Caphori: Password Application Thread (OLD)

Started by Silver Knight, 15-06-2011

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Real Name: Chase LaPrime (last name French pronounced with an e where the i is)

Roleplaying name: Legionnaire Doomhammer

Age: 14

Players you already know on the server: none

What servers do you play on?: I havent usually been playing any servers lately I've mainly been on single player, and I wanted to look for a good roleplaying server.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft server), if so state your name: No I do not play on Aceon

Why would you like to join our server?: I just want to have a good time and roleplay because that is very enjoyable part of any game.

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?: I would whip out my greatsword and threaten him that if the scroll will kill me I kill him I then realize he is just an old man looking for some Copper so i buy the scroll.

{Denied - Please use the correct format, change your name as it seems overpowered  and extend your RP}


Real Name:John
Roleplay Name:Shinji Makounochi
Players you already know on the on the server:None Atm
Previous roleplay experience:WoW RP, Minecraft RP.
What servers you play on:
Terranian Explorers

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:No I do not.
Why would you like to join our server:I would like to immerse myself into this interesting roleplaying community.
Have you read the rules thread?:Yes I have.
Do you agree to follow the rules?:Yes I do agree.
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
Shinji Makounochi: Who are you...? What is this mysterious object you are trying to show me..?
Creepy Old Man: Don't worry young traveler, this scroll will be the answer to all your troubles
Shinji Makounochi: All my troubles...? *Takes a look at the mysterious looking scroll*
Creepy Old man: What do you think? *Grins Evily*
Shinji Makounochi: This scroll... It burdens the stench of evil..! *Throws the Scroll back at the Old Man*
Creepy Old Man: How dare you! Prepare for your demise! *Begins channeling an odd looking spell*
Shinji Makounochi: *Mumbles to self*This might be troublesome...
Creepy Old Man: *Begins to aim spell at Shinji*
Shinji Makounochi: This shouldn't be a problem... *Pulls a throwing dagger from belt* *Hurls the dagger at the mans forehead with great speed*
Creepy Old Man: Hmph! Your toys are no match for me! *He casts the channeled spell at Shinji and it deflects the dagger away*Good Enough? :D

{Accepted - JRParadox has sent you the password}


Real Name: Steeton
Roleplay Name: Steetoh
Age: 14
Players you already know on the on the server: None.
Previous roleplay experience: Minecraft roleplaying servers and other roleplaying games.
What servers you play on: I haven't been playing servers recently except for mine.
Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: I do not play this server.
Why would you like to join our server: I would like to join this server to have a new and fun adventure on Terraria.
Have you read the rules thread?: Yes.
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): What is this that you are tring to give me? Oh, it is a scroll that is harmless I expect. *I buy the scroll and walk away.* *I then turn aroun and stab the old man in the back,* I hate old men because of the incident with Skeletron...

I am not sure why, but when I replied, the application select and copy messed up the text like this. Sorry if it is hard to read. Thank you for reading this.


Real Name:Bradley

Roleplay Name: Jack Wolf

Age: IRL : 12 IC : 25

Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience:Stalker rp and the minecraft rp

What servers you play on:Stalker and Minecraft

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: Yes my Minecraft name is AncientPredator IC name Jack Wolf

Why would you like to join our server: As I am intrested in coing and rping with the server

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?:Yes

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): * looks at the old man a hint of confusion on his face *
Me : Let me have a look at that. * Jack Would grab hold of the scroll examining it*
Me: What does it do?
Old man: It creates a ball of ice in your hand
Me: Really? How much for it?
Old man: 5 gold coins
Me: Here * gives him 5 gold coins *
Me: * When Jack gets home he repeats the word on the scroll*
Me: * It dosent work* It was a fake!
Me: *Throws the scroll out the window*

{Accepted - JRParadox has sent you the password}


Real Name: Daniel Millson

Roleplay Name: Don Ralof Tristan

Age: 15

Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: None online, some other RPGs such as Fallout, Skyrim, etc.

What servers you play on: CATSFeaturedV5

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: Nope

Why would you like to join our server: It's my first online roleplay experience

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Most Definitely

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): Demonstrate the scroll on yourself, then I will consider.

{Denied - Please extend and improve your RP section}

Cloud Nein

Real Name: River

Roleplay Name: Nrogara Gnilfeit

Age: 14

Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: Garry's Mod, and several years of Forum role-playing,
I have played D&D for around 6-7 years, I have role-played on Minecraft and World of Warcraft.

What servers you play on: I presume you mean your servers, in that case this will be
my first

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: I have not played
on this server.

Why would you like to join our server: Because I am interested in seeing how Terraria
role-playing would turn out for me.

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes, I have.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: I do agree to follow the rules.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.

Nrogara: "How much would you like to receive in monetary payment for this scroll?"

Old Man: "Enough to put food on my table, and then some. Make me an offer..."

Nrogara: "Three gold pieces."

Old Man: "I was thinking more of ten perhaps?"

Nrogara: "I am just an average man, do you think I just walk around with a hefty sack of
coins everywhere I go?

Old Man: "Well I'm sorry, a scroll such as this demands at least ten pieces! Written by the
Archmage Ronim, it has the power to blast a shard of ice with the force of a thousand suns!"

Nrogara: "May I look at this scroll?"

Old Man: *Timidly hand the scroll over to Nrogara*

Nrogara: "You sick hag! This is a scroll of light, and not even a powerful one! I'm glad I
can read scrolls, otherwise I would've wasted my money!" *He then forcefully hands the
scroll back to the old man and begins to walk away.*

Old Man: "Wait! I'll take the three gold pieces..."

Nrogara: "I'll give you one."

Old Man: *gives a long thoughtful sigh, then speaks* "Fine, I'll take what I can get."

Nrogara: *Grabs a single golden coin from his purse and hands it to the old man.*

Old Man: *Bites the coin, it bends* "So this isn't a fluke, it was terrible doing business
with you sir..."

Nrogara: "Well I thought we were having just a grand time!" *He then proceeds to his store
nearby to put this in the front window.*

{Accepted - Fantastic, JRParadox has sent you the password}


Real Name: Daniel Millson

Roleplay Name: Don Ralof Tristan

Age: 15

Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: None online, some other RPGs such as Fallout, Skyrim, etc.

What servers you play on: CATSFeaturedV5

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: Nope

Why would you like to join our server: It's my first online roleplay experience

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Most Definitely

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):

Ralof: How much would you want for me to take this scroll off your hands?

Old Man: A decent enough price, this isn't just any scroll, you see...

Ralof: *Trying to barter his way out of this* Yo would want me to pay a large sum for a scroll I know nothing about? What kind of "merchant" would do so much as to fool his buyer?

Old Man: I would demonstrate this scroll, if it wasn't a one-use scroll. You see, it has powers beyond any wizard's, even the head of the Wizard's Guild itself!

Ralof: But I still don't know if this is trickery or not.

Old Man: Please, kind sir! Wouldn't you do an old man a kind favor? I retrieved this scroll from the enemy of mine during the War. It is invaluable to me as it would be to you, young man.

Ralof: To you I will make a deal. If you can show me this scroll in effect, right now in this town's square and it's public, than I will pay you for the demonstration. Surely, if it is as invaluable as you say it is, you wouldn't mind showing everyone?

Old Man: Well, you see sir...

Ralof: Are you trying to swindle me, old man?

Old Man: No! I will show you! *Nervously walks into the crowd* Gather round citizens! I have a very important demonstration to show you! This scroll I hold has a very marvelous power enchanted into it! Please, I will demonstrate if you can spare me a coin or two right now! Each and every one of you will be amazed!

*Crowed starts to toss coins to the Old Man. He opens the scroll and begins to read it. Bright lights flash all around him and an explosion occurs on the pedestal he stands on. When the light and smoke dissipate, the man is gone.*

Ralof: So much for swindlers, trying to manipulate me. I, too, am a popular merchant...

{Accepted - Join the group (;sa=view;gid=28) and JRParadox has sent you the password}


Real Name: Mark

Roleplay Name: Guthix

Age: 14

Players you already know on the on the server: None.

Previous roleplay experience: Minecraft and Terraria servers.

What servers you play on: I haven't played on any server for a while, that's why I am here to search for a good server.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: Yes, but I forgot it by the time passed.

Why would you like to join our server: I want to play it because it's a rp server and it includes the original and great environment that other servers (not rp) don't have.

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): While the old man is approaching a fear is starting to grow inside me, like if he would try to murder me. I told the man to step back or he would get harmed. The man didn't seemed to care and he continued walking towards me and he whispered with a vague voice "I have things you would be interested in..." The old man showed me his valuables and I found an enchanted scroll. Then the old man said " Ahhh.. One of my most preciouse items, that I would sell for 50 gold pieces. As I was checking my wallet I found enough gold to pay the old man. I payed him and then he left just like the wind, leaving the scroll.

I am re-applying because of my IGN not allowed in my earlier post. Hope now I will be able to play without worries. The only thing I changed was my IGN due to that's the only thing that didn't allowed me to play.

{Accepted - Join the group (;sa=view;gid=28) and JRParadox has sent you the password}


Real Name: Jacob

Roleplay Name:Merridius

Age: 22
Players you already know on the on the server: none

Previous roleplay experience: Years of roleplay, though my first roleplay experience in Terraria

What servers you play on: I have joined random servers and have not really stayed in any for more than a few minutes.

Why would you like to join our server: I'd love to take the elements of this game and add some roleplay into it. This seems like a legitimate roleplay server, so I'm hoping to join.

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction? *Startled, I step back, wondering why anyone would sell such a document. I examined it and then the man himself. He looked to be from a distant land, possibly another time, though my defense mechanisms were not as high as they usually were to such an odd gesture. Something inside me was intrigued... and besides, it was only thirty dollars. I pull my wallet out and smile.* I'll take it. 
{Accepted-Please PM James Almasy for your Password}


Real Name: Raimundas.

Roleplay Name: iBlowBubble

Age: 16.

Players you already on the on the server: None.

Previous roleplay experience: HGN roleplays.

What servers you play on: HGN servers.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No but i can try That game ^^

Why would you like to join our server: I think its great server ^.^

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes, i do.

Do you agree to follow rules?: Yes i will follow.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an echanted scroll. What is your reaction?

*iBlowBubble How much is it?

*Old Man Hmm... Ten silver coins

*iBlowBubble Its just scroll i think its too much....!

*Old Man But remember its Echanted scroll...!

*iBlowBubble Okey so what? i think its too much...

*Old Man Dude u gonna buy it or not? i dont have all day ^^ *Angry*

*iBlowBubble No way ^^

*Old Man I got knife in my hand so u will buy it now? Ha Ha Ha...

*iBlowBubble *Poof* iBlowBubble(Me) Summoned bunny... Bunny Attack!

*Old Man *Smurfffs* *Puffs* He used magic to teleport! I will get you one day!


Vampire Diaries FTW :o


Real Name: Euan

Roleplay Name: Aviditas

Age: 27

Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: Various MMORPGs but mostly I played full roleplay back in the early days of Starwars: Galaxies. When it was good.

What servers you play on: None. This will be my first Terraria server, because I want to play on a server that isn't about PvP and isn't open to all and full of... you get the idea.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: I don't, although I do have a full version of Minecraft.

Why would you like to join our server: I am looking for a multiplayer experience that embodies the survival and community aspects that the game promotes in the Single Player mode with the various traders. A roleplaying server with a selection process to prevent antagonists joining seems ideal.

Have you read the rules thread?: I have. Begin with a new character, don't bring in items/equipment from other servers, do not use explosives, don't pointlessly damage the landscape, and I believe I can mine but only directly beneath my home?

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Of course, I would not apply otherwise.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
Me: (Wary) What kind of enchantment does this scroll bestow and why do you choose me to approach with this offer old man?

(I have just read some of the previous applications and realise that my RP contribution would appear to be shorter than what is expected. I cannot presume to know how the other party in this conversation would respond to my question, however since it would seem necessary I will extend it as I would expect the conversation might go)

Old Man: I sense you have a great destiny, and you will face many trials. This scroll will be invaluable to you.

Me: I have a great destiny? What manner of destiny do you think I have old man?

Old Man: One of vital importance to the wellbeing of the land and the safety of it's people.

Me: Are you not a man of this land? If what you say is true why would you seek profit for your own wellbeing along with that of your fellow country men?

Old Man: I am but a poor old man. Alas I was never blessed with a family to support me in my old age, I must eat. A man of my advanced years cannot labour like once I could.

Me: Your selfishness and misjudgement of me has belied you. If you knew anything of me or my destiny, you would have known I could not accept the scroll as a gift, and would have insisted on reimbursing you somehow. If you are hungry old man you may have some food, and in exchange for that scroll, I will offer you a proposal.

Old Man: What manner of deal are you suggesting?

Me: You may yet prove your worth and earn yourself a living. Give me the scroll, and I shall hire you to provide me with information. A man such as yourself I imagine can mingle and pick up rumours yes? I will pay you for information that you cannot make use of due to your infirmity. Is this acceptable?

Old Man: Shrewd and persuasive... I was not mistaken about you. I accept your offer young man.

{Accepted-Please PM James Almasy for your Password}
Nice work on that RP.
-- I must permit, rather provoking the woman dolphin tones --


Real Name: Tilman
Roleplay Name: Tilidien

Age: 13
Players you already know on the on the server: none

Previous roleplay experience: some Mc servers
What servers you play on: none atm

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: no,but i want to

Why would you like to join our server: I would like to join because i want to play whith other friendly people and hate griefers,also because i want to see the RP, im interrestet on it because i think it would be funny.

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: Yes.

{Denied - You have not followed the default formula}



Real Name: Kate Rasa Ozola

Roleplay Name: Felicia Vasa


Players you already know on the on the server: none

Previous roleplay experience: Have played RP with friends, and in a lot of other games. Just tried some RP servers.

What servers you play on: private servers

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: no

Why would you like to join our server: Because, terraria is awesome, and  in a rolepley way it sounds most fun. And your server sound awesome

Have you read the rules thread?: Ofcourse

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Definately

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): I would ask him to tell what power it holds, and tell him to prove what he say's.

{Denied - Please extend and improve RP}


Real Name: Reinhard

Roleplay Name: Reinhard Reynecke

Age: 15

Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: Grand Theft Auto: IV and San Andreas roleplay servers

What servers you play on: None so far.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No.

Why would you like to join our server: I am a huge fan of RP and want to test it out on Terraria

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
Reinhard: No thank you, I don't have any coins with me at the moment

Old man: Oh, but sir, this is no mere scroll of wich you could find in a Library, THIS particular scroll, has been Enchanted with magnificent powers!

Reinhard: Oh, really? And what would this Enchantment be? Do tell.

Old man: I fear, I cannot show you, young one, for this scroll, is locked, and the powers it holds will be released upon opening.

Reinhard: Then I won't buy it, unfortunately you will have to find another buyer. Good day.

Old man: You're choice, friend.

{Accepted-Please PM James Almasy for your Password}
Is it Reinhard or Reinhardt? like Reinhardt Schneider from Castlevania 64.


Real Name:Ismael Barbeau-Kassouba (I'm from Morroco!)

Roleplay Name:Diablor Aelfus


Players you already know on the on the server:None

Previous roleplay experience:Le Monde d'Étherias (My old french minecraft RP server), Skyrim, World of Warcraft, Diablo (I,II, and tomorrow III)

What servers you play on:Le monde d'Étherias (Minecraft)

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:No

Why would you like to join our server:Because i'm addicted to Role play and
i enjoy playing terraria (i'm new and i'm trying to find all the content!)

Have you read the rules thread?:Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?:Of course!

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):Diablor_Aelfus:What if your scroll is cursed? Show me its power and i will buy it. "I unsheathe my two handed sword"
"The old man hesitates, and reads the runes on the scroll. He sudennly burn in purple flames."
Diablor_Aelfus:(Why that old man had such powerful Enchantment.. And in what purpose?..)


Real Name: Daniel Millson

Roleplay Name: Don Ralof Tristan

Age: 15

Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: None online, some other RPGs such as Fallout, Skyrim, etc.

What servers you play on: CATSFeaturedV5

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: Nope

Why would you like to join our server: It's my first online roleplay experience

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Most Definitely

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):

Ralof: How much would you want for me to take this scroll off your hands?

Old Man: A decent enough price, this isn't just any scroll, you see...

Ralof: *Trying to barter his way out of this* Yo would want me to pay a large sum for a scroll I know nothing about? What kind of "merchant" would do so much as to fool his buyer?

Old Man: I would demonstrate this scroll, if it wasn't a one-use scroll. You see, it has powers beyond any wizard's, even the head of the Wizard's Guild itself!

Ralof: But I still don't know if this is trickery or not.

Old Man: Please, kind sir! Wouldn't you do an old man a kind favor? I retrieved this scroll from the enemy of mine during the War. It is invaluable to me as it would be to you, young man.

Ralof: To you I will make a deal. If you can show me this scroll in effect, right now in this town's square and it's public, than I will pay you for the demonstration. Surely, if it is as invaluable as you say it is, you wouldn't mind showing everyone?

Old Man: Well, you see sir...

Ralof: Are you trying to swindle me, old man?

Old Man: No! I will show you! *Nervously walks into the crowd* Gather round citizens! I have a very important demonstration to show you! This scroll I hold has a very marvelous power enchanted into it! Please, I will demonstrate if you can spare me a coin or two right now! Each and every one of you will be amazed!

*Crowed starts to toss coins to the Old Man. He opens the scroll and begins to read it. Bright lights flash all around him and an explosion occurs on the pedestal he stands on. When the light and smoke dissipate, the man is gone.*

Ralof: So much for swindlers, trying to manipulate me. I, too, am a popular merchant...

{Accepted-Please PM James Almasy for your Password}
we do have someone with the first name Tristram though. Might be awkward if someone asks for the wrong person


Real Name: Ryan Oster
Roleplay Name: Fey Wong
Age: 12
Players you already know the on the server: No one.
Previous roleplay experience: I play Minecraft on some roleplay servers. I used to play Roblox on some roleplay servers (Occasionally I still do)
What servers you play on: I play mostly on my friends server. Not many other servers besides my friends.
Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No I do not play on your Minecraft server.
Why would you like to join our server: I'm not very familiar with this server. I saw it on a Terraria server list website and thought I would join it.
Have you read the rules thread?: Yes.
Do you agree to follow the rules?: I agree.
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):Me: How much are you willing to sell it for? Man: $200 Me: How about we lower the price down to $100? Man: Sorry man. Can't do that. This here is an extremely rare find, there is only 3 in the world. Normally you would get it for several thousand dollars. Me: $150 Man: Fine, You've got yourself a deal. Me: (Gives man 150 dollars) Thank you sir. Man: No problem.


Real Name:Brandon

Roleplay Name:Octavio


Players you already know on the on the server:None What So Ever

Previous roleplay experience:I've done a bit of rp in minecraft servers before, and I'm currently working on
building an rp server

What servers you play on:For Terraria? None

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:Nope

Why would you like to join our server:I enjoy a friendly rp experience, especially when the
server has some sort of filter (aka this) to keep out the ruffians

Have you read the rules thread?:twice...which is also how I figured out how to do this

Do you agree to follow the rules?:But of course

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):Arrest this man! He has stole the sacred scroll from the temple! Who are you working for old man? WHO?!


Real Name: Kate Rasa Ozola

Roleplay Name: Felicia Vasa


Players you already know on the on the server: none

Previous roleplay experience: Have played RP with friends, and in a lot of other games. Just tried some RP servers.

What servers you play on: private servers

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: no

Why would you like to join our server: Because, terraria is awesome, and  in a rolepley way it sounds most fun. And your server sound awesome

Have you read the rules thread?: Ofcourse

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Definately

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): I would ask him to tell what power it holds, and tell him to prove what he say's.

{Denied-RP Still too Short. Try Again}


Real Name: Chase LaPrime

Roleplay Name: Onoth (Dark dragon/human person like deathwing but much weaker so hes not very overpowered)

Age: 14

Players you already know on the on the server: None.

Previous roleplay experience: World of Warcraft roleplay, and minecraft roleplay

What servers you play on: Not many, Class wars is one

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No

Why would you like to join our server: I, Soothsayer Mirochi would like to join Caphori because i enjoy the felliung of going into your characters and really roleplaying as them.

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):

Onoth: Who are you old man? Are you hurt? Do you need help? Are you lost?

Old Man: ....

Onoth: Tell me or I shall mount your head on my mantle you shriveled up insect beneath my boot.

Old Man: Now, now young one, don't lose ye temper

*the elder takes of his robe and appears to not be an old man but a quite young dwarf with ancient markings on him that have a purplish glow*

Old man: Me names Fein and im no old man, I'm a dwarf. Im just tryin to sell ye a scroll it gives the user immense power but be careful to m uch power can go to your head. Also, I know what you are, dragon, im a dark spirited soul too but im just a stonehammer.

Onoth: Ah, then I need not hide it? But anyway, welcome, Fein, come follow me I have not the appropriate gold for this trade.

*Back at Onoth's cavern*

Fein: Nice, eh, loft? ye fella, now, about the scro-

Onoth: Yes, about the scroll be careful whilest using it blah, blah, blah

*Onoth makes the trade for a mere 20 gold*

Fein: Thank ye. Got any ale?

Onoth: Yes my friend.

*Fast-forward 3 years*

Fein: Onoth! The crusaders come from the North we cannot vast this just, you, I, and the Damned scroll.

Onoth: Haha do not worry Fein, I have an army ready just behind the hill, just look back.

*Fein looks back and sees nothing*
*Onoth teleports to the crusaders right before saying goodbye the last time to Fein*
*Fein turns back around and doesnt see Onoth*

Fein: Haha blubberin oat doesnt know what hes gettin himself into but i pray that he will survive

*Battlefield where the crusaders lay waste to the environment surrounding them*

Onoth: Stop right there foul scum!

*The Crusader mutter among themselves when one clearly shouts ATTACK*
*Mirochi then transformed into his dragon form, a large black, scaley dragon that breathes purple fire stained that wreaked of death*
*Crusader after crusader Onoth layed wast but soon he faced the Crusader Captain whom had a giant sword with ancient carvings on it, the sword looked like it would be fit for killing dragons and Onoth braced himself for the battle to come*

Crusader Captain: You were a fool to come here!

*The two clash in a battle, in which Onoth had a slight advantage but not much. The sounds of their battle could be heard from miles away, even Fein heard it.*

Onoth: (Dragonspeak) Ishnk hjukas juhli kiguh!!!!! (English) Now die foul scum!!!!

*Onoth then disarms the captain and finally kills him with a giant firebolt*
*Onoth then teleports back to his friend, Fein, in his human form*

Onoth: Hello my friend.

Fein: ONOTH!!

*He greets Onoth with i giant dwarven hug*

Fein: I thought ye died.

Onoth: Damned crusaders put up a good fight, but I overcame them. Come, to the bar drinks are on me, I'll tell ye some stories of the battle. by the way, thanks for ye scroll.



Real Name: Kate Rasa Ozola

Roleplay Name: Felicia Vasa


Players you already know on the on the server: none

Previous roleplay experience: Have played RP with friends, and in a lot of other games. Just tried some RP servers.

What servers you play on: private servers

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: no

Why would you like to join our server: Because, terraria is awesome, and  in a rolepley way it sounds most fun. And your server sound awesome

Have you read the rules thread?: Ofcourse

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Definately

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):

old man: Hello young adventurer! I see you are a brave child! Would you be interested in a enchanted scroll?

Felicia Vasa: Hello... May i ask what kind of power it holds?

Old man: oooohhh, but that is a secret my child! It grants great power!

Felicia Vasa: But how much does it cost?

Old man: An expensive but good deal - 2 gold pieces!

Felicia Vasa: Im sorry, but i cant buy it if i dont know its magic powers!

Old man: You wont be sorry! Its a great bargain!... Come!... Buy it!... It wont harm you!

Felicia Vasa: No! I wont buy it until i know what it does!

Old man: Fine! You asked for it! *Old man starts chanting from the scroll*

Felicia Vasa:...

*suddently the old man turns into a huge dragon who starts destroying the city*

Felicia Vasa: Oh god!... What have i done!?

{Accepted-Please PM James Almasy for your Password}


Real Name: Nathan[/size]Roleplay Name: MelanchthonAge: 21Players you already know on the on the server: None Previous roleplay experience: Iron RealmsWhat servers you play on: LusterniaDo you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: NoWhy would you like to join our server: YesHave you read the rules thread?: YesDo you agree to follow the rules?: YesA creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): I simply ignore the old man, and continue on my way.


Real Name:Julius; nickname is Julio(pronounced w/ a Spanish accent w/ a silent J). I'm Filipino so I have some Spanish background while being primarily Asian.Roleplay Name:lkki, pronounced the same as "icky", is my short username for lkaruga(in all caps its LKKI not IKKI. This is for availability and because im accustomed to it being this way)

Also "Ikaruga" is a japanese word and should be pronounced as "ee-Ka-roo-Ga"(with a soft R since L and R sounds are merged in japanese)

The Ikaruga is a black and white grosbeak(a dove like bird).Age:19, in college studying to become an engineerPlayers you already know on the on the server:no i dont know anyone from this community. I am completely new herePrevious roleplay experience:6yrs in runescape back when i was still in middleschool(those were very sad years btw)

2yrs in Phantasy Star Online 1&2 BluBurst(This is where started using 4 letter names only such as Kazu, Anzu, Suzu, Mizu, Yuzu, Tori, Tara, Zwei, Spas, and Ikki)
After making those characters I eventually RP for the hell of it.

Kazu(RAmar): Lazy and apathetic middle aged man. uses zerk weapons(depletes hp to deal 3x damage)

Anzu(RAmarl): Emo-tsundere teenage girl. uses buff/debuff spells and stunning weapons that freeze/paralyze

Zwei(HUcast): hunter(melee class) robot. Name is based off of the German 2-handed sword

Spas(RAcast): ranger(gunner class) robot. Name is based off of the Italian shotgun Franchi Spas(sporting purposes assault shotgun)

Suzu(FOmarl): Suzu is japanese for 'bell' and this character has small jingle bells on her hat.

Tori(FOmarl): Tori is japanese for 'bird'. Support Force(magic class) that focuses on attack damage rather than  magic due to her having more accuracy and attack points than the FOnewm/FOnewearl(elf mages). Since the slicer(some kind of boomerang sword that shoots out blades when swung) was her main weapon, being a bird of prey seemed appropriate due to the flying nature of the blades. Character wise, she is cold and uncaring.
1yr of Shin Megami Tensei Imagine(SMTi)

'lkaruga' was my first character when i was a noob. He was male and was a demolition dasher( a lunge skill that uses magic for good damage). His primary element was ice. After a while he sorta looked like Break from Fairy Tail. I eventually thought of him like Anzu being a emo-tsundere delinquent.

lkkie was my next character when i came back to the game later. She was a limit breaker rapid( gunner class that deals insane damage due to equipment's damage modifiers). She wore a red and white outfit w/ a mage's hat and fox mask. I thought of her as a fox demon and gave a personality as a casual huntsman.
-Fallout 3 Mod-
I've used this to basically recreate the game w/ new quests, races, weapons, enemies, and stats. I've created countless characters and companions in this game. I'm actually reluctant to go into detail however : p

What servers you play on:

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:when i tried to buy minecraft something happened and it wouldnt let me purchase. I eventually gave up since i bought steam and eventually terraria. If I like this server and get situated in I may consider buying minecraft again.

Why would you like to join our server:RP and building dungeons that require the use of grappling hook, statue spawns, traps, lava and chests w/ accessories and money. I think theres a way to script so that the chest will respawn in set time? I wouldn't know since I just purchased this game recently. That way you can make the dungeon redo-able. Design wise I would look to castlevania as the perfect example.

I would also like to terra-form the map to be more epic such as wider caves w/ more artisic wall patterns. That way u can see a little bit of sky in the caves like what u'd see in fable 3 or super metroid. It is a whole lot nicer to see rooms that are underground w/ a bit more color and lighting from the background sky. For the lower lvs I would look for a maple story design. I sorta like how maple story made their jungles and caves.

Have you read the rules thread?:

Do you agree to follow the rules?:implied consent through the submission of this application

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
Player: What's it for?
Old man:uhh I'd say 70 gold pieces~
Player: no i mean what is it used for-wait a sec 70 gold pieces??
Old man:yes, its used to get into the sealed door in that dungeon behind me.
Player: ugh 70 gold pieces and a dungeon?
Old man: theres a cute fox girl in leather bondage inside~
Player was strangled by Dungeon Guardian.
Player has logged out
Dungeon Guardian: alright where's my share?
Old man: 20 gold pieces as we promised
Old man was torn in half by Dungeon Guardian
Dungeon Guardian: oh hey I can make another stack of platinum now
{Denied-RP and join reason-Please redo.}
Not gonna lie, the RP made me lol a bit. But this is an RP server. Sure, we build, but we're trying to cut back on the Building. it's getting weird. But It does sound interesting. we'll consider the offer.

also why not just use Ikaruga? we don't have many "foreign" named players.


It's always taken though X'3. Also, its hard for me to find people to play games w/ me so I never have anyone to try my dungeons/maps. Fighting the same monsters gets boring after a while too :S


Real Name:[/font][/size]Julius; nickname is Julio(pronounced w/ a Spanish accent w/ a silent J). I'm Filipino so I have some Spanish background while being primarily Asian.Roleplay Name:lkki, pronounced the same as "icky", is my short username for lkaruga(in all caps its LKKI not IKKI. This is for availability and because im accustomed to it being this way)Also "Ikaruga" is a japanese word and should be pronounced as "ee-Ka-roo-Ga"(with a soft R since L and R sounds are merged in japanese)The Ikaruga is a black and white grosbeak(a dove like bird).
[/size]Why would you like to join our server:

I hate playing video games by myself and it's difficult to get into society w/ my current social experience(which is none by the way). I literally have no one to play with or do anything with since I'm too shy in real life. I was hoping to find people that aren't all about winning or being pro so I was searching for a RP server since there is absolutely no way Terraria could have a leaderboard w/ the absence of levels, point system, or killcount while at the same time have actual things to do. Since the game can only do so much in terms of generating dungeons, venturing through these dungeons is redundant as it is too similar to natural settings like the 'caves' terraria makes. Since it is all randomly generated, everything is different but too similar at the same time. Servers are supposed to make key locations. So far, I've only seen servers that have random blocks floating in air and random flying houses. The older servers basically have a bunch of joke structures that make pictures of nyancat and mario and ridiculous looking rainbow houses that obviously dont blend with the surrounding environment(if that still exists). I have yet to see someone make a decent looking cave. I have yet to see someone make a dungeon full of traps that is wider than 3blocks high(just enough to fit a player).RP and building dungeons that require the use of grappling hook, statue spawns, traps, lava and chests w/ accessories and money. I think theres a way to script so that the chest will respawn in set time? I wouldn't know since I just purchased this game recently. That way you can make the dungeon redo-able. Design wise I would look to castlevania as the perfect example.I would also like to terra-form the map to be more epic such as wider caves w/ more artisic wall patterns. That way u can see a little bit of sky in the caves like what u'd see in fable 3 or super metroid. It is a whole lot nicer to see rooms that are underground w/ a bit more color and lighting from the background sky. For the lower lvs I would look for a maple story design. I sorta like how maple story made their jungles and caves.Have you read the rules thread?:yesDo you agree to follow the rules?:implied consent through the submission of this applicationA creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):Player: What's it for?Old man:uhh I'd say 70 gold pieces~Player: no i mean what is it used for-wait a sec 70 gold pieces??Old man:yes, its used to get into the sealed door in that dungeon behind me.Player: ugh 70 gold pieces and a dungeon?Old man: theres a cute fox girl in leather bondage inside~Player: HERES YOUR 70 GOLD PIECES SIRDungeon Guardian: SORRY THE PRINCESS IS IN ANOTHER DUNGEONPlayer was strangled by Dungeon Guardian.Player:FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF >:UPlayer has logged outDungeon Guardian: alright where's my share?Old man: 20 gold pieces as we promisedOld man was torn in half by Dungeon GuardianDungeon Guardian: oh hey I can make another stack of platinum now