Texan Republic Information

Started by Blake.H, 06-04-2011

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Texan Republic

BirthPlace: Pre-War Austin Texas.

BackStory: The City of Austin Texas was a lawless town. Anyone too weak to fight back were either raped, robbed or killed. And those proven strong were enslaved. The founding fathers set up shop in an old pre-war museum themed about the wild west. They armed themselves with the repeaters and revolvers. They learned the reciepes to make tnt and dynamite and they dressed up like Regulators. They studied for many months how the people of the west lived and fought. When they thought they were done training, they stepped out of the museum and began to bring back the law. They called themselves what the people of the Wild West who regulated the law called themselves, Martials. Within a week, the weak wastelanders instantly flocked to the Martials for protection and to learn how to defend themselves. Within 6 months Austin, Texas was regulated.

After regulating Austin and the rest of Texas, the Texan Republic needed to expand their borders. Caravaners from the North East began to establish trade with the Texan Republic and soon Pioneer Squads packed their gear in wagons and were on the move on the famous 'Kentucky Trail', a trade route from Kentucky to the heart of Texas. Along the way the Pioneer Squad established many settlements along the way. The Pioneer Squad finally reached Kentucky in April of 2236.

Now, The Texan Republic Pioneer's have moved into our part of of the Bluegrass Wasteland. And plan on Setting up in Black Rock City - Under the watchful eye of Sheriff Travis Shaw.
The Texan Republic offers Shelter, supplies and safety to wastelander's, even taking in the odd wastelander as Lawman.

The Texan Republic, unlike FRA, are an actual Republic - Each month a vote is cast for the position of Sheriff (Leader). Only Marshall's born in Texas are eligible for the position of Sheriff. Meaning if you don't like the current leader then you can get rid of them.

The Ranks are very simple; Sheriff, Sheriff's Deputy, Marshall, Lawman.

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"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"