Carnifex- Dead But Dreaming

Started by meetdadoom, 26-05-2012

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CARNIFEX "Dead But Dreaming" Official Lyric Video

God, give me a mirror, so I can choke myself! (Que epic break down)



God give me a mirror, so I can watch myself choke..... Learn your lyrics. <3
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"

Bl★ck Star

I clicked the thread for some Warhammer 40k related stuff.


Finally people who listen to the same shit I do...

I advise EVERYBODY to look up Chelsea Grin if you like this.


Quote from: Chippy on 26-05-2012
Finally people who listen to the same shit I do...

I advise EVERYBODY to look up Chelsea Grin if you like this.

They sound great, but they are HORRIBLE in real life. I saw them twice holy shit they are really bad. The drummer is always off beat and their bassist isn't actually playing, and their guitarist plays everything really slow.



Finnaly some people who listen to the same stuff as I do :D!
I already know Chelsea Grin. What about Job for a cowboy?
Job For A Cowboy - Knee Deep

They might be a bit heavier. And yes. Chelsea Grin is pure shit live.


Job For A Cowboy- Day In Black

Yeah job for a cowboy is pretty good. A little bit underrated though.

Have you ever heard of a band called Mors Principium Est? I am a fan of melodic death metal (Black Dahlia Murder 4 Lyfe)

mors principium est - inhumanity



Deathcore fans? Terrific!

I advice you all to look up Defiler and Suffokate for your DxC needs. ;D

Steam Username: Reaper-Five

Terraria Characters: Vernan 'Martyr' Gahn


Still don't know what deathcore is but w/e.

I remember I saw Defiler once. Can't remember which concert it was might have been Summer Slaughter. Anyways, yeah they are okay. IMO, they are talented however they don't use it much. Like the song Cryomancer they have amazing rifts and that arpeggio at the end was beautiful.
Not a big fan of Suffokate. However I like how he has similiar ear rings to the lead singer of White Chapel. Which by the way what the hell happened to White Chapel? They started amazing. Their first album was amazing. Second was also good but not as fluid transitions but still great then the next one was just shit with a few good songs and this new album I have no hope at all. They are really talented however if you ever see them live you might as well go take a lunch break. They will be up on stage for hours literally playing full albums. It's awesome at first but then half way through it your like bro, get off the stage.



Eh, then don't research that term, it'll just get you into countless musical debates who are alot more dumb than the ACTUAL debates.

I'll have to agree, Defiler is still fresh and new though. I don't think they've reached their peak just yet. Suffokate on the over hand is a great band, though they have drifted away from the 'Death' sound with their new album, which is good imo. Whitechapel on the other hand, I think Breeding Violence is a really good song produced by them, but I don't listen to their songs that much anymore. I stick with This is Exile and....The Somatic Defilement, right? Anyway, bands tend to reach the point where they have three choices, money, going more indie/DIY or just quitting before things turn for the worse. Since I've heard they invited a popular 'Metal' singer to feat in one of their songs, I think money/more mainstream fame. Of course I may be wrong.
Steam Username: Reaper-Five

Terraria Characters: Vernan 'Martyr' Gahn