The United Aceon Commonwealth

Started by WolfsGhost, 22-05-2011

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The United Aceon Commonwealth


The Beginning

The fires of war had brought people together under the sanctuary of one banner. The banner that symbolized hope, peace, honor and freedom, of all people. That banner was of the United Aceon Commonwealth.

For what seemed like centuries the planet of Aceon had been under strife and conflict, from the corruption and death deep within the territory of the Ena'thi grasslands, the Novarium invasion force that had made landfall not only a year ago, to the quiet Kingdom of New Avalon.

One man's dream, had soon started becoming the dream of many seeking refuge, and shelter, though, along with those, it had brought along the rumor of stopping the corrupt empire of the Ena'thi grasslands.

The Strive for unity

Acting as the only diplomat at the time, ArchDuke Valatar had began seeking diplomatic expansion with nearby factions. The closest faction, was the Consortium. ArchDuke Valatar had traveled there within a day and held talks with the Consortium. The first official alliance between the two groups had been formed, and within a couple of days, the Commonwealth had absorbed the Consortium.

The ArchDuke then appointed the former Consortium leader as the Knight Commander of the new, yet powerful, Commonwealth Army.

Shortly after the Consortium had been absorbed, the ArchDuke moved on to find allies away from home. Traveling four days and three nights, he met with Legate Marcus, of the former Eight Legion, a powerful militaristic group who had opposed many. Opening talks, and expecting to become prisoner if the talks had taken a turn for the worse, the ArchDuke had left with the satisfaction that, he would have an ally standing by him in the future, if war had broken out between the Commonwealth, and any opposing force.

However, word arrived a week later that the Legion had fallen to a coalition army that consisted of the Kingdom of New Avalon, the Free Cities, and the Ena'thi Empire. While the loss of the Commonwealth's only ally in Aceon, the ArchDuke had began taking cautious steps, diplomatically, and domestically. Listening to the tales of the people who had came seeking refuge.

Realization of a Dream

Though, the Commonwealth primarily relies on steam technology, they have been known to accept magic, and other means of technology, and in the process of trying to unite the people under one banner, the ArchDuke allows all means of people, and the technology or magic they posses.

The ArchDuke was weary of the use of magic, having to see what had happened in the Ena'thi grasslands with his own eyes, and upon hearing that magic was slowly killing the world. Though, magic was still a way of life for many people. However, he had kept the goods and bads in his mind, but has never banished magic from the territory under the Commonwealth's control.

The Beginning

With the final pieces in place, the Commonwealth's ArchDuke headed off to the nearest Free City, Haven. Welcomed with open arms by the Mayor, he and the Mayor discussed his proposal. Both had agreed that a friendship, an alliance, between the two groups would be best for both, rather than a huge territorial expansion that the ArchDuke was wishing for.

Economy of the Commonwealth

There is no actual economy for the Commonwealth. The ArchDuke believes in a resource-based system, with the policy of "Keep half, give half." which has helped the Commonwealth expand it's border to Fort Etheos. Those who are citizens of the Commonwealth, only have to barter for goods they need, or they can go out into the wilderness and collected the goods on behalf of the both themselves or the Commonwealth.

While, there isn't any currency for the people, all forms of currency from foreigners are welcomed within the Commonwealth's stores, as it helps make transition easier between store owners and travelers who come and go.

Relations abroad


  • Free Cities


  • None


  • Novarium
  • DEAP
  • New Avalon
  • Iron Skull
  • Bank of Aceon
  • Legion Remnant
  • Those not listed


  • DEAP*

At War With

  • None

* Due to the mixed feelings of the people. Many frown upon those who are from the Ena'thi grasslands, though, the actual diplomatic relation between the two nations is neutral.

The Landsmeet

The Landsmeet is the seat of the Commonwealth's government. Centered around a single stage in the middle, local Barons, and citizens from around the Commonwealth can come here and discuss things that need to be discussed amongst each other, or with the ArchDuke.


Rank -- Character Name -- MC Account Name


ArchDuke -- Valatar Hars -- WolfsGhost
Head Diplomat -- Duncan -- Akira72
Courier -- Doran Rock Elemental -- Robertsar


Knight Commander -- Dalsus Daic'a -- ComradeBritish
Knight -- -- Sp39
Knight -- Rykeir Oryan -- Blazer232


Baron -- Kryh -- HuliganFish


Minecraft Account Name:
Character Name:
Role: (Your character role.)

Character Backstory: (Be creative. If you don't have one...don't be afraid to come back later and work on it.)


Notes: (This isn't part of the application!)

  • This document will be updated whenever there is a major event on the server, that the UAC is involved in or has heard of.


I would like to note that Free-cities had no part in the legion conflict, to my knowledge.  In addition, the Mayor of Haven will set out for New Hope shortly, with plans to discuss territorial borders, and border policy. (ie: people are free to come and go through Haven)


I don't quite like your stance/views on mine and Port's "corrupt" empire.  You may wish to be a little more, tact, when speaking about us in the future.  Regardless, it is good to see you finally have a thread up.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Quote from: RanmaChan on 22-05-2011
I don't quite like your stance/views on mine and Port's "corrupt" empire.  You may wish to be a little more, tact, when speaking about us in the future.  Regardless, it is good to see you finally have a thread up.

My stance comes from an in character point of view, as I wrote this from my character's point of view (hence roleplay.) I don't care if you like it or not. Roleplay, is roleplay, and not everyone here is suppose to be a lacky of DEAP.

Quote from: OldManRikdo on 22-05-2011
I would like to note that Free-cities had no part in the legion conflict, to my knowledge.  In addition, the Mayor of Haven will set out for New Hope shortly, with plans to discuss territorial borders, and border policy. (ie: people are free to come and go through Haven)

From the chat I was over-hearing in the OOC department, Monsieur Quin over here stated that the Free Cities were part of a Coalition with DEAP and New Avalon. Though, if I'm wrong, please correct me on that.


Oh, my bad.  Its just that no faction page before now has been written in an IC point of view, it is supposed to contain information about your faction on an OOC level.  But you are trying something new, so whatever...

Wait, if it was written from your characters point of view, why is it in third person...?
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Quote from: RanmaChan on 23-05-2011
Oh, my bad.  Its just that no faction page before now has been written in an IC point of view, it is supposed to contain information about your faction on an OOC level.  But you are trying something new, so whatever...

Wait, if it was written from your characters point of view, why is it in third person...?

I hate writing first person.

emperor bobby

Novarium Invasion force? it hurts me to think the locals think of novarium as such, We're a Peaceful Empire of a far off land trying to bring stability, and technological advancement to a war torn Land.  :'(


Quote from: emperor bobby on 23-05-2011
We are a peaceful Empire of a far off land trying to bring stability and technological advancement to a war torn land.  :'(

Same here.  It seems we are all oppressors to them.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


lol...sounds like you guys have the same problem the U.S. does...
Authority does not grant maturity.
Power cannot replace ignorance.


You still have a chance Bobby, your marked as neutral!


Quote from: emperor bobby on 23-05-2011
Novarium Invasion force? it hurts me to think the locals think of novarium as such, We're a Peaceful Empire of a far off land trying to bring stability, and technological advancement to a war torn Land.  :'(

To be fair, you guys did come in and take over Hamlet..


We liberated it from the first Legion and freed everyone in the city, after that we decided to rule side by side with freecities in running Hamlet. Then something happened to the leader of freecities and the second leader of freecities handed us Hamlet. We renamed it Victory Bay and started building our own buildings... If that's classed as a takeover it was a peaceful takeover.
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


Nope, Boby is sinister in his planning I know that ;)

Also, my guys name is Dalsus Daic'a.
Suspiciously cheesy man sighted on east pier at 9pm.


Minecraft Account Name: O_Bettsy_O
Character Name: Mathias Hale
Role: Engineer
Character Backstory: None as of yet


I quit, my guy died in some made up reason and some rogue soldiers ran away with his fortune.
Suspiciously cheesy man sighted on east pier at 9pm.


Minecraft Account Name: jaggernaughty
Character Name: Epeatoro Cuwe
Role: Archer/warrior

Character Backstory: Epeatoro Cuwe is a high elf from Valinor. Abandoned as a child, he has had to learn to survive on his own. he wanders from place to place, living off the land and learning what he can from tradesmen in the towns. Finally, he want to settle down. that is when he reached the region of aceon.