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Other Forums => Scrapyard => Topic started by: Cross on 06-06-2017

Title: Curtain Call - The Safehaven finale. (FINISHED)
Post by: Cross on 06-06-2017
The town of Safehaven, and, by extension, the surrounding areas of Macyn and the Aldgrove. What was a nesting ground for thieves and other various criminals quickly became known for the large influx of adventurers and mercenaries that would maintain order to the best of their ability.
Arthur Petremol. Ebony Hamara. Sonja Valentine. JoJo Shark. Calco Geminus. Vondus Khyr. These are the names of but some of the many who would assist in continuous aid of the land. None can say exactly why it became such a frequently visited place for so many travelers, but it matters not. Through thick and thin, oddities both ethereal and dark, the adventurers who had come to call Safehaven home, even if temporarily,  had made it a true safe haven for the weary wanderer. However...it seems not all good things can last.
Rumors circulate of a mysterious mage being spotted at various odd places, sometimes channeling unknown spells. If there is anything learned by the people of Safehaven by now, it is that mysterious figures who hide their face are scarcely not a threat of some sort. To make matters more mysterious, an unknown magic has been emanating from the dungeon within the forest recently. Though it has been read, the exact type of magic could not be pinpointed, so all that is known is it is very advanced.
Though mostly ready to go their seperate ways, it may be time for the heroes of Safehaven to unite one last time beforehand.

Curtain Call, the finale of Safehaven, will have a time confirmed at a later date.
TYPE: Exploration, PVE, Boss.

It will begin in the town square of Safehaven, and eventually lead to various places around the map.
Feel free to use any character you currently have. However, it is advised you use one you also plan on bringing to the next map- assuming you plan on returning.

REWARD: ??? - It is an item useless in Safehaven, but will be very useful in the map that follows.
Any items found within the natural chests of the Dungeon once it begins are also free for the taking, aside from banned items such as bombs.

The usual stuff. No breaking the map, being a jerk, etc etc.