Valhalla's Army

Started by LupusCallidus, 30-05-2011

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OOC: Sooty
RP Name: Gabriel
Minecraft Name: Sooty230
Desired Profession: Would I be able to take the role of a mercenary who was forced out of his home by Novarium willing to fight for revenge and sufficient pay
Past Mining Expierience: Have run my own small bukkit server which was Norse based


That application was... meh but I will Accept you as a Warrior - We are all mercs but If you want to be a Head Merc thats kl (basically train mercs and negotiate terms of our armys use) , We have no fued with Novarium at the Moment but im sure i can find other ways to channel your revenge
Titan Motstand

emperor bobby

Hm. i don't remeber running him out of his Home... Did you make that up for your background, or am i just unaware of what my soldiers are doing?


Yeah just made it up to try and add a bit of a back story/motivation.
Thanks for the acceptance Lupus.


i was thinking, is does anyone know that the faction has a site and it would be alot easier to coordinate stuff, we could also use it as a news boards, after a day a Vulkan or a designated person say what we did so people dont get lost about whats happening



Geccoy don't, you'll miss us, well miss you and then this whole server would be a bunch f sad Vikings. I know ive done some stupid shit but im trying to make it better. Im just asking that you stay wit us for a little bit untill shits calmed down and Ive fixed everything.
Titan Motstand


Well, I am taking vaca from the server.
Hopefully by then, some factions I have interest in have popped up.


Very well, we'll miss you at Valhalla. And you can always return to being our Valkyrie
Titan Motstand


OOC Name : swainer25?
RP Name: Saywut (cause im a rogue spy/theif)
Minecraft User: swainer25
Desired profession: rogue spy/theif (im not a greifer and will not steal)
Past Military Experience In RP: None
Why you want this faction: Because minerollie123 is my friend as well as this seems to be a great team. Also you dont have a spy or theif or rogue so i would love to fill the spot! Also im a great builder and am looking for a new project.


Accepted as Scout.
Titan Motstand



Hereby i would like to inform that my uncle Victor recently died leaving the Realm of Dalothen without a King to lead them. Since I am the only heir for the throne as Victor had no children I must take this role upon me. The citizens of Dalothen cannot function without a King and i fear there could be a civil war in the kingdom with lots of useless bloodshed and years of disorder. I am fully aware that with this events I must turn my back to the role that has been given upon me. I will give my function of Master of the Land to Bjorn who has been my apprentice. Let  it be known that I have not turned my back upon Valhalla or its citizens. Know that will there be any grudge between the nations it will be not from my side. As i have made friends among you and wish to keep it that way. Hopefully we will dine and drink together soon and talk about the tales of old.


Ruben Camden
rightful heir to the throne of Dalothen


Why is there a house from Provectum in the middle of Valhalla.


Quote from: Gabriel23 on 13-06-2011
OOC: Sooty
RP Name: Gabriel
Minecraft Name: Sooty230
Desired Profession: Would I be able to take the role of a mercenary who was forced out of his home by Novarium willing to fight for revenge and sufficient pay
Past Mining Expierience: Have run my own small bukkit server which was Norse based

.. Novarium has never ran anyone out of there home RP wise, I don't see why they would do it to you, even if it was made up.

emperor bobby

unless he's a terrorist, Or a Non-human, or a criminal, We wouldnt have ran him out.


Its the backstory he gave us... he could be IC lying, or IC misconcieved, but either way thats what we've been told
Titan Motstand


OOC Name: Conor
RP Name: Archayell Stonecastle
Minecraft User: Sodaguzzler
Desired profession: Miner Extraordinaire
Past Military Experience In RP: None
Why you want this faction: Previous bonds with existing users.


Accepted as Master Miner
Titan Motstand


Not as the Vulkan Master of the Mine? :P


ll you are but thats likie 3 extrawords to write
Titan Motstand


Formal Resignation

~In all accounts, sorry. It wasn't active enough. We're suppose to be "Vikings". You know, fight, pillage. I'll miss it, sure. In all respects, best server faction (of all) I've been on.

                                                                                           Thank You. Give my regards to Apache and Terra.

alex the crafter

OOC Name: Alex Mathurin
RP Name: thorgar kasdor
Minecraft User: alexmathurin
Desired profession: Farmer , i heard you needed one
Past Military Experience In RP: some rping with my friends and some pvp
Why you want this faction: to help out the faction and make it the biggest one, strongest one and feed the vikings


Rank: Warrior
Profession: Farmer

You're Ollie's friend right, do f join valhalla, when we are both online report to me and ill give you something to do.
Titan Motstand



Quote from: emperor bobby on 17-06-2011
unless he's a terrorist, Or a Non-human, or a criminal, We wouldnt have ran him out.

Just to clear this up rather than say i was ran out I could make it fit in if I just said that I resented the fact that I was being ruled over by a foreign power and decided to leave?