Chapter 3: The Crimson Harvest

Started by VonXeno, 03-09-2017

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The war against the Galdean Empire is officially over; The King and the Emperor have conducted a ceremony of peace between the two countries. Galdea has agreed to pay reparations for being the aggressor in this conflict.

But despite the efforts of the Ironhand Guard in the war, the King has tasked them with cleansing Naud of all remaining threats.

But the Guard was given too little information for what was to come.

Brahg Khyr and his company were told that they'd be clearing out insane zealots of Hemdael, the deceased cult leader of Naud's Crimson Church. But as he and his company stormed into the church, a trap awaited them. Dozens of red-robed mages led by Mordael set an army of undead upon them; fresh corpses bearing the faces of Galdea's fallen soldiers. Countless corpses grabbing, clawing, and gnawing flesh from bone, and the Ironhand was overwhelmed in the close confines of the dilapidated cathedral.

It seems Mordael was performing a ritual, but needed a larger sacrifice than the Galdean Empire could provide. So the Ironhand Guard, along with its leader, were killed to make up the difference.

The only ones to survive this massacre were Vondus Khyr, Brahg's son, and Leona, a new recruit. The only thing he saw after being pushed down a ravine was a monstrous dragon emerging from a hellish maw.
I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.