Admin General Forum Work

Started by Blake.H, 30-05-2015

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This can be the new go-to for general ooc & forum work to be done on the forums.

Any stalker admin (at time of post) can edit this so add what you want to it, edit what you want on it but try and keep it up to date please.

Blake [B -]
Gonztah [G -]
DarkScar [D -]

Below is suggested new forum layout. I wont do any layout changes unless you're happy. Feel free to play around with this and get the structure exactly how you guys want it.

[spoiler=Proposed Forum Layout]

STALKER Roleplay
- In-Character []
- RP Guides [B - read through & refine]

Common Groups [someone find a better name for this section of the forum help pls.]
- Monolith []
- Mutants [B - MOVE FORUM]
- Loners [B - MAKE FORUM]
- Playergroups [B - MOVE FORUM]

Faction Groups [B - RENAME FORUM]
- Military [B - MOVE FORUM]
- Freedom [B - MOVE FORUM]
- Ecologists [B - read through & refine]
- Technicians []
- Traders []
- Arena []


<Insert more here>

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"