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Other Forums => Scrapyard => Topic started by: BoyWithoutAFairy on 30-10-2018

Title: Pale Beauty, Light and Dark Mage
Post by: BoyWithoutAFairy on 30-10-2018
Basic Description (Optional):

Name: Pale Beauty
Age: 7 [About 26 in Lepid Years]
Gender: Male
Race: Lepid
Racial Trait: {Ancient Blood. Extremely weak to fire, and piercing attacks can destroy their wings. Able to fling blinding powder.}
Alignment: Neutral Good
Class: Cultist (Cleric/Summoner)
Soul Element: Water (Calm)

Common: Yes
Arcane: Yes
Other Languages (Specify):

LEGACY STATUS: Yes (Attained on Nov. 11,2018)

Weapons: Light Magic, Dark Magic, Healing Magic, Summoning Magic, Light/Dark Magic (Combo)
Armor: Bee Armor, Jungle Armor, Other Magic Based Gear
Items/Accessories: Various Staffs/Rods, Spells, Magical Items

Weapons: Swords, Hammers, Daggers, Bows (Pretty much everything that is not magic based)
Armor: Anything not Magic Based
Items/Accessories: Anything not Magic Based


Kind: He's generally nice to those he doesn't know and know alike.
Gentle: He's generally nonviolent and gentle towards all unless they give him a reason to not be gentle.
Brave: He might be a shy one at times but when it comes to stepping up to the plate, he's always willing to.
Intelligent: Cunning and smart, he gets things easily and can tell things about others with little knowledge.
Caring: He loves to help and is always willing to lend a helping hand, even to strangers.

Shy (Sometimes): When in non-urgent or normal situations, he tends to be very shy, especially to non-Lepids.
Quiet: If he doesn't know you, he's likely to not speak to you much.
Wary: When it comes to humans, he's very wary of them. Especially given his past with his abductors.
Biased: He has prejudices and judgements on humans.
Outspoken: When an urgent or unusual situation arrives, he's much more talkative and outspoken.

Bond [Summoner] 'Heal a summoned familiar. Does not require a roll.' {ACTIVE}
Co-operation [Summoner] 'An attack made along with your familiars. Roll attacks for yourself and for each familiar in your service.' {ACTIVE}
Sanctuary [Cleric] 'Create a protective barrier over the party, protecting from all attacks for two rounds. Takes a full turn to become active after use. Melee crits can break it.' {ACTIVE}
Ray of Light [Cleric] 'Smite an enemy with a beam of holy magic that never misses. Must be charged.' {ACTIVE}
Reverse Polarity [Summoner] 'The user attacks with an odd sphere of magic. Bonuses and penalties for rolls are reversed for this attack.' {ACTIVE}

Sacred Sacrifice: The caster skips a turn in order to give his minion and himself or an ally and himself +20 on defense rolls for 2 turns.

MAGE/CLERIC ~ Moonlight: Combining light and darkness, damage all enemies in a radius while healing nearby allies. (Sum) (With Crys)

BACKSTORY (Optional):
Hailing from the jungle town, Sorias, where many Lepids reside. He comes from a family of magic users. His mother, Marble, is an expert Summoner who's skilled with summons and dark magic. While his father, Emerald, is skilled with healing and light magic. Both of his parents made sure to teach Pale plenty of things about these magics and even taught him some of this magic. Pale's parents are also heavily into nature and plants, which they taught Pale about and he naturally was drawn to these two things as well. Pale is also drawn to insects as well and has a real love for them, specially Lepidoptera. Tragedy struck when Pale was 7 in Lepid Years. A group of no good humans captured Pale and his sister, Rosy Maple, who was 5 Lepid years older than him. Stuck for 4 lepid years at the place of his abductors, his sister and him were tortured and abused. But the worst came when his sister saw an opportunity to save her little brother. His sister was able to distract the abductors and give her brother a chance to escape. But this came at a cost, she died in the process, dying from a severe beating and burning. His abductors have yet to be found. His shyness and wariness was only made worst by his abduction, as his people are shy naturally. His abductors were humans who have yet to be caught. This has made him extra fearful and cautious of humans. His sister was 5 years older than him. He was captured between the ages of 7-11. Because he’s a Lepid and they age fast, he seeks to become immortal somehow. He used to run a cult for magic users briefly, called SOMU (The Sacred Order of Magic Users) but now he has decided to open it up to all magic users and turn it into a school called The Special Order of Magic Users (SOMU). For several months Pale was in the spirit world, searching for his sister. With no sight of her, he returned with a sunken heart and a defeated view of life. With the help of Ethiron and The Wanderer, Pale has learned that his sister is at peace and is proud of him, easing Pale’s heart and giving him a new motivation for helping others and becoming better. While he loves to travel, his wings and his heart will always be in Sorias.

Family: Marble Beauty (Mother), Emerald Beauty (Father), Rosy Maple Beauty (Sister) (Deceased)
Friends: Crys, Ethiron, Flore, Pidep, Acolyte,
Acquaintances: Sage, Ragnarok, Arthros, Mebek Shablok, Muscavar
Characters He's Met: Sadao, Noldaire, Andesine, Kyanite, Raltz, Katki, Azote, Jojo, Puppet Master (Mirros), Drake, Roble Nohm, Reigh, Odin, Hayle Cobalt, Oakryn Baal'deia, Fulgur, Rain, Loewith, Joneph, Sylvenus, Goro Ghorb, Aedian Slate, Echo, Ciriné, Black Knight Vulkyr, Wanderer, Lady Ebony, Serris Almus, Gralus, Monomon, Hauduipolen, Rachari, Muscavar, Celikr, Nax, Freyn
Characters He Dislikes: Ashtlag, Alden Nohm, Todd Doiv,