Why the server is down.

Started by Hessen, 20-04-2011

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Bukkit, the servers chief plug in has not updated yet, please stop pming me asking about why the server is down.  once bukkit is updated we can update it and bring the server back online.


Its down  :( I was just about to go on to see if I was whitelisted
Lamp oil


Sticked. But people will still PM you about I'm sure. I've had idiots use the "Report this post" function on their whitelist apps with messages like "Plz chck mah wh1tlist!1!11!one" so don't expect this to solve your problem.

Silver Knight

Unstickied. Read the dam news thread if you want updates.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period