Caphori: Password Application Thread (OLD)

Started by Silver Knight, 15-06-2011

0 Members and 4 Guests are viewing this topic.


Real Name:Bradley
Roleplay Name:Marcus
Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: I role play on alot of minecraft servers.

What servers you play on:None on Terraria

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No

Why would you like to join our server: Because i've never role played on a Terraria server before and i think it would be really fun.

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: Of corse

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): I would love this scroll good sir! How much? *Buy Scroll* Thank you Sir
I shall certainly not do anything bad with this said "enchanted" scroll.As the man walks away, you notice him starting to run. You shrug it off as if he has to poo really bad, as you crack open the crusted scroll, you find out that the scroll was just a piece of used toilet paper. 8)

{Approved-Please PM Any Caphori Mod for your Password}


Real Name: Johny drako
Roleplay Name:Leon
Age:12 turning 13
Players you already know on the on the server: I dont know any but iw wish to know if im accepted

Previous roleplay experience: Most HGN supported servers and Terraria Town Roleplay

What servers you play on:i dont play on any i always do single player

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:no but i wish i could but i think my friend played on it before when i was watching him.

Why would you like to join our server: I would like to have fun and try to do my best in a new place and where i could talk to people.

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread:i agree

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): I Leon was passing by my daily route to work when suddenly and old man said, "Young man would you want this scroll for only 3 silver?" he said. Then i said, "What is that scroll worth for? Mining, bombs, cutting trees, war, etc?" the old man replied "It is just a mere scroll that i found in a cave of mighty wonders!"  he shouted. I replied "I'm sorry old man but i just cannot! Here I shall give you 3 gold coins. Thanks you!"

{Denied - If you have been on most other HGN servers why does your account have only 1 post? Also change your name please as it is just too similar to some of the names of our current players}


Real Name:Kyle Craker
Roleplay Name:Sir Slashface
Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: None

What servers you play on: nNne but soon the minecraft server

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: Soon to play-groalit

Why would you like to join our server: I would like to join this server for the purpose of learning how a rp works on terraria and i think this will best benefit me and to have fun

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: yes i do

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): *me* What is the price of it and i shall discuss with my partners on it. *creepy old man* Why little one its worth only 2 gold coins. *me* Hmmm a fair price for a scroll, but i still do not know what it does.*creepy old man* Well buy it and you'll find out.*me* Very well then. here is your 2 gold coins.*creepy old man laughs menacingly* why thank you little one youve saved my family from starvation. *me* Why did you laugh like that old man. You're making me very nervous.*friends back away as i begin to cast the scroll* if anything happens we dont want to take part of the blow.*me* pathetic, if you were true friends you'd stand by my side. Never the less i will cast it and be responsible for whatever happens.*creepy old man under his breath* Yes, yes you will soon find out the horrible things your going to unleash.*me* What was that old man? I couldn't quite hear that over the scrolls noise.*creepy old man* Nothing! i didnt say anything!*me* strange old man thinks im a fool for buying this scroll from him.*creepy old man under his breath* You think you're not a fool but you really are. hahaha hehehehe mwahahaheheheheahahahahehehehehahahahahehehe.*me* Oh **** im screwed, this isn't a normal scroll its a scroll of the damned. By using this scroll i have take the shackles of the world of the damned and unleashed them into our world. What have i done........*to be continued*

{Banned by JRParadox}


Real name: zachary
Roleplay name: Madriako
Age: 14
players you already know on server: no one I am new
Previous RP experience: it will be the first and i will be great
What servers do you play on: this will be the first
Do you play on Aceon (our minecraft server)? If so state your name: (not yet zachman2330)

Why would you like to join our server: because i never done a RP before and i think it will be very fun for me and others
do you agree with the set rules above/ rules thread

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll. what is your reaction? (RP it.) *old man* why hello Madriako i have a blue scroll i found in the chest your father had. *me* Really! cool what does it do? *old man* i heard it summons demons like fire imps and **shudder** sketron. *me* you mean the one who killed my dad. *old man* ** whisper** yes that one. *me* ** whisper** oh ok, **yelling** well i don't want it

{Denied - Just extend the RP a bit more and use language which suits the tone more}


Real Name: Jay
Roleplay Name: Montey
Age: 14
Players you already know on the on the server: none

Previous roleplay experience: D&D

What servers you play on: my freinds

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: no

Why would you like to join our server: I have never really tried roleplaying always wanted to but always founed it to much of a hassle.

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: yea there pretty reasonable

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): Hello good sir wonderfull weather we're having huh? Ah a scroll yes it is in good form how much would this fine scroll cost? 800 gold?, Good god sir that is no way to sell a scroll. You see if you lower the prise more costomers will come flocking back to your establishment. You walk away from the scene with an 800 gold scroll you got for 50. Your glad you been practising bribery all these years. The next as you stroll thru the market a hand covers your mouth and pulls you into the ally. Two men with long black cloaks are standing there, you recognize one as being the old man from yesterday. One looks at you "We saw your acts in the market yesterday we could use a person like you."
He has an eryie that send shivers down your back. Look you guys I was just trying to get to my-. He holds a sword to your neck, "come with us or you will regret the day you were born." Wel uh- They throw a cloak over your head and drag you down the ally. You wake up in a chair in a very unfimilar place. Two men walk towards you "Join us or DIE". You accept knowing there is no other way out. 3 years later you still dont know what you joined.

{Accepted - JRParadox has sent you the password, very good improvement man :3 Just remember that you can use the 'edit' button so you didn't need to post again}


Real Name: Oakley
Roleplay Name:Caine
Players you already know on the on the server:None
Previous roleplay experience:Minecraft and alot of other terraria servers.
What servers you play on:CFS Gaming network
Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:N/A
Why would you like to join our server:Because i like role playing and im pretty bored with other servers.
Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: Yes I agree
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):What enchantments does the scroll have? Invisibilty.. now do you want to buy it? for only 500 gold! pft ive seen better prices anywhere else! the creepy old man then raises his hands and flames appear "now your going to buy this or else." "oh really?" i questioned. i took at my shield and charged at the man, it weak flames bounced off my shield and hit him he cried in pain, i then flipped him with my shield and wedged my shield into his neck. and quickly walked off before the guards could find the body.

{Accepted - JRParadox has sent you the password}


fixed my app up top yo :D


Real Name:Isaiah Esau
Roleplay Name:Carbz300
Players you already know on the on the server:NONE
Previous roleplay experience:ALOT
What servers you play on:2dFortsv15, and PaulSourcesJr.'s Minecraft Server
Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:
Why would you like to join our server:Because it is a RP server, and i love rp
Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread:YES
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):I would knock him upside the head, take the scroll and run!

{Denied - Please change the name, describe more on the experience section and extend the RP section}


Real Name: Lakota
Roleplay Name: Acutosh
Age: 24
Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience:
Been roleplaying for 11 years now, started with text then moved up from there. Currently roleplaying on Second Life, Minecraft, Halo Reach, and many other games.
What servers you play on:

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:
Why would you like to join our server:
Roleplaying is my drug, and I've been lookin for new rp buddies. Plus I just got Terraria
Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread:
I do Agree. I will follow them to the letter
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
Acutosh, a rather strong looking dwarf, was briskly walking down the streets of Caphori enjoying his usual brew of beer when he was approached by a rather decreptid looking old man.
"Adventurer...." said the old man slowly, his voice shaky. "You seem like the kind of Dwarf who needs a scroll of power..."
"A scroll of power ye say? Well.... ye peeked my interest..." said Acutosh rubbing a hand across his beard. " What exactly does this magic Scroll do?"
"It is an enchanted scroll.. enchanted with the power of fire.... just read the words and you will breath fire like the great dragons..."
"Hmm fire scroll ye say..." Acutosh was silent, thinking it over before he laughed. " Ah alright what is ye price? I could always use some fire."
"Three gold pieces...."
"Only three? Well fair is far."
Acutosh took out his bag of gold, before taking three rather sparkling gold coins out and handing them to the old man. " And here For ye troubles." he would also hand him a bottle of mead. " Why not enjoy ye self in your old age?"
With that Acutoshtook the scroll and continued off on his merry, drunk dwarven way.

The name has been changed as per requested

{Accepted - JRParadox has sent you the password, I like this... I like this alot <3}


 Roleplay Name: Emily Roleplay Name: Holly
Age: Real: 12 RP: 17
Players you already know on the on the server: Raze
Previous roleplay experience: None
What servers you play on: Aerocraft, Elysain kingdoms
Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: no
Why would you like to join our server: Because i like to roleplay, but i dont do it because no one will with me, so it would be fun.
Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: yes
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
Holly rushes out of a store in the busy city. night is falling. she doesnt want to be around to when it fully comes around. Goodness knows what evil lurks in the dark of the allys.
as she turns the corner, she bumps into a wrinkley old man. were those bugs or liver spots on his head? Holly didnt want to know. the old man smiled a yellow smile that was missing teeth. when he started to talk,
a reek escaped his mouth. Holly fell backwards in surprise. "w-who are you?" Holly asked nervously. "i will do you no harm," the man said. "i was just wondering if you would like to buy a scroll." Holly looked at him with new interest.
"why should i trust you?" She really wanted to know what kind of scroll it was, but it better safe than sorry. the man smiled his disgusting grin and assured Holly. "there is no reason to be afraid of me. why i couldnt rob you if i tried." Feeling better,
Holly asked " what kind of scroll is it?" the man said, "tis but a simple fire spell. i will sell it to you for a bargain at 40 copper." "wow! thats a great deal!" Holly exclaimed. She had once again let curiosity cloud her senses,and [font='dejavu sans mono']hadn't[/font]
realized he had led her into an ally. Holly handed over the copper. the man said " the scroll is in the bag." he held out a bag and as holly reached into it, a spell that was to powerful to be a simple fire scroll engulfed her and she was pulled
into the bag! the man closed it with surprising strength, and ran. oh man, Holly thought. How am i going to get out of this one? the seemingly harmless man proved to be the exact opposite! Holly will never forget how she escaped at kind of scroll it was, but it better safe than sorry. the man smiled his disgusting grin and assured Holly. "there is no reason to be afraid of me. why i couldnt rob you if i tried." Feeling better,
Holly asked " what kind of scroll is it?" the man said, "tis but a simple fire spell. i will sell it to you for a bargain at 2 gold." "wow! thats a great deal!" Holly exclaimed. She had once again let curiosity cloud her senses,and hadnt
realized he had led her into an ally. Holly handed over the gold. the man said " the scroll is in the bag." he held out a bag and as holly reached into it, a spell that was to powerful to be a simple fire scroll engulfed her and she was pulled
into the bag! the man closed it with surprising strength, and ran. oh man, Holly thought. How am i going to get out of this one? the seemingly harmless man proved to be the exact opposite! Holly will never forget how she escaped.

{Accepted - JRParadox has sent you the password}


Real name: Billy Troutman

Roleplay name: Davos

Age: 18

Players you already know on the server: Riageki and Pum

Previous roleplay experience: Several years of D&D experience, as well as Deathwatch. Both are table top roleplaying games

Servers you play on: Only servers with my friends

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No, I have never played on your minecraft servers

Why would you like to join your server: It was recommended by my friends and I thought it sounded like fun so here I am giving you my application

Do you agree with the rules: I have read them and agree to follow them

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll. What is your reaction?(RP It.): I gesture for him to come closer and closer until his face is next to mine. I go to whisper in his ear and as he leans close to me I bite his ear off. While he is screaming in pain I grab the scroll from him and run, only to later find out it was just his store list written in an ancient text.

{Accepted - JRParadox has sent you the password}
Terraria Name: Davos and Viscera


Real Name: Hubert

Roleplay Name: sk9c00 - This will be my player3, not my main player1.

Age: 15

Players you already know on the on the server:
Sorry none at the moment...

Previous roleplay experience:
Mainly from minecraft servers...

What servers you play on:
I've only just started to pick up terraria after a few months of minecraft. I use to run host and program minecraft servers, but right now I just want a break and just play other servers... I've been on a few random terraria servers from a terraria server list.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:
No, but I might. My minecraft IGN is: sk9c00

Why would you like to join our server:
Well the most obvious reason is that I want to join in on the fun.
Less obvious: I'm bored and I want to find a better dedicated terraria server to play in.

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread:
Yes, it would be suicide not to...

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll. What is your reaction?(RP It.):
You get out your infinite supply of carrots and summon a creepy white bunny thats been stalking you for god knows how long, and order it to attack the man. Then you secretly summon a fairy to steal the scroll and take a peek at it, before deciding whether to feed it to the wall of flesh or just keep it in a safe. XD!

Rewrite (Because I'm bored enough to do this):
A creepy old man approaches you on the street. He was wearing a red hat, a snow-white beard and had blood-red eyes. He approaches you as if nothing was wrong and lifts up his red cloak and reveals an enchanted scroll. He said that the scroll contained unimaginable power to those that knew how to use it. Only the worthy could open it and utilise its secret. You, being curious, asks to look at it. He replies saying he is selling the chance to own the scroll for 24 hours for 1 platinum coin. You walk off.

A week later, you see the same man walking past you. Curiosity got better than you and you hunt around your piggy bank for a platinum coin. You run up to him and asks him if he still has the scroll. He just raises his hands up expectantly and you drop your precious platinum coin into his hands. POOF!!! He disappears with your coin. The scroll was nowhere to be seen. You get pissed and starts cursing. You finally cool down when someone decided to chuck you into a pig sty. When you get back to your humble dirt block home, you realise that the enchanted scroll was on your small wooden workbench. You pick it up and broke the red wax seal with ease...

[Hint: You blackout]

You wake up. You realise that the last thing you remember is opening the scroll. You look around; you are in a forest. Mountains tower over you in the distance. You start walking. Seeing a great deep endless hole, you decided to explore it. But, first, you need some supplies. Conveniently, you have a copper short sword, a copper axe and a copper pickaxe. You chop some down some trees and build a wooden hut, complete with a Wooden Workbench.

At night you wake up on the hard wooden floor covered in sweat. You hear a thumping outside. A scream. A hiss. A cough... wait, a cough? You carefully approaches the door with your copper short sword and open the door. A bald zombie slowly walks towards you. You attempt to kill it. You then realise that there were another 2 behind it and you run towards your back entrance. You run, suddenly you see a flying eye... You continue running, then you fall... You realise that you fell into the hole you were going to explore.

You fall down.
And down...
And down...

You see a blueish soft light. Gigantic glowing mushrooms fly past you. You continue falling. Trying to grab onto something, but you are falling too fast.

You continue falling.

You see colossal Man Eaters attempt to eat you. You pass a surprisingly clear pool of water, that hosts several aqua coloured piranhas.

You fall...

You feel warmer...

You feel hotter...

You see a pit of lava beneath you...
You desperately try to stop your fall. You find that the walls are made of ash.You fall into the lava. You thrash around desperately. The burning agony continue coursing through your nerves. Your brain blackouts and wake again. Suddenly you somehow feel yourself explode...

Somewhere in another dimension an 8 year old playing terraria sees a message saying: You were slain.

{Denied - Change the name to something which at least sounds like a real name ~ JRParadox}

REPLY to JRParadox: Can I take offence at what you just said? 1) Are you English or do you just read it by the letters. You can read that through a lot of ways just like the differences between [2-MAY-TOES] and [2-MAI-TOES]... 2) This goes on and suggests that you are not understanding in terms of cultures and therefore pleasantly displays your skills of racism...

Now, moving on; If I was to go with the flow, from what you said, I could make sk9c00 sound like: (NB: these are examples) SKY-COOL or SCH-NINE COL-something... <-- Abbreviated.
What is the difference if I turned someone's name e.g. Sky Coleman to Sky C. to SK9C. to SK9C00? as in add the extra 2 zeros as a placeholder as the usual minimum username length is 6 characters.

Moving on even further, this is a game, not a Census... It is not even in the rules that states clearly that I need at least a real sounding name. The only plausible explanation is that the name does not sound medieval like...

And if all else fails, then I could always use:
"Archduke Secpro"...

{I Guess i need to fix that on the rules, that the applicant must use an actual name, and not some strange Abbreviations. I will also state the fact that I personally do not take well to the fact that you are Insulting My Right-Hand Admin. This may not be a Census, as you say; But a demonstration of your Roleplaying Skill. ~ James Almasy

If anything I have put in the Statement above does not go with your style of playing, then this may not be the right server for you. Please, feel free to say whatever you feel is right, but keep it Civil.}

REPLY: Sorry, but I don't understand the bit about: "If anything I have put in the Statement above does not go with your style of playing," There are many possibilities of what you mean.

Anyway, do you have a set protocol? Because, from reading through this topic. It seems to be standard procedure to write in red text whether accepted or denied. Then a side note. But, no offense, or anything but if I was someone new on the server, and I was reading through this topic, I would say that he was a bit dictatorship like, therefore giving me a bad impression that he either was abusing his power, just didn't know what to do and decided to just do as he pleased... etc... anyway... can I please get the password... I'm bored out of my mind... I'll change by username to "Archduke Secpro"... ??? !Last note, I was not insulting him, but I was reflecting the tone of voice I received by his statement of reasoning. I mean, if it was clearly expressed in the rules then we wouldn't have had to have a verbal spew in the first place...Extra question: What can you bring to this role play server environment?I can build smooth traps and mechanisms and build in itself. If I ever get the chance, I want to build a relatively automated castle with an underground complex. XD!!!

{Sorted out formatting <3 We will add to the rules that the name needs to be fitting to the Fantasy RP style. The phonetics of a word do not deteriorate nor assist the quality and style of a word, placing numbers within a name at a seemingly random place (I'm sure it has meaning and I mean no offence). Second of all, trust me, I am not racist; I was simply stating that your IC name is not fitting with the style of the names, if you had put a name traditionally African, Asian, European or from any location I would not mind, the issue is that the name is not in accordance with the standard alphabet for the western world (as we sadly cannot read Mandarin or Arabic or any other language with other characters), basically race is not an issue, the only problem is that you used an illogical name containing numerical characters and is not considered a standard name by any faith, culture or nation.

The difference between Sky Coleman and sk9c00 is that Sky Coleman is entirely made up of letters and is two names which are considered normal (we do allow non-conformant names to an extent) plus it fits in with the fantasy style. In reference to what you said about a dictatorship, A) The bannings are for people who have been accepted then it turns out they break the rules B) The denials are for people who don't have a good enough standard for us in RP or haven't done something correct etc C) I am the only person who is accepting people as I am the only trustable moderator who is on regularly enough to review people's apps. Finally, please do not complain about the fact that we have not sent you the password when we have not even accepted you yet. If you wish to continue this discussion PM me. Your acceptance will be discussed then you will be informed, thanks for the feedback! ~ JRParadox}
~ Life is like a game, but I'm in it to help people.

online guy

Real Name: Brodie
Roleplay Name: Slade
Age: 13
Players you already know on the on the server: none

Previous roleplay experience: I played on Kaos

What servers you play on: Kaos

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: never played it

Why would you like to join our server: because ithink rp is cool and i think this server will accually enforse rp

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: yes

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): An old man says to me from behind "can i offer you an enchanted scroll. Slade turns and says is it really enchanted. "But of course" the old man says. How will i know Slade replys. Because the holder of this scroll will have the power to breath under water he says. Slade thinks for a moment and says ill take one. but as soon as he takes it the old man disapears. Slade trys the scroll the next day. It worked he could breath under water but then his skin turns green and he grows fins. Now he can never return to his family. Some even say they here his sobs from the bottom of the lake.

Denied due to begging for the password from admins (aka ME) instead of being patient. Also forum banned for 3 days.-Paintcheck

Also abusing report post function to get our attention.-Spades


Real Name: Sufyan
Roleplay Name: Shunsei
Age: 14
Players you already know on the on the server: I am new to this server so i do not know anybody.
Previous roleplay experience: I have some roleplay experience in a game i used to play when i was very young but i have roleplay experience in Terraria, Minecraft etc...
What servers you play on: I do not play on any servers.
Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No
[/color]Why would you like to join our server: i would like to join this server because it seems very popular and fun as i want my first ever online roleplay experience to be amazing.
[/color]Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread:Absolutely
{Denied - No RP section which is required to show your talent and skill}[/font]

Steven :D

Please refrain from butchering the application from now on. We don't want flashy colors, glow, bolds and unnecessary things. Just follow the format code.


Real Name:Cameron

Roleplay Name:Daniel Lighthand


Players you already know on the on the server:None I'm hopping to meet some new people and make some new friends

Previous roleplay experience: Minecraft Shattered lands Rp server(mostly dormant now)

What servers you play on:None yet, I'm still new to the game, I hope to be accepted in this as my first.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:No

Why would you like to join our server: I want a good old rp expierience with the splendor of terraria. This server just seemed perfect

Have you read the rules thread?:Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?:Yes, as best I can.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): I ask teh man what this scroll contains.He Tells me its just plain parchment and he needs to sell it so he can feed his family. After hearing this I happily oblige the man and buy his scroll. Later that evening I open the scroll to write on and instantly the world explodes around me. everything is gone, My house, My wife and kids, and my trusty sword. I land in a field some twenty yards away. As I come to I look and see the crispy ruin of my house. I know instanly what I must do. This man must pay.

{Denied - Please extend your RP section, also I used to play some shattered lands, not for long though sadly. Did you have an important role?}


Quote from: Steven :D on 20-04-2012
Please refrain from butchering the application from now on. We don't want flashy colors, glow, bolds and unnecessary things. Just follow the format code.

Sorry, I'm not sure what the problem is but my replies keeps on getting format-wise screwed... I try to fix it but it ends up worse...
~ Life is like a game, but I'm in it to help people.


Real Name:

Alex Yu

Roleplay Name:

Irkasi Nervania (Ir-Ka-Si Ner-Van-Ya)



Players you already know on the on the server:


Previous roleplay experience:

My previous experience goes back to a Warcraft III Rp clan. (Still in it). I currently also play on HGNs Minecraft Rp server. Although I find the Rp chat's a bit to short so I am applying to receive the password to the server and to RP on.

What servers you play on:

Servers? I do not really understand this but I have a slight thinking of HGNs servers so I currently play on the Minecraft RP server.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:

Yes, My old name was Alexander Aristide and since he died, I have chosen Jason Arisitide.

Why would you like to join our server:

I would very much like to join this server because I wish to expand my Rp skills and meet new and friendly people from all different types of platforms and such. I hope if I do get accepted that I can fulfill what I do so on the Terraria RP server.

-After several seconds of reviewing him he starts to ask him-
"Dear sir must you be so approaching under the darkened daggers"
"Yes but these days the law has banned such powerful scrolls,
I must spend my time in these back alley streets."
"I always must see to it that I know what I buy...Dare to tell me please?"
"Then I shall, It is a scroll able to control ones mind of power and twist it around
doing it's buisness for him..."
"Now to me that seems a bit odd? Why Would I need a scroll like this in the first place?"
"Because... If you do not I shall stab you... Now give me your money and I will give you this
scroll... -Pulls out a dagger the size not bigger then a butchers knife-
"Wow there, I'm not looking for any trouble..."
Backs up several steps and starts running as fast as he can from the man-

{Approved-Please PM any Active Caphori Mod for your Password}
I'm always Glad to Hear of a Seasoned Veteran of Roleplaying joining our Server.
"One does not survive on it's own but on the lead they follow by there deceptions"


real name: alex

roleplay name: carruphus

people you already know on the sever: i dont know any

previous roleplay experiance: mostly garrys mod a little minecraft

what severs do you play on: byb 5 and other byb servers on gmod and mostly random servers on mc

do you play on aceon our minecraft server: no i do not

why would you like to join our server: because i want to join a server thats not greifed every second and i think terraria rp would be fun

have you read the rules thread: yes i have

do you agree to fallow the rules: yes i do

a creepy old man aproches you and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll what do you do: old man: hey sonny boy i have something you might like. me: what is it? old man: its a scroll that lets you teleport anywhere you want. me: oh really? well how much are you selling it for? old man: 5 gold me: how about 4 gold? old man: no 5 me: 4 old man: hhhhgggg fine me: haha heres your money.

{Denied - Did not properly use the template, poor grammar (sometime we excuse this but yours is just plain sub-par to be honest), poor RP}


Real Name:


Roleplay Name:




Players you already know on the on the server:


Previous roleplay experience:


What servers you play on:

Just got terraria

Why would you like to join our server:

seems like a good change of pace from regular gaming.

Have you read the rules thread?:


Do you agree to follow the rules?:

for the most-part, yes.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):

take it, use it and see what events unfold :D

{Denied - Actually accept the rules and read them please, also change the RP so that it is more extended}

Baron Hotschaft

Liam Mitchell

Baron Hotschaft


I don't know anyone on this server. I was just browsing for servers and found this one.

I've played in a few small MC RP Servers, one or two Terraria servers. Nothing heavy duty RP.

I don't play on any current servers. I used to play a few - but they're shut down now.

I don't play Aceon.

I'd like to join your server because I want to play in a server with a nice community, where I don't get griefed to hell within the first day.

I have read and agree to the rules.

Oh hello Old Man. You want to sell me that scroll? Oh, sorry I don't have enough money on me. If you can wait I could get some from my house.
No, I said I'll go get some. No, not here. Look, I don't think I even want to buy it anymore...
NO! I said[size=78%] I DON'T want to buy it anymore![/size]
That's it!
*Stabbing noises*
*More stabbing noises*
*Body being dragged to my house noises*
*Burying the body in my backyard noises*

{Denied-Please use the format on the first page}
Please modify this application.


I PMed JRParadox like 3 days ago, not sure if you received it or not?
~ Life is like a game, but I'm in it to help people.


Real Name:Sam
Roleplay Name:Samuel
Players you already know on the on the server:I do not know anyone else
Previous roleplay experience:I have played role-playing games on a game called ROBLOX and I have played many other rolplaying games
What servers you play on:I do not play on any servers

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:I do not play on Aceon although I would like to
Why would you like to join our server:Because I love role-playing and I love terraria so I think it is the perfect combination
Have you read the rules thread?:Yes I have
Do you agree to follow the rules?:Yes I do
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):I'm sorry but I currently have no money on me now leave before I have to force you to leave.

{Denied - Please extend the RP}
Mooins is one of the awesomes.



Real Name:Ryan A

Roleplay Name:Morgoth


Players you already know on the on the server:None

Previous roleplay experience:Played SA:MP on a NGG (Next Generation Gaming) RP server for a year till it shutdown

What servers you play on:None at the moment

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:No. I don't enjoy Minecraft as much as I do Terraria ( Even though I just bought it )

Why would you like to join our server:I just bought Terraria and thought that this would be a great server to start RP'ing on

Have you read the rules thread?:Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?:Yes, I do

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
I glance up as an odd, old looking man approaches me. "Good afternoon, sir. Would you care to buy one of these scrolls off me for as low as 5 silver coins?" I get an eerie feeling from the man, but I decide to buy one anyways. "Sure, here is your money". As I hand the man over his profit, he gives me a weird look. I get goosebumps and but the scroll away in my sack. "Thank you, have a nice day", says the man as he slowly walks away...

{RP too Short, Please Edit}


Real Name: Peter Hanstead
Roleplay Name: Drake
Age: 13
Players you already know on the server: No one... I haven't played yet
Previous roleplay experience: i play TONS of MMORPG's like WoW, and i used to go to RP places on Roblox.
What servers you play on: I haven't played on a terraria server.
Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No
Why would you like to join our server: i would like to join your server because i love both terraria and Roleplaying, so please whenever possible whitelist me! :3
Have you read the rules thread?: yes i have but i will re-read them right after i'm done this just to be sure i don't break any :3
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.): I say:
me: why would i need an enchanted scroll? What does it do?
old man: It is an ancient scroll writen by the gods of these lands! They are very rare. It summons a wall of green fire infront of you.
me: sounds interesting. How much does it cost?
old man: Being so rare it would be about 1 platinum coin.
me: i only have 2 platinum, but it seems useful. *hands over gold and takes scroll*
old man: Thank you young man! I guarentee it will help you in your journeys.