Caphori: Password Application Thread (OLD)

Started by Silver Knight, 15-06-2011

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Application posted above and skipped, please read? lol


Real Name:Mark

Roleplay Name:Thonrir


Players you already know on the on the server: none

Previous roleplay experience:none

What servers you play on: none

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:nope

Why would you like to join our server:because this is my first time on multiplayer and im guite good at roleplaying (i play on other games roleplaying too)

Have you read the rules thread?:Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?:Yes

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
Old man: hey do you want to buy this scroll?
me: how much?
old man: 15 gold coins.
me: thats a rip off!
old man: you wont get this offer anywhere else.
me: *draws sword* i dont want to buy it!
old man: *raises his hands and fires bolts of fire at me*
me: *dodges and runs behind wall* dont say i didnt warn you!
old man: mwahahaha!
me: *charges at him with a sword and impales him* HA!
old man: nooo!
me: i told you i didnt want the scroll! why didnt you listen?
old man: your a strong warrior.. *dies*
me: *walks off* better go before anyone finds out what happened here.

(Denied. Now stop asking. -Kami)


Real Name: Jared

Roleplay Name:Kyrros


Players you already know on the on the server: None yet

Previous roleplay experience: Years of roleplay from pen and paper to NWN DMing for 2 years. Also roleplayed as an online DJ in Anarchy Online for 7 years.

What servers you play on: None at the moment.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No, but it sounds interesting.

Why would you like to join our server: Nearly all of the RP servers I've come across for Terraria are in the EU and as a west coast US player the latency is large enough for me to be unable to fight anything without getting hit. I also like the medieval setting and the lore (from what I've read, there's a lot of it!) is also intriguing. I'd love to be able to add a small piece to the tapestry of Caphori.

Have you read the rules thread?:Yes, twice to be on the safe side.

Do you agree to follow the rules?:Yes

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):

Old Man: Young man, I've something here the likes of which you've never seen before! It's an enchanted scroll of magical wonder! It's your's for the low price of four hundred gold.

Me: Are you insane, old man? No scroll is worth that much. Begone and take your trash with you.

Old Man: You look just like my son did before he died of the plague that this scroll would have cured! In his memory I will sell it for only three hundred gold.

Me: You're not listening. I. Do. Not. Want. That. Go away.

Old Man: Have you not heard of the wonderous scrolls of the Xolopean people? They grant magical wishes to those that read them! But! You can only get one wish and I've used mine up! Two hundred gold and it's your's.

Me: No, no, no! A thousand times no. Leave me be, I'm not interested.

Old Man: You're only not interested because you don't believe in it's power. Just as a demonstration for those here I'll let you try the scroll out free of charge. One wish, anything you want. Go ahead, young man!

Me: If it gets you to leave me alone I'll do anything.

* Yiphyin takes the scroll and reads through it. Rolling his eys afterwards he says

Me: I wish the old man here would leave my sight.

* The old man disappears causing gasps of shock from the slowly gathered crowd

Old Man: Very good, young man. I always wanted to be invisible! Ohoo I'm sure we'll see eachother again soon.. but maybe you won't see me!

* The old man cackles madly

Me: ... damn old man.

{Accepted - JRParadox has sent you the password}


Real Name: Brandon Lent

Roleplay Name: Brandon Lent

Age: 16

Players you already know on the on the server: Stickywicket

Previous roleplay experience: The main 3 (Now 2, but mostly STALKER now) HGN servers, and lots of RPs before it.

What servers you play on: Uhh.. STALKER, really.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No

Why would you like to join our server: I've heard good things about it.

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
** An Old Man approaches with a scroll in his right hand, clutched heavily, leaning just as heavily on his walking stick with his left hand.
** Brandon Lent looks up and down at the old man, still relatively new to the land of Caphori, cautious of the stranger.
** The Old Man opens his mouth, and a raspy, crackly voice escapes his lips. "The enchanted scroll calls for you, Stranger.."
** Brandon Lent takes a step back as the old man speaks, his voice startling him slightly. "Wh.. What..?" he said slowly, holding a gaze at the old man, just as cautious as ever.
** The old man licks his lips slightly, speaking in the same crackly voice as before. "An enchanted scroll.. It wills for you.."
** Brandon pauses, pondering for a moment, then remembering his quest in this land, just as his family had wanted. "No, Stranger, I'm sorry. I am here on a certain business. I am not interested in purchasing this scroll."
** The old man's peaceful expression turns to a disappointed, yet slightly angry one, as he opens his mouth once again. "The scroll.. it calls.."
** Brandon looks at the old man, taking a deep breath as his ears rang from the old man's voice and speaking in a rather annoyed tone, "No, I'm not interested in it, goodbye sir." before turning and walking off, hoping to escape the old man's gaze.

{Accepted - JRParadox has sent you the password, also, nice picture}
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


Real Name: Morten Osmann
Roleplay Name: Ozmann
Age: 17
Players you already know on the on the server: None
Previous roleplay experience: None
What servers you play on: None yet
Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No
Why would you like to join our server: I'm bored and your server seems fun
Have you read the rules thread?: Yes
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
* Osmann Looks at the man, seems creeped out but says: "W-What?"

The man replies, asking if i want to buy the scroll again
Me: Well... I-im not interested, sorry
* Osmann Walks away quickly, looking back over his shoulder

(I'm trying to have a shy personality)


Real Name: Gabe Thompson
Roleplay Name: Aral
Age: 14
Players you already know on the on the server: None
Previous roleplay experience: Six years among various roleplay chat rooms and forums, the most significant of which is Kongregate
What servers you play on: None
Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No
Why would you like to join our server: I would like a good server on which to play Terraria and when searching for a decent roleplay server, this one caught my attention.
Have you read the rules thread?: Yes.
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): Slowly back away and see if the man follows. If he doesn't, leave quickly, and if he does, politely decline and hope that he doesn't keep trying to sell it to me. If he refuses to leave me be, punch him.


Real Name: Zach
Roleplay Name: Hunnewle
Age: 13
Players you already know on the on the server: None.
Previous roleplay experience: Random games here and there, along with some Samp (GTA multiplayer) RP servers
What servers you play on: No Terraria servers at the moment but i am a admin on a MC server 'The Depths'
Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: Nope.
Why would you like to join our server: I have REALY wanted to RP for a while so i thought i would check terraria i did and found this server.
Have you read the rules thread?: Yep.Do you agree to follow the rules?: Of course :D A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):

'Would you like a scroll of flying?' Asks the man
I stop walking and ask 'How much?'
'One platinum piece' says the man, grinning showing his mouth void of all his teeth except three.'Thats a bit much for flight.' i say trying to haggle 'How about 50 gold?''Its a scroll of lightning young one!' Says the man chuckling 'Where did you get a idea of flight?''You just said...' I say thinking he is out of his mind'I just said it is a scroll of ice, Yes!' he says shaking his head up and down crazily.'You know what, Im good' i say turning around and walking away.'NO!' shouts the man who then tackles me 'Get off! Guards!' I shout. Then i shove the man off of me and start running awayI look behind me to see the man had shot a bolt of magic at me. as it hit me i froze like ice slamming into the groundThe effect wore off quickly and a turned onto my back and pulled out my pistolThe old man, Who has not moved, Shouts '25 gold for the scroll of bunnys! Last offer!' Bunnys? Bunnys? I thought.This man is insane! The man made a fireball appear in his hand and threw it at me. I rolled out of the way and fired my gun.Once, Twice, Three times i shot right into his head. He was dead before he hit the ground." Whats goin' on here?" shouts a guardrunning up to me. "" I huffed. The man's spell knocked the air out of me. The guard helped me up and i told him whathappend. When i
was done he nodded 'That man broke out of asylum this morning. Carry on citizen' I nodded and

continued on my way.

I think the text is broken, I dont know how to fix it
nor how it got broken :/

Was i skipped?


Real Name: Cody[/size]Roleplay Name: RavenAge: 14Players you already know on the on the server: MioPrevious roleplay experience:I host a server for my friends and we RP on it.What servers you play on:The one i host and hopefully this one.Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:NoWhy would you like to join our server:Because i would like to Roleplay with other people because i think it is fun.Have you read the rules thread?:YesDo you agree to follow the rules?: YesA creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
Man: Hello there child...would you like to purchase this magic scroll?
Raven: What does it do and for how much?
*The old man thinks for a moment*
Man: It allows you to fly, and for only 1 platinum piece!
Raven: Not interrested.
*raven Begins to walk off*
*Man Pulls out a enchanted tome and shots fire*
Raven: Huh!
*Raven pulls out sword while jumping over the bolt of water*
*Raven would be running at the man blade drawn*
*Man Charges another spell*
Man: Faster...Faster!
*Man finishes charging spell*
Man: AH-
*Raven would have blade at throat*
Raven: Not interested...
Man: OK OK!
*Raven puts sword away and walks off*
*Man says under breath*
Man: He'll regret that....


Wasmy app skipped? Just curious. Not begging. Peace out.


Real Name:Anton Raymond

Roleplay Name:demonmonkey(999)


Players you already know on the on the server:no-one

Previous roleplay experience:too many to count including dankrai

What servers you play on:none ( just getting back ibnto terraria)

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:no

Why would you like to join our server:seems like a decent comunity to play rp in (even before i could register i was rootin for te password (check for proof)

Have you read the rules thread?:yes am not intirely sure what is meant about the space gun though

Do you agree to follow the rules?:yes and if i break them please notify me and i will stop (any break of rules is purely accidental)

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): check for authenticity and if legitamite scroll barter for a reasonable price


oh bother let me re-write the creepy man thing...
Man: how would you like this scroll? cheapest price
Me:naa sory neva been good with spells
Man: >:D then i gues i'll just take your money Mwahahahaha
Action: man pulls out pistol and points at head
Action: i pick up dropped penny coincidentally avoiding bullet, then i lose ballance and tumble into man


Real Name: Connell Smith (middle name Dixon)

Roleplay Name: Shining Armor
Age: 13

Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: None so far unless you count console games in witch case Skyrim

What servers you play on: Dankaria

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No

Why would you like to join our server: I love the thought of role playing... although i am not a roleplay fan IRL i still would like the chance of this server as being my first roleplay experence.

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
Me: "Sorry... what is it?!"

Creepy Old Man: "An enchanted scroll! Would you like to buy it?"

Me: "... Screw it! Why not!"

Old Man: "Oh... Ummm... that was easy... what's the catch!?"

Me: "... Every day i'm trollolling!" *Brake into dance, shoufling with a troll face on*

Excuse any miss splelling!

{Denied - Okay who on HGN made a fake account and applied? Sorry but you do not understand RP and a sense of character}


Quote from: Applejack on 09-06-2012
Real Name: Connell Smith (middle name Dixon)

Roleplay Name: Shining Armor
Age: 13

Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: None so far unless you count console games in witch case Skyrim

What servers you play on: Dankaria

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No

Why would you like to join our server: I love the thought of role playing... although i am not a roleplay fan IRL i still would like the chance of this server as being my first roleplay experence.

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
Me: "Sorry... what is it?!"

Creepy Old Man: "An enchanted scroll! Would you like to buy it?"

Me: "... Screw it! Why not!"

Old Man: "Oh... Ummm... that was easy... what's the catch!?"

Me: "... Every day i'm trollolling!" *Brake into dance, shoufling with a troll face on*

Excuse any miss splelling!

QuoteReal Name: Connell Smith (middle name Dixon)

Roleplay Name: Shining Armor
Age: 13

Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: None so far unless you count console games in witch case Skyrim

What servers you play on: Dankaria
QuoteRoleplay Name: Shining Armor
Age: 13
QuoteRoleplay Name: Shining Armor

I see what you did there...


Real Name:Brandon

Roleplay Name:Zack


Players you already know on the on the server:None

Previous rolplay experience:2 years playing RP servers on MC

What servers you play on:None right now

Do you play Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:No i don't play

Why would you like to join our server:Mainly because it's a RP,but the other reson is because i like interacting with other players.

Have you read the rules thread?:yes i have

Do you agree to follow the rules?:yes

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll. What is your reaction?(RP It.)

Zack: What do you want old man?
Old man: Will you buy this enchanted scroll from me for 400 gold?
Zack: What's so enchanted about all it is a peice of paper
Old man gets angry and screams A PEICE OF PAPER!
SHAME ON YOU BOY!This scroll can turn anybody to stone it's no peice of paper.Old man calms down.
Zack:Ok i will buy it but for only 300
Old man: Fine
Zack hands money into the old man's wrinkley hand
Old man hands over scroll.
Old man:Finally i got rid of the curse cya.
Old man pulls out a bag of magic powder a throws it up in the air and he dissapears and their was nothing left behind


Real Name: Garrett[/size]Roleplay Name: NiteRhinoAge: 16Players you already know on the on the server: NonePrevious roleplay experience: Play many RPG games.What servers you play on: All servers that have to do with fantasy and building.Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No. Why would you like to join our server: I want to be a part of a roleplaying server that does not have griefers.Have you read the rules thread?: Yes.Do you agree to follow the rules?: Of course.A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): Take the scroll. Something always good comes from a nice scroll.


Real Name:Scott

Roleplay Name:Scott Steelforge.

Age:12(I'm pretty mature for a 12-year old though.)

Players you already know on the on the server:No one i know on the server.

Previous roleplay experience:Roleplay servers on minecraft.

What servers you play on:Minecraft.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name.No I never played on that server.

Why would you like to join our server:I would like to play on the server because It's my first time trying a roleplay server on Terraria.

Have you read the rules thread?:Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?:Yes,they are more than fair.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
Old man: Hello young man would you like to buy an enchanted scroll?

Scott:Sure, how many gold pieces?

Old man:200.

Scott:That seems a bit too steep.

Old man:You must not understand boy, for this scroll allows you to fly.

Scott:I'm not interested.

Old man:Fine,I'll lower the price to 150 gold pieces.

Scott:Okay, I'll buy that scroll.

(old man gives scroll for 150 gold pieces)
Scott:Wait a minute,this scroll doesn't even have words,it's just paper.

Scott:I've been fooled.

(Scott wields his sword)

Scott:Hey, I want my gold back.

Old man:Foolish child I am not just an old man,but I am a wizard.


Old man:So? Do you not understand what i can d-

(Kills while distracted)

(Scott takes the old man's gold.)


Real Name: Anthony Nicolas

Roleplay Name: Montablan

Age: 18

Players you already know on the on the server: none

Previous roleplay experience: I've roleplayed a bit in minecraft, but nothing to substantial.

What servers you play on: None.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: Nope.

Why would you like to join our server: The server looks interesting and I'm looking to make my Terraria experience more deep and exciting.

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
In an attempt to draw information about the scroll from the creepy old man I have a long talk with him. However he is
quiet and eager to get rid of the scroll. This sets me off, and indicates that it isn't as helpful as the man would have
me believe.
Eventually I simply unsheathe my blade, look him in the eye and say, "Old man I have no time for your games, if the
scroll is evil, allow me to vanquish it and begone."
He acts surprised and takes a long look at me, and eventually says, "You... You can do that?!" in a sort of relieved,
but skeptical tone.
"Indeed I can, I have been trained to slay all sorts of evil and the like. What is the true origin of the scroll?"
Finally, the old man broke, he said his family has been cursed with the scroll for generations, and that every time he
manages to sell the scroll, he finds it several days later, covered in blood, and uncontrollably tries to sell it again.
He then claims that he can only get rid of the scroll by selling it.
"Well then, how much must I buy the scroll for my friend?" I inquire as I pull out my purse and examine my coin.
The man looked hastily around, "Well, let's see," he said as he peaked into my purse, "1000 gold!"
My heart stopped. "1000 gold?! Are you insane old man? You aren't selling to a common king, you're selling to a
The old man said hastily, "Okay okay my good sir! The scroll is telling me I can part for a mere 100 gold, please sir!"
the old man said in a pitiful tone.
I threw the coins at the man and exclaimed, "Fine, give me the damn scroll then!" Angry that I only had enough coin for  my next meal.
The man threw the scroll on the ground and ran away, laughing.
I opened the scroll and examined the writing, which was written in Demonic, it was inscribed;
"A man of greed and a man of gullibility are the two that cause the world to keep turning the way it is."
I stared at the scroll for a second, trying to calculate my next move. I looked in my purse, and with a burst of anger
I ran in the direction of the old man, who was long gone by this point. The entire town looked at me in an odd fashion as I yelled, "You slimy tricky bastard! I'll teach you to swindle me you old coot! I want my money back!"
By the time I stopped yelling and running, it was dinner time, and I shamefully went to the nearest inn to enjoy a bowl of hot stew.

(Approved. -Kami)

Evan Kadimo

Real Name:
Roleplay Name:
Evan Kadimo
Players you already know on the on the server:
Previous roleplay experience:
I played a RP server in Minecraft, and use to play Runescape. (If that counts)
What servers you play on:
None on Terraria
Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:
Why would you like to join our server:
Meet new people and become friends, Have fun with others and build a Empire. (If Allowed)
Have you read the rules thread?:
Yes and I will follow them
Do you agree to follow the rules?:
Yes I do
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
As I follow down the city's street, A Guy old of age confronts me. He ask if I would like to buy this scroll he has.I ask what this scroll is about. He gets nervous and tries to make a story, He tells me the scroll is a long lost spell that has the ability to possess fire. I ask him how much this scroll will be, He replies back saying that it will be 1,000 Gold.I tell him all I have with me is 400gold, He accepts my offer on the scroll then we go our seperate ways.


Real Name: Tom Roberts

Roleplay Name: Tytel

Age: 18

Players you already know on the on the server: none

Previous roleplay experience: World of warcraft, minecraft are my main 2 that i have previous RP exp on.

What servers you play on: Use to play terraria a lot but only with a few friends, i havent played on many big open servers.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No i have not

Why would you like to join our server: I have recently gotten back into playing terraria and i am getting bored of just playing with 3 or 4 people at a time, I really enjoy RP so this should be right up my alley.

Have you read the rules thread?:

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):

Old man: "Good sir would you care to buy this scroll" he says whispering to avoid drawing attention to himself

Tytel: "I do not care for knowledge of any kind, The only knowledge i have ever needed is to know how to look out for myself and myself only"

Old man: "But you see good sir... There is no knowledge to be given from this scroll, only power"

Tytel: "hmph! What sort of power can an old paper give me, I will not listen to this foolishness. Farewell" *Begins to head towards the gate of the town*

Old man: *Tries to catch up to Tytel and begins to yell* "Good sir have you never heard of the lost magic of Caphori!?"

Tytel: *Stops to listen to the old man*

Old man: "This is part of many scrolls when brought together can give the most powerful strength to anyone that wields it!"

Tytel: "Do you think me a fool old man! Why would you offer this to me and only me? I can only imagine that so many have rejected this offer because of these lies you make for coin".

Old man: "I have waited many years to see you sir, for you see I was never going to sell you this scroll"

Tytel: "Then why tell me all of this!"

Old man: "It is my gift to you before my final hour" *Points to the horizon* "Beyond those hills is where the rest of the scrolls are, the rest is up to you"

Tytel: "I do not understand you old man, I have not accepted to do anything for you and yet you insist on giving me directions!"

Old man: "One way or another... You will do this" *Gives Tytel the Scroll and begins walking behind a house on the street* "Farewell... Son of" *Disappears behind the house*

Tytel: *Confused on what he just heard he begins to persue the old man, he turns the corner* "You know my father?! wait!"

The old man is nowhere to be found

{Accepted - JRParadox has sent you the password}


Real Name:Baris Alp Gulmen

Roleplay Name:John McDerp


Players you already know on the on the server:None.

Previous roleplay experience:I roleplayed on minecraft, but not HGN server.

What servers you play on:None.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:No, I don't

Why would you like to join our server:Because I think rp on minecraft is not good, so I want to rp on terraria.

Have you read the rules thread?:Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?:Yes.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):I ask him the price of enchanted scroll. Then I hand the money to him (If I have enough) then take the scroll.


Real name: Brendan.
Roleplay name: Nóctis
IP: I dont know.
Age: 19.
Players you already know on the server?: None.
Previous roleplay experience?: I do some chatroom roleplay on deviantart and in some random online games.
What servers do you play on?: Just about any servers that arent filled with trolls. And on my friends server, but it isnt always up so I want a more permanent one to play on. And im thinking Caphori.
Do you play on Aceon (Our minecraft server)? if so state your name. I dont exactly play online minecraft much due to various reasons.
Why would you like to join our server?: I would like to try some Terraria roleplay and go onto a server that isnt filled with d*&^heads and trolls who cheat and hack to get an upper hand. Plus I think it would be fun.
Have you read the rules thread?: Yes, and will refer to that or a moderator for any further queries.
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes I do.
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll. What is your reaction?:
*A creepy old man approaches swiftly. There seems to something concealed in his cloak*
Me: Show your hands now old man or you'll lose them!
Old man: Relax young man, tis' just an old but powerful scroll I am willing to sell you.
Me: What is so important about this scroll that you'd willingly approach someone as intimidating as me?
Old man: This scroll is said to contain a hidden power that only those it deems worthy can use. I however have not been granted this blessing as I am far too old to make any real use of it anyway. I am just looking for some compensation for giving it up is all i ask.
Me: I did not imply I would buy it old man!. Dont be so presumptious and assume I would.
Old man: I did not mean to offend you sir, but this really is a once in a lifetime offer im willing to part with IT for 500 gold.
Me: For all that i've learnt from shady looking deals you likely a warlock or that thing is cursed. Im not interested. *turns to walk away*
Old man: But please, you dont know what your saying. *moves forward towards the stranger and reaches for his cloak.*
Me: *Turns around, grabs the old man by his shawl and lifts him from the ground* DON'T TRY MY PATIENCE!. I have the means to achieve power by my own hand. I do not need your pitiful scroll to help me get there. *Lets him down* Now leave before my other half compels me to spill unneccesary blood. *Walks away and dissappears into the night*
Old man: *says to himself* I have got to stop all this approaching strangers. It'll be the death of me someday.

{Accepted - JRParadox has sent you the password, also nice take on the old man, being a total douche to him is something I don't often see}


Real Name:Gianluca

Roleplay Name:Nekozap


Players you already know on the on the server:I don' know anyone

Previous roleplay experience:Never played Obs.: I can learn it ;D

What servers you play on:My homemade server only!

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:No.

Why would you like to join our server:To play with other players, and i want to have fun ^^

Have you read the rules thread?:Yah

Do you agree to follow the rules?:Yes!

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction? Old man: He-e-el-llo young man!
              Me: Oh! Hi!
              Old man: Do u want to buy this enchanted scroll of fire ball?
              Me: Really! No! <_<
              *Old man turns into a demon
              Me: WTF?
              *Pick up my Rifle
              Me: GO AWAY FROM ME
              Demon: Muahahahahahaha >: D U're kidding
              *Demon shoot a fireball at me
              Me: Hahaha! C'mon fight me xD
              Demon: Arrrrghh! Dieeee!
              *Demon shoot some fireballs at me
              *Shoot at the fireballs, and destroy them!
              *Shoot at demon, killing he!
              Demon: Noooooo! U defeated me!
              *Demon disappears
              Me: Yah!
              *Looking at scroll on the ground
              *Pick up the scroll and uses it
              Me: Wow! Fireballs ^^
              *Shooting Fireballs




Real Name: Sam

Roleplay Name: Seraphine Ivy (Call me Sera for short.)

Age: 17

Players you already know on the on the server: None. I plan to change that.

Previous roleplay experience: I date back to SC1 Roleplaying maps, through DoBRP and SotDRP in Warcraft and onwards to Cortex in SC2. I'm still tied to my previous roleplaying buds from whence I've first started.

What servers you play on: I play by myself or with friends. I -NORMALLY- choose a life of solitude.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No, I don't play multiplayer Minecraft.

Why would you like to join our server: I find the idea of Terraria roleplaying to be quite appealing, and I feel that this would be the best place to go if any. Besides, you all seem like a friendly bunch.

Have you read the rules thread?: No. (/sarcasm) Of course. Who wouldn't do that? I mean, be honest.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Of course.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):

An old man you say?

Strange that you say this... it's as if a fading memory paings within my head, dying to pry itself out.

Something about an old man just... gets me.

I... I can remember... a little bit.

I remember traveling alongside a nimble little ranger, about twelve years of age, a long time ago. We were... what were we doing?
We... were searching for something. Searching for what? An artifact? Money? Women? (The latter of course is highly unlikely..)
No, what were we searching for?

It.. I believe it was a person. A person of great importance to the boy. His father, maybe... more likely, his grandfather.

I recall... that he had wandered off some night and he'd been missing for two days from the village. The boy went out to find me so we could look for him together. Being a butcher's daughter isn't ever really the most exciting thing to do, I'll concede. I guess I decided it would've been a grand time to test out my "Hunter" prowess.

Something... something tells me it wasn't a simple quest though. There was some kind of forest we journeyed through... and though we had packed quite a bit in our burlap sacks, we lacked something...

The boy... was distracted by something. He fell and cut his ankle on some branch, but there was some oozing green liquid seeping out of it. There was something about the trees... something diabolical and sinister...

The boy fell ill. I remember that much. His skin turned pale green, and huge brown welts covered his leg. I did everything I could to try to cure the sickness- all kinds of leaves I had ground and mixed together to try to create the remedy for such an ailment. Nothing. Nothing worked. I had to get him back to the village, for surely the Doctor would know a cure. But... I grew weary... the air was thick and a putrid aroma flowed foully through the air. Just.. a little nap.. the boy's made it this far, we'll be fine after a litt..le... na-....

I woke up later. It was black. Pitch black. We were not in the forest, this much I know.

I looked over to the right. I could not see the boy, but I could hear his whimpers. He was still unwell, this I knew. But where were we? I decided to try to rise up to my feet and examine my surroundings.

I couldn't budge.

I panicked. Arms jerked, legs flailed, but to no avail. I was pinned down by something... but it wasn't of the physical realm. Something... powerful... but...


Magic, what a joke! We talked of magic so many times before in the tavern. "It's all malarkey!", they say. "No such thing. It's just smoke and mirrors."

But this... this felt real. And deep within my heart, I knew it was.

At that moment, there was a blinding blue flash in front of me. I fluttered my eyes to try to make out what was ahead- and the first thing I caught view of was a beard. A long, white, unkempt beard. I screamed out in confusion, "Who are you?! Let us go! Where am I?!"

I still remember his voice... dark, meniacal... satanic. His reply speared into my heart as cold as an iceberg.

"Not yet, dear."

Suddenly the room exploded in cobalt light. I saw walls crumbling down, forced away from the epicenter of the blast. Past them was a swirling void- limitless, unending. A mist of energy swirled around us, violent as the winds of a hurricane. Yet it was calm inside- as if we were in the eye. Suddenly, with great force, I was lifted upright, and thrown back upon the ground, my "chains" released. I looked up at our host for the first time in the light.

It was the boy's grandfather.

But... something within him wasn't right. His eyes... they were completely black. They had no shine to them, no glimmer, no goodness.

I made the first move. I leaped sideways towards where I could see my pouch, and pulled out my dagger. The dagger that had saved my life countless times before... The old man was caught off guard, and roared in disapproval. The winds grew stronger. I pulled out the shiv, gripping the handle. Soft and mesh to my hands..

A wave of intense heat pummeled my shoulder. I came to realize that I had just been hit by some sort of "missile" from the old man. I screamed out in agony- I dared not look over to see the damage. It was ungodly and heart-crushing- I knew I needed to act fast. I tried stepping forward, but the pain brought me to my knees. I dropped the dagger, gripping my shoulder. But what I felt was not blood, not gushing liquid and torn cloth and burning skin.

It was my shoulder. Completely normal, cloth intact.

I looked over.

Everything was fine.

Nothing had even the slightest scratch.

I sat confused for a slight moment before suddenly the feelings returned to me again- my eyes shut as the intense flames resonated within my arm.

"It's all an illusion within your mind, dear. Your body is perfectly fine, but the mind thinks it is in shock, as if you have lost an entire limb. It's perfect- people die merely because they are trapped within their own mind's overbearing control."

I knew I too would become one of those people had I not acted swiftly. So I did.
I pounced at the man, colliding with him in his stomach. Gritting my teeth through the torment, I pushed him back toward one of the crumbling walls. Suddenly I heard the sound of glass shattering, and wood cracking.

Next thing I knew, we were falling, but this wasn't an illusion.

Miles high it seemed we were, me gripping onto the man and him screaming in furiousness trying to get me to relinquish my grip. But I would never let go. It was almost as if a part of me had frozen my entire body in this moment, in an attempt to distract and save myself from.. myself.

I heard a powerful thunk as we hit something, and I blacked out once more.

When I awoke, I found myself in a vast, deserted wasteland, the air still crackling with malevolent energy, electricity firing to and fro through the air. The tower we were on was being demolished in the storm, stone rocketing everywhere. I noticed that I was even laying in something warm... presumably my own blood. When I looked over, I saw the old man, still barely clinging to life.  He looked over at me, and his eyes shot wide open when he realized I was still alive. He reached down into his robes, and pulled out was seemed to be a small scroll.

As he stood up, I stared at him, trying to push myself farther away. My body was in misery though, and I knew I couldn't keep it up. The man walked toward me, pulling off the ribbon and opening wide his scroll. He came just inches before me, kneeling down, reading it intensely. I knew for sure that this next incantation would spell my doom.

He raised his arm, staring deep into my soul and portruding his leaflet scroll at me in anger, and bellowing out words of what I knew would be a death senten-

"Would you be interested in signing this petition for the construction of a new Arcane Library in my town? I'm in desperate need of signers and you two seemed like you'd be interested."

The world froze to me for a moment. Painfully, I replied.


"Yeah, I tried to talk to you folks before, but you were kind of passed out, so I decided to take you in and tend to you. Thank the heavens you brought my grandson to me as well- another hour out there and surely he would have perished!"

"B-but... you trapped us, and wouldn't let us go when I asked you to!"

"Of course not! You two were not fully healed yet from the toxins within the forest! I couldn't just let you wander back out there in danger!

"But.. you tried to kill me..."

"I did nothing of the sorts! It was merely a hallucination in your mind from all of said toxins, creating a disturbed reality for you. To be honest, I was scared half to death when I saw you flailing about like a wild person. You seemed to have gone mad."

"So... none of this is real? But.. what about this pile of blood I'm in? I'm in intense pain!"

"Dear, you're quite fine, actually. You landed on this poor man's tomato stall after you jumped out of my window."

I looked around. What was once a wasteland of dark energy, was now a quiet village within the country.. people were surrounding me everywhere in confusion. The tomato owner didn't seem too happy.

"But... how did..."

"Hush, dear. You need rest, as my grandson is getting. You best be off before these people cast you out as a demon or something or the other."

My mind pieced itself back together.

I remember everything now- I realize it was all a figment of my mind's grand illusion.

It was all a joke. It could almost even be perceived that if anyone was following my tale from start to finish, only to find out none of it had actually happened in the end and it was all just a big lie, that someone would be very upset and disappointed. But that could never happen...


(Accepted. I think you had a little too much fun with our App. XD PM a mod for the pass. Be aware we're in the middle of quite a few changes, and it'll be a bit before they all get in place. Don't do anything you'll be sad about losing till then, alright?)


Real Name: Noah
Roleplay Name: Sam Finnegan
Players you already know on the on the server: Nobody.
Previous roleplay experience: WoW, Minecraft, Garry's mod.
What servers you play on:None of the HGN, this is my first one. But on Garry's mod most of the OA-Final servers and minecraft has a couple
Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: As of now no, I will be joining soon.
Why would you like to join our server: I enjoy RP and want to do it on Terraria.
Have you read the rules thread?:Yes.
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Of course.
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
Me: What kind of "magic scroll"?
Old man: Well, young warrior...It's a teleporting scroll!
Me: I don't believe you. can you show me?

*the old man reads the scroll aloud, then suddenly vanishes with a loud 'Whoop'*

*astonished, I look around for the old man, only to find he is behind me.*

Me: By the gods, I must have this scroll! how much for it?

old man: I'm not asking for currency, but I need you to do me a favor.
Me: Alright. What do you require?
Old man: There is a very vile man in this village. His name is Ralf, I need you to poison him!
Me: You can keep the scroll... I'm not looking to murder anyone any time soon.
Old man: But this isn't any normal citizen. He steals from the poor every day. The only way to stop him would be to poison his food!"
Me: I think there's more to it then that.

*I then notice some gambling cards in the mans pocket*

*I walk away from the man and he does not follow, but begins talking to another citizen of the village*

(Accepted. -Kami)
That's it.