Caphori: Password Application Thread (OLD)

Started by Silver Knight, 15-06-2011

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Real Name: Kelvin
Roleplay Name: Theeven
Age: 16
Players you already know on the on the server: Dexon

Previous roleplay experience: none

What servers you play on: any that are grief free but recently bored with normal servers.... looking for challenge/adventure

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: nope

Why would you like to join our server: Try something new and be challenged. Tired of the normal game play with the crappy servers

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: Certainly

Aqua Lion

Real Name:Christopher
Roleplay Name:Krake
Players you already know on the on the server: None at the moment

Previous roleplay experience: I've done it sence when i got starcraft in 2000, so 11 years

What servers you play on: I do not currently play an any servers

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:

Why would you like to join our server: Yes I would like to

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: Yes I agree and I love them


Real Name:Casey Dixon
Roleplay Name:Synix
Players you already know on the on the server:none

Previous roleplay experience:Played DragonRealms (txt based mud) for about 10 years.  Play DnD, MnD, Pathfinder and more pen and papers.  Roleplayed on WoW, SAMP(San Andreas Multiplayer), Age of Empires, Men at War, Empire Earth, and anything else multiplayer me and my frineds could think to roleplay on.

What servers you play on:None at the moment

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:No

Why would you like to join our server:I'm looking for a roleplaying server and for others to play Terraria with.  It seems fun but boring alone.

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread:Yes

Light Blue Haze

Real Name: none Roleplay Name: marcus
Age: 18
Players you already know on the server: none

Previous roleplay experience: none

What servers you play on: any that are grief free but recently bored with normal servers.... looking for challenge/adventure

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: no

Why would you like to join our server: Try something new and be challenged. Tired of the normal game play with the crappy servers

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: SIR! YES! SIR!


Real Name: Ian
Roleplay Name: Firestorm
Age: 12
Players you already know on the on the server: Leonardo

Previous roleplay experience:Watching leonardo play terraria at his house

What servers you play on:None, Leonardo introduced me to servers

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:Sorry never heard of it but i might swing by and try it.

Why would you like to join our server:I really want to see what a roleplay server is like

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: yes


Real Name:
Josh Hitchen

Roleplay Name:
The Hitchenator (previous stated name was temporary, untill i found a name to meet what type of person my character would be)
Charactor's true name- Tauron
what charactor would be known as- Blood claw

14 (15 in October)

Players you already know on the on the server:
I don't know anyone who plays Terraria, never mind this server.

Previous roleplay experience:
I do LARP (Live Action Role Play). Pretty self explanitory? I have been LARPing for 3 years.

What servers you play on:
This will be the first, I wanted to find a good server and stay dedicated.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:

Why would you like to join our server:
Because I love RPing, and have heard that this is a great community through multiple reviews on multiple sites, and would like to meet more people with the same interests as me. I also like the medieval theme to Caphori.

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread:
"Death is yet another journey unto life, but when caused by a Wandering Shadow, grants freedom to the target"
This is the creed upon which ALL Wandering Shadows members life by, once a target has been destroyed, they must say the rites to free the soul of their fallen enemy.


QuoteFelight                 Bell
jerodan                Synix
The_Hitchenator   The Hitchenator



I'm not going to get my eyes permanently crossed, trying to figure out if you should be approved or not. X_X


Real Name:Crangea-Costi
Roleplay Name:Ripper
Players you already know on the on the server:no one

Previous roleplay experience:no other experience

What servers you play on:Warcront Comunity

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:Nop but i think i will play

Why would you like to join our server: Because its the first Rp server and i thought that this is the best RP server

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread:Yes, of course


Real Name: Dean

Roleplay Name: Joseph Hasgrove

Age: (real)24 in a week, well...24 for him as well, why not!

Players you already know on the on the server:

Previous roleplay experience:
I've been roleplaying since the days of Yahoo User Chats before they were banned. I've been roleplaying for eleven years and have been on Minecraft roleplay servers (not Aceon though) as well as a moderator on DeviantArt's RPDream chat (due to real life time constraints I was demoted due to inactivity).

What servers you play on:
None, just got started yesterday!

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:
I do not!

Why would you like to join our server:
I enjoy roleplaying and I think that adding a bit more flavor to what's already presented to Terraria will only enrich its enjoyment. I would hope I provide something that everyone can enjoy through Joseph's persona.

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread:
Yes! *As M. Bison would put it* YES!


Real Name: Joel
Roleplay Name: Israphel
Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: about a year and a half on a forum

What servers you play on: none currently

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: no

Why would you like to join our server: forum roleplaying got boring, and I just got terraria, and this type of roleplaying looks more fun :)

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: yes.


QuoteRyoKasami    Joseph Hasgrove
Noidness       Israphel



Real Name: Nathan
Roleplay Name: Nathanael

Age: 20
Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: 0 (First time)

What servers you play on: None

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No

Why would you like to join our server: Like Terraria and wanted to try RP'ing.

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: Yes
There is no spoon- only a fork.


Real Name: Niko Carnes
RolePlay name: Arbotross
age: 19
Players you already know on the server: none
Previous roleplay experience: Me and my friends L.A.R.P. occasionally.
What servers you play on: hopefully this one :D
Do you play on Aceon?: No
Why would you like to join our server: I think it would be an interesting time and it interests me that you would role play on terraria, I am quite interested in joining and how it turns out.
Do you agree to the set rules above the thread: Yes I do.


Hello I'm a new player in Terraria and I would like to join the server
Real Name:
Roleplay Name: Maurilion
Real Name: Mauricio

Previous roleplay experience: I've played in a roleplay server in Garry's Mod, and in minecraft

What servers you play on:

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:

[/size]Why would you like to join our server: I want to interact with other people in terraria... other than NPC's
and i thought a roleplay server would be great.
Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: yes, i¿I do.


Real Name: Zane S. S.
Roleplay Name: Stinthad Kekimtobul (Dwarf, like always.)
Age: 16
Players you already know on the on the server: Everyone from HGN.

Previous roleplay experience: Really? 3+ years with HGN, and other games.

What servers you play on: Pretty much all of them.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No.

Why would you like to join our server: Just bought Terraria, I'd like to play with my HGN brahs.

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: Sure.


Real Name: liam
Roleplay Name:altair
Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience:stalker server on gmod
What servers you play on: none

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: no
Why would you like to join our server:i think playing on this server would be a great roleplay and i love roleplay and it would be intresting to see how the roleplay come out
Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: yes.


Real Name:
Roleplay Name:
Players you already know on the on the server:

Previous roleplay experience:minecraft,G-mod

What servers you play on:ByB

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:no

Why would you like to join our server:as its the only rp server i can find

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread:yes


Real Name:peter
Roleplay Name:londy99
Players you already know on the on the server:

Previous roleplay experience:minecraft,G-mod

What servers you play on:ByB

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:no

Why would you like to join our server:as its the only rp server i can find

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread:yes


QuoteShadowhawk     Arbotross
Zstan                Stinthad Kekimtobul
liamrew             altair



[font='dejavu sans mono']
Real Name: Vegard Bendiktsen
Roleplay Name: Glitch
Age: 20
Players you already know on the on the server: Currently none

Previous roleplay experience: Can come a long way helping people and such. May not tolerate dickheads, cheaters, hackers, griefers or spammers.

What servers you play on: Minecraft; Hardwork (, Terraria; Local Servers

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: -

Why would you like to join our server: The one and only server without "bad" people.

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: Yes, i do.


Real Name: Mark Neil
Roleplay Name:NewCharacter
Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience:None
What servers you play on: none

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: no
Why would you like to join our server: Because I love joining RPG servers. :)
Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: Yes

Change the name please, before I accept you -Steven


Real Name:Connor Hoy
Roleplay Name:Jomyung
Players you already know on the on the server:None, saw it listed on a collection of Terraria servers

Previous roleplay experience:Various rpg's, Terraria/minecraft games with friends

What servers you play on:Mostly small games with close friends.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:

Why would you like to join our server:To have some RP fun, and meet new Terraria friends :)

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread:Yes

Steven :D

glitchdetector  Glitch
bok_choy97 Jomyung
Doomykins Doomykins



Real Name: Tyler Smith
Roleplay Name: Stanton Dowd
Age: 23

Players you already know on the on the server: Noone

Previous roleplay experience: Everything from D&D to here. I've been aorund.

What servers you play on: Various random ones

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: No

Why would you like to join our server: I've enjoyed Terraria the minute I joined, and I'd love to try the roleplay aspect of it.

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: Yes

Steven :D

QuoteCrow793 Stanton Dowd