IC: Bulletin Board

Started by kropfi, 19-03-2012

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Put all IC messages here.


*A note is posted on the board*

On my patrol today, I found the Brotherhood of Steel attacking a wastelander and that 'Pyro' guy poured fuel down his throat and burned him from the inside out. Just letting you guys know.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


*Another note is posted on the board*

Some rumor is that there is some radiated man in the mine. He glows and only has one arm. He was said to be human too. I don't even know what to believe anymore, but I think we should check it out again sometime.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


*A note is posted on the board*

I spotted the Enclave on the tunnel to our right. I'm guessing they have an outpost or base there. Might want to get a scouting party over there sometime.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


*A note is posted on the board*

Did gate duty for a few hours. Other than two new arrivals, nothing real big happened up until there was an explosion in the back of town. According to what I had gathered and what was told to me, it was a slave and her collar had gone off in the stairwell leading to the shop underground. I'll get on cleaning up the mess. No name or place was given to me as she apparently didn't say much of anything.


*A torn piece of paper is posted on the board.*

"Senka named Lex Conway to operate the Sharecroppers as he sees fit under the NCR. See Senka for Confirmation."

-Lex Conway.


A note is posted directly under the report about the slave girl

Went on a long patrol with MP Romero and Pfc. Ashley Wolf. Retrieved pre-war cola machine from the lake to the right of the main entry gate. Killed a multitude of Mirelurks and an overly large red one. After moving the cola machine to radio station left of the base we moved to the abandoned town near the junk yard. We were somehow separated from Wolf when entering the town and the MP and myself were forced to enter an open building with a waster once feral ghouls had moved in from the buildings. After a prolonged defense the MP ran out of the bar. I was about follow when another wave of ferals had moved in, forcing me back into the building. After finally ending the surge Wolf he walked back into the town, the MP over her shoulder. He was in critical condition but with the stim that Wolf had used, an antibiotic rub provided by a man in an odd armor with a 10 on the back, and a few bandages provided by a Desert Ranger I was able to stabilize him. We returned to the base after he was stable and I replaced the make-shift cloth bandages I had used from my sleeve with thicker ones. The MP will require care from an experienced medic but he will be fine after some bed rest so long as someone regularly cleans his wounds. I personally hold myself responsible for his wounds as I did not move fast enough to follow him out of the building in the town. I will await orders or punishment regarding the issue.
-Hank Thyme, Private

Another note is tacked below this one. The hand writing seems much cleaner than previous notes yet it lacks any personality the ones before it had
Trained today. Three suffered from training related injuries. I tended to their own and then mine. It's my fault they are harmed as I lowered company morale by being the last to the training area. Dealt with by the Drill Sergeant. Promoted by the colonel.
-Hank Thyme, Private First Class

Another note is posted
A sniper killed a member of the mercenary group Phoenix today. No one has come forward as the shooter, obviously, but we have no leads whatsoever as to who the shooter was or why they targeted the merc.
-Hank Thyme, Private First Class


*A note is nailed onto the wall*
Where the hell are our Commanding Officers? I haven't seen any around in weeks. I mean, I feel like I'm the leader of this division right now.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


a note with medical notes on the sides is posted. There seems to be blood on the edge

Treated another wounded today. Sharecropper was shot close range three times. Luckily there was minimal to no internal bleeding. I cleaned and covered his wounds, planning to remove the bullets once the man is stable.

Requesting professional medical training.

-Hank Thyme, Private first class

A new note is tacked under the somewhat bloody one
Town was attacked by raiders. Reports come in that the raiders were all killed but at least one waster was fatally wounded. I know of at least one wounded trooper (Second Lieutenant Alex Chorei). He was shot through his chest. I tended to his wound. He will survive.
We need more medical supplies. All these wounded men and women coming in are running us dry and after those rats showing up the other day we're out of good food. Been having to rely on an old few slices of meat I had cooked after killing those Mirelurks a few days back but I'm running low myself. My request from the notice prior still stands, if not more urgent now.
-Hank Thyme, Private First class


A note is posted on the wall.

Just wondering where Jeremy Boyle went, I'm just being curious, it's not like I'm interested or anything..

-Pfc. Kathleen Ida


*A note is posted on the wall*
I think the Brotherhood of Steel don't like us having that salvaged power armor. I recommend having Adam stay away from them.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


A very neatly typed out letter is pinned on the board.

Attention 13th Trooper Company, the following message are orders from General Issac Van Arsdale.

All surviving soldiers are not to be aggressive with the Enclave at all... Until these reinforcements arrive. Major Dimitri Starkovski requested the following supplies to be shipped to the Amargosa outpost ASAP:

Three .308 Caliber Sniper Rifles.
Two additional Salvaged power armor suits. (We'll see what our engineers can do about powering them.)
Two RPG-77's with ten cases of RPG ammunition.
Ten Chinese Assault Rifles along with fifty boxes of 5.56 ammunition.
Twenty boxes of .308 ammunition
Five highly trained "Spec Ops" soldiers, two equipped with M4A1 rifles (Marksman Carbines) one equipped with a .308 Sniper rifle, and the last having assault rifles

This is to be received April 30th, at around 1600 hours. (// 4:00 PM EST)

Good luck gentlemen, keep fighting the good fight, and godspeed.


Quote from: kropfi on 29-04-2012
A very neatly typed out letter is pinned on the board.

Attention 13th Trooper Company, the following message are orders from General Issac Van Arsdale.

All surviving soldiers are not to be aggressive with the Enclave at all... Until these reinforcements arrive. Major Dimitri Starkovski requested the following supplies to be shipped to the Amargosa outpost ASAP:

Three .308 Caliber Sniper Rifles.
Two additional Salvaged power armor suits. (We'll see what our engineers can do about powering them.)
Two RPG-77's with ten cases of RPG ammunition.
Ten Chinese Assault Rifles along with fifty boxes of 5.56 ammunition.
Twenty boxes of .308 ammunition
Five highly trained "Spec Ops" soldiers, two equipped with M4A1 rifles (Marksman Carbines) one equipped with a .308 Sniper rifle, and the last having assault rifles

This is to be received April 30th, at around 1600 hours. (// 4:00 PM EST)

Good luck gentlemen, keep fighting the good fight, and godspeed.

A second note is pinned below.

Just heard back from HQ. They aren't giving us any more armor, snipers, or RPGs, but we are getting those assault rifles, ammo, and those Spec Ops guys should be here by five in the morning tomorrow. We still got that salvaged armor though, and at least one rocket. We should use it wisely.


A paper is posted on the board.

Sergeant first class, Adam 'Sporadic' Williams.
Today I retrieved the NCR date notes that were in the sewer, and I also should note for anyone else that I acquired the Salvage power armor from the caravan and I am using it. And I can confirm that we have one rocket left.

Meanwhile outside of Leshiy's door.

Adam 'Sporadic' Dominika - Alive | Squirrel - Alive | Jordan Redmond - Alive | Njal - MIA | Bowie - MIA


A note is tacked on the board with a bloody Pfc. patch attached to it

Found another dead one. Private first class Hank Thyme, I think his name was. I moved his equipment to the armory and buried his body. He left a note addressing someone by the name of Nathan Shepard and something about a .44 but I can't seem to find the waster so until then I'll be keeping the weapon in my duffle bag. He had a few medical items in his pouches so he was either stealing them or was a medic in training.

Just thought I'd let you all know.

- Private The rest of the name is too hard to read

//It's been fun guys. Message me on Steam I guess. Edit: And just for those confused by this, it's an anonymous private reporting that Hank's dead.


A note, typewritten, is pinned on the board

Attention 13th Trooper company, this is Major Dimitri Starkovski.

In regards of the "spy" issue, she is all sorted out. It seems the Brotherhood is sending out spies to investigate what we are doing. Chorei and myself suspect that they have captured Adam, considering it's where he left to get his wounds treated. Your standing orders are as follows:

The entire sector is under a "Quarantine" policy, what this means, ANY and ALL Brotherhood seen in the sector are to be reported to myself, or Captain Alex Chorei via the radio, or this board. We will decide what to do afterwards.

Secondly, "New Haven" can be a valuable asset to us. We already have a sort of "Trade agreement" with them. Do not let the Brotherhood get to them, if they call for help, radio for Captain Chorei, or myself and we will decide what to do .

Finally, Stay out of the Brotherhood's sector unless ordered otherwise. They've been VERY hostile towards us, and who knows what this situation could turn into. This is a massive shitstorm waiting to happen.

NCR high command will be notified shortly, the Brotherhood will see we're not a force to be fucked with.

Also, if you get in contact with Adam, or if you know his whereabouts, notify your CO immediately.

I'll see you all on the battlefield, good luck gentlemen, and godspeed. 


Major Dimitri Starkovski


*A note is posted onto the board.*
Private. Elwood and me, Captain Alex Chorei, went far north to find out why so many people went north and we found this bunker with User 550 in it. He said we could stay there so we could have a base in the sector. He also said he had valuable Enclave technology. But, the catch is that we have to eliminate New Haven. I'll try to persuade him to let the NCR annex the place instead of killing everyone in there. I recommend everyone get on alert, because things may be getting messy.

Edit by Spades: You guys don't know about the Enclave tech--yet. User 550 wasn't supposed to tell you of that until the full event is over.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!



I set up communications with the NCR HQ and we will be able to call for backup if anything bad happens to the base. Also, we got some other guys in the bunker that we're using as a base. I'm wondering why User would let these random people in. They've got to be important or something for them to come in... only a few people and groups that I know, that are important.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


*A note posted on the board*

It's a rather dingy place where we're stationed at right now, I'm not a fan of it, but with this shit going on...
might as well deal with it.

Anyways, what are we doing here anyway?


*A note is posted on the board*

Attacked by a group of Raiders today, didn't prove much, except I got hit in the arm by one. Went down to the Doc and ended up helping the guy with his boxes with the new guy and Jordan.

Went on a Patrol later with the new guy, didn't find anything in the Radio Station or Warehouse so we double timed it back to base only to end up fighting fucking ants.

Major came out and told us we're moving to the City, it seems like a good area to defend, had to kill off an idiot that disrespected us, only later to be attacked by a group of whatever the fuck.

Gave out food and all, was all quiet from there. All in all, a fun day.

-Hal McMillan, Special Soldier


*A note is posted on the wall*
Today Sergeant Jordan Redmond and her squad found out that the Brotherhood of Steel took the old town. They're probably working with User 550, so be on the lookout. Another thing is, that we are now allies to New Haven. Treat them as if they were your brothers or sisters.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


*A note is posted on the board*

Shot down 3 Enclave soldiers today. Bold move, but we won.

New Haven Warehouse was on fire, the culprits were probably the Enclave we shot down.

-Hal McMillan, Special Soldier.


*A note is posted on the wall*
Talked to the Followers of the Apocalypse and I convinced them to see if they have any EMP technology.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


*A note is posted on the board*
I made a ceasefire with the Brotherhood of Steel. I want none of you to open fire on them unless they fire at us first. I want you guys to treat them as if they were your brother or sister.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


// Actually void my last post. It's too soon. :3