
Started by Who Dares Wins, 29-11-2008

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Who Dares Wins



I found out from the "free men" that the Zone has appeared as a result of military tests of a secret weapon. One S.T.A.L.K.E.R from "Freedom", nicknamed "Sly", has assured me that he knows that for certain. The information is precise and verified, he says.

I do not know if that is so, but it all fits together ? the mysterious nature of the disaster, the military's interest in the Zone from the very first day of its creation, and their dislike of regular S.T.A.L.K.E.Rs, and their attempts to get to the center ? there where, as Sly says, that secret weapon is still located.

Anarchists and daredevils who declare themselves to be fighting for free access to the Zone, and consequently find themselves in constant conflict with army units, military S.T.A.L.K.E.Rs, and Duty.

These freedom fighters believe that information about the Zone must not be hidden from humanity, and challenge the state's monopoly over the Zone's secrets and wonders.

They are easygoing and fun loving. But vicious when it comes to defending their turf.


Welcome to Freedom. Here are a few ground rules, and guidelines.

-The only beliefs in OOC, are that just because someone is duty, you cant help them OOCly. Remember that.

-You believe the zone is great, its a gift from God, and the most wonderful place in the world. Unfortunately, Duty and its members think the opposite, so you must fight for your RIGHTS to freedom. You want the world to experience the zone, and stop Duty at all costs. You love the zone, and your comrades and would do anything for either.


-You should be nice to all players on the server, no matter how noobish or idiotic they are acting. Any minge issues should be resolved by a kick request to an admin, and not a "OMG WTF BBQ U FUCKING NOOB".
-Never mix OOC and IC.
-Dont be an idiot, and try to keep the 4chan attitude to a minimum.
-There are some times when people will ask you for help, and you should tell them the answer they need, or direct them to someone else.

-Freedom always WAS, and always WILL be the best faction. Ever. That is what your character believes, and will defend the honor of his faction with their life.
-Freedom HATES duty, they hate their GUTS. You will NOT shoot on sight, but some conflicts can happen, these should be rp'd and not dm'ish.
-Freedom isnt best buddies with the military, but after the combined assault on the Duty camp on Dec/12/2008 they have a bit of a mutual relationship, and will sometimes be lenient, and freedom shouldn't kill the military for no reason. This means that you dont want to wipe each other off the map, it DOESN'T mean that you will have a beer together under normal circumstances
-You aren't assholes to S.T.A.L.K.E.Rs, unless they openly support Duty, or are starting fights with freedom.
-You are comrades with Freedom members, you have been through a lot, and respect your peers and superiors.
-Barkeeps are good, don't mess up our reputation with them.

These should keep freedom on the top of the pyramid, as it always will be. Remember, if you arent sure what do to, remember these guidelines.



Bump for great freedom.