Old Freedom Apps - Outdated.

Started by Psycrowtik03385, 30-11-2008

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The rule applies to DUTY Freedom and Army.

Im gunna put Pending, You can chill with us under the Freedom name, im just waiting for Locke's approval


Quote from: Tunddruff The rule applies to DUTY Freedom and Army.

Im gunna put Pending, You can chill with us under the Freedom name, im just waiting for Locke's approval
Ok Cool ; D

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


Steam Friends Name: Raidenator

In-Character Name: Vovka Seriy

Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:6042186

What is your region/Timezone?: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

How long have you been roleplaying?: Since late 2005, starting in GMod 9.

How long have you been playing on the server?: December 14, 2008

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Shadow of Chernobyl, but not Clear Sky (from what I heard it was lame compared to ShoC)

Are you in any other factions?: No.

What is your characters backstory?: Vovka Seriy came to the exclusion Zone in search of riches (under the euphoric rush of overhearing that there are an abundance of colorful rocks that sell for thousands, called "artifacts"), and to satisfy his constructive tendencies.

Whilst on his journey to the Chernobyl area aboard a boxcar going to Kiev, he saw the effects of greed and war, which drove him out of that aforementioned euphoric state, and into a more apathetic state of mind.

After several days of trekking to the Chernobyl area, more currently known as "Cordon", he was exhausted.

Assumingly, he thought the people of "Cordon" were just friendly farmers and other fortune hunters, he went to sleep in a nearby barn house.

When he woke up, he found himself without a wallet, phone, or any sort of survival gear.

No compass, maps, or flashlights.

So he's stuck in Chernobyl, he's poor, and no one seems to care.

(the end, I suppose)

What is Freedom's belief?: Blindly defend Freedom, DUTY is their sole enemy, and Barkeeps are good guys, open the Zone to everyone (the opposite of DUTY's beliefs).

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I'm there all the time, anyway. I may as well join up to help improve my relations
with them.

Accepted as trial. Your status of full flegded freedomer will depend on how active you are.


Steam Friends Name:Moordact

In-Character Name:Dervin Einsklare

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:17480691 07:06 186 0 active

What is your region/Timezone?:gmt +1

How long have you been roleplaying?:

How long have you been playing on the server?:1 day, 2 months on old?

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?:the first one

Are you in any other factions?:i used to be co-commander in The crusaders (dead, old server)

What is your characters backstory?:I was born in Germany , I was a born criminal until I got cought in a raid .
Had to leave my country , after a year or two I heard about the disaster in chernobyl .
So I went there dooing things for others wich paid well .
Lately nobody was hiring any merc's so I decided to try get any connections with the freedom faction . Here I am waiting to join.

What is Freedom's belief?: Everybody needs to be able to come to the zone if they want

Why do you wish to join Freedom?:It's a faction where you almost always have the oppurtunity to roleplay.

Pending. Don't mean to hate on you but your grammar is bad and I haven't seen the kind of rp that I like from you before. You will be given a chance to redeeem yourself, talk to me ICly when I'm on the server and we can rp together.
Don't mind my englisch im Dutch!


Steam Friends Name: Alindon

In-Character Name: Allen Don

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:14880684

What is your region/Timezone?: Pacific

How long have you been roleplaying?: 2 Years.

How long have you been playing on the server?: A week and a half.

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: SoC.

Are you in any other factions?: No

What is your characters backstory?: Allen "Dolimen" Don was born in March 15 1961.
He grew up only with his mother in the Ukraine, While Allen grew up he made many
Educational choices in school and work hoping to be a scientist. He got very
far in his work but got Caught in the zone.

While in his several hours of wandering he found a Freedom Settlement That He's
been staying in for a month. During those 30 days Allen grew very fond of

What is Freedom's belief?: To uncloak the zone from the world.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: To be aware and fight for a reason.

(I'm fine if you deny me I understand.)

_________________________________________________ Looks OK to me. The back story could use a bit more. But its good enough for me. Wait for Locke's response ~Tunddruff


Steam Friends Name:Sargentnoob(Woodfin)

In-Character Name: Nick Yorkoz one of the two I'll put the right one in soon

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:18283730

What is your region/Timezone?:us,eastern time

How long have you been roleplaying?:2 and ahalf years
How long have you been playing on the server?:Well around a mounth but I always go on when there like one or no people so I can salvege stuff but if I can rp as freedom I'll be on when there like 10 othere people

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?:I own both but i like just got clear sky

Are you in any other factions?:No so I'm freedom 24 hours a day if I get accepted

What is your characters backstory?:Nick Yorkoz was born in mascow, in 1974.His dad was a small shop keeper,his  mom died when he was born.In 1984 Nick got in a fight with his dad about his what to do about finachal probloms, Nick took the exstreme and snuck in a military truck going to  Ucrain.

What is Freedom's belief?:Well, they belief that the people should have all the info about the zone and have it free axies
 to the zone and back.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?:Freedom and Duty are the best to roleplay as, I love the idea that freedom has and duty remonds me of a dictaor gov type of guys.

Accepted. ^.^


Steam Friends Name: SycoraxDMC

In-Character Name: Greg Tolik

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17596768

What is your region/Timezone?: Eastern time. I live near the East Coast.

How long have you been roleplaying?: Ever since I got garrysmod over a year ago.

How long have you been playing on the server?: October-November 2008.

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Beaten both many times.

Are you in any other factions?: None.

What is your characters backstory?:  I was born in Pripyat in 1970. During the months around the first explosion in 1986 I was with my family on vacation in Belarus to stay with my cousins while my parents traveled to England. When we came back they wouldn't let us back to our home. They told us the radiation was to high. We lived in Ukraine until My father died of cancer in 2000. In 2006 when the second explosion that  created the Zone happened, I knew I could finally see my home again. And when I heard the stories of powerful artifacts and strange anomalies I knew I could find a way to get some extra money for my family. I left my mother and younger brothers in Ukraine and now live in the Zone, selling artifacts and scavenging for anything worth money I can sell. I still send my family money and letters when I can.

What is Freedom's belief?: Freedom believes the Zone was not a curse, but a blessing. They believe it is good for people and it should be made open to the world. Freedom believes it is a great way of life.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Freedom is a great faction. They aren't enemies with very many factions. Only really Duty and the factions that hate everyone. Freedom looks out for it's members. They're great for RP becuase they're kind of laid back, but when they need to get serious they get serious.

_________________________________________________Accepted by Locke, but you better use the forums. ~Tunddruff


I got 30 posts now, ARE YOU HAPPY TUNDRUFF?

Steam Friends Name: -=VRP=- Commissar Strelok

In-Character Name: Viktor Kuperosov

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:15189939

What is your region/Timezone?: UTC+2

How long have you been roleplaying?: I've been roleplaying all together for about 6-7 years.

How long have you been playing on the server?:I started RPing on TZRP and RPd there for about 2-3 months, when HGN was made, I RPd here for about 2 months under the name of Strelok, or Ctpenok.

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: I've played and beated both S.T.A.L.K.E.Rs: Shadows of Chernobyl and S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Clear Skies.

Are you in any other factions?: No.

What is your characters backstory?: Viktor grew up as an orphan in the zone, his parent were killed by Snorks one night and he was taken in by a wandering Freedomer. Ever since he was a little buy he's loved Freedom and their cause. One day he'd been partolling with a group of freedomers when suddenly they were attacked by a group of Psuedo dogs, every man was killed, and Viktor was badly wounded. He limped to the nearest town and passed out due to blood loss when hed gotten to the front gate. A few hours later he'd woken up and found out he was in a place known as "The Cordon". So ever since the insident he'd been living in a small villige of Loners near the Great Swamps.

What is Freedom's belief?: Freedom believes that the Zone should be free and known about, instead of being covered up by evil people like DUTY and the Ukrainian Military.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I wish to join freedom because they, in my opinion, have the greatest roleplay potention. Instead of Guarding outposts like the Military, Freedom can plot plans like taking over a DUTY outpost, or ambushing a group of Military to take their supplies.

_________________________________________________Yes actually, ^.^ Accepted unless Locke says otherwise. ~Tunddruff


Steam Friends Name:  Cap'n

In-Character Name: Joshua Kilin

Steam ID:

What is your region/Timezone?: Eastern Standard timezone

How long have you been roleplaying?: Ive RP'd on many darkrp servers. But I got tired of that, I started looking for something more historical

How long have you been playing on the server?: About like, 4 or 5 months
Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Yes. Ive played on clear sky and shadow of chernobyl

Are you in any other factions?: No, this is my first application

What is your characters backstory?: My character is american. And he wanted to be known and popular. So he immigrated to russia, by hiding in a cargo crate. His idea was to steal some artifacts from the chernobyl area. Finally he made it into the zone, while learning the ways of the Zone, Veteran S.T.A.L.K.E.Rs talk about the factions. He overhears about the Freedom, Thinking that he should be part of it

What is Freedom's belief?: To destroy the DUTY

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: To Destroy Monolith, Mutants, and the DUTY.

-:I think i messed up on the application.:-

_________________________________________________Fixed, im reading it now ~Tunddruff
_________________________________________________Denied. ... believe is wrong, yes Duty has the opposite belief but still. There is no Steam ID and i have never seen you on the server. ~Tunddruff


Steam Friends Name: Tails

In-Character Name: Jake Dan

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:18434768

What is your region/Timezone?: Central

How long have you been roleplaying?: Well about 6 mounths

How long have you been playing on the server?: ive been with hgn for about 25 weeks

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: No but i do know story line from friends

Are you in any other factions?: No i am not

What is your characters backstory?: About ten years ago my father was out side cleaning his fort 12 he looked at me and my brothers and smiled he said go inside boys ill be inside in about a hour me and my brothers josh and Brandon went inside and started playing with are kabars about three hours latter my father came inside and said we had to go to bed so we did that night I heard a gun shot I got out of bed wakening my brothers I told them to grab the kabars we all got are kabars and went to my fathers bed room and my fathers fort 12 was on the ground I picked it up and went to the back yard and the man that killed my father was a duty I loaded my fathers fort 12 and emptied the clip on his leg he fell to the ground dropping his mp5 I ripped off his mask and took my kabar out calling for my brothers I put my kabar on his neck and asked him why he killed my father he said I hate freedom I put my kabar in his mouth and slit his jaw open than I waited for him to feel all of the pain I than slit his neck and picked up his mp5 grabed a bottle of water and me and my brothers were off to the zone.

What is Freedom's belief?: Freedom believes the Zone was not a curse, but a blessing. They believe it is good for people and it should be made open to the world. Freedom believes it is a great way of life.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Well i have rped with Duty i dident like and i have wanted to try with freedom also i thank the belief sounds cool

_________________________________________________Pending, your story is a bit off, DUTY and Freedom are both only in the Zone... and a few missing commas/periods. See a freedom member, roleplay for 2-3 days and tell me about it in a PM ~Tunddruff


Steam Friends Name: Sakna

In-Character Name: Nikolai Kustov

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:5273910

What is your region/Timezone?: U.S. , Westcoast

How long have you been roleplaying?: Four years.

How long have you been playing on the server?: Five days.

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Yes, SoC

Are you in any other factions?: No.

What is your characters backstory?: Nikolai came to The Zone when he was young, 18 to be exact. He had run away from a life of poverty and loneliness searching for adventure and action, he heard about The Zone from a truck driver who was taking goods in and out of The Zone, Nikolai worked out a deal with him and was taken into The Zone. Halfway to their destination the driver was caught by a military patrol, with Nikolai in the back. Nikolai heard arguing in front, then shortly after gun shots-the driver was dead. When the military patrol left Nikolai left the truck, lost, without food or drink, and was in the middle of The Zone. After wandering for several days, running into all sorts of trouble from mutated animals to bandits, he found a Freedom outpost, where he stayed until he was well again, he spent a good amount of time with Freedom and they became his friends, his family. He believed in what Freedom was fighting for and often helped them in patrols or defenses, now, Nikolai wants to prove himself to Freedom, because he thinks he has what it takes.

What is Freedom's belief?: That The Zone should be public and open to everyone, not kept a secret.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Because I believe in the thoughts and beliefs of Freedom and trust them. (IC Reason)
Most Freedom I run into are good RPers, the group itself has a lot of potential and they are peaceful unless provoked.
Quote from: Locke You need to be on the server for two weeks for your application to be considered.
_________________________________________________ Denied ~Tunddruff.


Steam Friends Name: Paintcheck

In-Character Name: Vasily Petrov (Creating this for Freedom, my current Loner is Sergei 'Hawk' Fedorov)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:8219116

What is your region/Timezone?: GMT -8 Pacific Standard Time.

How long have you been roleplaying?: Started RPing in computer games around 4 years ago in the Half Life mod The Specialists. Have been doing text and forum RPs on and off before that.

How long have you been playing on the server?: About a month but I am not the most active guy so most people probably haven't seen me around much. My activity will increase in a few weeks as school winds down.

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Yes, played and beat SOC..

Are you in any other factions?: Nope.

What is your characters backstory?:
Vasily was born in Kiev, Ukraine in 1983. He was just barely old enough to remember the first Chernobyl meltdown. His parents were poor, coming from a long line of peasants that had suffered under both Tzarist and Communist leadership. He was 8 years old when the USSR collapsed and anticipated freedom from Soviet domination (his parents had told stories of famines and other hardships under Soviet rule). Although the USSR had collapsed, Vasily's family's condition did not improve overnight. Since his family was mostly uneducated farmers, the change from Soviet rule to Ukrainian was largely symbolic. He dreamed of a better life and true freedom elsewhere in the world, realizing that farming was not for him. When the second explosion rocked Chernobyl, rumors of the wonders and wealth that could be found in the Zone enticed him. He left home almost immediately after the news of the Zone's bounty surfaced, traveling by foot and by hitchhiking all the way to the Cordon and the start of the Zone. He hopped the barbed wire fence a few miles out from the military checkpoint and worked his way to the large Loner camp just inside the checkpoint.

Although not well educated, Vasily possessed intuition and street smarts that allowed him to survive his early months in the Zone. He loved the freedom in the Zone and would often wander aimlessly through the Zone for days on end just because he could. He learned very quickly to hate the constant Military patrols that attempted to control S.T.A.L.K.E.RS and he also disliked Duty's attempts at attempting to enforce laws and regulations on explorers like himself. He heard from an experienced S.T.A.L.K.E.R that there was a group of individuals like himself that had taken up residence in the Army Warehouses to the North. He set off to the North in the hope of making contact and possibly joining this group.

What is Freedom's belief?: That the Zone's wonders be free and that anyone who wants to should be allowed to experience the Zone however he wants.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: ((OOCLY because I enjoy being attached to no one as my Loner character but that can sometimes make it hard to RP with factionalized players as they see a non-flagged Loner and assume n00b. Freedom is the faction that would allow me to RP without as many regulations as say Duty would while also allowing easier IC relationships with other faction members.))

((ICLY)) I want to join because it can get lonely off by myself on those long nights in the Zone and I'm looking for people who think like me. I don't want people telling me what to do. ((That isn't to say that I won't follow orders in like faction wars or something, just that I don't want to be strictly micromanaged like a military dude. I realize they aren't uber tightly controlled in the server as they would be if this was, say, real life, but yeah RP sake I'm pretending they are)).

Thanks for reading this.

Holy fuck, best app i have read in like 2 months (Also post in the Active thread too please) ~Tunddruff (As in you got accepted)


Steam Friends Name:Hotstarr (RelapseHotstarr might work better in the add friends thing)

In-Character Name:Markos Pachnikov. Nicknamed "Steel Rhino".

Steam ID:I will get this ASAP.

What is your region/Timezone?:Can't remember exactly, but I live in Georgia, USA.

How long have you been roleplaying?:Since 2006, which was when I joined a forum for the first time.

How long have you been playing on the server?: I believe last November or December.

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Not really, but I do have a decent understanding of the game, from rping in the SRP server.

Are you in any other factions?: I USED to be in Duty.

What is your characters backstory?: Markos Pachnikov. The Steel Rhino. Long before he joined Freedom, he used to be a bar's bouncer, making sure nobody with hostilities would enter or cause any danger to the bar, or the people inside. While guarding the bar, Mr. Pachnikov listened to many various discussions of Duty, the Ukrane Military, and Freedom. At first, the tall bouncer was interested in Duty, as he disliked the zone and it's several issues and annoyances. However, he found himself talking about Freedom with a mercenary who was a Freedom sympathizer. For long time, they have discussed Freedom. Markos was even convinced that the Zone contains benefits that would improve the world significantly.

During their long chat, the mercenary and Markos left the bar to take care of a small mutant problem near the bar, when it was taken under control by a small group of bandits. Prompted to leave, the merc and the Steel Rhino made their separate ways, and left to other parts of the zone, being outnumbered and out-gunned. A long time of scavenging filled the gap from when he left the bar, and found Freedom.

When he had discovered the zone's group of people who are willing to open it to the world, he asked to join Freedom. After a rigorous week of training, he finally joined the ranks of the Freedomers.

What is Freedom's belief?: To free the zone to the world, to use it help the rest of the planet.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: As Markos was convinced my a Freedom Sympathizer that Freedom was the best thing for the zone, he sought the same purpose as many other Freedomers.

~Tunddruff :OH LOL! Im reading the other on as i am typing this

Accepted, I know how GOOD you are. (Also post in the Active thread too please) ~Tunddruff


Steam Friends Name: Kaz

In-Character Name: Mikhael Federov

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:11166355

What is your region/Timezone?:
GMT -5 Eastern Standard Time

How long have you been roleplaying?: Couple years, started out in HL2-DM, moved onto TSRP, took a long break, moved onto GMod RP.

How long have you been playing on the server?: About a month, give or take.

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: I've played both SoC, and CS.

Are you in any other factions?: No.

What is your characters backstory?: Mikhael was born in Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia. His father was involved with the Russian Mafia, making Mikhael's childhood hard and miserable. Him and his family, consisting of him his brother and his parents, eventually were smuggled out of Russia to the U.S., escaping Communist rule. They found themselves living in New York City, eventually. However, the magnificent golden land they expected turned to be all but naught. He was the son of a small-time business man succumbing to the lure of alcohol and drugs in order to cope with his dim, dark life. His mother, a sadistic, cruel bitch who took out her anger on Mikhael because she was unhappy with the marriage she couldn't escape and the horrific minimum-wage job she could not give up. Mikhael turned to violence and small thrills in order to help him cope with his life. He dropped out of high school after his father died, and his mother commited suicide, eventually finding himself doing the odd jobs for the Botticelli family. Eventually his father's past caught up with him, and he was expected to pay off his father's debt. He was forcefully brought back to Russia, back to the city he was born in, doing all the dirty work for the Krylov family.

           His experience in the underworld gave him the necessary skills to carry out the tasks given to him by the Krylovs'. Slowly he moved up the ranks, his loyalty and efficiency eventually earning the adamant respect of them. Time went on, and tension slowly started to build up between the crime rings in Achinsk. The head of the family, Vasili Krylov was a man who found himself angered by even the smallest thing. If you even looked at him wrong, you would find yourself disemboweled at the bottom of a manhole, cruising along in all the accumulated filth of the city. Viktor Gorbachev, the head of a less prominent family saw fit to disrespect Vasili, leading to the downfall of him and the members of his ring. Viktor was a coward, a filthy, opportunistic coward. Him and the few surviving members of his family fled up north during the winter, and Mikhael was given the monumental task of tracking him down and putting an end to his worthless life.

            He spent a month tracking the bastard down, conditions were harsh and food was scarce, he learned to live off of the land. The only items he took with him were a Mosin Nagant 1891/30, a thick overcoat, a knife, and a small pouch full of 7.62x54mmR rounds. He was eventually lead to a small farmstead, and put one right inbetween the eyes of the sucker. One of the 3 other people who fled with him burst out the door in panic, only to be shot down as quick as he came out. The remaining two remained in the house, and Mikhael waited there for 2 days without eating, eventually killed them both. When Mikhael returned, he learned to find that the Krylovs' had set him up, and he was being hunted. While attempting to hitch-hike, trying to get away from Achinsk, he met a young man named Seth Ross. Mikhael'd heard of some place called "The Zone" up in Ukraine a while back, with nowhere else to go to, off they went.

What is Freedom's belief?: That the Zone is for no one to control and keep a monopoly over, that it is for everyone to share and experience for themselves.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?:
Mikhael's experiences taught him that it is better to be free than to be bound by rules and regulations, being in The Zone opened his eyes for once in his life, he believed that nothing should have restrictions imposed upon them, The Zone, no exception. He despised the Duty members for their arrogance and cruelty, saw them do horrible things, and this only drove him further into wanting to join the ranks of those who seek what he wants the most.

When you review my app please don't take the the number of posts I have into account, I plan to post more often. :c

(I dont plan too, you CLEARLY know what you are doing ~Tunddruff)

Accepted: Jesus fuck write me a novel!! I love that story :D (Also post in the here ---->Roster/Activity Thead<----)


Steam Friends Name: Billy215 (|FP| Billy)

In-Character Name: Yuri Brockov

Steam ID: Billy215

What is your region/Timezone?: London

How long have you been roleplaying?: 3 Months

How long have you been playing on the server?: 3 Months

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Both Of Them (Shadow Of Chrenobyl And clear Sky)

Are you in any other factions?: No

What is your characters backstory?: A man Named Yuri Brockov, He's Mother died by a bloodsucker when Yuri was 2, he's brother joined the duty, but his life was lost. His father on the other hand, was a proud-to-be Freedom Member. But one day his father was sent on a mission, to help Save the zone. He had never seen him since. Growing up for Yuri was tough, seeming as he was A loner throughout his life, He's dream was to Accomplish The Freedom Belief: To free the zone to the world, and use it to save the rest of the planet. (Which was what his father had told him before he went missing.) As an adult he has been a brave explorer, Fearless they might as well say. Which leads up to now. Where life just starts to get better.

Skills: Trained Highly In All Firearms, Sidearms, And Any other type of weapon.
Has A Very Good Aim And Knows The Zone Like the palm Of His Hand

What is Freedom's belief?: To free the zone to the world, And Use it To Help Save The Rest Of The Planet!!!

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: To Follow On and To Accomplish The Freedoms Belief.

Denied. Bio is wrong. No BABIES in the zone. Your belief is wrong (Well 1/2 wrong) and I we more expect people to RP in freedom, and your reason sounds more like pew pew pew ~Tunddruff


Steam Friends Name: FullmetalAlchemist0080   [current name is Darklight.]

In-Character Name: Amazake Reno

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:9744421

What is your region/Timezone?:

How long have you been roleplaying?: Two years, All based in Gmod RP, I've had my fair share of experience in HL2 Roleplay, Real life roleplay, and a bit of S.T.A.L.K.E.R, which obviously, I'm getting into.

How long have you been playing on the server?: A few days, Very interested on how things work here, but I'm more intrigued on how good the playerbase is here. I've joined due to other friend's pleas to join and to note that i find a few old people that I've known from previous communities, Kaz, Hockey, and whatnot. I think I'll be hanging around for a while

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: The first S.T.A.L.K.E.R Game, I've had a small glimpse of the Second, but honestly in my opinion, I think it's better that I become more involved an have a set mind within S.T.A.L.K.E.R Roleplay here in HGN.

Are you in any other factions?:
No. Kaz's Mikhael Federov converted me into, "Freedomism"  :chinese:

What is your characters backstory?:
The history of Reno's expedition of research begins along the coast of Mozyr. Reno's partner Python assists him along his mission to travel across Ukraine towards Oleksandriia, the LZ point as his Squad has been depleted from the unidentified monsters that has attacked them. Reno and Python traveled across the land with nothing. Their supplies, depleted, their weaponry, destroyed, their communication, sabotaged. The barren wasteland lays judgement upon the pair, Their hope is closing out in the dark.

           Oktober 24, The dreadful sun above the clouds of death blankets the pair's possible demise. Only two days in from the mission, the seemingly short days seems like a mirage. Here is their story....

           -Oktober 22... Reno swings mildly, bouncing shoulders with Python, her build smaller than Reno. The deafening blades of the B-212 Helicopter casts a shadow along the land of Ukraine, the once flourishing country downsized to a desert of unknown anomalies. Reno taps his foot along the extended stock of his Colt M4A1, the clatter of added external upgrades glimmer lightly in the parched orange sun. Within the small compartment of the midsection in the B-212, Sergeant Lin screams above the endless rotary engines, "BRAVO TEAM TO LZ POINT, ETA 2 MINUTES! LOCK AND LOAD. PRIVATE RENO, PREPARE THE ZIPLINE!". Reno snaps out of his trance as he looks up into Python's eyes, glancing for a moment and back to Sergeant Zimmerman, "Sir yes sir!". Reno hustles over, grabbing the large coil of black tethered rope, readying himself as he looks over the side of the B-212. "PRIVATE SEET, PREP THE CAMP KIT FOR LOAD-OUT, DEPLOYING IN ETA ONE MINUTE. PRIVATE PYTHON, PREP THE AMMUNITION. DOCTER LAO, READY YOUR OWN PERSONAL KIT." Sergeant Lin screams. The B-212 hovers over to a large facility, The dust covered H symbol disperses as the Heli gloom it's shadow over the pad. "Just what I thought, This place has gone to hell... Reno, toss down the rope, Go down first and secure a perimeter." Reno nods, the flaps on his boonie hat swing slightly, the goggles shimmers on his forehead, and the scarf loosening slightly. The rope swings wildly down the side of the B-212, the end hooking on the edge of the mid-section, Reno hustles over, clipping the rope to his belt, jumping down, the screeching sound of the rope to Reno's belt descends down to the helipad. Reno lands, briskly removing the clipping, huddling over, and kneeling, grasping his M4A1 Carbine, the silence cakes him. Reno stares at the land, as It's far more a difference in aspect from an eagle's eye. The trees, not even ripped to shreds, is frozen as the rot caused it's endless stone feature. Seet zips down the line, joining Reno in securing the perimeter. Appalled, his face seems. Seet lifts the camera off his shoulder, taking pictures. Reno, not caring, looks up and over at the B-212, Python slides down the line, landing, saddling down next to Reno.  Docter Lao zips down the line, slightly stumbling as he lands. Sergeant Lin zips down the line, stomping down on the floor, "What's our status?" he says. "It's all clear Sir." Reno replies, settling down the M4A1 down, resting on his abdomen. "Good, Lets move due south." Sergeant Lin says briskly, as he swings around, getting a good look of the dry world, the M249 SAW sticking to Lin's rather large build. "Sir yes sir" The squad replies, Standing up and taking wedge formation with Sergeant Lin on point. Seet rolls on his heels, snapping a photo of Reno and Python at an angle. Bravo squad moves towards the setting sun.

                -Oktober 23, 2 A.M in the morning, the dark skies casts over the land. Bravo squad finds themselves a safe haven cave to camp in. "Private Reno, prepare the fire. Seet, get the tents set up. Doctor Lao, take a sample of our surrounding, check if it's clear.  Private Python, patrol and secure a perimeter around the camp." The night stiffens as the squad saddles down around the fire. The drought riddled wind curbs the cave's entrance, echoing within the cave as the fire crackles lightly. "Bravo Team, at ease. Take your rest. I'll take night shift tonight." Reno looks up at Lin, then gets up, huddling over to his tent with Python.

Hours into the night...

                 Terror strikes, A scream roars through the cave. Reno wakes up, stiffened, grabbing his M9 beretta out of his vest pocket, jumping out of the tent. A silhouetted figure holds Lin by the neck. Lin, whose face is barely lit by the moonlight shadow, red of blood as it slowly caresses down his chin from his mouth. The figure, snarls, looking back at Reno. "PYTHON. GET UP. NOW!" Reno looks to his side, Seet and Lao's body riddled the stone floor, mangled and drenched of blood. "Oh god.." Reno narrows his eyes down at the monster, who throws Lin to the side, pouncing towards Reno down the cave. Reno wildly blasts at the hostile, his scream of terror pitched out of the cave. The monster screams as it lands ontop of Reno. Reno grabs the monster's arms, attempting to push it aside, inevitably, the monster's mouth divides into a series of layers, flailing at Reno, saliva dripping across his face. A batter of fire showers the monster's face, blood smears across the wall as the monster shrieks it's last call, falling to the side. Python hustles over, kneeling down next to Reno, "You okay?" Reno shudders, replying; "Yeah.. We gotta move, Who knows if there is more of them.. Grab what you can." Reno and Python immediately retrieves valuables, weaponry, research papers, and briefings. Reno climbs into Seet's tent, grabbing the camera, holding up a photo, glimmering in the fire's orange glow. The black and white picture shows Reno and Python back at the landing point. Reno climbs out of the tent, pocketing the picture into his pouch. Python rustles in her tent, taking a large rucksack out along with her. Reno walks over to Lin and Seet, removing the dog-tags, wearing it over his neck.
"Amazake, Lets go." Python says sadly. Reno nods, walking out of the cave, Python following behind. The fire extinguishes slowly as the pair walks out to the lightly orange sky of the rising sun, unknowingly to....

The Zone

What is Freedom's belief?: Freedom is to the open The Zone for anyone. It's not to be tamed, to be controlled, to be anyone's belonging. It's Free.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: To assist the mission of keeping this 'world' out of control. Free to anyone.

Im hungry, ill read it in a sec, but you will get accepted anyway, (I trust cobra :D ... <3)


Dont you guys love Darklight's backstory?


It's been a while since i wrote this bro. It's nothing too big.

I was planning to make it 7 days in the story, but I was too lazy.



Yeah, I've roleplayed a bit, there and there on reno.


Steam Friends Name:anileator (lol i couldn't spell)

In-Character Name:Thomas Reed

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:13399233

What is your region/Timezone?:GMT -5 EST

How long have you been roleplaying?:3 years

How long have you been playing on the server?:6 months

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?:Yes, both.

Are you in any other factions?:Yes Duty, but if I get accepted I'll hit post on my resignation.

What is your characters backstory?: Thomas Reed was born in Chicago. His mother died giving birth and his father was an absolute drunk. He turned to crime and mischief to fill the hole of his dead mother and drunk father. When he was 20, he was caught by the police for robbing a convenient store and served 3 years in prison and got out on parole. A month after he was released, he stole a car and was chased by the police for 5 miles until his car ran out of gas, luckily the chopper pilot was eating a doughnut at the time and wasn't paying attention being so used to catching the bad guys by now, Thomas leaped from his motionless vehicle over the guard rail and ran off into a field. Once the police caught up to him he climbed a tree and hid there for a few hours then took off. He saw on the news through a television outside a store that this "Zone" was a place where criminals could live free of law enforcement. Once he arrived in the zone he decided that this place should never be destroyed and is deciding to join the Freedom Cause to stop the eradication of the zone.

What is Freedom's belief?: To protect The Zone from being destroyed and keeping ti open to all people who want to come.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: To save this criminal harbouring, magical wasteland from total eradication.

~Tunddruff: Accepted


Steam Friends Name: Zer0Cool

In-Character Name: Josh Deringer

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:18278888

What is your region/Timezone?: EST

How long have you been roleplaying?: about a year

How long have you been playing on the server?: six months

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Yes, I own and enjoy Clear Sky.

Are you in any other factions?: Nope.

What is your characters backstory?: Josh Was born in Florida and was raised by his abusive father because his mother died at birth. His father was a drunk and would beat him often. When he was 18 enough he joined the army and became squad leader in the 501st Airborn. He was top of his class while in training, this would explain why he became a squad leader. When he left the army after only being with it for five years he went home to see his father hadn't gotten any better. He heard of the zone while at his first year at college studying to become an AeroSpace Engineer. After two years of college he decided to go to the zone. When he heard anout freedom he was 26 and figured it would be good to do some thing he is good at and join up as a fighter.

What is Freedom's belief?: They want to protect the zone from being destroyed and keep it open and free for people to enter.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Because Freedom is awsome and duty is not.

~Tunddruff: pending, Your belief is wrong.

Alek Kenenday

Redneck: Steam Friends Name:[HGN] Redneck

In-Character Name: William Bergqvist

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:15882633

What is your region/Timezone?: Central.

How long have you been roleplaying?:5 Years

How long have you been playing on the server?: Since it started.

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: Yes and I beat both.

Are you in any other factions?: No. (Commited suicide)

What is your characters backstory?: When William was born he was living about 10 miles away from Pripyat with his parents and his brother. When he was a teenager at school he had been pushed to try some type of drug called "Pot" he tried it and got addicted. William parents were so upset with him they gave him some money and sent him to the United states for a better life. A few more years later William turned 18 then he heard Cherynobl NPP had a second explosion. He did not have enough money to fly back to Ukraine so he worked for a year. Once he made enough money he immediatly quit his job. He was tired living under stupid rules, so he flew to Ukraine and once he got there he encountered military douche bags. He was turned away but he found a group of loners who were trying to sneak past the military so he jumped in with them. But upon doing so they got in, but an instant later they were found by the military and were forced to scatter while some of them were shot dead. William ran as fast as he could heading for nearby villages. He found this one place of these men called "FREEDOM" he asked them what they were about. Upon that question he heard "It is about freedom!!!" He then wished to join them to take the stresses of the world off his shoulders.

What is Freedom's belief?: The Zone shouldn't be kept secret and that you should be allowed to do what you please

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Because I am tired of living under stressful jobs and under these rules, I would like to have FREEDOM for the rest of my life

~Tunddruff: Fuckin Eh!


Steam Friends Name: halo2121

In-Character Name: Vitalik Rumyatsev

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:11638946

What is your region/Timezone?: I am in the Atlantic timezone. (GMT-4:00)

How long have you been role playing?: I have been role playing for almost six years.

How long have you been playing on the server?: I use to play on the S.T.A.L.K.E.RRP server regularly a little while ago but I had some personal issues so I quit for a little while but now I'm back.

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?: I've played and beat both of them.

Are you in any other factions?: I currently do not take part in any faction.

What is your characters backstory?: My character doesn't have much of a back story. He is a Russian 37 year old man who happens to be a former Spetznaz. His wife left him while he was deployed and his son died in a car accident when he was 6. He lives for nothing but loyalty, respect, food, shelter, and of course WEED!

What is Freedom's belief?: The Freedom dedicate themselves to make the zone free for access, they also believe that everyone should know about the zone and no information should be hidden from humanity. Freedom also looks towards challenging the zone and uncover all its secrets.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I think the concept of Freedom is great in its own sense, but its even better now that they have WEED!

Can you Roleplay: My ability to role play is without question.

What is InjureRP: Im going to guess and say that its role playing someone who is injured. For example if a Freedom soldier has been hit the medic will come and try to save him.

Do you know about the rules (flaming, minging, ect): Absolutely

Will you take responiblility for your actions, wether or not it is good?:  I will take responsibility for my actions no matter the outcomes.

~Tunddruff: Apps go into the apps thread. Merged with it. Looks good. Note that InjuryRP means that (yours is BASICLY right) when you get shot, you are not god. You get hurt, and say that you ARE hurt Accepted


Steam Friends Name: Ness Tea

In-Character Name: Rikard Terrasin

Steam ID:

What is your region/Timezone?:
Eastern Time Zone

How long have you been roleplaying?:
A few years. I'm pretty good at it.

How long have you been playing on the server?:
About 5 months.

Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?:
Both, in fact.

Are you in any other factions?:
Trader, I just got PKed on my DUTY.

What is your characters backstory?: Burn under a household of extremely religious people, he didn't get out much. He lived in a small farm. His parents were farmers. They took in stray animals and nurtured them until they can be free again. His parents were incredibly strict. They never allowed his son to have fun. He ran away from his parents about every two months. His household was crazy. He soon discovered the Zone. He moved there, with his girlfriend. They have had a long relationship before. When he get comfortable in the Zone with his girlfriend, they were struck by bandits. They took his girlfriend as a slave. Who knew what they did to her. He soon discovered about the feud between Freedom and DUTY. He decided he is much more of a Freedom person, and decided to join them.

What is Freedom's belief?: That the Zone should be opened to the public.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?:
I have played in Military, and in DUTY, twice. And I want to be in Freedom. Also, most of my friends are in it, than DUTY.

Can you Roleplay: Yes, hence my Server Admin position.

What is InjureRP: It is when you get injured/hurt in anyway, and you have to Role Play it. For example:

*Ben Dover pulls the trigger at Ness Tea.*
*Ness Tea get shot in the leg.*
*Ness Tea tries to crawl/limp away.*
*Ness Tea now has crutches*

Do you know about the rules (flaming, minging, ect): Yep. I am an administrator, I know all of the rules.

Will you take responiblility for your actions, wether or not it is good?: Yuperz, (Yes.)

~Tunddruff: Welcome home Friend :3