Whitelist Application Thread

Started by Bl★ck Star, 08-04-2011

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Real Name: Nick, but most people online call me Marticas
Roleplay Name: Marticas Lightchin
Minecraft username: Necromantics
Age: 19
Players you already know on the minecraft server: Fuzzytoes, Lethan2

Previous roleplay experience: I have engaged in role-play for three or four years, beginning in World of Warcraft and some experience on Garry's Mod and Starcraft 2.

What servers you play on: I host a small server meant for my close friends.

Why would you like to join our server: I am looking to join my friends Fuzzytoes and Lethan2 on the Aceon Medieval Roleplay server and join in role-play with other Minecraft players. I originally thought the idea of role-play on Minecraft as impossible, but I am willing to see how it will work.






Skybert, you seem like a promising roleplayer, however your RP experience does not.


Real Name: Jason, but for some strange reason people call me Joey, si I stuck to it.

Roleplay Name: I've chosen David Wing as a Roleplay name,  "David" being quite a strong name and "Wing", simply because it's easy to remember, and gives off a good vibe.

Minecraft username: "Polyvalence" ( Suggestion off of the person who introduced me to Minecraft. )

Players you already know on the minecraft server: I'm fairly new to the minecraft experience, so I don't know anyone - yet !

Previous roleplay experience: I've been on a fair share of RPG's such as World of Worlcraft for a long while, where i learnt the "basics" of R.P. i guess, but i've also tried things like final fantasy, with a few friends, for a short time ( if i'm honest i didn't get the hang of it, and I apologize to any Final Fantasy fans, i can't remember which one it was, all i remember, that the storyline was amazing, and i remember a character called "Sin".

What servers you play on:  I'm not currently playing on any Minecraft multiplayer RPG servers.

Why would you like to join our server: Like I said above, i'm not currently playing on any Minecraft multiplayer RP servers, I think Roleplaying with new people would be a great experience for me, i usually play with a few friends on my own multiplayer server, but all we do is "SMP", Which although is fun, no questions asked ! I'd really like to try something different. Plus the fact that our french RP servers don't seem to be what i'm looking for. They're mostly build/war/re-build etc.. you get the idea !

Hope to hear back soon.



Real Name: Morten Kristoffersen
Roleplay Name: Feelex White
Minecraft username: Mortisch
Players you already know on the minecraft server: No one

Previous roleplay experience: Played alot of RP in World of Warcraft, on some of the real RP servers, and know all the basis for proper RP. I have also played a lot of DoD board game Rp, so Im not new to RP at all.

What servers you play on: Atm i havent been playing on any other Minecraft RP servers, only with some friends on a private server

Why would you like to join our server:I really want to try some serious Minecraft RPing. I am very good at following orders, and i would love to help build something big, and just have some fun, and make a lot of RP with some new people.
"I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize. "


Real Name: Conor (Dunno why this is necessary. :P)
Roleplay Name: Archayell Stonecastle
Minecraft username: Sodaguzzler
Age: 18
Players you already know on the minecraft server: None. I googled

Previous roleplay experience:
Forums: Gaiaonline, Storycrafter, several WoW private servers.
Games: Warcraft3, All the Starcrafts, Diablo, WoW, WoW pivate servers, Hellgate:London, and some others.
Misc: Getting into LARPing soon, and I play DnD rather often. Mostly play, but I'm starting to run some adventures of my own.

What servers you play on:

www.legendzero.com <-- This place's server, and my own personal one for fun.

Why would you like to join our server:
Expansion on RP experience, fun, and because Minecraft needs more stuff like this so support. :D


Real Name:Connor
Roleplay Name:Rakaesa Demonheart
Minecraft username:Rakaesa
Players you already know on the minecraft server: None

Previous roleplay experience: Extensive experience on Warcraft 3, forum roleplays, a little bit on Minecraft, and Starcraft. I'm a very serious roleplayer and i'm almost never silly.

What servers you play on: Mainly any good survival servers I find, tried a roleplaying one once which shut down, so i'm hoping to get into this one.

Why would you like to join our server: I really love roleplaying and enjoy it on almost all games aslong as the other roleplayers are good. I'd be very interested to see if I can pull off some good minecraft roleplaying on this server, as you've put extensive work into this server and the storyline.


real name: Josh

Roleplay name: Cutler Pain

Minecraft name: Cutlerpain

Age: 27

Players you already know on the minecraft server: n/a

Previous role play experience: GMed DnD for 4 years, participated in a WOW RP server for 2 years also RPed in Pirates of the burning sea.

What servers you play on: Hosted my own server for a few months, and currently playing on a guild mates server with my guild

Why would you like to join our server: Unfortunately not all of my guild appreciates roleplaying, and I think minecraft is a great game to host it. I've built huge structures and had my fill with greifers. I enjoy the experience of minecraft that is preserved by RPing. Would love to find my own nitch in your current society and possibly open a shop or some sort of trading stand. Am interested in your rule set on the server and will be looking through the forums after this post. I'm also very minecraft savvy as far as the physics and function of the game


Real Name: Collin
Roleplay name: Scrump
Minecraft name: Scrumpers
Age: 24
Players known on the server: none :(
RP Exp: RPed on Silver Hand server in Wow for several years.  Spent several years roleplaying in Saga of Ryzom and Second Life.  Was a major member of SWG roleplaying community for about a year or so, and was a member of the band of Gypsies known for their Cantina Crawls (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNuQkVZF2N8)
Current Server: Haven't found a server to settle on yet :(
Why would I like to join your server? Simply put I am looking for an experienced community of serious roleplayers who enjoy rolling as much as I do.

Look forward to playing with you all!

Also my GF:

Name: Misty
MC name: MistyLynn
Age: 22

Rest of the info is pretty close to the same


real name: Vandar

Roleplay name: Vandarix

Minecraft name: Vandarix

Age: 24

Players you already know on the minecraft server: n/a

Previous role play experience: participated in a WOW RP server for 4 years also RPed in Pirates of the burning sea. (with Cutlerpain above me)

What servers you play on: Played on friends server and currently Hosting a sever for my guild mates to play around on.

Why would you like to join our server: I like the idea of a RP minecraft server and it sounds right up my alley. I enjoy building complex, creative, and magnetizing structures, etc. I had a griefer in my server destroy one of my prize structures which was a 464/64 Ship that took me over 3 months to collect/construct along with the ocean around it.  I Am interested in your rule set on the server and will probably team up with my buddy cutler above to open up a trading company or whatever we see fit on the server.


Real Name:Miller
Roleplay Name:Darth Rand
Minecraft username:DarthRand
Players you already know on the minecraft server:none

Previous roleplay experience:I joined Midgard.com, but they dont really roleplay. Its a nice server and the people are great, there just wasnt any real fantasy.

What servers you play on:Midgard .com (IP:

Why would you like to join our server:I want a REAL role playing experience, I.e: staying in charachter, real role definitions, a good economy, etc.




I love having good applications, even though some of those were mediocre at best.


Real Name: Chris
Roleplay name: Sirth
Minecraft name: OMGCousteau
Age: 32
Players known on the server: none
RP Exp: Nothing in video games, however I've played a ton of D&D & some tabletop games throughout the years!

Current Server: Playing with some friends on their server, but it's too hit and miss; it would be nice to actually play with a community that lacks the 4 year old humor!

Why would I like to join your server? The server seems like it would be an amazing spin on the normal Minecraft, toss in a good community and it can't go wrong.



Real Name:  Nicholas
Roleplay Name:  Dhavros
Minecraft username:  thenetgoblin
Age:  33
Players you already know on the minecraft server:  none

Previous roleplay experience:  20 years of D&D and many years of Call of Cthulhu and vatious other Roleplaying game (Pen and Paper)

What servers you play on:  none

Why would you like to join our server:  I love minecraft and I think its the next logical step in online RP progression.  I wish to have a virtual online environment to explore and build an social and economic home.


Real Name: Anthony Stikes

Roleplay Name: Nikoli Tesela

Minecraft username: Nikoli_Tesela

Age: 17

Players you already know on the minecraft server: none

Previous roleplay experience: I had RPed on World of Warcraft for two years, I had quit for SWToR, and for now I'd like to try Minecraft's Perspective of "Roleplay".

What servers you play on: Iharry's Sever (1)

Why would you like to join our server: I had never experienced a Roleplay server on Minecraft EVER! I've applied for some others but they hadn't even looked at my application. I wish to see my Roleplay abilities to others is all. And I hope to bring a great RP experience for me, and the all others I play with. 


Real Name: Nick

Roleplay Name: Daniel Strikes

Minecraft Name: Rilberz

Age: 28

Players you already know on the minecraft server: Fuzzytoes, Necromantics, Lethan, Steelcollar

Previous roleplay experience: I had about four years on World of Warcraft, and some on SWG.

What servers you play on: None.

Why you want to roleplay with us: I have a few friends that play on the server, and they generally say its pretty alright.  Given that I thought I would send up my application to see if I could get in as well.  Seems like an alright place.


Real Name: James Astacio
Roleplay Name: Keegle
Minecraft username: devilmonkey6
Age: 17
Players you already know on the minecraft server: No one
Previous roleplay experience: WoW
What servers you play on: WDZ, private friend's servers
Why would you like to join our server: I would like to Roleplay with your members on your minecraft server. I prefer medival roleplay. I belieave your server will be a great experince for me for roleplaying.






Devil, I denied you because you only stated WoW for experience.
How do I know how long that is?
I also don't know what WDZ.
So, denied.


Quote from: geccoyI also don't know what WDZ.
You can always use google.
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Real Name: James Astacio
Roleplay Name: Keegle
Minecraft username: devilmonkey6
Age:Players you already know on the minecraft server: No one
Previous roleplay experience: Four years of minecraft and WoW
What servers you play on: Private friend's servers
Why would you like to join our server: I would like to join your server becuase I wish to get a full roleplay experince from a real roleplaying server.


Quote from: lolKieck on 27-05-2011
Quote from: geccoyI also don't know what WDZ.
You can always use google.

They can always write it there, seeing as they are the player there.


Quote from: Devilmonkey6 on 27-05-2011
Real Name: James Astacio
Roleplay Name: Keegle
Minecraft username: devilmonkey6
Age:Players you already know on the minecraft server: No one
Previous roleplay experience: Four years of minecraft and WoW
What servers you play on: Private friend's servers
Why would you like to join our server: I would like to join your server becuase I wish to get a full roleplay experince from a real roleplaying server.

Four years of minecraft?
It has not been out four years.
Please PM me if you would like to argue your case of why you should be accepted.
Thank you.


Geecoy, the four years isn't just minecraft its WoW the rest was minecraft hence the reason WoW is in there.


Quote from: Devilmonkey6 on 27-05-2011
Geecoy, the four years isn't just minecraft its WoW the rest was minecraft hence the reason WoW is in there.


Add this fucker to the whitelist.


Accepted with reluctance
