The Auctus Provectum of the Ena'thi Lower Grasslands

Started by Ragolution, 23-04-2011

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The Auctus Provectum

TL;DR - This is a steampunk faction.

Historical Primer

The Auctus Provectum is an old faction, a civilization founded before The Great Coming of Aceon- Back when the Imperial Crusade and the High Kingdoms were just vague prophecies and blind musings. Anciently, the Provectum was a vast expanding Empire that ruled peaceably and held human rights in high regard, leading a primitive, but happy life for everyone under their dominion.

About two hundred years later, at the height of the empire and under the reign of Prince Akelarch of The House of Spades, the kingdom took a new direction and threw away its empire for all eternity. Under Prince Akelarch, the kingdom became reclusive and the capitol city began to ignore all communications with its satellites. People outside of the city became worried when the city gates would not open and it seemed as if all the city guards had retired. No one dared siege the capitol and those who voiced such things were shut down by the still-loyal hamlets and villages that dotted the countryside.

Years later, as the people from the distant lands began to invade the noble land of Aceon, the Provectum... simply opened its gates and showed everyone what they had been doing for about six hundred years.

What remained in the villages around the city was tantamount to inhuman barbarism in comparison to all the wonders housed in the Capitol City of Rostock. Technology seemed to have advanced in a vacuum and the Architecture of the city almost felt alien to anyone who knew what the stark stone edifices of the old Provectum had looked like.

Still, it was now that the House of Blades had taken power, and with the old objectives of Prince Akelarch under wraps, the house of Blades always focused on one thing: Military Might.

Such an amazing combination of brutality and technological advancement exuded a curious, almost eager display of nationalism and patriotic fervor. The sky-tower houses that were inhabited by the rich were dotted with banners of wartimes and tinctures of gold, whereas the poor of the lower city still obscured their windows with propaganda and the Autocrat clogged the mail systems with well-wishes marked to look as if they were sent by relatives. Mechanical creatures decked with weapons crept the streets noisily and steaming engines mounted on the aft of minecarts signaled the start of the work day.


The Provectum is a monetary society and has a currency completely different from the rest of Aceon, making it strange and indeed hindering their trade. All persons who have gold, silver or copper (redstone) is able to turn them in for paper money in the Provectum. All monetary values are kept in check by the Polyarch of the House of Jewels.

Current Exchange Rates

1 gold dukod = 8 silver dukod | 1 silver dukod = 45 copper idik

2 gold ingots => 1 gold Dukod

8 iron bars => 1 Silver Dukod

1 Redstone Powder <=> 1 Copper Idik

Dukods, similarly, can be used to purchase gold at the Royal Treasury if it is so required.

Simple Timeline

-879 BGC - The Empire is Founded, ruled by the original "House of Crowns"
-876 BGC - The Strong Houses are founded.
                     - House of Daggers
                     - House of Blades
                     - House of Jewels
                     - House of Sceptres
                     - House of Spades
-745 BGC - Founder-King, Emperor Sylphaq Antilliquo I dies.
-739 BGC - Crown Prince Sylphaq Antilliquo III is assassinated.
-737 BGC - House of Daggers is expelled from the city.
-736 BGC - House of Crowns fails to produce another heir.
-735 BGC - Emperor Sylphaq Antilliquo II dies.
-734 BGC - House of Spades takes its first throne.
-706 BGC - House of Blades takes its first throne.
-698 BGC - House of Jewels takes its first throne.
-654 BGC - King Akelarch takes throne of the Autocrat.
-634 BGC - House of Sceptres is dissolved into House of Spades
-605 BGC - King Akelarch orders the city gates shut after exiling many.
-554 BGC - King Akelarch dies.
-445 BGC - House of Jewels peacefully absorbs the Weak House of Coins.
-350 BGC - House of Jewels takes throne for first time in 479 years.
-198 BGC - House of Spades returns to power.
-055 BGC - House of Blades takes throne.
-023 BGC - Prince Varken Hersenenbrecht of the House of Blades comes to the throne.
000 AGC - The Great Coming of Aceon.
001 AGC - The Provectum opens its gates and resumes communications.

Political Structure

There are four important political seats in the Provectum

Autocrat - The Ruler of the Provectum. His word is law. Only by trial and extensive political process can an autocrat be removed. Generally refered to as "Prince" or "Princess", those who take this title are the exclusive monarch for their lifetime. Autocrats who are deposed or step down are still called "Prince(ss)" and the Autocrat in power will be referred to as "Autocrat" or "Master" until the Prince(ss) dies.

The Council of Polyarchs - A group of three representatives, each one is always the leader of one of the three Political Houses. They act as advisors to the Autocrat and can begin any deposing or impeachment actions with a 100% agreement.

The Ministratum - Innumerable ministers and political aides dedicated to carrying out the Autocrat's will. Minsters can be mining overseers, factory managers, farm owners, union leaders and more. Ministers are never from any of the Three Houses and can overrule the Polyarchs with a 85% agreement.

Three Strong Houses dominate the political landscape of the Provectum, each is steeped in centuries of history and power-struggles and maintains its own private army and mansion;

The House of Spades -  A political entity dedicated to the advancement of labours and of technology. These people believe that technology will free humanity from its shackles of greed, jealousy and ill-will.

The House of Jewels
- A political family dedicated to the amassment of wealth and jewels. This family, as that is what it has always been, firmly believes that with money comes power and with power comes prosperity.

The House of Blades - The once-declining house, the House of Blades believes Military might is what is needed to conquer everyone, and thus free the nation and people from their insecuries. The last time the House of Blades held seat of Autocrat was before Prince Akelarch was born.

The many houses not mentioned here are called "Weak" houses and have likely never taken the throne of the Autocrat.


Prince: Prince Varken Hersenenbrecht of the House of Blades
Autocrat: Prince Varken Hersenenbrecht of the House of Blades








(Geccoy) Baronet Venus Genetrix Geccoy - Ministress of Research


(gunslinger7) Sav Rothchild - Scout aka Watcher/Landeye (Pending Promotion!)




(OldManRikdo) Julius Fray - Natural Componant




Applications must follow this simple format:
Feel free to apply for like Polyarch or something. If I don't think you're worthy, I'll give you minister or citizen.
Refugees can never be ministers, polyarchs or autocrats.

IC Name:
Native or Refugee:
(Refugee Only) Reasons for Emigration:
(Native Only) House name:

OOC Join reason:
Requested Rank:

emperor bobby

Way to make -My- steampunk faction feel inadequate. :(



4/23 10:37PM - Updated with the economy info.


Very nice, this sounds like an interesting faction, even if it will conflict with Novarium Empire in terms of technological mastery. However one has to ask, what happened to the Court (or Cult) of the Holy Quartet? Is this the religion of your faction?

I look forward to robbing your rich faction members of their wealth in the near future ;)


Quote from: Xerdun on 23-04-2011
Very nice, this sounds like an interesting faction, even if it will conflict with Novarium Empire in terms of technological mastery. However one has to ask, what happened to the Court (or Cult) of the Holy Quartet? Is this the religion of your faction?

I look forward to robbing your rich faction members of their wealth in the near future ;)

Point 1: Hahaha. Novarium is basically going to be our Soviet Union.

Point 2: The Court is currently on the backburner. Not enough people want to be daemoniac slaves.

Point 3: Not our relgion. the Provectum is generally has a religion like the Roman Panthenon (Which was just a Greek Rip off)

Point 4: Did I not mention that non-residents will be forcefully removed from the city without a passport?

emperor bobby


IC Name: Julius Fray
Native or Refugee: Native
Age: 17
(Refugee Only) Reasons for Emigration:
(Native Only) House name: Spades i guess
Profession: Laborer / Blacksmith's apprentice.

OOC Join reason: Hm... seems interesting.  Seeing as I'm going to be starting a new character anyways, might as well do it with a new faction.  Was also planning to work on the roads we've been talking about in other threads and an industrial themed faction seems like a good place to work from.

Requested Rank: Citizen


Quote from: OldManRikdo on 24-04-2011
IC Name: Julius Fray
Native or Refugee: Native
Age: 17
(Refugee Only) Reasons for Emigration:
(Native Only) House name: Spades i guess
Profession: Laborer / Blacksmith's apprentice.

OOC Join reason: Hm... seems interesting.  Seeing as I'm going to be starting a new character anyways, might as well do it with a new faction.  Was also planning to work on the roads we've been talking about in other threads and an industrial themed faction seems like a good place to work from.

Requested Rank: Citizen



Heyy, so like, I'm a researcher person in a facility, and I need a faction for it.
Seeing as we're technically advanced and junk, can it be part of your whole big faction thing?


Quote from: geccoy on 27-04-2011
Heyy, so like, I'm a researcher person in a facility, and I need a faction for it.
Seeing as we're technically advanced and junk, can it be part of your whole big faction thing?



IC Name: Sav , Rothchild

Native or Refugee: Native

Age: 20(IC) , 16(OOC)

(Refugee Only) Reasons for Emigration: N/A

(Native Only) House name:  The House of Blades(seems right for a solider)

Profession: Foot-Solider , great at taking orders an slaying the enemy

OOC Join reason: You seem to be the one with a faction planned/Organized out the most , I like the idea of an experienced leader also.

Requested Rank: Solider

(If you have a certain skin you would like me to wear PM me it , an the cords to the HQ or cords to a place you would like me to start an out-post at)


Quote from: gunslinger7 on 27-04-2011
IC Name: Sav , Rothchild

Native or Refugee: Native

Age: 20(IC) , 16(OOC)

(Refugee Only) Reasons for Emigration: N/A

(Native Only) House name:  The House of Blades(seems right for a solider)

Profession: Foot-Solider , great at taking orders an slaying the enemy

OOC Join reason: You seem to be the one with a faction planned/Organized out the most , I like the idea of an experienced leader also.

Requested Rank: Solider

(If you have a certain skin you would like me to wear PM me it , an the cords to the HQ or cords to a place you would like me to start an out-post at)

Experienced is an understatement.

Approved as Military Scout


4/28/2011 @ 11:47 PM - Updated Faction info with a short timeline.


Quote from: Ragolution on 28-04-2011
4/28/2011 @ 11:47 PM - Updated Faction info with a short timeline.

So much effort put into this faction... I'm not sure my sloth infested body can take it :D.


Quote from: OldManRikdo on 28-04-2011
Quote from: Ragolution on 28-04-2011
4/28/2011 @ 11:47 PM - Updated Faction info with a short timeline.

So much effort put into this faction... I'm not sure my sloth infested body can take it :D.

4/28/2011 @ Whenever - Updated OldManRikdo with enthusiasm.


Clarification: The "House of.." part of the application is your Political Party. It does not mean you HAVE to be in a certain house to do certain things.

You can be a solder in the House of Spades. I've mentioned that each house has its own private army.


Need polyarchs. I don't expect page-long applications.


Could you change the description for the House of Spades? It seems too ,"Lets save the world", and hippy-like.

IC Name : Venus Genetrix Geccoy

Native or Refugee : Native-ish.

Age : 27.

(Native Only) House name: Spades.

Profession: Scientist, Experimenter, and Researcher.

OOC Join reason: I'm already part of it.

Requested Rank: Polyarch of the House of Spades.


"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Quote from: geccoy on 02-05-2011
Could you change the description for the House of Spades? It seems too ,"Lets save the world", and hippy-like.

IC Name : Venus Genetrix Geccoy

Native or Refugee : Native-ish.

Age : 27.

(Native Only) House name: Spades.

Profession: Scientist, Experimenter, and Researcher.

OOC Join reason: I'm already part of it.

Requested Rank: Polyarch of the House of Spades.

Reason: Just no. You don't fit the house of spades at all. I know your personality too well.


Whats my personality?
Its more mean and horrible, yeah, but, theres no house that fits that.


Quote from: geccoy on 02-05-2011
Whats my personality?
Its more mean and horrible, yeah, but, theres no house that fits that.

What I mean is the House of Spades Polyarch is a political highclimber. They're snakes. They cheat and lie their way up the ladder.

You're an experimenter. Not a polyarch.

You can obviously create your own Weak House.

Ex. House of Daggers


The House of Virulence

The House of Virulence - A scientific group, continually researching and learning via tests and experiments done to humans they've captured. This is a select group, only allowing the most brightest minds in.

House Master - Venus Genetrix Geccoy

Government Buildings - ______ Science Center


Quote from: geccoy on 02-05-2011
The House of Virulence

The House of Virulence - A scientific group, continually researching and learning via tests and experiments done to humans they've captured. This is a select group, only allowing the most brightest minds in.

Polyarch - Venus Genetrix Geccoy

Government Buildings - ______ Science Center

Weak houses don't have polyarchs.

They have House Masters.