Caphori: Password Application Thread (OLD)

Started by Silver Knight, 15-06-2011

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Real Name:Shane Pearson

Roleplay Name:Chainzz


Players you already know on the on the server: I dont know anyone yet,but Id like to meet em and have fun on your servers :D

Previous roleplay experience:Yes i am RP'ing very much In minecraft and other famous games.

What servers you play on:Ryst Erics post apokalyptic fun time and a few more..

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:I played minecraft in the previous time. I dont play minecraft as much anymore.

Why would you like to join our server:Cause i like RP'ing servers and I Heard your servers are very good.

b]Have you read the rules thread?:Yes I have.
Do you agree to follow the rules?:Yes of course I wouldnt know why somebody should break them.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):I would be careful and look at him If i think he is corrupt I will call the guards!

{Denied - Poor RP name and RP section, please improve both}


Real Name:
John Ramsay

Roleplay Name:
Damien Yasmar


Players you already know on the on the server:
None, currently. Hopefully a lot soon. :) 

Previous roleplay experience:
I have role played in multiple MMO's Ranging from LOTRO, to CoH.  A Combined total of 2+ years I'd say.  In all honesty I am no pro at it, because most games Role play is specific to the game your playing.  What I like about this is that it is Medieval role play and that sounds like fun. :D 

What servers you play on:
None currently, played by myself for a while and recently decided to give playing Terraria online a try. :) 

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:
I do not, but now I'm intrigued to check it out!

Why would you like to join our server:
I would like to join it because most experiences I have with role playing have been good.  It tends to bring the maturity out in people I think.  I really enjoy the Medieval theme and I am thinking that a mix of both RP and Medieval will be fun. :)

Have you read the rules thread?:

Do you agree to follow the rules?:
Of course.  Very simple and straight forward.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):

"Excuse me sir, what is this scroll for?" I said.

The old man looks up at me and says, "The scroll was given to me by a mage.  A mage who told me this scroll would lead the wielder to unknown treasures."

Slowly getting more intrigued and excited, I ask him how much the scroll would cost.

"I am giving it to you, I do not know want any money for it.  All I ask is that you seek the treasure found in this scroll." The old man said.

Taking the scroll from his hands, I bow and say, "I shall honor your request.  Where will I know to go?"

The Old Man smiles and says, " The scroll is enchanted, when you get lost it shall show you the way."

I opened the scroll and as I looked up, he was gone.  So begins my journey for the unknown treasure of the scroll.

{Accepted - Join the group (;sa=view;gid=28) and JRParadox has sent you the password}



Real Name:leonardo
Roleplay Name: soroga
Players you already know on the on the server:non im a loner lol
Previous roleplay experience: not a lot but i did D&D for one year and played on lordofthecraft RP heavy MC server
What servers you play on: all my servers tht i go on shut downDo you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: I was unaware of this.....
Why would you like to join our server: i my not be the best at RPing but i am pretty darn good at creative writing and getting along well with other peopele
Have you read the rules thread?: yes i have
Do you agree to follow the rules?:yes and i shale foolow them to the point
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):

Old man: psst!
Me: oh hello may i help you
Old man: sort of you want to buy a scroll?
Me: your not being very descriptive of it what does it do? shoot fireballs, freeze people, give you a tone of money?
Old man: errr...
Me: well?
Old man: its just a scroll on potion making....
old man: sucker.......
Me: you say something?
Old man:  no no nothing at all

Me: i could have sworn you said something
Old man slowly draws a dagger from his belt: now about the price...
Me: yes I'l also take that dagger from behind your back if you don't mind
old man quickly attacks only to end up with a potion smashed into his face : ARG AH I'M BLEEDING
Me: by the way say hi to the moon for me
Old man: WHAT?!
Me: you'l see soon enough ta-ta for now

{Accepted - Join the group (;sa=view;gid=28) and JRParadox has sent you the password}


Real Name: Justine.

Roleplay Name: Justine Weller

Age: 15

Players you already know on the on the server: None.

Previous roleplay experience: RTS Games. Ex. Starcraft BW.

What servers you play on: None.

Do you play on Aceon?: Nope If so state your name: ...

Why would you like to join our server: Becuase I like the Whole Rp Genre. I like making up epic tales with people.

Have you read the rules thread?: Yep.

Do you agree to follow the rules?:Yep.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.)
Old man: Hey you! Girly! Yeah you!
Me: What is it? * I examine him closely *
Old man: I got alittle somethin', I'll Show ya.. If your willing to pay. * He rubs his 2 fingers together in my face *
Me: Yeah.. Okay how much?..
Old man: 15 Gold coins..
Me: 10. Take it or leave it.
Old Man : * He Rubs his beard * Ahh.. Fine. * Hands me the Scroll *
Me: A scroll.. I thoug- * The Old man disappears *
Me: Hey!.. I don't want this junk.. Hello?!..
Me: Whatever.. * Puts in Rucksack * For later.
* Later that day I tried to read the scroll but appeared to be blank except for a hastily scribbled word on the handles of the scroll that said "Night" *
* Its a full moon, I settle on a Tree stump and Unravel the Scroll *
* There are words in the Moonlight that say "Ye who reads this shall become a Child of the Night. The Rest is illegible *
* Before I realize what just happened the ink that was on the scroll start to move to my hands and seep into my skin *
* I fall to the grass *
* I feel the fur growing on my arms ... *
* I lose Consiousness *
* When I come too Im laying in the Fetal Postition at the base of a large tree *
* Blood all over my arms, Face and feet *
Me: What am I..

{Accepted - Join the group (;sa=view;gid=28) and JRParadox has sent you the password}


Real Name: adrian

Roleplay Name:Kaerin

Age: 31

Players you already know on the on the server: none

Previous roleplay experience: D&D multiple editions

What servers you play on: none

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? no

Why would you like to join our server: enjoy roleplaying

Have you read the rules thread?: yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: yes

{Denied - Please follow the correct format for the application}


Real Name: Oliver

Roleplay Name: Katz

Age: 12

Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: I have been playing on lots of rp servers

What servers you play on: None currently

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:

Why would you like to join our server: I'd like to try something new. All other servers i've been playing were filled with 7-year olds

Have you read the rules thread?: Yea

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yep

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): Back off or i'll call the guards!

{Denied - Please specify your previous experience and extend and improve upon your RP}


Real Name: adrian

Roleplay Name:Kaerin

Age: 31

Players you already know on the on the server: none

Previous roleplay experience: D&D multiple editions

What servers you play on: none

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? no

Why would you like to join our server: enjoy roleplaying

Have you read the rules thread?: yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: yes

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll. What is your reaction?

me: you want how much for that tattered musty old thing
Old man: only 2 small coppers, kind sir
me: you must really think me an idiot
Old man: please sir, i has no money to feeds me starving children.
me: *sigh* what so special about this supposedly enchanted scroll
Old me: me dont know, me was never brave enough to opens it meself. me and magic dont mix to wells ya see.
me: *longer sigh* *ill just buy it and be rid of him* fine, take your damn coppers and get out my way.
Old man: thanks you kindly good sir
i move to a back room and unfurll the scroll and.... blank... nothing.. *stupid old man, at least he's out of my hair*

suddenly the walls start to shift. Woh, i dont feel so good.... eyes getting... heavy... what, what's that noise... getting closer... mocking laughter...
Old man: who is the stupid one now boy

{Accepted - Join the group ([/color];sa=view;gid=28)[/color] and JRParadox has sent you the password}


Real Name: Steve (why do you care?)

Roleplay Name: Ares
Age: 20

Players you already know on the on the server: Steven, Rav, Plunger, Tom, Blair, basically everyone in the first quarter or so of the roster.

Previous roleplay experience: Forum RPs, TSRP, SV on every server HGN has ever hosted since I've been here in 2009 (including Minecraft), D&D, Shadowrun, a shit ton of other stuff.

What servers you play on: None currently

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: I used to but not recently. Paintcheck.

Why would you like to join our server: Because all the cool kids are on it

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):

Ares walks through the dark alley, hood pulled up concealing his face. A man in a cloak stands up out of the shadows and shuffles over.

"Any interest in the secrets of the demons?" he rasps, fumbling in the folds of his cloak and holding out a scroll in strange script. Ares looks over it.

"THere's a reason that knowledge is forbidden, old man"

His hand dips into his duster as the man's eyes widen in fear. Ares shoots him twice in the chest and takes the scroll, pocketing it.



Real Name: Brayden

Roleplay name: Artemis
Age: 13

Players you already know on the server: None at the moment.

Previous roleplayer experience: Only Aceon, but I plan on expanding to other games.

What servers you play on: Aceon

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: I do, and my name is Braydent31.

Why would you like to join our server?: I mostly want to see how Terraria RP can be any good, not that I doubt it. Otherwise, I'd have to say that I would like to give it a shot.

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll. What is your reaction?(RP it.):

As Artemis walks past the buildings and alleys, a strange, old man walks out of one of the alleys and approaches him.

"Would you like to obtain this scroll for just a little price of 10 gold coins," he ask.

"What is this scroll for," Artemis ask whilst looking at it suspiciously.

"It contains rare, powerful magic that you won't find anywhere else," he lies. "But you can get it from me for this very low price."

"May I see what the scroll really contains," he ask, reaching for the scroll.

"No! This scroll is very, very old. It cannot be handled so roughly," he lies, slowly easing the scroll closer to himself as to not let it be snatched from him.

"Oh well, I do not dabble in magic. Keep the scroll and leave me alone, old man," he says as he walks away, wondering why the old man would think such a scam would work.

(I'm assuming declined, I was gonna post what Kami said on a different app sometime after mine, but wouldn't let me.)

{Accepted - Join the group ([/color];sa=view;gid=28)[/color] and JRParadox has sent you the password}


Real Name: Vitas Germanavicius

Roleplay Name: IRevenger

Age: 15

Players you already know on the on the server: Well, actually none, but i have nice personality, so i think ill make some if you let me :)

Previous roleplay experience: Played minecraft.

What servers you play on: none

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: Actually no :/ i would, but my pc is a bit old, gets lags everytime... (not on Terraria ofcourse)

Why would you like to join our server: I saw on few sites this server, and it just got on my mind. And i think what i chose first, its the best.

Have you read the rules thread?:Yes I have.

Do you agree to follow the rules?:Yes of course.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): Well i would just say - Thank You, but i dont need it, sorry. (Actually i dont know what is "RP", i hope i will in few days, im newb, so i hope You understand me :)

No, Nono, Nonononono. No. This is a roleplay server. What does that mean? It means you should know how to roleplay before you join it. Also, creepyface avatar. Enough said. -Kami


Real Name: Cameron Hill (You can call meh 'Cam')

Roleplay Name: Shaggy Shadowcast

Age: 15

Players you already know on the on the server: None but hope I will soon :D

Previous roleplay experience: Skyrim, Oblivion, etc. (All those Bethesda games :3) Oh and my personal favorite indie game, Avencast (kinda dated now)

What servers you play on: None

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No

Why would you like to join our server: Because I haven't yet found a good Terraria server to go on, and I would like to try some online RP

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
  'Hey, you' a voice behind me said. Spinning around I see a hooded man bent with age, holding a large scroll.
   With caution I reply, 'Who are you?'
   'It don't matter who I be, boy. But I Have sumtin very special for ye, if you've got the coin.' He shakily raised his arms
   to present the scroll to me.
   'What is it..?' I say, curious.
   Suddenly my hands shoot out before me snapping for the scroll, the old man does nothing but smiles a toothless smile at me
   as my hands encircle the scroll and attempt to yank it from his grip.
   The old man cackles manically, and releases his grip on the scroll letting me bring it closer to myself.
   As I bring the scroll close to my face my hands start to open it revealing lines and lines of glyphs and runes.
   'Ah! What have you done to me!' The old man continues cackling as the glyphs start to excrete a blue mist that encircles me tightly.
   '' were the last words I uttered as the blue mist hardened into stone and buried me alive.

EDIT: forgot to put my last name

(Accepted. Despite the fact that real RP does not stem from RPG's alone, your example shows you have a very good idea of what is expected of you. Nice.) -Kami


Real name : Axel Nicks

Role-play name: Axelius

Age: 17

Players you already know on this server: None

previous role-play experience: None

What serves do you play on: CTG

Do you play on Aceon (our minecraft server) if so give you name: No

Why would you like to join our server: I play a lot of Terraria with my friends and i would like to go on some role-play servers and get a new experience for the game

Have you read the rules thread: Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes

A creepy old man approaches you in the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll. What is your reaction: What does this enchanted scroll do ? i must indulge in conversation with him and find out

Axelius: and what might this scroll do?

Creepy old man: With this scroll you will be able to control the very sun itself

Axelius: and what do you want in exchange for this scroll?

Creepy old man: i want only a favour from you, every night you must bring me a human sacrifice

Axelius: and if i don't meet to these demands?

Creepy old man: then you will cursed for all of eternity and everything to touch will melt away. with one touch it will smoulder with the intensity of the sun

Axelius: i cannot meet to these demands so will have to decline

(No dice, declined. Lack of punctuation, no capital letters in dialogue, *very* OP example. Not surprised, considering you've no RP experience.) -Kami


Real Name:
Fallon (yes, real name...)

Roleplay Name:
Tsuki Kat


Players you already know on the on the server:
I don't know any atm.

Previous roleplay experience:
It is sad to say, but I did most of my RP on Myspace years ago for a good 4+ years.
I still do a bit or RP on Gaia or anywhere I can start a good RP.
I have been looking around and have yet to find a good place for me to start up rping again so I hope this will be a new start :D
I know it isn't much but I hope it is enough...

What servers you play on:
none 3:

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:
No, but I hope to look into it soon.

Why would you like to join our server:
I would like to meet new people, enjoy new RPs and so on.
What more can I say?? I miss rping and I am looking for a new start :3

Have you read the rules thread?:

Do you agree to follow the rules?:

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):

~//Tsuki was leaning against the wall, her black hair pulled into a long pony tail and her blue eyes gazing up at the sky. The sun was gone and the moon was up, she was alone. She started to let out a sigh when she herd foot steps coming her way. She looked over to here right to see an old man approaching her. She tilted her head at him as he got closer and stopped about a foot  in front of her.//~

Old Man: "Hello there, you seem like a smart, young lady. My I interest you in this enchanted scroll?"

~//He reaches into his jacket and pulled out the scroll, whiling looking at it she tilted her head the other way.//~

Tsuki: "Are you sure that is an enchanted scroll?? If so it is a very weak enchantment...."
Old Man: "No no it is very well a powerfully enchanted scroll. I am willing to sell it for a mer 50 gold."
Tsuki: "Old man who do you think you have happen upon tonight?? That is a weak enchanted scroll and not even worth a gold piece!!"
Old Man: "Don't try...H-how can you even tell! It is not like you..are...a-a...."

~//Tsuki sighed and lifted her hand, a flash came out of her palm and everything was bright for a moment. When the light settled the old man was on the ground, passed out. She looked down at him and shook her head as she turn around and started to walk away.//~

Tsuki: "The old man got lucky tonight...."

(Yes. Approved. Just a forwarning though, there isn't enough space on Terraria's chatbox to do the ~// action brackets- it is better to use /me.) -Kami


Real Name: Dominik

Roleplay Name: John Barnigan

Age: 13

Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: Well when i played dark rp's and Hl2 rp's i almost felt like i was inside the game. It felt real to me from how they made the server.

What servers you play on: I mostly play on my server with my friends.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: Darkstar18401

Why would you like to join our server: I also want to see if Role plays are fun on Terraria

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): "Please get away from me, good sir."

"I do not want your enchanted scroll of yours."

(Denied. Extending your RP is not 'adding one line'. Feeling as if you are 'really inside the game' is not a good sign. Pestering a mod (especially me) to look at your App does not see you in a good light. Thank you for wasting everyone's time.) -Kami



Real Name: StickyWicket

Roleplay Name: Rylie Dayton

Age: 14

Players you already know on the on the server: Four

Previous roleplay experience: A whole lot of PERP and frankly DarkRP from 2009-2010. I than got into serious roleplay around mid 2011, till now.

What servers you play on: SRP, and hopefully Terraria

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: N/A

Why would you like to join our server: So I could have an alternative place to go when I am bored.

Have you read the rules thread?: Yep

Do you agree to follow the rules?: No shit

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): A creepy old unkept man with grey greasey facial hair approaches Denis on the streets. Rylie gives the man a slight look of disgust, walking onward. "Ey, ey you! I-.. I got something for someone like ya'!" The old man says, gaining Rylie's attention. Denis turns around, giving the man a quizical look. "Err, eh, I got this-.. this scroll for ya! It's enchanted with the souls of a thousand warriors! I have no use for it, so I can sell it for cheap." The old man said, showing his missing teeth. Rylie relaxes her face, replying, "No thank you." sprinting off in order to out run the man if he continues bugging him.



reposting as it looks like my application has been missed

Real Name: adrian

Roleplay Name:Kaerin

Age: 31

Players you already know on the on the server: none

Previous roleplay experience: D&D multiple editions

What servers you play on: none

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? no

Why would you like to join our server: enjoy roleplaying

Have you read the rules thread?: yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: yes

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll. What is your reaction?

me: you want how much for that tattered musty old thing
Old man: only 2 small coppers, kind sir
me: you must really think me an idiot
Old man: please sir, i has no money to feeds me starving children.
me: *sigh* what so special about this supposedly enchanted scroll
Old me: me dont know, me was never brave enough to opens it meself. me and magic dont mix to wells ya see.
me: *longer sigh* *ill just buy it and be rid of him* fine, take your damn coppers and get out my way.
Old man: thanks you kindly good sir
i move to a back room and unfurll the scroll and.... blank... nothing.. *stupid old man, at least he's out of my hair*

suddenly the walls start to shift. Woh, i dont feel so good.... eyes getting... heavy... what, what's that noise... getting closer... mocking laughter...
Old man: who is the stupid one now boy

(Your post was not missed, it was passed up. Normally we try to give reasons as to why people are denied access to the server, but in your case there's nowhere to start. Namely: You just suck. Denied.) -Kami


Real name: Logan Orr

Roleplay name: Kanato II

Age: 12

Prev. RP Experience: I have RP'd on mulitple games, most notably HEX and Habbo Hotel.

Servers played on: I don't know if you mean servers here(on which I have not played), or anywhere. Just to be safe, I've never had a game I could create and/or join a server.

I have read the Rules thread

I agree to follow the rules

Response to RP Situation: Kanato turns look at the man holding out the scroll, and a grin spreads across his face. Not a grin of happiness, but of slight amusement. "I will buy your scroll, haggard man. Here is your silver." He says, placing a bag in the man's hand, and takes the scroll. "Good day, haggard." As Kanato begins to walk away fron the transaction, he pulls a small string that pulls the sack o' silver from the man.

(the few I left out are answered with a no or a no one)


Real Name: Joel

Roleplay Name:Sir Acorn - Inspired by felynes from the Monster Hunter series, and their frequent use of acorn's.

Players you already know on the on the server:None

Previous roleplay experience: Minimal, designed roleplay game using legos years ago.

What servers you play on:Cats server

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: Don't own minecraft.

Why would you like to join our server: Looking for an active roleplay server involving Terraria and this look very well put together!

Have you read the rules thread?: Yep

Do you agree to follow the rules?:Yes

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
As the old man approaches I notice hes holding a scroll. Being a collector of valuable items it strikes my interest. He holds it out and in a quiet raspy voice says '' for 12 gold coins this scroll will be yours''. I thought to myself, thats a rather high price, then I questioned its authenticity. I asked him, ''say, where did you get it old man?'' He pauses then responds with a long story explaining it being passed down by his family. As he was talking I noticed a seal on the side making it no less than 2 years old. He noticed my eyes shift when I saw it and stopped talking abruptly. I simply replied '' I don't want it'' and started walking away. He got angry and from under his cloak pulled out a small crossbow. I heard it latch as he pulled the arrow back and I quickly dove behind a barrel in the street. He missed me by just a hair, I quickly pulled out a small explosive and threw it into the street. It blew up without harming the old man, but gave me a distraction with just enough time to get away. I narrowly lived to tell the story.

Response would be appreciated, Thank you!

{Accepted-Please PM James Almasy for your Password}



Real Name: John Gardner
Roleplay Name: Redus
IP: (Already given)
Players you already know on the on the server: None im new

Previous roleplay experience: On a lot of MineCraft servers and a couple of Terraria server's

What servers you play on: HGN server's and a couple of MC servers

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: Yes.My username is "RedusDaBomb"

Why would you like to join our server: Ive really been wanting to join a good terraria server without all the spam and griefing.

(Yeah, no. What happened to the rest of the app? Did you eat it? Did you eat your braincells too, or do you just like pestering moderators to check apps when its apparent that we get around to them when we can?)-Kami


Real Name: Miguel Bulteau

Roleplay Name: Draven Rostderzeit

Age: 23

Players you already know on the on the server: No one.

Previous roleplay experience: Neverwinter Nights for 10 years. Preference for Roleplay servers, played a variety of different characters, from magic wielders to fighters, from villains to good guys to questionable fellows. Also, Dungeons and Dragons, mostly as DM.

What servers you play on: Haven't played in a while, but I used to hang around Arelith and Amia a lot.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No, but I would like to!

Why would you like to join our server: Seems like a good environment, griefer-free and full of RP opportunities beyond "LOLZ GIVE ME ITEMS PLZ K TKS."

Have you read the rules thread?: Yessir.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yessir.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
Me: *raises eyebrow* Nothing like that costs that little, old man. What's the catch?

Old Man: There's no catch...

M: There's always a catch.

OM: If you do not want it, perhaps someone else can acquire this superior wisdom...

M: Yes. Someone else...

OM: *turns his back and walks away*

M: *takes out a small club, carefully tip-toes behind the old man, ready to hit him on the head and take the scroll for free*

*waits for DM's verdict on the roll to move silently xD*

(Accepted. You don't have to wait for a DM's verdict- we have a Roll system in place for PvP-Rp. Just giving you the heads-up.)-Kami


Real Name: Oliver :D

Roleplay Name: Xavian

Age: 14

Players you already know on the on the server: None, I found this server through a website ^^'

Previous roleplay experience: Not much on Terraria really, I'm currently searching for one :)

What servers you play on: None, i'm looking for a nice server to settle into ^^'

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: Nope, sorry :c

Why would you like to join our server: Well, like I said before, I'm currently searching for an awesome server to settle with and I LOVE Roleplay in any sense, whether it be in Rpgs, shooters, heck, even some arcade games! xD

Have you read the rules thread?: Of course :)

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yup ^^

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?:

Creepy Old Man - Are you in need of an enchanted scroll young lad?

Me - My good sir, what kind of scroll are we talking about?

*The old man pulls out an old tattered scroll from beneath his dirty cloak*

COM - A very special kind... one that can alter the very fabric of time energy around us, one that can grant the user with powers so uncomprehensible, that the young lad using this very scroll would obtain the power of a god! Just take it! It's yours!

Me - Bah! Old man, you are a fool, a fraud. Please, step aside I have buisnesses to attend to.

COM - Lad, don't you dare speak like that to your elder!

*The old man draws a blade from his cloak*

Me - Huh? What are yo-

*Before I finish my sentance, the old man lunges at me, but not with an attempt to murder, more like an attempt to disable me*

COM - Grah! Take the scroll! One touch, just one!

*I dodge the attack, barely*

Me - Are you insane!? I'm calling the guards!

*The old man lunges again, this time aiming for my leg*

COM - Just take the damn scroll!

*This time, he gets me, the front of my leg was cut badly forcing me to fall to the ground*


*The old man quickly pulls the scroll out again and shoves it into my hand*

COM - It doesn't matter anymore lad, I could go to jail for the rest of my life, but the fact is.. i'm free! That damn scroll and its curse are your problem now! I'm finally free!

Me - What do you me-

*The scroll starts to pulse with energy in my hand, my entire body feels heavy and the world around me starts to become a blur then fades to darkness*

{Accepted - JRParadox has sent you the password}

Sir David

Real Name: David Austin
Roleplay Name: Sir David
Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: Random RP servers

What servers you play on: Arma 2, Garrys mod, Terraria, Minecraft

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No

Why would you like to join our server: Because I'd like to roleplay in Terraria.

{Denied-Incomplete Application}


Real Name: Andrew
Roleplay Name: Umbra Lucerna
IP (You can find out from - ):
Age: 17
Players you already know on the on the server: none
Previous roleplay experience: Does chatango count.

What servers you play on: None.
Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:
Why would you like to join our server: I want to join something thats new and fun, and i enjoy roleplay.[

{Denied-Incomplete Application}


Real Name: Angus
RP Name: Mio
Age: 14 (15 in December)
Player already on the server i know: None
Previous RP experiance: A little on my friends server, we have our own Rp with Multiple characters each.
What servers i play on:  My friends Private server and CATS for item for my friends server.
Do i play on Aceon? No.
Why would i like to join your server: So that when my friends not on, i have somewhere to play with others.
Have i read the rules?: yes i have, i have already made a new character, Mio.
Will i follow the said rules?: Yes, i promise.
A creepy old man tries to sell me an enchanted scroll eh?:

OM (Old man): *walks up to me a put hand on shoulder* Hello young man.

Me: *Jumps back in surprise* H-Hello.

OM: *chuckles and then whispers* Would you like to become great and powerful?

Me: *still uncertain of situation*  Well, yea, who wouldn't?

OM: *leans close to face and peers into eyes*
       *steps back*
       Hmmm, you are worthy.

Me: *raises eyebrow* For what?

OM: *reaches into pocket* For this
       *pulls out glowing rolled up piece of paper*

Me: *stares in awe at said paper* What is that? *all uncertainty replaced with curiosity*

OM: *places scroll in my hand* It is now yours, beware of its magics and use it wisely.

Me: *opens scroll and studies it* What is this language?

OM: *doesn't reply*

Me *looks up from scroll, the busy street is now empty* What happened to everyone?
     *hears OM voice*
OM: Right now, you are floating in the between world. Your conciseness is no longer in your body, but your body is fine, in the physical world.

Me: How do i get back?

OM: Read the scroll.

Me: *Looks at scroll, it now makes perfect sense* *reads words on scroll aloud*

OM: Welcome back *smiles at me*

Me: Thanks, I guess, where was i just now?

OM: *covers head with hood* you must find that out n your own. *hands robe to me and vanishes*

Me: *puts on robe, inserts scroll into robe pocket* Ok then, now mum wanted some carrots didn't she?


  {Accepted - Join the group ([/color];sa=view;gid=28)[/color] and JRParadox has sent you the password}


Real Name: ashley
Name: Leyun chirraliyr
Age: 16
Players you already know on the on the server: None.
Previous roleplay experience: i am very familiar to role-playing I like playing on RP servers in minecraft and my thoughts on RP is that it enhances gameplay by adding an emotional attachment to the game
What servers you play on: too many servers to recall
Do you play on Aceon?: Nope If so state your name: I will be making a app soon
Why would you like to join our server:  as I said before, Role-playing enhances gameplay by adding an emotional attachment to the game. when on a server with amazing people it allows awesomeness to be achieved.
Have you read the rules thread?: Indeed.
Do you agree to follow the rules?:Indeed.
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.)
Old man: would you be interested in the purchase of this rare scroll
Me: Wait, what type of scroll? * I asses him for possible signs of hostility *
Old man: *looks down at the scroll* umm....I think its called a Scroll of Extirpation, yes thats it, the Scroll of Extirpation
Me: Yeah.. Okay then how much are you asking for?..
Old man: 30 Gold coins..
Me: Wait.......Did you just say 'The Lost Scroll of EXTIRPATION'
Old Man : yes.....why do you ask
Me: This scroll maintains the potential to destroy the whole of the world, you do realise this.....
Me: Hey! I asked you a question, Hello?!..
Old man: I d-didn't know that no.
Me: give the scroll to me you are in no way shape or form fit to protect this scroll from evil
Old man: *reluctantly hands the scroll to me*
Me: thank you for obliging and God be with ye
Old man: *saddened* like wise.
*I return on my way*

Btw this took me like 3 times to make because I accidentally deleted it 3 times by refreshing the page.
this took like 2 1/2 hours :D but I had dedication because I am loyal I hope you like this.
{Accepted - Please PM James Almasy for your Password}
Rule 34....No Exceptions