Kuvuna Zeyen: "The Black" Cultist

Started by violetviolink, 23-10-2018

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Name: Kuvuna Zeyen
Age: Around 18
Gender: Unknown (To be added later)
Racial Trait: N/A
Alignment: True Neutral
Class: Warlock/Witch (Mage/Summoner)

Common: Yes
Arcane: Yes
Other Languages (Specify):N/A


Weapons: Spellbooks (Tomes), magic staffs
Armor: Lightweight robes and cloaks
Items/Accessories: Books

Weapons: Melee weapons
Armor: Heavy, metal armour
Items/Accessories: N/A

SPECIAL EQUIPMENT / IC FEATURES: Fossil helmet, symbol of "The Black" Cult

TRAITS: Stone-cold, basically emotionless
Quiet, seldom speaks

FLAWS: Easily frustrated, gets mad often
Insomniac, cannot sleep, explained in backstory

Magic Barrier [Tome] 'Create a magic shield based on the element of the tome. +15 to defense to the user for 3 turns, but can be negated by an attack of the opposite element.' {REACTIVE} (Demon Scythe)
Void [Dark Magic, Light's Bane, Dark Lance, Shadowflame weapons] 'Causes Haunt.' {ACTIVE}
Drain [Mage] 'Drain life from the enemy.' {ACTIVE}
Assimilate [Mage] 'Drain magic from the enemy.' {ACTIVE}
Focus [ANYONE] '+10 to hit for the next attack. If used twice in a row without attacking, it becomes +20. Unique in that it can be used an unlimited amount of times per battle, but the effect only stacks to +20.' {ACTIVE}



BACKSTORY (Optional):
Kuvuna was raised by their father Noldaire. Noldaire is the leader of a dark cult, The Black, which hides in solitude, practicing dark magic. When Kuvuna was young, their mother was killed by what Kuvuna describes as a "freak accident" during the cult's many practices. In reality, Kuvuna's mother was cursed by Noldaire: Noldaire aimed to create a constant sleep paralysis spell, one that would inflict nightmares on an individual. Noldaire, hungry for power and to overrule The Black, tested the curse on his wife. In his wife's sleep, she had a terrible, gruesome nightmare in which she passed away. The nightmare was so brutal, in fact, that it halted her real heartbeat, killing her in her sleep. Barely taken aback by his wife's passing due to the immense thirst for ruling, re-tested the curse on Kuvuna. Kuvuna slept that night and had a brutal nightmare much like their mother's. Kuvuna died brutally over and over again in the same dream, Noldaire cackling in their face the whole time, telling Kuvuna that this would continue without cease. In the final "death," a tree fell on top of Kuvuna through a window, and, with the pain of shattered glass, they awoke, traumatized but unharmed.
The curse is still inflicted on Kuvuna, so in order to prevent their death, they cast a spell which keeps them awake every night.
The only way Kuvuna can lift the curse is to kill their father.
Love the void, my friend. You were put on Earth to create Heaven.