The Dwarven Kingdom of Deepground

Started by XanderHuro, 11-06-2011

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Faction Symbol:

Faction Head: Thorgan Balin (Ralazo)
Faction Second-In-Command: Dwarr "Gearhead" Verukan (Simonmest2, on here XanderHuro)

Faction History:

Long ago the great Warden set forth to create life in the world. The Warden began with trees and plants made from sand and seed becoming great forests and low plains. Next the Warden created animals from which would bring more inhabitants to her world. The Warden grew tired of watching the animals run about freely but did not desire their direct control herself so she created elves from trees to watch over the forests. She created man from the grass so plentiful and ever spreading its hold. But her greatest creation was the Dwarves created from the very earth that held the power to sustain life. These dwarves moved underground and build a vast empire housed in the great city of Argaz-Gund meaning Ironwork Hammer. The dwarves driven by a lust for gems and gold and a greediness to keep it to themselves did not trade with the upper world but remained below. Driven by their greed and lust they continued deep into the earth where a dark entity was awakened. This entity was known only as the dark one. It was said this creature stood taller then a city with great black skeletal wings. In its arsenal a great sword and whip of fire as well as fire spewed from its great black maw. This creature tore down the great gates of Argaz-Gund and destroyed the city. Those who made it out made way for the surface. They were led by Hergan Balin the great smith of Argaz-Gund. The surface was a terribly dangerous place for the dwarves who had lived underground for so long. While investigating an area in the mountains Hergan dropped to his knees. With his dying words he told his son Thorgan to build a home for the dwarves and to rebuild what was lost to them. With this construction on a new home began.

Faction Home: Originally Angaz-Gund currently the Stronghold of Deepground

Faction Goals:
1. To rebuild our destroyed Empire.
2. To form bonds and establish trade with the people of the surface.
3. To retake our great city from the Dark One.

More Faction Info.:
The Dwarven Kingdom of Deepground has two main points of income. The Mining Operation which also controls the production of tools and weapons. This operation mines the area for rich minerals to trade and for building the city. The other point of income for the DKG is the Engineering Operation. This operation controls the management and construction of steampunk tools and more powerful weapons they are also tasked with building more buildings and repairing old ones. The Mining Operation is run by Thorgan where as the Engineering Operation is run by Dwarr they are both known as the Legendary Blacksmith and the Legendary Engineer.

How to Join:
Minecraft Name:
IC Name:
What you want to be:
Why you want to Join:



Faction Head, Master Blacksmith:
Thorgan Balin (Ralazo)
Faction Second-In-Command, Gear Master:
Dwarr "Gearhead" Verukan (Simonmest2, on here XanderHuro)

Master Merchant:
Iage Fargem (Synchronosis)

Dwarven Legion:



This Looks Epic... Cant wait for Viking Dwarf Relations XD
Titan Motstand



Iage Fargem

Shop Owner:

General supplies for the dwarven ressurection.

Tools and weapons with materials below also the respected materials themselves
Iron: Ore, Bars
Gold: Ore, Bars

Very interested in taking on the persona of a dwarf. I want to be part of the new home, I love the faction history, and completely willing to participate.



We've been expanding the city and new space is open!
So we're looking for new members =)


Minecraft Name: Imitatio2
IC Name: Steven
What you want to be: Miner
Why you want to Join:To find a place to stay and make a livin'.


Quote from: Imitatio on 14-06-2011
Minecraft Name: Imitatio2
IC Name: Steven
What you want to be: Miner
Why you want to Join:To find a place to stay and make a livin'.


Epic screenshot The Argaz-Gund Memorial looks scary awesome in the rain! :D


for someone whos name is Thorgan, Its a bit confusing that you worship 'The Warden' and not Thor :)
Titan Motstand


Minecraft Name: FudgeSquirrel
IC Name: Vonrak Mulch
What you want to be: Miner/ General help around
Why you want to Join: To find somewhere, and also because I am a dwarf, and dwarfs are awesome!


Quote from: FudgeSquirrel on 25-07-2011
Minecraft Name: FudgeSquirrel
IC Name: Vonrak Mulch
What you want to be: Miner/ General help around
Why you want to Join: To find somewhere, and also because I am a dwarf, and dwarfs are awesome!
Sorry dude but I think this faction is dead.


This looks good people should start getting into this now in the server!