The Novarium Expedition *Inactive*

Started by emperor bobby, 15-04-2011

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emperor bobby


Centuries ago, Aceon was a Much larger Continent, Magic was Used freely by all the races, And Disputes were settled in battles of Honor. However, a man of immense power Faltered in his efforts to bring world peace, By Exterminating the other races, And allowing humanity to Rule the world without oppisition. His spell of death split the land, And half of Aceon separated. the spell sent both land masses drifting away from each other. as the  Eye witness inhabitants of Old aceon died, the story of the Other continent became nothing more then a children's tale. Centuries later, Aceon, whose political stabilitie was utterly destroyed by rumors of the Man's intentions. Now aceon is in chaos, With mutliple factions fighting for complete control. The New Continent, However, has not forgotten it's distant Brother. Named Novarium, After an ancient language for "New beginning." Is also in a state of War. The Humans on this land mass were strong supporters of the Man who seeked to ensure their dominance in the world. And they hold a hatred towards all Non humans. Racists in the truest sense of the word. The Humans of this Land Have forged An empire of their own. Novarium is Technologically superior to Aceon, having entered an Era of Enlightenment When The Emperor, A Powerful and charismatic warlord. Took leadership of the new world. The Emperor, A man who seemingly Appeared from nowhere, Has secretely Made Dark Deals with Forces not of this world- or aceon. These dark entities, demons, ghosts, the name is irrelevant, Have blessed him with Incredible insight, Though he Dare not make the Same mistake of using magic to achieve his goal, unlike his ancestor, The Emperor has trickled the information into the Private business owners of the Novarium Empire. And This has led to Many New Weapons, household items, and even methods of transportation. Though the political situation in Aceon may be Bad, Novarium is on the verge of Revolution, Human rebels join with the Dwarven republic, The Ogre Kingdom, The Elven Kingdom, And anyone, or thing, else that will aid them in their struggle to Stop the Emperor's Percieved genocide, To Keep up Morale, And distract from the Oppisition at home, The Emperor Has Commisioned Lord Admiral Dantius To Lead an Expedition to "The Old World." Novarium is centuries More advanced then the land of Aceon. The Expedition Benefits from Powerful Naval Vessels, which have sailed from far side of the world, Novarium, to Aceon, a distance no Local Vessel could Accomplish. The Expedition's arsenal Ranges from Swords, Bayonets, to Firearms such as The "Brown Bess" Musket, used by the army, and the Elliot gentleman Flintlock Pistol. They also have A small detachment of Canons, and a select few personel capable of using these canons. The Expedition's relatively Fragile Foothold In aceon, is Protected by a very small ammount of Novarium Soldiers and crew, However, their Firepower is enough to repel Most enemies. their base was Once a Secret, as they never left survivors. However, With the Construction of Their Star fort, "Fort Endurance" They can no longer remain completely Unseen. They have therefore Taken on a role as Relativly Peaceful, And No longer attack At random. They Are willing to trade with the Locals, and Seek a Diplomatic Approach to the Aceon Theatre.
The Lord Admiral has Left His main fleet At see, Anchored at a small island, Wilst sending "The Heart of Novarium" a Sailboat to Estabalish a Landing, Novarium is Willing to cooperate with the locals, However, any tresspassers into their Fort, will be caught by the Novarium Army, which is fully authorised to Kill,  beat, or do Anything they so wish to The tresspasser(s). A short wile before Novarium Finally announced itself to Aceon, Rumors had aroused of a monster living near the valley The Starfort is Neatly Nestled Beside, As noone who ventured that way was ever seen again. Novarium officials have Proudly claimed to have Killed this Beast, and hope that the Aceon people can rest easilly now.

Basic Information.
The Expedition Has 2 Branches, The 14th Novarium Navy, led by Hektor Dantius, The 56th Conerean Highlanders, Led by Major Mchugh,
Don't steal without rp, and don't grief, at all.
Don't Kill If your outnumbered, All kills must be clean, and no witnesses left.
Don't wander too far from the Cove, and if you're captured, die with honor, and don't say a word.
Obey All Officers off higher rank.
other factions Relationships.

All factions unless stated otherwise are Neutral.


Time at HGN:
How Long have you been on the Minecraft server?:
Character Name?:
Do you have Building auth? (Note, I'm not going to deny you if you say No.)
Preferred Branch? (Army or Navy):
Minecraft name?:

emperor bobby

Lord admiral.
The Lord Admiral is the Absolute Ruler of the Expedition, He controls the Crew Entirely, And has the ability to Veto Any Orders the Colonel of the Army Makes. He Also has Authority over the Merchant Vessel 'The Jewel of Industry' though only in matters where Military action is Neccisary.

The Lord Admiral Is

Hektor Dantius. (Emperor Bobby) (skin Unique)

The crew of the Novarium Fleet are Skilled Men of the sea, They are great sword fighters, and though their aim leaves something to be desired, They are a dangerous threat to any Foolish locals who Venture too close to the wider rivers.

The Second in command of the Navy.
William Howe (HGNturkey)

Jax Rahj (Jpetty)
Gebbs Pursley (Alacrans)

Major of The Army
The Major of the Army is the Head of the Soldiers sent along with the Ships, He Has Direct control over All Military Actions, though his orders must be granted an All Clear By Lord Admiral Dantius.
Francis Chuffnell Mchugh (Maxi96203) (skin Unique)

Soldiers of Novarium are highly disciplined, They Carry Muskets with Bayonet attachments, They are Here to Protect novarium's Interests and Crush any Locals who dare Interfere.

Cory Meri (Hitman5523)
Marcus (Mrkddsmn)


Time at HGN:well not to long
How Long have you been on the Minecraft server? few weeks
:Character Name?Bjorn Hildir
:Rank Applying For?Crew, blacksmith or carpenter
:OOC name?:  Patrik

emperor bobby

He was accepted, and then he left to join the Vikings.


"if they update the white-list an im put on i will app " till than cya around :P

emperor bobby

Fair enough, hope to see you soon. :D


Seeing as the liklihood is we will be generating a new map I have decided to fully join the Novarium Expedition. I know we have spoken before but I could act as a sort of scout setting up a Novarium outpost a little away from the ship to make it easy for me to send back materials I collect while trading with the locals and perhaps setting up relations? I already have a scout type skin but if you have any preferences on a type of skin or different job I will accept it.

Time at HGN: Not long at all
How long have you been on the minecraft server: about the same time as you
Character name: Sandred
Rank applying for: Scout (leader?)
OOC name: Demonizer

EDIT: Also you might want to edit the faction relationship section as there are a few more factions and the Legion and the church of the light are dead
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


If I ever get white listed I'll join with Demonizer.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


Time at HGN: Ive been on the HL2 server for a tiny little bit
How Long have you been on the Minecraft server?: 0 seconds
Character Name?: Cory Meri
Rank Applying For?:Crew or soldier
OOC name?: Alexander
Other: I doubt I'm going to get in but, I'm just putting my app out there.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!

emperor bobby

Both of you are accepted, Hitman, you're a Soldier, therefore, you Follow Negative Zero's Orders (once he get's accepted, probally the same time as you.) Demonizer, We Don't really need a 'Scout' as, the Expedition Itself is considered a Scouting Group, However, if you wanted to Be a trader with the locals, you could Be A crew Member whom gets Our supplies (the ones we don't icly have that we brought with us.) Here is the Soldier Skin, And the Crew skin is above. Remeber, customisation is Fine, face and hands and any acccesories, aslong as it's still possible to recognise. welcome aboard Mr. Meri and Mr. Sandred. :D


What religion are you guys?

emperor bobby

The Novarium Empire Believes In One thing: the Power of Human will.
That isnt to say there aren't a few People who would hide their beliefs. everyone gets to choose what their beliefes are.


I'm going to send evangelists into your Expedition then.


Sweet I made it thank you!
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


I'll be a trader it sounds good. I'll set up that trading railroad that we discussed as soon as the map reset vote is settled. Until then I'll just sort of keep an eye on the forums.
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have

emperor bobby

Alright then. I'm not adding anyone else's name to the list untill their White-list app is accepted, But anyone interested, whitelist or no, can still app.


Bobby just wondering but why does our faction dislike almost every faction? Is it cause we are newcomers and being wary or because they all have principals our faction hates? Just curious oh and also you need to update the faction relationships (cause there are new factions) and the crew etc.
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


Add us to your faction relations, Uncle Joe.


Assuming being a trader means being a merchant does that mean I need another Novarium skin or have the merchants been given official crew uniforms?
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have

emperor bobby

I'm Glad you Brought that Up, Demonizer, I'll geto to work on a Merchant skin, Unless you had something Very expensive Looking already Decided. :P


nope whatever you make would be 10x better than something I would choose or make, plus I wouldn't make it very Novarium themed.  ;D

EDIT: my merchant would have a tophat, monocle, pipe and an expensive suit... He would basically look like an English steriotype
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have

emperor bobby

Novarium theme = 17th Century Apperal, but with More robo Body Parts. :P here's what i got so far. The color scheme, for once, is Changeable if you want, aslong as it isnt Orange, black, Blue, red, cause those colors are already Used by the other branches of Novarium, Hope you Like it.


Quote from: emperor bobby on 25-04-2011
Novarium theme = 17th Century Apperal, but with More robo Body Parts. :P here's what i got so far. The color scheme, for once, is Changeable if you want, aslong as it isnt Orange, black, Blue, red, cause those colors are already Used by the other branches of Novarium, Hope you Like it.

"robo body parts" we think exactly alike I was thinking of customising a robot arm but I would probably destroy the uniform in the process and purples ok so I'm fine on the colour

EDIT: Do you have someone in mind for the head merchant position or is it open for application?
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have

emperor bobby

If you want it, it's you'res. Besides, you're the -only- merchant i think.

oh, and i'll add a clockwork arm in a bit, hand, fore arm, or shoulder length?


Yeah I'll take it, everyone likes power  ;) and I'll have it shoulder legnth if you would kindly.
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have