The Olden Wolf Guild [Secret. Ic only]

Started by ThY, 06-03-2011

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The Olden Wolf Guild

The olden wolf guild was one of the first to occupy the lands of Aceon, living in large dug out lairs under the earths crust; the party would hide away in secrecy. Valueing peace, privacy, and staying in a calm state unless disturbed.

The guild all share one bloodline; one disease; one curse. They are known to follow a extremely loyal, dog-like system. Where your reputation means everything, and where nothing is better than the company of your brothers.

The Olden Wolf Guild believes on  a god-like wolf spirit. That has bounded them to mother-nature, they are thankfull of this.

Although few in numbers, the commune steadily grows. Recruiting members fast.

Known ranks of the secret guild;

Founders ~ ThY2010 (Razor)

Elder ~ 

Veterans ~

Rookies ~

Each rank will come with a different skin I have editied. Each skin is made from one or more other skins, and I do not claim ownership of any individual aspects, just the merging togather

Rules sworn by all members of the guild

-Once you join the only exit is death
-You accept the death penalty to all corrosponding punishments.
-You accept to be executed infront of the guild. In the way described in the punishment.
-You will accept death honourably.
-You will keep the guild, and its site secret.
-You must serve the Founder. No matter what he says.

Laws and punishments sworn by all members of the guild

You shall not;
Steal;                                         Mutilation
Destroy;                                     Beating/Strung Up
Attack;                                        Beating/Near Death Experiences
Kill;                                             Execution

~ without the founders concent.

Never shall ye';
Steal from the guild                                                              Death
Damage the guilds reputation or constructions                   Death
Tell others about the guild or its location or members         Death
Harm another member of the guild                                      Strung up>Death
Harm the founder                                                                 Torture>Death
Disrespect or dis-believe in the Holy Wolf Spirit                   Torture>Drowning. Water or Lava their choice.


There are now applications! Fill this in!

IC Name:
OOC Name:
I have MSN/Steam/Skype  Remove where needed.
Time with HGN:
Any history of Bans, kicks or warnings throughout HGN?
What can you contribute to the Olden Wolf Guild?
I accept to have my character killed or removed whenever ThY2010 feels applicable depending on the punishment Yes/No.


ICname: Recreon
OOCname: Recreas
I have MSN/Steam/Skype
Time with HGN: About a year.
Any history of Bans, kicks or warnings throughout HGN? Probably kicked once or twice for stupid behavoir.
What can you contribute to the Olden Wolf Guild? A lot of fun roleplay.
I accept to have my character killed or removed whenever ThY2010 feels applicable depending on the punishment Yes I do.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


IC Name: Argharna
OOC Name: commanthe2
I have MSN/Steam/Skype: D. All of the above.
Time with HGN: 2 years
Any history of Bans, kicks or warnings throughout HGN? None.
What can you contribute to the Olden Wolf Guild? About 6-7 months of Werewolf RP experience.
I accept to have my character killed or removed whenever ThY2010 feels applicable depending on the punishment: Yes.

peter rhino

IC Name: Tommy Rockslide
OOC Name: Peter
I have Steam   
Time with HGN: roughly 3 weeks
Any history of Bans, kicks or warnings throughout HGN? no
What can you contribute to the Olden Wolf Guild? i am an amazing hunter and cave finder, also i know where your lair is
I accept to have my character killed or removed whenever ThY2010 feels applicable depending on the punishment Yes


Edit: Nvm..


I'm going to throw this in the server dump if I do not hear you guys are alive by he end of this week.


Its all good;
and ill be marking the applications shortly.


We have had some skins for us kindly made by Emperor Bobby, give him a thanks when you next see him!
Expect this group to be up and running shortly.


Thanks for the applications!
Im deciding if it will be worth continuing this group, if minecraft roleplay is really worth my time..
Ill post updates here.


Thanks for the intrest, applications and support ladies and gents. But i'm scrapping this;
Minecraft roleplay is not what I thaught. The concept is good, but in practise it just does not work.
Thanks again


Quote from: ThY on 02-05-2011
Thanks for the applications!
Im deciding if it will be worth continuing this group, if minecraft roleplay is really worth my time..
Ill post updates here.

I will be leading a private Werewolf guild ingame.


Bump. Someone should look into this. Thy's a fun guy


Quote from: Turkey on 20-05-2011
Bump. Someone should look into this. Thy's a fun guy

<3 Im doing it, but its becoming alot more secret.