The Drukun

Started by greatscawt, 20-04-2011

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When man first appeared on the land, many stayed upon the ground which they knew so well. However, the story was different for one tribe. The Drukun were a tribe of great hunters. They would seek animals every hour of the day and finish with a great feast. They were such great hunters in fact, every creature within miles had been killed. Soon the Drukun began to waste away from hunger. The fruit on the trees was not enough to keep them going and the people began to die. In a desperate attempt to survive they created pickaxes and shovels from whatever they could find and began to dig into the earth.

The Drukun had told tales of great beasts that lived in great underground caverns beneath where they had stood, and those tales were more than just myth. The Drukun could kill these creatures with ease, and soon their numbers began to grow again. They took the eggs of the babies and grew them in farms so that they would never die out. The tribe was content with their new underground home, but they lacked one thing. Natural light. Their skin started to turn grey and two eyes became four to help them see in the darkness, but as there were no other humans around, this was believed to be a natural change. For centuries the Drukun have stayed below the earth, living free lives as the people above edured famine and wars, both unaware of the others.

Now curiosity has taken control of the Drukun for they haved lived in a world below for so long. Now they want to know what is above them now and what has changed since their ancestors once lived there. In preparation of heading for the surface, they crafted armour and weapons out of the recources in the rock. Soon they will head up to the surface now known as Aceon to either be greeted or be hunted down as monsters.


Slayer: Wears a full face mask and armour made of obsidian (black). Will give the orders in the event of attackers and be the first in. Slayers will also be the ones that make decisions for things like alliances and trades.

Hunter: Wears a bandana over the lower half of the face and armour made of diamonds (Light blue).Will defend others and be the ones that follow a Slayer in a fight. They will also gather food. Hunters are usually close friends of a Slayer.

Watchers: Wears a mask that covers the eyes and armour made of Iron (Grey). Warns of attackers from long range. Watchers are stealth based and will rely on rocks and trees for cover. They will also help Saviours if they are injured and unable to work.

Saviours: Wears no mask and armour made of Gold (Yellow). Keeps the wounded safe either at a set up camp or on the field during a battle. Watchers will usually not be far from where a Saviour stands, just in case the Saviour needs help themselves.

Trader: Wears a mask that covers the whole head and clothing made of crushed Redstone (Red). Will trade with other Drukun, keeping them supplied and him/herself happy with whatever they got out of the trade. If an alliance is formed with humans, traders must get permission from a Watcher or above to trade with the humans.

Supp.: Wears no mask and clothing made of burned Lazuli (Dark Blue). Supps are more or less the equivalent of a civilian. They are not allowed to join fights unless ordered by Hunter or above. They are allowed to have their own opinion as other ranks can and are allowed to talk with allied humans without permission.


*Do not grief
*Do not kill other Drukun
*Do not go causing problems for Drukun
*Do not randomly declare war
*Do not be a twat
*Do not be a meta-gamer

*DO follow rp rules and keep Aceon a nice place for everyone


If you want to be a Drukun, ask for a skin below and what role/rank you want.


Cords: soon

War: We'll see.

Female Drukun: Female Drukun are not allowed to be above the Watcher rank. Sorry, that's how it goes.

Got grief'd?: Suck it up, there's loads of trees nearby. Just start over or ask for some starting tools from others. Don't steal their stuff!

NO. Despite appearance, Drukun are not Locust from GoW. If Drukun were Locust they would have guns and giant flying squid mounts that shoot rockets, which makes no sense in a medieval world... on Minecraft.

Skin: To recieve a skin, you will need to get Xfire. Add greatscawt and I will eventually send you a file you can use as your skin.

(If there's anything else I will add it. Goodbye for now.)

2 word reviews:
Borderlands: Cartoon fun.
Dead Space: Kick babies.
Gears of war: Shotgun obliteration.
CoD: Don't want.
Minecraft: Epic win.


I wonder if other religion could prosper there?
Or, would it be like the Mormons in Utah where all the Christians were relatively treated worse then Mormons?


Sorry, I forget an s.
If others religions could prosper there.