Natural Selection

Started by Afromana, 16-07-2009

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Yes, we are currently setting up a Natural Selection server.

For those who do not know what Natural Selection is: (Wiki time woot)
QuoteNatural Selection (NS) is a modification for the video game Half-Life. Its concept is a mixture of the first-person shooter (FPS) and real-time strategy (RTS) game genres.
he game features two teams: Kharaa (alien species) and Frontiersmen (human space marines). The visible Kharaa "units" are actually simply the spawn of the real Kharaa (aliens) which are microscopic life-forms according to the NS story line.

If we get enough skilled players we might make teams.
Each team would have their own commander or squad leader.

One of the jobs of the commander is to place building around in the map and spawn things for the marines, like weapons and supplies.

A squad leaders job would be to keep control of the squad of marines, basicly like a normal squad leader would do.

The Alien team will either be played by players or by Bots, If we play against bots it would give us the chance of everyone being a Marine.

Half Life
Natural Selection (

Here's some screenshots and media from Natural Selection:

(Fan Art)

(Commander's View)

(A normal alien defence)

(The official trailer for Natural Selection V3.0)
Natural Selection v3.0 trailer

If there are any additional questions about either the mod, server or team. either post them here or send me a message on steam.

Bl★ck Star

looks really cool i wnat to be a alien xP


Hehe I'll play.
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.



Dling and Going to join teh team.


Okey guys, the server is almost ready, our only problem is that we cannot find the proper half life server files.... we tried installing CS (lol) but that didnt work pretty well.
if anyone have any experience with HL servers, please tell us where to get the files.


If anyone has a free hl gift to give away, il glady let them steal EP2 content!
This message may or may not be endorsed by Creeding and he is by no means held to any comments, posts or any of the like made... Oh, and no. I dont like fancy pancy signatures.




Bl★ck Star

Creeding youst buy the hl1 anathology pack 9€ in germany with all hl1 parts and tf classic :D


ill join, how big is the file?