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Other Forums => Scrapyard => Topic started by: VonXeno on 16-03-2018

Title: Chapter 12: Tables Unturned
Post by: VonXeno on 16-03-2018
Prince Mathys, wishing to capitalize on Mordael's injuries, leads the assault on Naud. He enlists the help of Sveyr, Sir Quolin of the Pale Rose, and two companies of Crimson Lion Knights. His sister, Princess Serris, also joins in the fray, hoping to be of more use than she has been.

As the band marches into Naud, they find Mordael. But even in her injured state, she still wields enough power to contest the numbers. After a long battle, Mordael calls upon her fellow Puppetmaster, Zieldael, to aid her.

With Zieldael's power added on, the heroes no longer stood a fighting chance. With her Darkseeds, she corrupted the royal siblings, severely crippling the Crimson Lions' command and cohesion. Sir Quolin fought on, seemingly uncaring of the siblings' circumstances. But just as he was about to come to blows with them, another foe manifests.

A face familiar to Quolin and Sveyr...but by no means good news.

Quolin, none the wiser, turns his back on the Replika of Greyn, and is immediately struck down for good. Many Crimson Lion Knights follow suit.

Terrified of the events unfolding before him, Sveyr flees Naud, his resolve broken.