

In Character
What is your Name?: Zhenya Levkov
What is your Age?: 18
What is your Home Country?: Russia
Who is in your Family?: Mother, Father, Brother. Members in the Zone? None.
What is your Character's Backstory?:

March 17th, 1994. This date marks the new life of yet another Levkov. Another infant about to go through the hardships of Russia and what it has to offer, that being nothing but a life of boring work in the fields. The new born's name was Zhenya Levkov. As years went by, nothing happened within the family that was worth remembering. Zhenya's brother Mikhail was deemed old enough to work in the family field only a year before Zhenya himself, at the age of 11. Together for many years they worked in their family's fields, producing their own food to live on and occasionally bringing extra supply to the nearby market to generate some income. It was at that market where Zhenya, at the age of 16, had started hearing tales of this "Mystical" and "Magical" place the common folk referred to as the Zone. Zhenya, being condemned to his dull lifestyle, had found the tales of the Zone exhilerating. All of the wealth he could possibly want supposedly resides there, and nothing but freedom and advenutre would await him within the Zone. True paradise, or so his young mind lead him to believe. Ever since hearing about the thrills of the zone, Zhenya had troubles getting it out of his mind. At the age of 18, he let his curiousity take the best of him, as he packed his bags and left for the Zone himself, in hopes of finding a new life with loads of excitement.

The zone for Zhenya hadn't been quite what he was led to believe. Upon entrance at Cordon and having to dodge a Military Checkpoint, it was a rough time to stay alive. Eventually after wandering the Zone aimlessly, staying out of trouble, he stumbled upon a man that went by the name of Kiril Ivanov. Zhenya tagged along and followed Kiril for sometime, before being brought to the Freedom Base... (I take in First person from here on out via the game.)

What brought you to Freedom? Myself, Kiril Ivanov
How well do you know Freedom Members?: Kiril Ivanov, not to well.

Faction Related
Are you in any other factions?: Nope.
Will you leave for another faction?: I do not plan on leaving Freedom.
What is Freedom's belief?: That the zone should be free and open to all who wish to traverse through it.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I've been lead to believe that Freedomers have more control over what they do... Freedom. That is what I wish, and will fight for the cause.
Name three Freedom members that you know in character?: Kiril Ivanov.
Who is the leader Of Freedom (His Characters Name)?: Tenel Asire
What Role(Job) do you plan on becoming in Freedom?:

What is InjureRP: Say... if you get shot 5 times in the face during a firefight, don't bunny hop away... RP the injury and being hurt.
Do you know about the rules (Flaming, Minging, etc)?: Yes, of course!
Will you take responiblility for your actions, whether or not it is good?: If I did something I wasn't suppose to, i'd most likely not know that I wasn't suppose to, but I will take the blame and consequences for it.
Do you plan on using the forums?: I do plan to keep myself updated with the forums.
Do you plan on being dedicated and checking the forums regularly?: I do.
Did you know that i run a Forum check every 30 days, and same with Promotions?: ... I do now!
What day do promotions occur?  Every 30 days.

~Tunddruff: Pending, Im glad to see that you have alot of RP experience. Come see me in game
                       Accepted, welcome to the club


Out Of Character
Steam Friends Name: klp4
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:13657210 01:02 211
What is your region/Timezone?: I live in Sweden, will take a look at what timezone that is.
How long have you been roleplaying?: for about 1 year (not on Gmod all the time)
How long have you been playing on the server?: about 1 and a half month
Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Yes, Clear Sky.
Do you have any problems with drugs?: No

In Character
What is your Name?: Renko Vyldir
What is your Age?: 25
What is your Home Country?: Ukraine
Who is in your Family?: He doesn't know if anyone in his family is still alive, but if, it would be his father, Vladimir and his mother, Natalia.

What is your Character's Backstory?: Renko was born in the city of Kharkiv. He grew up with his mother and father in a small house in the outskirts of the city. Renko was a very spirited young kid, who always liked to run around and climb up in trees, building small huts here and there. As the years flew by, Renko became older and stronger, and he made a lot of new friends.
He had always loved the nature, and he often wandered off into the forest by himself.
One day when he got back from his walk in the forest, he found that the front door to his house had been kicked in and when he entered the house, he saw that a lot of things were laying all over the floor and signs of a fight could be seen all over the place. He ran around in the house, searching for his mother and father but they were no where to be seen.

Just a few hours later, a small group of armed men came walking towards his house.
He saw them from distance and grabed his fathers old rifle and loaded it. The group of men soon saw something that looked like the end of a rifle, pointing out from one of the windows.
They yelled something about a military attack on the city and that they were involved in a rebel group.
Renko lowerd his rifle, droping it to the floor and started to walk out of the house, towards the group. He began to talk to them, asking them questions about what had happened and they explained it all to him.

Two years later, Renko and the rebel group had set up a camp in a dark forest in a place that was called The Zone. They had only heard tales about it, but never could they imagine what they were about to experience. One week after, the group started to pack up their gear and get ready to try and leave The Zone. When the leader of the group told them that they were going to leave, Renko pulled him aside and told him that he wouldn't follow them anymore. He wanted to stay in The Zone, or in the magnificent new world, as he refered it to.
The leader noded and smiled. He understood that there was nothing that he could do to persuade Renko to follow them.
So the group of rebels started to leave the camp, moving further away, and Renko started his journey further into The Zone, looking for people that shared his passion for this magical place, called The Zone.

What brought you to Freedom? All the things that I have heared about this group of people that shared my passion about The Zone, and how their beliefs were pretty much the same as my own. That everyone should be aware of how beautifull The Zone really is, and how magnificent it is.

How well do you know Freedom Members?: Not really well, I've only met a few members but I've talked to Brandon Ortiz before, and he told me a lot about Freedom.

Faction Related
Are you in any other factions?: No
Will you leave for another faction?: No.
What is Freedom's belief?: That The Zone is a magnificent place and that should be shared with everyone. That all people should learn how to co-exist with the Zone and not try to destroy it.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Because I want to be as free as possible and still live and work with people that share my passion and my beliefs about The Zone.
Name three Freedom members that you know in character?: None acually, have only met some of the members on my stalker character.
Who is the leader Of Freedom (His Characters Name)?: Tenel Asire.
What Role(Job) do you plan on becoming in Freedom?: A Sharpshooter or a rifleman.

What is InjureRP: An injureRP is when you get injured, e.g shot in the leg you have to rp as if you were shot in real life. You can't run or even walk properly, you have to limb around or even crawl. You need to see a medic as fast as possible if you were injured badley.
Do you know about the rules (Flaming, Minging, etc)?: Yes, I'm very aware of the rules.
Will you take responiblility for your actions, whether or not it is good?: Ofcourse.
Do you plan on using the forums?: Yes ofcourse.
Do you plan on being dedicated and checking the forums regularly?: More than once every day.
Did you know that i run a Forum check every 30 days, and same with Promotions?: Yes I did.
What day do promotions occur? Every thiry days.

Thanks for taking the time.

~Tunddruff: Pending, You were in the military, dont lie >:U. Come see me in game

Yes I was, but I'm not in Mili anymore.

                       Accepted, welcome to the club
"I know who I am! I'm a dude playing a dude diquised as another dude!"

The myth says that Radek has two arms, the myth also says that the devil has two arms. Coincidence? I think not.


Out Of Character
Steam Friends Name: nightfield
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:14773833
What is your region/Timezone?: Central Time, so GMT -6
How long have you been roleplaying?: I have been roleplaying since July 2007, when I joined Heacrab's STALKER Roleplay server. I stayed there for around a year, and became the leader of Freedom. Sadly my character was PKed
How long have you been playing on the server?: 2 weeks on and off.
Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Yes, I own the original STALKER, I have beaten it once out of pure luck, but I'm not that good at it :( I do know a lot about the STALKER universe though.
Do you have any problems with drugs?: No......

In Character
What is your Name?: Nikolai Zherdev
What is your Age?: 28
What is your Home Country?: Chechnya
Who is in your Family?: My father Alu Zherdev, and mother Zamira Zherdev, but they are both still in Chechnya
What is your Character's Backstory?: He was born in Chechnya in a peaceful village. When the Russian Military invaded chechnya, Nikolai decided to help his country fight for independance. Nikolai started to experience combat in 1999. After the rebellion died down, Nikolai migrated to the zone in 2005, just to get away from Chechnya.
What brought you to Freedom?: The chance to fight for freedom, so all may explore the Zone.
How well do you know Freedom Members?: I've seen them around, not too much, but I admired them, and wanted to join "Freedom"

Faction Related
Are you in any other factions?: None.
Will you leave for another faction?: Never, I joined freedom in my STALKER playthrough
What is Freedom's belief?: The zone is about Stalkers and being a Stalker is about freedom.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: To open up the zone to any STALKER, Scientist, Civilian, pretty much anyone
Name three Freedom members that you know in character?:
Who is the leader Of Freedom (His Characters Name)?: Tenel Asire
What Role(Job) do you plan on becoming in Freedom?: I would like to be what Seedy Freedom members are, in the actual game.

What is InjureRP: You have to act out your injuries. If you are shot in the arm, you will not shoot as accurately.
Do you know about the rules (Flaming, Minging, etc)?: Yes, flaming is "FUCK YOU BITCH", minging is "HOW SHOT WEB?". NLR, and all the others are known to me as well.
Will you take responiblility for your actions, whether or not it is good?: Yes, I do
Do you plan on using the forums?: I already do use the forums.
Do you plan on being dedicated and checking the forums regularly?: I already do :D
Did you know that i run a Forum check every 30 days, and same with Promotions?: I have read it numerous times
What day do promotions occur? Every 30 days.

~Tunddruff: Heheh Well, you'll be under new leadership. Come see me in game
                       Accepted, although judging from your IC performance, i doubt you were leader of a faction


add me on steam friends when its back up, its nightfield

Cortez Faggot

Steam Friends Name: Slender Man
Steam ID: TEAM_0:1:15089681
What is your region/Timezone?: EST
How long have you been roleplaying?: 4 Years of serious RP
How long have you been playing on the server?: About 4 weeks, was on it a longtime ago just came back.
Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Yep, CS and SHOC
Do you have any problems with drugs?:No

In Character
What is your Name?: Joseph Mactavish
What is your Age?: 20
What is your Home Country?: United States of America.
Who is in your Family?: Father Chris Mactavish, Mother Cassandra Mactavish
What is your Character's Backstory?: Joseph grew up a normal, casual life up in northern maine. His mother and father both owned a local store selling fresh seafood living an average American life. Joseph wasn't so content with a normal lifestyle, after finishing High School Joseph wasn't to keen on working a normal job 'nor taking over the family business. He'd heard about a special place to the east from various sources, snooping around for information Joseph found more from the darker side of the law.  Of course, getting there wasn't free. after all sneaking into the zone with a guide isn't going to be very cheap and Joseph has a big debt to pay off, or not....
What brought you to Freedom? Help out the average STALKER, get loot and of course chillax.
How well do you know Freedom Members?: I usually hung around the base and watched them, bit of chatting. I'm not best buds with them but I could be called an acquaintance

Faction Related
Are you in any other factions?: No
Will you leave for another faction?: Nope.
What is Freedom's belief?: To open up the Zone for all to explore and stop the world from hiding the true zone from the people.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: For people more people to get in the zone and explore it wonders, as well as protecting them from the dangers.
Name three Freedom members that you know in character?:
Who is the leader Of Freedom (His Characters Name)?: Tenel Asire
What Role(Job) do you plan on becoming in Freedom?: I don't really mind. Just as long as I'm helping out. Just being a regular member is fine.

What is InjureRP: Ex: Your firing in rapid succession, I shoot you in the arm your shots aren't going to be exactly dead on or if I should you in the leg your going to be limping away from me.
Do you know about the rules (Flaming, Minging, etc)?: Yes, flaming would be shouting obscenities at some one, mining would be just general noobing around (Prop killing, DM'ing)
Will you take responsibility for your actions, whether or not it is good?: Yes
Do you plan on using the forums?: I have been.
Do you plan on being dedicated and checking the forums regularly?: As said above
Did you know that i run a Forum check every 30 days, and same with Promotions?: Yes
What day do promotions occur? The 30th day of the month

Pending - I am waiting on Tundruff's say. (Locke)

~Tunddruff :3 Come see me in my office


Out Of Character
Steam Friends Name: Plunger
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:13927190
What is your region/Timezone?: Central, GMT -6
How long have you been roleplaying?: Five years including non-Gmod games.
How long have you been playing on the server?: Eight months now.
Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Both
Do you have any problems with drugs?: I cannot answer this question as my parole officer would be angry. (Just kidding, No.)

In Character
What is your Name?: Nikitin Grigorev
What is your Age?: 26
What is your Home Country?: Ukraine
Who is in your Family?:
What is your Character's Backstory?: Nikitin grew up in Ukraine on a farmstead and worked with his family maintaining it. Mostly self taught his big goal in life was to move into the city and begin his own business to help his family. After the second Chernobyl incident he began hearing of the artifacts which could be sold for large amounts of money. He sold what little he had, and packed his bags to begin the long journey The Zone.
What brought you to Freedom?: Freedom was an easy choise to a farmer with the relaxing mood, and goal that he can follow.
How well do you know Freedom Members?: Quite well, Not sure if they know him much though.

Faction Related
Are you in any other factions?: No
Will you leave for another faction?: No
What is Freedom's belief?: That the zone should be open to all.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Because it shares a common goal and has a mellow attitude.
Name three Freedom members that you know in character?: Am I supposed to remember, hehe.
Who is the leader Of Freedom (His Characters Name)?: Tenel Asire
What Role(Job) do you plan on becoming in Freedom?: Engineer, Years of farm equipment repair leads to that skill.

What is InjureRP: Role-playing a wound on your character that can potentially disable then for a moment.
Do you know about the rules (Flaming, Minging, etc)?: Yes
Will you take responiblility for your actions, whether or not it is good?: Yeah
Do you plan on using the forums?: Yeah
Do you plan on being dedicated and checking the forums regularly?: Yeah
Did you know that i run a Forum check every 30 days, and same with Promotions?: Yeah...
What day do promotions occur? Thirty Days.

~Tunddruff: I better see you soon plunger. Or not even Alucard could save you :3 Im jokin' PENDING


Out Of Character
Steam Friends Name:Kieck
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:290191 02:37
What is your region/Timezone?:GMT+2 May-September, GMT+1 October-April
How long have you been roleplaying?:I have been rping for 1 year.
How long have you been playing on the server?:I have been roleplaying for 1 month.
Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Yes, I played ShoC and CS
Do you have any problems with drugs?:Nope.

In Character
What is your Name?:Artyom Pietrenko
What is your Age?:22
What is your Home Country?:Ukraine
Who is in your Family?:Father Fima Pietrenko
What is your Character's Backstory?: Artyom was a normal boy who lived in the city. His mother ran away when he was 3. He was very energic, having a B in PT. When he grew up to high school, he started going to the gym. When he turned 18, he got a job in a hotel. It was good until jewels of some lady were stolen in the hotel. Every lead was going onto him, so he ran away. He heard about the Zone from his friends, and packed his money, pistol, food and water and a knife, then began his long journey to The Zone.
What brought you to Freedom?: To chill out, get drunk as a cow, know new friends, and to take up their cause.
How well do you know Freedom Members?:I helped in defending the base, and patrolling it. I don't think that many ppl know me, but I try to talk with them.

Faction Related
Are you in any other factions?:Nope.
Will you leave for another faction?:Nope.
What is Freedom's belief?:To open The Zone for everyone in the world.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?:For getting more people into The Zone, and to stop Duty with its "Holy War".
Name three Freedom members that you know in character?:Vasili Kosloviski and Joseph Mactavish.
Who is the leader Of Freedom (His Characters Name)?:Tenel "Doc" Asire
What Role(Job) do you plan on becoming in Freedom?:I think that I shall be a rifleman.

What is InjureRP:RPing an injure, when getting hit by /me or by physical means.
Do you know about the rules (Flaming, Minging, etc)?:Yes, I do.
Will you take responiblility for your actions, whether or not it is good?:Yes, I will.
Do you plan on using the forums?: I do, I am not posting too much, I am reading many things.
Do you plan on being dedicated and checking the forums regularly?: Yes, I do.
Did you know that i run a Forum check every 30 days, and same with Promotions?: Yes, I did.
What day do promotions occur? Every 30 days.

~Tunddruff: Pending, your English could use some work, but its probably not your first language come see me in game
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Quote from: Rhyom Guther on 10-08-2009
Removed - By Rhyom Guther

Reason: Staying Loner

You were denied. Dont say removed.
PS posted deleted

Rhyom Guther

Out Of Character
Steam Friends Name: Sinper_German
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:10897283
What is your region/Timezone?: GMT +9
How long have you been roleplaying?: Two Years
How long have you been playing on the server?: One Year.
Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?:Beat SoC(Master); Half way CS (Master)
Do you have any problems with drugs?: No.

In Character
What is your Name?: Vasili Broske
What is your Age?: 35
What is your Home Country?: Russia
Who is in your Family?: All killed or Un-Identified.
What is your Character's Backstory?: (Unknown)
What brought you to Freedom?: My old history as an officer in Freedom
How well do you know Freedom Members?: Very Well.

Faction Related
Are you in any other factions?: No I am not.
Will you leave for another faction?: No. Never.
What is Freedom's belief?: The zone was a gift from god, the Freedom thinks they should share The Zone for everyone else in the world; Duty thinks otherwise.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: For I was in different groups and found out that Freedom was the best of all of them.
Name three Freedom members that you know in character?: Tenel Asaire, Two Other Officers, Royz
Who is the leader Of Freedom (His Characters Name)?: Tenel Asaire
What Role(Job) do you plan on becoming in Freedom?: Sharp Shooter

What is InjureRP: When a person gets shot, for example in the legs. They would have to crawl for their legs would be in full pain if they walked.
Do you know about the rules (Flaming, Minging, etc)?: I fully understand and I turn down other acts of mingery or "False RP"
Will you take responiblility for your actions, whether or not it is good?: Yes I will.
Do you plan on using the forums?: Yes. Allways will.
Do you plan on being dedicated and checking the forums regularly?: I allways have and I allways will.
Did you know that i run a Forum check every 30 days, and same with Promotions?: Yes, I understand.
What day do promotions occur? Every 30 Days.

~Tunddruff: STILL wrong format. And you need a back story. Im not Psycrow, that was along time ago.
Quote from: Tunddruff on 28-05-2009
If you are Denied, you can reapply by editing your application and adding to the end "Updated. Try Number: XX" XX standing for 01,02,03,04,etc


You have accepted me ICly said that you would set me to Novice as soon as I have applied. (Don't you remember?)


Out Of Character
Steam Friends Name: Snowblind
Steam ID: <Snip, motherfuckers.>
What is your region/Timezone?: GMT -5:00 Eastern
How long have you been roleplaying?: 4 years, constantly.
How long have you been playing on the server?: Going on a week now.
Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Beat SoC on Master with all endings.
Do you have any problems with drugs?: None.

In Character
What is your Name?: Dan Scarfschutz
What is your Age?: 19
What is your Home Country?: Germany
Who is in your Family?: Both biological parents deceased. No siblings.
What is your Character's Backstory?: Due to the death of his friend because of his inaction, Dan is fiercely loyal to his friends and will always put himself in the way of danger if need be. In the two years he has spent in the Zone so far; he has come quite far from being a rookie. With useful skills such as extraordinary marksmanship, computer use, and lying congressional style, Dan isn't one to be trifled with.
What brought you to Freedom?: Freedom was the best option for someone who enjoyed nothing more than just laying back, drinking a bit, and having a good time. I'm also one who thinks that the Zone is great, and Freedom shares that view.
How well do you know Freedom Members?: Fairly well, I've spent most of my time here so far with Freedom.

Faction Related
Are you in any other factions?: No.
Will you leave for another faction?: No.
What is Freedom's belief?: Freedom believes that the Zone is an amazing place, and should be opened to all.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Freedom fits my character's lifestyle perfectly. Masturbating, smoking weed, drinking? I had no desire to be in any faction.
Name three Freedom members that you know in character?: Three Freedomer's I know IC are Zhenya Levkov, Kiril Ivanov, and Adrik Fedorov.
Who is the leader Of Freedom (His Characters Name)?: Tenel Asire.
What Role(Job) do you plan on becoming in Freedom?: I would prefer a scout or sniper role.

What is InjureRP: InjureRP basically adds realism to combat ingame: When you're shot in the foot, you roleplay the injure instead of continuing to run away. When your lung collapses, you roleplay not being able to sprint because of the lack of air, etc...
Do you know about the rules (Flaming, Minging, etc)?: Yes, and I plan to follow them accordingly.
Will you take responiblility for your actions, whether or not it is good?: 110 percent.
Do you plan on using the forums?: Yes.
Do you plan on being dedicated and checking the forums regularly?: Yes.
Did you know that i run a Forum check every 30 days, and same with Promotions?: Yes.
What day do promotions occur? Promotions are supposed to occur every 30 days.