The New Republic of Caldaria

Started by Gabriel23, 27-06-2011

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The Great Exodus and the beginning of the New Republic of Caldaria

From every corner of Aceon they came, The Great Exodus had begun. Each marched for their own reason some fled conflict, some fled oppression and some fled famine. No matter the reason, each person among them had a feeling deep inside them that something wasn't right, a feeling that griped them with more fear than any invading army or plague could. Like the animals which flee from the coming storm, these people ran, ran for their lives.    

They started in small groups, a small trickle moving away from their past homes, none looked back. These small streams soon merged into rivers and the rivers into seas. Like an unstoppable tidal wave they marched, the weak, young and old carried by the strong none allowed to fall. None knew where it was exactly they were heading but an invisible force drove them in the same direction and each knew deep in their hearts they were going the right way.

Rumors soon reverberated amongst the crowd that an unknown man was leading them, leading to a place where they all might begin their lives afresh. Some told in hushed voices that the true destination was in fact that of children's tails, of the ancient stories whispered around the campfire. Each nation of men had their name for it: Eden, Paradise, Nirvana, The Summerland, but the most ancient tales always referred to this place as Caldaria, the lost city.
On the tenth day the beacon arose out of the clouds in front of them, the undying flame brought an overwhelming feeling of life even to the frailest amongst them. This was the fabled eternal flame of Caldaria which had given long and prosperous life to both the city and its people. However, neither could still be said to be true, the city lay in ruins, little remained of the once proud civilization. Many of the women broke down in tears, not knowing why, they had no connection to this place which had been abandoned for millennia. But, that was not true each felt deep in their heart a bond which could never be described through mortal words.

Suddenly the procession, which it seemed, had marched for an eternity, halted and an absolute silence fell across the crowd of onlookers. The man at the front of the crowd climbed onto a huge piece of masonry which distantly resembled a giant hand and began to talk.

   "My name is Nathaniel Gabe, I imagine many of you are wondering what we are doing here in the midst of this dead place. I am neither a prophet, a saviour nor a messiah. I am simply a woodsman by trade a man like the rest of you, but a man with a vision none the less. This city used to be the pride of all Aceon, it existed in a time of peace and prosperity where none went hungry and none felt the iron boot of oppression. Now all Aceon has fallen into the darkness, famine and plague sweeps the land and invaders threaten our very liberty. We must put aside our differences and join together to resurrect the hope this city once offered and with it the pride which we once felt as Aconeans."

This final line was met with a roar which seemed to shake the ruins themselves, Caldaria was awakening, and with that work began......

(Story of the rise and fall of Caldaria coming soon...)

How the Faction is to be run

The main goal which I want to achieve with this faction is increased levels of RP this is after all an RP server. With this in mind wherever possible I would like people to solve issues IC.


The faction will be loosely based around classical civilizations however, due to its nature it may evolve into something entirely different   

Leadership/ Ranking System

As this faction is essentially starting as a mass refugee camp there shall be no leadership or rank structure in place to start off. I will be giving initial guidance to people however, the entire ethos of this faction is going to be that its members may take it whichever way they please. Ranks and positions will be duly created as and when it seems appropriate but to begin everyone will simply be a refugee. This does of course mean that there is likely to be some "differences of opinion" but an area will be created in game to aid in this. Ultimately will you follow the fate of the first city of Caldaria and tear yourselves apart or will you succeed where they failed and create something truly special.

How to apply

In order to apply please could you fill in the following information:

Character Name:
Minecraft Name:
What you think you can do to help resurrect Caldaria from the Ashes:


As of yet there is no need for custom skins but please remember you are refugees and so would most likely be in ragged clothes.

Texture Pack

You are free to use which ever texture pack you like but I have created this one specifically for the faction which includes a HD texture pack with new armour and some art work. It is only a first version and will continue to be updated.

Caldaria Texture pack:

As it is a HD pack you will be required to run the MC patcher which can be found here:

Side note
Although I had planned this faction a while before the server wipe it seems even more relevant now. As this faction would have been building the city together from the ground up the server wipe makes little difference bar the construction of the ruins.
As I will have to gain builder rights first the next few days will be spent recruiting and running simple RPs on the server concerning the Exodus. The ruins will then be built and the faction can begin properly.
I'd also be grateful for any advise and support so that I can get builder status more quickly


                                                              Sooty230: Nathaniel Gabe


After playing the server for a bit today i'm going to postpone this faction in order to help to populate the map for a while first


I really like this.
I hope you can eventually do it.
A refugee camp seems cool.


Yep once i've helped out a bit getting this map up and running and looking good i'll start on this properly.


Would it be okay if I just put a character sheet here anyway, kinda like a pre-order?


At the moment i'm still concentrating on building up averheath but yes that would be fine  :)