Viosk Mayoral Elections [#2 Part 3 of 2]

Started by RanmaChan, 28-02-2012

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I don't like how the poll voting thing went, I think a lot of people voted when they shouldn't have.  Instead, to keep the voting honest, I will ask people who are in Viosk to make a post with who they are voting for.  The candidates are Lt_Azrael, FluffPuppies, Fordwell, and Ninjanoah.  Their applications will be pasted below for you to read over and make your choice.  Please, do not make a post voting for someone if you are not in the Viosk faction, as it will not be counted.  I will tabulate the votes Thursday evening, that is all the time you have.


IC Name:  Dante Blackheart
Minecraft Username:  Lt_Azrael
Past Experience In Leadership For Your Character (if any):  Well, I was a minor Nobleman. Led an expedition once.
Why Do You Want To Become Mayor of Viosk?:  Because it suits me, and I think my char could use some power.
Why Should People Vote For You?:  I listen to the people, take advice well, and am very far sighted in my decisions, it will keep us safe for a while. And, free ponies to all citizens *puts boot on head*

IC Name: Alexia Darkstar
Minecraft Username: FluffPuppies
Past Experience In Leadership For Your Character (if any): None
Why Do You Want To Become Mayor of Viosk?: because it will be fun.
Why Should People Vote For You?: because i'm so awesome it would be a crime for me to not be mayor.

IC Name: Vincent Xileth
Minecraft Username: fordwell
Past Experience In Leadership For Your Character (if any): I hail from aline of priests and community leaders. I know what I am doing.
Why Do You Want To Become Mayor of Viosk?: I hold an interest in protecting the town of my fallen brother and the lores of the past.
Why Should People Vote For You?: If you desire a leader based in the world of understanding and logic then vote for me. I intend to protect this town and help it flourish as a bastion of knowledge.

IC Name: Nirahk Dakrion
Minecraft Username: Ninjanoah1000
Past Experience In Leadership For Your Character (if any): Not really
Why Do You Want To Become Mayor of Viosk?: To show that I can be powerful but not a %&$& about it
Why Should People Vote For You?: It Would be the first Elven mayor of aceon and IM A NINJA.

Lt_Azrael - 3
FluffPuppies - 2
Fordwell - 1
Ninjanoah1000 - 2

Viosk voters are the only ones who should be posting in this thread.  No speculation on who will win, or cheering for someone to win, just votes.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Lt_Azrael votes for Lt_Azrael.
Simple enough


Stop posting where you aren't supposed to Bray.

Explain to me why I'm not allowed to post here.

Free country bro.

Quote from: RanmaChan on 28-02-2012
Viosk voters are the only ones who should be posting in this thread.  No speculation on who will win, or cheering for someone to win, just votes.

That is the reason why.  Continue to act like this and I will see that you get a forum ban.



I vote for Lt_Azrael because I want to. :p


Hello Viosk,

I want to be your mayor because I believe that I can only do good things for the Viosk,I will be responsible and a good listener because I will respect everyone as the Mao Zedong once said " A classless society is the only true nation of peace, and this is what I want " Although he did fail in 2/3 of his programs ruining china he had good Intentions
as I do for the Viosk. Overall I will respect YOU and Make a true classless society. Everyone is equal . I will not grudge you if you don't vote for me because that would be immature and not respectful.

Thank you for reading, Ninjanoah1000

Ps : IM A NINJA  8) 8) 8) 8)


Port, the thread plainly says not to do what you just did, for a second time.  Stop please.

Noah is still going to win.


I vote for fluff....and noah would ruin the town :P



Quote from: FluffPuppies on 29-02-2012
i vote for my awesome self.

woopie XD go sista! two votes for fluff XD



I vote for Ford, and yes I'm in the Library now :D
I literally have nothing to say... that is all.





Quote from: Ragolution on 01-03-2012
Quote from: ninjanoah on 01-03-2012
:-\  Oh..ok..I see how it is..NO LOVE FOR MLA  :'(




It is a three way tie, and the time for voting has come to an end.  The point of this was so that I didn't have to pick a new leader for Viosk, but I am the only person left who can vote...
I am trying to be impartial, trying to think about who would be the best leader, but all of your reasons for wanting to become Mayor are crap, lol...

I vote for Lt_Azrael.  I will give you the chance to lead Viosk, and see how you do.  I was going to vote for Fluff, seeing as how she had experience running StillWater, but I thought, if you end up not doing very well, she would be able to replace you if needed.

Lt_Azrael wins the March Viosk Mayoral Election.  Come next month, or Azraels death/resignation, we will have a third cycle of elections.

Edit:  Azrael is dead, wins a prize for having one day in office.  FluffPuppies is the new Mayor.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."