Why Am I Taken Off Whitelist

Started by CryogenicManga, 11-04-2011

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I went AFK for 5 mins i got back and it said i was kicked by admin whats up with that was it you falvator who kicked me WTH im so confused right now. Please put me back on i dont even know what i have done?


Please whoever took me off the whitelist reply what did i do i went underground because i saw jsmith down there so i went down these ladders to him and then i went AFK for like 5 mins and now i have been kicked i dont know if you thought i was doing something down there but i was not if that is the reason that is ridiculous please explain to me know im not raging im just confused with whats happened


Put me back on the whitelist now Please. Because i have not done anything who removed me and why?


I want an answer now!!!!!. What did I do?


Dude, you only need to make one post with what you need to say and what you want answered, you don't need to make four, especially not when they are each only about five minutes apart.  I don't really play minecraft, but what I do know is that it is late at night, and one of the admins in charge of Minecraft will get to you when they can.  Just calm down.  If it does take a long, long time, you can make a bump post, but after a reasonable amount of time.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Going AFK with a fly hack on is never a good idea.

Also flying through walls with me watching is also never a good idea.

And also I just asked Jsmith97, he was never down there dont try me.



Are you sure that isn't a glitch? I seen blobs stuck in walls like that.


Nope, He was clearly flying around I watched him for a good few minutes.

Also note how there is no block under him.


Maybe he was bugged,sometimes it happens it looks like he is flying..anyway,on your screenshots are only..a darkness.or i have too dark monitor maybe


Quote from: knife_cz on 11-04-2011
Maybe he was bugged,sometimes it happens it looks like he is flying..anyway,on your screenshots are only..a darkness.or i have too dark monitor maybe

I doubt going through the floor then coming back up and then going through the roof isnt hacking. it wasnt a glitch.


why would he have a fly hack?
Authority does not grant maturity.
Power cannot replace ignorance.



Quote from: Zstan on 11-04-2011
Jsmith was also using it.

If you're wondering how's he's doing it: http://www.xboxmb.com/forum/77-tech-section/27675-zombe-mod-installer-minecraft-flying-mod-installer-made-kink.html

How I wonder how they BOTH are doing it. But the rule of thumb here is if there is 0  proof of it I cant do anything. If jsmith97 is also using it I will remove him from the server for hacking as well.


You sand city kids never cease to amaze me. Grow up. It's not hard.

Bl★ck Star

Quote from: Paintcheck on 11-04-2011
You sand city kids never cease to amaze me. Grow up. It's not hard.




Even ask portkins i cant use WinRar i did not know what it was till yesterday when milolethbridge was using the zombie mod i must have been glitched i could never hack i only got into pc gaming 2 weeks ago when i got my new computer it was probaly the glitch when people are half in the floor i would neve have use for a fly hack and i could not see you through walls and jsmith97 was in this small room i went down the ladders through a house in imperial city there is no proof of me moving or seeing you through the walls becausei cant do that i have no idea how to hack or use any mods i have been wanting the Mo creatures mod for ages but i cant use WinRar to save my life i swear on my life i would never and could never do that.Please believe i like this server and i have been a member for a while. Please please believe me if i did not care i would not be asking so kindly and openly please take my word for it i cannot hack or use mods what so ever if i could show you my files i would. Please falvator, blackstar and all the other admins take my words into consideration i have never griefed ever and never ever plan to. The moral of the story is i cant hack - CryogenicManga  :'(


Stop trying to get banned Hessen you never saw me fly if you did why are there only screenshots in that one place and why the hell is my charachter black. For god sake i cant hack or mod there is absolutely no proof other than these screenshots that clearly sho me glitched.   :'(


Quote from: CryogenicManga on 11-04-2011
Even ask portkins i cant use WinRar i did not know what it was till yesterday when milolethbridge was using the zombie mod i must have been glitched i could never hack i only got into pc gaming 2 weeks ago when i got my new computer it was probaly the glitch when people are half in the floor i would neve have use for a fly hack and i could not see you through walls and jsmith97 was in this small room i went down the ladders through a house in imperial city there is no proof of me moving or seeing you through the walls becausei cant do that i have no idea how to hack or use any mods i have been wanting the Mo creatures mod for ages but i cant use WinRar to save my life i swear on my life i would never and could never do that.Please believe i like this server and i have been a member for a while. Please please believe me if i did not care i would not be asking so kindly and openly please take my word for it i cannot hack or use mods what so ever if i could show you my files i would. Please falvator, blackstar and all the other admins take my words into consideration i have never griefed ever and never ever plan to. The moral of the story is i cant hack - CryogenicManga  :'(

Oh yeah.

It wasn't Jsmith that was using the zombe mod, it was Milo.
I didn't actually see them using the mod but I saw them talking about it in chat and how to download it.

This isn't proof enough to have them banned though, the character being black and floating through the ground is a common bug.


Thank You Zstan Please listen to him he is talking Sense. A bug - I cant hack  :'(


Can you now Re-Whitelist me even Zstan has said it and theres no proof of me seeing him through walls and since when was you watching me? We was talking because the spawn had been griefed was i flying then .Hmmmm No you the n teleported me to imperial city where i wondered around and noticed jsmith underground i went down to look i dont even think he saw me and if you really want to know i went AFK for 5 minutes because i was ill and had to get my antibiotics i then came back up saw i had been kicked i attempted to get on it said i had been taken off whitelist so then i made the topic. Falvator stop with your pathetic attempt to get me banned and if i really did show us the proof of you following me for a few mins and me flying go on then. Get some real evidence other than this one photo of me in the same place AFK


proof on my youtube channel

Type in youtube.com/mrglitch2007

watch the vid it will be deleted after you have seen this is my desperate attempt to prove to you i have no mod


Cryogenic we understand you are upset. However if you continue to post 97 times in a row I will ban you from the forums for spam. Calm down, think about what you want to say, and make ONE post at a time.

And Hessen those screens are not very conclusive.


most probably lag, see it loads of times.
Do not ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country!

Bl★ck Star

Quote from: CryogenicManga on 11-04-2011
proof on my youtube channel

Type in youtube.com/mrglitch2007

watch the vid it will be deleted after you have seen this is my desperate attempt to prove to you i have no mod

well this video proves nothing, you could have deleted it before recording.