The Ravi/Ravish

Started by Totsalot, 11-09-2011

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The Ravi, or Ravish, are a small race that tend to make homes in forests. Theyre houses are always in, or on top of trees. This race is a peaceful one that only makes items with crafting tables, they refuse to pollute the earth with furnaces. They're buildings are all made of wood, cobble, or any other material that you can gain without using a furnace. Most villages are small, because there are not very large groups of trees in minecraft. But each house usually contains a family of 5-6 people. Unless the Ravi in the house is single.
Most people of Ravish origin have red, dark brown or black hair. It almost is always growing past the shoulders. A male ravi usually has pale orange skin. Where a female has orange skin. Most of their clothes are darker, unless the wearer is a priest, or of holy nature. Most can harness healing or nature magic. Most cities are in the larger areas of trees. This race tends to rebel against the imperials. But they do have a government that takes care of meetings with each race. This race does NOT like dwarves. They think they are slobby, and disgusting. They do have a priestly triangle. Where the 3 high priests of the Ravish race console and discuss the goings-on in the Ravi cities and towns. These 3 priests try to meet up with the other high priests of the different races. 2 of them will have to apply. One of which will be Tei Enfield (Totsalot). Their government is formed of three leaders, all of which will have to apply. An assistant to the leaders, he/she is like the vice president. A secretary for the assistant and each leader. And the secretary of foreign activity, who makes all the interactions with the outside world. This race keeps to themselves. That's why they need a Secretary of foreign activity. This race has been slowly repopulating, but because of their short lifespan, they tend to stay in one spot. The usual lifespan of a Ravi is 200-250 years, but the women are pregnant for 15 of them. So it takes a while to populate. These peoples religion is based on the 2 leaf clover. A clover that stands 20 feet tall, and has only 2 leaves, hence the name. Most of the heroes, priests, warriors, or bowmen wear capes with a 2 leaf clover on them. The names start with T, Te, Ta, To, O, Or, Ot, Os, S, Se, Sp, Si, and So. Last names commonly end in field, feld, tree, clove, flower, or lest. These people use axes and bows as weapons. These people are very commonly confused with elves, and most of the weaker villages and factions have allied with them. These villages rely on the elves for supplies and food. There is much more to be added, and i hope someone will add their ideas for the race.

I hope you try making this an official race for the rpers in aceon. I made this race because i really dont want to be imperial. Thank you for considering! ~Tot


The Radish Tribesman is 3' 1" and has root-like tendrils for hair.
Beware its fearsome roots!

Ermor isn't anti-anything we're just pro-human.